Quick Links

** Previously in Candlekeep **
Bruno carefully places the map of Avernus into his bag of holding with a concerned look at the mention of the mapmaker going mad. Walking up to the crescent platform, he stops at the edge in wonder as the griffons come into view.

“Griffons!” Bruno dismisses Walter out of an abundance of caution, not knowing if the griffons would see the familiar as a potential snack. Walking carefully up to the nearest griffon, he slowly reaches a hand out and caresses a feathery wing. Bruno is so entranced by the creatures, it takes a moment for Sylvira’s words to register. “FLY to Traxigors tower? Twenty miles over the ocean? On a griffon?!” Bruno gulps and takes a hesitant step back. Seeing Dartan climb into one of the saddles and the handlers bring a step stool and booster seat over for Bartok, Bruno takes a deep breath, crosses his fingers and puts on what he hopes is a brave face for the handler holding the reins of his griffon. Swinging his leg over and situating himself in the saddle, he straps in and grips the reins with whitening knuckles. As the griffons take off and the ground starts to shrink below them, Bruno shuts his eyes and is unable to suppress a scream of fear. After several moments, Bruno begins to regulate his breathing and builds up enough courage to open his eyes. Seeing Bartok and Dartan nearby on their griffons brings him comfort and begins to settle his nerves. Bruno looks around in awe, seeing the ocean far below rushing by, the foam tipped waves extending as far as Bruno can see. He feels the wind rushing around him, whipping his traveling clothes and smiles as he feels the familiar warmth of the sun on his skin. Before long, his fear forgotten, Bruno begins to enjoy the ride. As Traxigor’s tower begins to come into view, Bruno’s eyes widen in wonder for the second time that day. His mind spins at the magic required to keep the structure and island aloft and by association, the power of the wizard within.
Dartan eyes the griffons with both awe and apprehension. He thinks back of tales he heard as a young child of griffons and having to present yourself to them with proper respect and honor. Once he feels as if he got the griffon's blessing, he climbs atop the beast and grips the reins with a white-knuckled terror. The ocean spray, the height, and the wind on his face send Dartan into a spiral of anxiety and despair as he closes his eyes harder than he ever has before. Upon la ding, he umbles off the griffon onto the floor and violently shakes as he heaves his last meal everywhere. After a while, he sits up, brushes himself off and puts his hand on the griffon.
Bartok's eyes sparkle as he sees the platform and the griffons. This is the reason he left his small town, this is the reason he set his boots on the path to adventure, and as he climbs onto the platform and looks back at the keep, he is in awe of how far he's come already. Taking off his gloves, BArtok gently pats his Griffon and stares up at his "booster seat."

"Really Bruno?.. Yer not that much taller than me! And I'm twice as wide! Hah!" Climbing into the saddle, the smile never leaves his face as the griffons muscles bunch and she launches herself off the platform. (It's a girl... cause it has eyelashes. Sera said so). BArtok let's out a whoop of Joy as the platform falls away beneath him, and The griffon seems to sense his excitement as she performs several swoops and dives with bartok holding onto her neck.
** As the party lands on the Griffon platform**
Landing at the griffon platform, Bartok steps up next to Bruno, looking down at the tower in amazement.

"That's quite a spell lad! Ye've been on quite a magical ride the last few days! Yer keeping yer hat on pretty straight! Well done lad." BArtok pats BRuno's shoulder in sympathy. "Let's go meet this fella and see what we can do about our missing friends, and sunken city." He smooths his beard that's been frazzled and blown back over his shoulder from the ride, gently pats his griffon in thanks, and heads down the stairs to the inner tower.
Bruno starts to smooth out his clothes and smiles shakily at Dartan and Bartok.

“Well, that wasn’t so bad was it?” Bruno takes a moment to caress the side of his griffon and pats it in thanks. He takes a moment to look around the landing for a griffon feather as a souvenir of their trip before turning to Bartok and Dartan. “Shall we go meet this Traxigor?”

"No offence, friend. My feet aren't used to being off the ground. Thank you for bringing us here safely."
As the griffons take off, he sees Bruno collecting feathers and grabs some of his own.
"never know when these will come in handy. Well, I suppose things can only go down from here. Shall we?"
The griffons fly off back to Candlekeep and the party heads down the stairs into the tower.
One level down, you see a cluttered chamber illuminated by various objects upon which continual flame spells have been cast. Scurrying around the room is an otter dressed in a tiny red cassock. The otter mumbles to itself in Common, mentioning something about a tuning fork. Suddenly, it takes notice of you and stands upright.

"Lulu! Wake up! Our guests have arrived!"
At the sound of her name, a small elephant with golden fur appears from under a pile of blankets near a table strewn with alchemical equipment. The elephant takes to the air on feathery wings and lets out a pleasing trumpet sound.

"What? our guests are here?" Lulu stands up and looks at the party as they come down the stairs into the study
"Hello! I am lulu. What are your names?"
The Hollyphant approaches and 'sniffs' you with her trunk.
The otter continues to rifle through papers and junk as you come down the stairs.
5 Minutes pass
Time: 1:19 PM
Date: Fifthday , 5 , Mitrul
The Introductions
Bruno stops halfway down the stairs and his mouth drops open as Traxigor comes into view. He’s unable to take his eyes off the otter in a small wizard robe and forgets to blink as he slowly descends the rest of the stairs.

“I - I don’t even… how…?”
Bruno absentmindedly walks over to Traxigor, gently bumping in furniture he fails to notice along the way. As Traxigor continues fumbling though papers and junk, Bruno extends a hesitant finger and pokes at the otter’s fur to make sure it’s not some kind of illusion. Fascinated, he gently takes a piece of Traxigor’s robe in hand and starts running it between two fingers. He looks up at Traxigor face in wonder.
“Yer a wizard, Hairy Otter!”
It takes Lulu coming up to him and sniffing him with her trunk to break Bruno out of his trance. He takes a hesitant step back as he is sniffed and puts his hands up defensively.
“Oh! Uh…hi there, Lulu was it? I’m Bruno.”
Bruno summons Walter to his shoulder and gestures towards the rat.
“And this is Walter. Walter, wave to the Hollyphant.”
Walter stands on his hind legs and waves at Lulu. Bruno finally takes a moment to look around the study and places a hand on his head in disbelief.
“How in Savras’s name did I ever end up here?”

"Bruno. Bruno. Bruno. It's nice to make your acquaintance, Bruno." (Bruno then begins to hear the Hollyphant talk to him in his mind)
"You seem nervous, Bruno. Why are you nervous? "
The little otter suddenly turns toward the party and with a surprised gasp,

"Oh dear! Our guests are here! Lulu! Lulu! Quick the tea!"

"Oh no! I am sorry Traxi, I forgot! I'll get it now!" Lulu flies out of the room and returns in a few minutes holding a tray of teacups on her trunk.
"Here you go! Tea is served!" She sets the tray down on a cluttered table and then clears everything off with her trunk. Beakers, papers, a bottle of ink and other items fall to the floor with a crash.
The otter takes a cup and then with a slightly startled reaction says,

"Oh dear! My apologies. I am Traxigor, welcome to my home. I am so sorry for the mess, you see I've been quite busy researching... " Traxigor begins looking around the table and on the floor for something "I wonder, have you happen to have seen a tuning fork around here? " Traxigor picks up some clutter off the floor and scurries to a basket and throws it away "I am so sorry for the clutter... Now where is it you say you're going again? Elturel was it? I heard that Elturel has been destroyed. Do you know anything about that? " Traxigor starts to straighten up a bookshelf "I am so sorry for the clutter."
What do you say?
5 Minutes pass
Time: 1:24 PM
Date: Fifthday , 5 , Mitrul
Visiting with an Archmage
Bruno starts in surprise as Lulu’s voice sounds in his head. Settling himself quickly, he chuckles nervously at the Hollyphant.

“Ah! Hah… so that’s something you can do. OK then.” Bruno clears his throat and tries to put on a smile for Lulu.
“I-I am just a bit overwhelmed is all. This is all…this is all very new.”
As bruno is answering Lulu, she abruptly leaves to fetch the tea.
As Lulu disappears to get tea, Bruno shuffles around nervously and tries to avoid touching anything. What looks like a cluttered mess to normal folks can easily be an organized space for a wizard.
Bartok's jaw drops as he enters the room and sees the Hollyphant.

"By me Mother's beard!" he exclaims quietly. Seeing Bruno just as stunned as he is, Bartok stays near him as he introduces himself and Walter to the two fascinating creatures. As the niceties commence he becomes more and more comfortable with their hosts, and when the tea arrives, he offers to pour for Lulu, Traxigor, Bruno and Dartan.
Seeing the ink and papers on the floor from the settled tea tray, BArtok clanks down to one knee and politely picks them up. "That's a right tasty tea Lulu! Me thanks to both of you for the welcome and the drink!"
Bartok hears the Hollyphant in his mind,

"You are too kind, Master Dwarf. Please enjoy the tea, the effects will give you some clarity of mind and body"
Bartok gently stacks the papers and ink bottle, (freshly stoppered) back on the flattest area of the table he can find, then picks up on the conversation of the tuning fork from Traxigor.

"Tuning fork eh? I thinks we can track em down for ya! Had a cleric back in me temple that claimed he could pull out a splinter using nothin but musical vibrations. Course when he stuck a shard as big as 'is finger in his rear cheek, he took my advice on how to get it out instead. Hah!"
Bartok grins as he continues, and rummages in his pack for a minute. "Speakin of vibrations, may be I have an idea." Bartok pulls out on of the small steel bars he's crafted and very gently taps a few areas of the table and floor that are covered in papers, attempting to hear the ding of the fork. As he looks about the room, Bartok engages their hosts in conversation. "This tower mr. Traxigor is an amazin thing! Never seen anythin like it in all me years. How do ye keep it off the ground?"
Traxigor, still moving clutter from one shelf to another, in an effort to straighten up (but only really just moving the clutter around) looks up at the Dwarf,

"Oh, my tower! Oh, I am glad you asked! It's quite remarkable isn't it? You see I studied Tenser during my time in Candlekeep.. oh when was that? " He turns to Lulu, "Lulu, do you recall when I worked on my immovable stone block spell?"
Traxigor, as if speaking with someone begins to nod and reply, "Yes, but... no, oh I can't recall either. I suppose it was at least before the Dragon incident... no, no... " After a few moments Traxigor refocuses his attention back to Bartok and begins to explain how the tower floats - and while most of the explanation is technical and wizard-babble, you eventually come to understand that it works in a similar fashion to the magical items known as "Immovable rods", however Traxigor was somehow able to use the same magical effect on the lower foundation stones of the tower itself. As a result, Traxigor's tower is fixed in it's location above the ocean. Traxigor trails off on needing to recharge the stones in another decade or so, and then he begins to ask Lulu again, "Do you remember when I said I needed to recharge the foundation stones? No? Me neither.... Oh I know I wrote it down in my notes somewhere.... no of course I don't know where my notes are right now. We should look for them before long...." This back and fourth goes on for awhile as the party drinks their tea.
Bruno graciously accepts the offered tea and takes a sip, letting the warmth enter his chilled bones after the cold flight over the ocean.
As Traxigor continues to search the table and floor for a tuning fork, Bruno realizes not every wizard’s mess is organized. Sometimes it’s just a mess.
Bruno takes another long sip of tea. When it appears Traxigor isn’t any closer to finding the tuning fork, he sets his cup down carefully before starting to rummage around and help look for it.
Dartan taking in the situation, and after introducing himself, replies to Traxigor.

"Yes, it was Elturel that we were intending to go, but we have more recently learned that there is an artifact in Baldur's Gate we need to find first. Would you be able to send us there on an errand before we go to Elturel?" Dartan also fills in Traxigor on the rumors surrounding Elturel's destruction. Traxigor listens with interest- however, is very distracted looking for his tuning fork.

"baldur's Gate? I um.. Well yes, I suppose I could send you there." The little otter scowls, "You know teleportation is not cheap, Sylvira didn't mention I would have to send you to two places... " The little otter runs out of the room mumbling....
After a few minutes he returns with his tuning fork.
"I found it! Now I can send you to ...where was it you wanted to go again?"
Tea of Intellect:
All of the party begins to feel the effect of the tea, everyone gains advantage on all Intelligence based skill checks for the next 24 hours.
Before advancing the story - decide if you want to spend some time here, before leaving.
Traxigor will send you to Baldur's Gate when you are ready - but the party can spend hours, or overnight in the tower if they wish.
If you opt to stay in the tower for a day (or more), you will need to let me know anything you want to ask Traxigor - any information you seek, and what you may want to actually do inside the tower.
30 Minutes pass
Time: 1:54 PM
Date: Fifthday , 5 , Mitrul
A Stay in a floating tower
Dartan finishes his cup of tea with a loud slurp

"Our apologies master wizard. Of course teleportation isn't cheap. We will gladly reimburse you. Truth be told, we wouldn't be asking if it weren't of dire importance. As you know, Elturiel has fallen and we fear the same will happen to Baldur's Gate if we do not retrieve this artifact. First things first, however. Let us help you find that tuning fork (investigation roll)! Afterwards, perhaps we can share a meal together. I....seem to have lost my lunch upon arrival."
Traxigor looks at Dartan with an embarassed look, "Oh of course, It's really not that expensive -- I... I would hate for you to have to incur any costs, after all I do really want to help you with your quest. It's so important you know... terrible things happening to the folks at Elturel if the city truly has descended into Avernus! What trickery!"
Traxigor smiles wide at the mention of sharing a meal, and he quickly turns to Lulu, "A Meal, oh I think we can arrange that, right Lulu?!"

Lulu makes a trumpet sound with excitement, "Oh of course Traxi! I could make your favorite! Displacer Beast Steaks and Barley stew!"
Meanwhile.... Bruno Suddenly remembering Traxigor is an otter, Bruno walks back over to him, standing almost uncomfortably close. His mind continues to buzz from the tea as Bruno tries to puzzle out how an otter became a wizard (or did the wizard become an otter? Or is this a new half otter race no one has studied before?) Bruno’s unblinking gaze scans Traxigor from head to paws while he mutters and mumbles to himself.

“Polymorph? No…that wears off. A curse of some kind? No, it would have surely been removed by now. Someone taught magic to an otter and gave it the ability to speak? Unlikely. How long would that even take? One parent was a human and the other was an otter? Maybe…but how would conception even work?”
Unable to contain his thoughts a moment longer, Bruno rummages in his bag and pulls out his spellbook. Flipping to a well worked page, he looks up at Traxigor.
Traxigor puts up a hand to stop Bruno from opening up his spellbook.

"Slow down! I am happy to tell you how I came to look like this..." He goes on to explain that he had a mishap while learning the Wish spell and while he goes off on several rabbit holes during the explanation, eventually he gets to the part where he accidentally Permanently polymorphed himself into an otter. "I could turn myself back with the same spell - but I kind of enjoy being an otter.... "
"So immovable stones eh? In all me years, I've seen some amazing stonework, but immovable stones holding a tower suspended above the sea, this may be the most unusual, lad!" Bartok finishes his tea with a loud belch and a pat to the belly "That was mighty good tea!, Thank you Lulu. I've always wanted to meet a Hollyphant. How did you come to know this wizard?"
Lulu speaks in Bartoks Mind and he hears her say the following,

"I was with the angel Zariel when she assembled her army of Hellriders to attack Avernus. Through the gate we went, tearing through devils like a song through air. Victory was within our grasp until some of the Hellriders betrayed us. They retreated through the gate and sealed it behind them."
"Before she was captured, Zariel told me to hide her sword so that it wouldn't fall into evil hands. Someone helped me hide the sword, but I don't remember who. We found a place to hide it, but I don't remember where. I escaped Avernus, but I don't remember how. Most of my memory is gone, and I don't remember why."
"Sylvira told me Traxi was a kind soul would would look after me. She says it's dangerous for my kind around here, so I spend most of my time here in the tower with Traxi. But I sometimes will fly around over the sea, it's so beautiful here you know"
The party Decides to stay for a nice dinner of Displacer Beast steaks (Traxigor tells you that they are not real displacer beasts, as their meat is hard to come by, but he is able to synthesize it with magic. ) The meal is fantastic, and the party visits for several hours.
Bruno and Traxigor are able to spend many hours talking about the intricate nature of magic and you are able to explore much of the floating tower.
**---------- THE NEXT MORNING --------------**
The next morning, Traxigor prepares to send you to Baldur's Gate to find the Shield.

"Now, this teleportation spell will take you all to Baldur's Gate. When you find the shield, you can return to me with a recall stone." Traxigor hands Bruno a small purple crystal with what looks like glowing embers floating inside it "Now make sure you are all holding hands when you break the crystal, because the recall effect will only bring those back that are in direct physical contact with each other when the crystal is shattered! This is very important!"
After handing the Crystal to Bruno he opens a portal that leads to Baldur's Gate.
"I will see you all soon, be careful with that Shield. IF what you tell me is true, it likely has the spirit of a demon lord imprisoned within.... and that means it will want out at all costs. You must not listen to it! "
With that the party can now step through the portal.
Please post anything you wish to have discussed or done in the tower during the long rest. Those actins will be resolved at the start of the next post.
18 hours pass ** Long Rest Complete **
Time: 7:54 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
The Return to Baldur's Gate
Bruno listens to Traxigor’s account of how he became permanently polymorphed into an otter. He takes a step back is shock at the mention of the Wish spell. A large tower floating over the sea was enough to tell Bruno Traxigor was a powerful wizard, but trying to master the Wish spell…that puts him on a whole other level that Bruno wasn’t sure was even possible. He stares at the otter with a new look of surprise and admiration.

“Wish! But the formulae required for that spell, even just in the theoretical discussing of it are … mind bogglingly complex. The material cost and power
Traxigor smiles and begins to excitedly explain how difficult and taxing 'Wish' is to cast.

"Why, the spell is so complex that even I may never be able to cast it properly again! It may be safer to remain an otter!" Traxigor laughs as the two of them talk.
Bruno looks to Dartan and Bartok, his face eager and hopeful.

“We must stay the night. I cannot pass up the opportunity to spend the night here and speak with Traxigor. I have so many questions!”
Bruno stuffs the displaced beast steak in his mouth, barely tasting the food. He barrages Traxigor with questions, often not even bothering to swallow his food before asking the next one.
The two talk for most of the night, as Traxigor talks about how being an otter took some practice to get used to. "Scientifically speaking, I only appear to look like an otter - but even then, my physical body is not exactly like an otter." Traxigor explains how many of his organs are still fully human, including his vocal cords, allowing him to speak. He also shows bruno that his hands and feet have more joints and allow for much easier manipulation of objects than an actual otter would have.
"Magic is an amazing thing, Bruno - it can create the illusion of one reality, while bending the very fabric of reality itself at the same time!"
As they discuss devils in Avernus, Traxigor tells you much of what he's learned. Much of it Bruno was already aware of. But he learns a few new tips and tricks that may come in handy in some situations. (When encountering any Devil or Demon in Avernus, make an Intelligence check vs a DC of 10, and success indicates that you recall some relevant fact about the demon or devil that Traxigor and you discussed)
When you get to the subject of Golems, Traxigor talks a lot, but rambles on and on about how difficult Golems are to create and how he never was much for golemcraft. He tells you that shutting down a golem is no easy matter, and that they are not susceptible to effects that cancel magic.
You learn very little when it comes to learning about the nature of visions. Traxigor tells you that often visions can come from the Divine, which is out of his expertise. The discussion about arcane magic and visions goes down rabbit holes about how different planes can intersect and create the illusion of a vision, or the ability to tap into knowledge that is in the aether. Traxigor spends a lot of time looking for references for clairvoyance spells but eventually the two of them change subjects, (as has been happening often during their 8 hour conversation.)
Traxigor explains teleportation mechanics to Bruno but his explanations are choppy and create more questions than answers. Bruno does grasp the concept however.
Bruno learns that Lulu has a lot of unknowns surrounding her. Sylvira introduce her to Traxigor years ago, she found Lulu wandering in the fields of the Dead, east of Baldur's Gate. Sylvira knew that Lulu was in danger and brought her to Traxigor to keep her safe, and to see if there was a way to recover her lost memories. Traxigor has been trying to recover her memories, but with no luck. In fact, that was why he was learning the wish spell in the first place, but because of the difficulty and danger in casting Wish, and after the mishap of him becoming an otter, he has abandoned that method and is looking for other means to recover her memories.
Bruno asks about the incident with the Dragon, and learns that south of Candlekeep, in the mountains known as the Cloud Peaks, there is an adult white dragon that lives high in the peaks, and Lulu and Traxigor stumbled on it's lair 18 months ago while on an expedition for some rare components. Traxigor talks about how his tower is safe, because White dragons wouldn't venture out this far from their cold lairs...
After dinner, Bruno idly walks around the tower for a bit, lightly touching tomes, piles of scrolls, and various trinkets used for who know what. He gaze wanders about in fascination as he tries to take it all in. Before heading to bed, he will ask Traxigor if he has any tomes or books he’s willing to let Bruno borrow for some light reading.
Traxigor tells Bruno he does have some books that he could lend Bruno for light reading.
Lastly, Traxigor shows Bruno on another level of the tower, a runed Teleportation circle that is present. "This circle is where I have attuned my recall crystals too. The recall stones are fantastic devices, but expensive to make." (He goes into more schematics that Bruno does understand to a point, but eventually he loses track of what Traxigor is talking about)
Lulu and Dartan talk about her time in Avernus, but she remembers virtually nothing other than what she's already said. The Hollyphant is quite kind, but despite her friendly and naive sounding mannerisms, it's obvious that Lulu is very intelligent and cunning. She knows she fought with Zariel, but she just cant remember the details of how she ended up back here in the Material Plane. She has little memory of the Celestial plane... but she feels like she would miss it, if she could remember it.
Lulu expresses interest in joining your party if they go back to Elturel, she thinks if she can somehow get back to Avernus, it might help her memories come back.
Bartok enjoys roaming the tower and makes his way to the lower levels where the immovable stones are. He is intrigued at the stones themselves, as they appear to be regular stone blocks, but when Bartok touches them, they feel colder to the touch than the other stone blocks that make up the tower. They also feel virtually indestructible, as they don't chip or scratch when Bartok tests them with his blacksmith hammer.
Traxigor talks to Bartok about crafting a fire breathing potion, As Bartok listens, Bruno joins the discussion and Bruno is able to learn the recipe with his understanding of Alchemy. (New Recipe added for Alchemy)
With all that done during their stay, the party is ready to teleport to Baldur's Gate and they wish Lulu and Traxigor a fine farewell.
Bruno receives the Recall stone to return to this tower once the shield is found.
The party appears on a street in Baldur's gate, near the harbor.
10 minutes pass
Time: 8:04 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
The Return from Baldur's Gate
As Bruno finishes his explanation to Arkon and Bartok and Reya convince Arkon to join them in teleporting back to Traxigors Tower.
The ranger sighs and flips his swords back into place. Picks up his maul and walks over and links arms with the Hellrider.

“Oh what the hell.”
Bruno breathes a silent sigh of relief and links arms with Dartan and Bartok. Reaching into his bag of holding, he produces the recall crystal and crushes it in his fist.
As the crystal breaks and the party links their arms, a swirling energy starts to expand from the shattered crystal. As this energy grows, there is some crackles and pops as a purple dome starts to cover the party. After about 10-12 seconds, there is a humming noise and the dome fully covers the party and then collapses on them.
Everyone in the area of effect feels a tingle as they enter the Astral plane, briefly. The scent of the musty cellar suddenly vanishes and you smell for a brief moment a mix of burnt banana and then suddenly you are standing on a rune in Traxigor's tower. The room is dark, save for a few continuous flames burning on various objects in the room.
There is an audible "ding" -- probably one of Traxigor's Alarm spells to alert him when anyone transports to his transportation circle.
Within just a few moments, you hear a voice yelling from another room in the tower,

"One moment! I'll be right there!"
A few moments later, the otter appears in the room and greets you,
"Oh my, " he begins silently counting, "six of you now? My my. Well did you retrieve what you were looking for? I must say you returned faster than I thought!"

"Our guests have returned! I am so happy" Lulu trumpets her trunk as she enters the room and sees all the new faces.
"I am lulu, what are your names?" She says happily.
Traxigor offers you some more tea, and offers to allow you to rest at his tower as long as you like before he teleports you to Elturel.
*Please indicate if you drink the tea or not**
2 hours pass
Time: 12:32 pM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
The Shield
Bruno lurches for a step and instinctively grips his stomach as they pop out into the teleportation circle. Taking a moment to check that all of his parts reappeared where they were supposed to, he smiles and breathes a sigh of relief. Bruno beams as Traxigor and Lulu appear and walks towards where tea is presented. Bruno accepts the tea gratefully and blows on it to make sure it's not too hot.

"We were fortunate the shield was where we had left it. We were even more fortunate the allies we thought were lost to Avernus were there to meet us!"
Bruno gestures towards Reya and Hippee with a smile. Continuing to smile broadly, he takes a sip and slowly gestures towards Traxigor, casting Message.
Bruno shuffles his feet and continues to look to Traxigor. "Your assistance and hospitality are appreciated as always."

"Of course, the chamber pot is located in the lower chamber."
He then turns toward Dartan, "That shield is remarkable. Could I please have a look?"
Traxigor reaches out his hands asking Dartan for the shield.
Hippee declines the tea

“I’ve been slipped a few things in my day, sometimes it turned out ok, sometimes even a lot of fun, but for now I’ll have my water” Hippee pulls out his waterskein “I’d be happy to join in on a cheers though. I am Hippee, the fearsome and fearless Warlock, conqueror of Avernus, Captain of the River Styx, Slayer of Golems…it goes on and on honestly”

"no Tea for me sir! But if ye've got any more of that Leviathan stew I'd take a bit. Or was it Yeti Soup? Chupacabra Casserole? Can't be thinkin of the name right now, but me belly will remember it right enough!" Bartok guffaws at his joke and continues. "Ye ought to have seen us smashin that golem by the way! Ol' hammerhands here done us right! Didn't ya Arkon." Bartok dusts some rubble off the front of his armor, and smiles at the group, happy to be back in a place of safety. He seems to trust Traxigor very well even after their brief meeting, and bruno's seeming confidence in their host.
Hippee paces errantly then hears the noble dwarf break the pace and speaks his peace. Hippee offers one of his rations and waterskein to Bartok,

“Perhaps we need to keep to what we know and not what’s offered”
Dartan looks at Traxigor, looks at the hollyphant, and grips the shield tightly in his hands.

"Yes. It's...quite an object isn't it. Lulu.... meet our friends Reya, Hippee, and Arkon. Yes. Tea would be nice. Thank you."
Bruno smiles sheepishly and starts walking slowly in the direction Traxigor indicated towards the chamber pot.
Lulu suddenly gets very serious, and looks at the shield that Dartan is clutching,

"Such evil... I sense it. Gargauth.... he is powerful. Such anger and hatred"
The little otter looks quizzically at Dartan as he clutches the shield tighter...

"You seem quite attached. I fear that the Demon within that shield is far more powerful than I originally thought. Dartan, did the demon contact you?"
4 minutes pass
Time: 12:36 pM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
The Counsel of Traxigor

"Demon? No, of course not. Well other than when Zariel tried to have me join her. Lulu! Are you remembering something?!"
Lulu's gaze gets very sharp as she looks closely at Dartan as he denies a demon contacting him.

"I can sense a presence - I heard his name in his mind. He is trying to hide from me. He cannot" She closes her eyes for a few moments then opens them again. "He is trying to hide his thoughts. He is strong"
Traxigor looks at Dartan and his little whiskers twitch a few times.

"So this is the way it is going to be, is it? "
Bruno pauses on his way out of the room and glances back at Dartan. The smile drops from his face as he fixes his gaze on the Paladin.

“In the vault, you said the ‘hidden lord’ in the shield told you forces were coming to claim the shield. That sounds like contact to me.”
Bruno takes a step away from the Paladin and glances at the group before warily staring down Dartan.
“Why don’t you set the shield down and let the nice otter have a look at it, eh?”

"Eh? What's goin on?" Bartok looks around at the party that is growing increasingly more nervous. "What's the matter with ya lads? This is Dartan
we're talkin about! The conqueror of the tapestry! The Cassenova of Mourning Wood! The best buddy of little ms. Nector! Ain't no spook in a bit of armor gonna get the best of 'im. Whadda ya say lad! Let's get that hunk of metal up on a table and have a look see. Ol' BArtok'll keep an eye on ya. I've got me blessed mace to thump any critter tries to get out of that thing." Bartok looks over at Bruno with a smile, confident as always that they can handle any
Hippee whispers to Dartan

“That Otter can inspect it just fine without leaving your hands”
The ranger looks around the group studying the faces of the party and then grins at the hollyphant,

“tea would be most welcome.” Arkon takes the offered tea and takes a sip and turns to the cleric,
“if our hosts are the allies you believe then I think you and the Hellrider should tell all that has transpired. If we are to truly have their trust, please give this clearly mighty mage the full measure of the bewitchments of the warlock and paladin.”
The ranger finds a chair and sits comfortably sipping his tea.
Reya shakes her head in frustration,

"We haven't been introduced, I am Reya Mantelmorn, Hellrider from Elturel. I was in Baldur's Gate trying searching for Thavius Kreeg when I ran into these gentlemen, and I have been traveling with them for the past couple of weeks. During a battle with Thalmara Vanthampur, I was cast into Avernus with the Gnome" Gestures to Hippee, "And we barely escaped with our lives. Sadly, we ran into Mordenkainen while in Avernus. He sent us to Baldur's Gate to retrieve the shield, and he betwitched the Gnome with some kind of magic"

"Mordenkainen!" says Traxigor, with surprise. "He sent you to get this sheild?" The otter rubs his chin in thought.
"I don't know what that crazy wizard thinks he's gonna do with the Shield of the Hidden Lord. Gargauth would have his soul if he could. Not even I, nor the great Mordenkainen could stand up to Gargauth. Fortunately for us, Gargauth is unable to unleash his full power while trapped in his prison." Traxigor's eyes narrow as he looks at the shield.
"I must examine the shield. "
Traxigor looks at Dartan.
"I am afraid I must insist", He casts Telekensis and raises his hand and the shield is ripped from Dartan's hands and it's flung over toward Traxigor who grabs it with his outstretched arm.
Lulu trumpets her trunk and lands between the shield and Dartan.
As the shield hits Traxigor's Hand, Traxigor's eyes turn white and he seems to be communicating with someone for about 30 seconds.
Traxigor finally comes out of his trance, and looks a the party.

"I did not get the answers I had hoped. But I do know this. The shield cannot stay in the Material plane. I believe we have underestimated the power and influence that Gargauth has, even in his prison." He sighs.
"Sylvira may have told you that a new sub-dimension in Avenrus has been discovered, known as Drakkar. WHat Sylvira doesn't know is that Drakkar is actually part of a lower level of the nine hells, Phlegethos. I believe I can Seal the breach and send Drakkar back to the depths of Phlegethos., ridding us of two problems."
Lulu Trumpets,

"I will go! Send me, Traxi!"
Traxigor looks at the party,

"Lulu has been wanting to return to Avernus, to find answers about her past. Will any of you see this shield taken to Drakkar?"
What does the party say?
10 minutes pass
Time: 12:46 pM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Traxigor's Aid
Dartan looks at the shield, at Lulu, back at the shield, and finally at Bartok.

"I will take it. Lulu, we would of course be honored if you joined us. If you plan on sealing the breach, Traxigor, does that mean you are coming as well? How long do we have to rest before departing? I don't want to stand between Bartok and his stomach!"
Traxigor stutters a little,

"Me? Go to Avernus? But.. but... I am in the middle of some very important research."
Lulu trumpets at the mention of Traxigor joining the party,

"Oh please Traxi! You should come too! It will be an adventure like when we faced the white dragon."
Traxigor's whiskers rustle as he appears flustered,

"Oh heavens, I have so much to do here. I can't just leave my research unfinished. Some of my work is time sensitive, I am afraid it's out of the question. I must remain here. I am confident you can seal the breach without me, I will provide you with what you need. Yes, with Lulu helping you, you will be quite capable without me."
Hippee steps towards the Otter

“Aye, you have my word as a Warlock, I will take the shield to Drakkar.(Hippee mutters under his breath)…eventually”
Hippee facing the Otter side eyes Reya
“You’d be food for the vile creatures in the river Styx if not for me…I kept you safe…do not forget the Succubi, Jacks foolhearty demise, or my negotiations with Mordenkainen that have you alive where you stand” Hippee’s eye twitches and he lets out a laugh “What a wild adventure that was…” Hippee produces his recall stone and hands it to the Wizard.
Reya rolls her eyes at Hippee again, and scoffs.
“As a token of trust, one recall stone from that duplicitous Wizard from the depths”
As Hippee produces the stone, Traxigor quickly reaches out and takes it.

"Oh my!" He quickly examines the stone and then puts it into a small leather satchel. "What does he want with the shield I wonder?" Traxigor trails off in thought then begins to run to his bookshelves looking for something, "I am sure it's here somewhere..."
Bruno steps back into the room with a look of concern.

“Wait a moment. You want us to take this accursed shield *into Avernus* to try and seal this demon away. Reya and Hippee only just barely escaped with their lives from that hellhole. I was just starting to relax thinking we had avoided having to go in and try to find them! Jules *DIED* in there!”
Bruno looks incredulously at the group and gestures angrily at the shield. “We’ve already seen the influence the shield has had on Dartan after just a mere moment with it! How are we expected to survive in Avernus if we can’t even trust each other to not be corrupted by some damn demon in our heads?!”
Bruno’s voice rises to a panicked pitch as he starts gesturing wildly towards Hippee.
“And then there’s that one! Who knows what enchantment that one might be under or what he might be compelled to do?!”
Bruno starts to double over and breathe heavily as panic starts to set in. He props himself on a nearby bookshelf and starts taking deep breaths.
Lulu drifts over to Bruno and puts her trunk on his shoulder,

"It'll be ok, Bruno. Your friends will be there with you. You won't be alone"
Traxigor, not paying much mind to Bruno's concerns as he is distracted, finds a leather book and removes it from the shelf,

"A ha! Here it is" He begins to flip through pages and pages...
Bartok (for once), begins to get really serious as he sees Bruno doubled over in panic. Looking around the room at the team that's made it this far, He lifts his eyes and says a quick prayer to the Baroness, then addresses the group,

"We've made it this far lads. You may not know this Arkon, but we've sludged through some pretty good muck together. Mr. Hippee and me Lady Reya over there sound like they've taken some lumps as well, and we been doubly blessed to get 'em back. We lost ol' Jules, but our goal has always been the same. There's a whole city missin... Souls that been lost, and some still may be possible to save. We didn't plan on bein this deep I think, But could be we just saved Balders GAte from the same fate." Lookin over at Bruno. "Didn't think we'd be headin to hell when we had that glass o' dwarven whiskey in that little tavern did ya lad?" Smiling in sympathy, Bartok continues. "But I knew there was a reason I got called outa that small town. I knew there was a reason a crazy wizard with a rat showed up at me door. and I knew there was a reason I met ye all." Lookin over at Dartan. "Even you, ya big lugg!" bartok shifts his shield on his back a bit and puts his thumbs in his belt. "Now I'm not a fan of chargin inta that place either, But if there be a way to shut this nasty bugger in 'is shield for good, and maybe rescue some good souls who never did nothin but live their life and love their families! I'm for it." Bartok looks at each member in turn. "I'll do me best to keep ya safe. Everythin in my power up to and includin me death if I have ta. It's worth it fer me to save those thousands that could die if this thing gets out." a familiar twinkle comes back to his eye for a moment.... "Just don't forget the beer!"

"Well said, Master Bartok." Says Reya approvingly. "We can handle taking the shield to Drakkar. But sealing that breach, how are we going to accomplish that?"
Traxigor finally finds the page he is looking for,

"extradimensional rifts can appear when...." he mumbles to himself as he reads... "Sealing a breach requires a large...energy... " Traxigor furrows his brow, "Let me explain."
Traxigor clears off a table and begins to scribble on a piece of parchment.
"Please excuse the crude diagram. This isn't to scale" He keeps drawing.
"The nine hells of Baator can be thought of as layers. The first layer is Avernus, it's the largest. Normally there are gates, or portals on each layer, that lead to the next layer down. These single layer portals are stable, and they can sometimes be closed, but they are difficult to seal permanently." He keeps drawing, "But sometimes, a wizard, or devil tries to create a bridge to a lower level -- or in the case of a devil, they create a bridge to a higher level. In this case, a bridge was created from Phlegethos directly to Avernus!, skipping Dis and Minaurous entirely!" He shows you excitedly on his drawing how the rift connects Phlegethos and Avernus.

"This Bridge also contains a pocket. think of it as it's own miniature layer of hell that exists in the center of the bridge." He keeps explaining, faster and faster. "If you can get into Drakkar, you can collapse the portal from there." Traxigor smiles. "The portal connecting Drakkar to Avernus will be less stable from there, and all you need to do is collapse the structure... whatever it happens to be" Traxigor thinks a moment. "You'll need to planseshift back to the material plane from Phlegethos. I can give you one more recall stone to accomplish this. This is my last recall stone, and until I can get more components, I won't be able to make anymore. So you must not lose or waste this one, or you'll be trapped in Hell" Traxigor scurries over to his workbench and rummages through a small bag and produces a purple crystal, then presses it into Brunos hand.
Reya interjects,

"The plan seems all well and good - except for the part about sealing the portal in Drakkar. How do you propose we collapse that?"

"I was just getting to that!" Traxigor Looks at the party sheepishly. "We will have to determine the best way to collapse the portal once you are there. It might be as simple as destroying the structure or gateway itself inside Drakkar, but it may require destroying a monolith or other energy source near the portal. Until you are there, I am afraid I can't answer the 'how' just yet. But you can contact me once you are there, and I can assist you from here in my tower." Traxigor produces two smooth stones, each idential. "This is a pair of sending stones. I have adapted these stones so that we will be able to speak for a short time. The stones can only be used once a day, and only for about 10 minutes. So only contact me in an emergency or when you reach the portal in drakkar, and I am sure I will be able to help you close the portal." Traxigor pauses.. "I think...."

"We will succeed, Traxi! I am so excited! When can we leave!?" Lulu says excitedly as she blows her trunk producing a happy trumpet sound.
How do you respond to?
20 minutes pass
Time: 1:06 pM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
The Ranger looks up from his tea as he lounges in the comfort of the the Mage's home and looks around the room, "My mum, gods rest her, always said I was hellbent on being hell bound...looks like all that's left is getting whiskey bent and we'll be ready..." the Ranger returns to his tea with a far off look in his eye.
Hippee let’s out a laugh seemingly from nowhere then composes himself “if it’s back to hell for me, one more night at Candlekeep doesn’t sound bad at all”
"And more importantly, if Drakkar falls back to Phlegethos while we are there.... how strong are your stones? Can we get back from there?"
"Oh Bruno. You never learn. You cannot run from your fate. So why not run TOWARDS it! Let us go to Candlekeep to ease your mind. Bartok is right, you know ... WE have come a long way. Your burden is our burden now. If we die, and I die by your side, I will rest easy knowing that we went down together.
Besides, we're already in Avernus, they won't have far to take us! Maybe, they will be trapped in there with US for eternity!
So, once more to Candlekeep. Then, to hell with you!
Sorry, it seemed more funny in my head
What does this potion you have crafted do Traxigor?"
bartok watched the emotional change in Bruno with approval. “Ye‘ve come a long way lad. A long way! I’ve no objection to A stop by candledeep. I have a feeling we’ll be needin a good amount of supplies for this bit.“ Looking over at Reya and hippee. “Whatcha think lass? you’ve been there. i can’t imagine we’ll be stopping by a cheery inn, with A fuzzy demon bartender! hah! And I imagine I’m on me boots for this journey. no ponies in hell I would think! What’s the most important things we can take?“