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The Vanthampur Cellar

Writer's picture: Dungeon MasterDungeon Master

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

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Cold Storage & the Dining room

Descending into the cellar, the first thing you notice is how clean, and pleasant the cellar actually is. A sweet smelling incense fills the air as the group descends the stairs. The cellar is also lit with torches providing ample light as you descend.

At the bottom of the stairs, you enter a large storage room.

Four stone pillars brace the ten-foot-high vaulted ceiling of this dry cellar, the walls of which are lined by a dozen barrels on wooden braces. Half the barrels have brass spigots tapped into them. The room also contains two stacks of wooden crates—one in the middle of the room and another by the south wall.

There are two iron doors, one on the east and one on the west wall. The Doors are made of riveted iron plates, with iron handles and well-oiled hinges.

Reya, Bartok, Hippee and Jules descend from the stairs on the south east wall and enter the room.

The cellar is quiet, and the sounds of the storm above become muffled as the group reaches the bottom.

What does the group do next?

Time: 4:12 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

The Cellar

As the group enters the first room of the cellar, Hippee leaps into the pile of crates that are at the bottom of the stairs on the south wall, only his beady eyes peeking out. He remains still like a garden statue.

The rogue slides into the shadows and goes and listens at the door on the east wall. (Stealth & Perception rolled 17+2 = 19)

The rogue hears nothing beyond the door. He can see some light under the door, but no sounds can be heard.

Reya walks over to the west door and listens.

"I don't hear anything over here. what about you?"

The rogue shakes his head affirming he hears nothing.

"Keep sharp lads and ladies. Who knows what denizens of evil lurk down here" Bartok readies his mace and shield and stands behind the rogue on the east door.

"which door should we open first Gentlemen?" Reya says with a smile as she unsheaths her longsword.

Meanwhile - upstairs...

"I am Shaleen Zoraz. You are not with the Duke, are you? are you here to free me?"

the woman tells you that she is being punished by Lady Vanthampur, because she was hired to work on renovating the sewers where the Cult of the Dead three reside, and the Duke is displeased with her results. She tells you that if you free her she plans to leave Baldur's gate, and never return.

"Well. You could say that we have renovated the sewers. Tell us of your friend as we escort you to the door. There shouldn't be any issues, but you never know what lurks in the shadows. Take some of this armor. It might not fit well, but it will protect you until you can sell it. Quickly now, before the Duke gets word of us." Dartan and Bruno escort Shaleen to the back door.

Asa they head downstairs with Shaleen, Bruno relaxes and shakes out his spell casting hand. He looks from Shaleen to Dartan with a mostly suppressed look of annoyance but says nothing as they guide her down the stairs to the back door. As they pass a particularly tacky and valuable looking vase, Bruno takes it off its pedestal and presses it into Shaleen’s hands.

“Take this and sell it to help you get out of this city. The Fist will probably let you out if you slip them enough coin. Make sure you try and get out as soon as possible. Now go!”

"Thank you kind sir, you are very kind. Bless you." (She gives Bruno a quick kiss on the cheek then hurries out into the courtyard)

As Bruno watches her go, he takes a moment to pull his cards from a pocket and draws 2 at random. (1d12 - 10 of hearts, 1d12 - 6 of graves). Nodding in satisfaction, Bruno quickly stuffs the deck back in his pocket and looks up at Dartan.

“She has suffered and may still have hardships ahead of her, but the cards say she’ll be fine. Let’s rejoin the others.”

Bruno and Dartan head downstairs toward the cellar.

As they descend the stairs, they reach the bottom just as Reya asks which door they should try.

She whirls around as they reach the bottom of the steps, as if ready for battle... then relaxes as she sees Bruno and Dartan.

"Good of you boys to join us. We were just deciding which way to go. There are two doors. Any thoughts?

The crates in the middle of the cellar contain dried meat, loaves of bread, wheels of cheese, and rations.

The crates by the south wall (where Hippee is hiding) contain candles, oil flasks, incense, and rat traps.

(Please let me know if the party wants to take any of these items and I'll add them to the treasure and loot page. this is also last call for the current loot, as it will be removed by the end of tonight)

What does the party do?

13 minutes pass

Time: 4:25 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Setting Fires

The rogue grabs as many oil flasks as he can carry and begins pouring them under the door where he was listening at through the crack with light. When he gets about half a dozen or so poured out and seeping under the door; he lights the oil. He winks at the fabulous smelling warlock in his hiding hole,

“that should put ‘em on sixes and sevens.” The rogue slips back into the shadows, readies his short swords and waits…

Dartan chuckles softly to himself,

"Looks like we have a firebug", as he readies his sword and shield and waits approximately 5 feet away from the hidden rogue.

Reya watches the rogue as he lights the oil and she sighs and shakes her head.

"I guess we are not going for the element of surprise?"

She watches as the oil burns... and burns....and creates smoke.

After about 5 minutes the oil burns out and there is a thin haze that fills the cellar. Since the oil just burned directly on the stone floors and under the iron door, there is not a ton of smoke.

Reya nods at the Rogue and then speaks again,

"Once that door cools, who wants to open it?" she says with a smirk.

The cellar remains quiet, and nothing happens after the fire subsides.

8 minutes pass

Time: 4:33 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Opening the Cellar Door

Seeing Jules light the oil, Bruno pulls the wool covering over his face to protect against the smoke and steps towards the back of the room. Crouched defensively, he watches as the fire slowly burns itself out.

Standing back up and coughing slightly in the now hazy cellar, he waves his hands to clear some of the smoke.

"I will open it, Hellrider. First, let us barricade the other door so we dont get caught off guard."

Standing back up and coughing slightly in the now hazy cellar, he waves his hands to clear some of the smoke. As Dartan moves to barricade the other door, Bruno looks to the smoking iron door. Gesturing quickly, he makes a grasping motion towards the door and casts Mage Hand. A slightly spectral hand materializes near the door and attempts to pull it open once the barricade is in place.

Hippee casts his mage hand as well to give Bruno a….well hand with that door.

The two mage hands pull the well oiled door open with not so much as a sound. As the door opens it reveals a passage that extends to the east for about 20 feet before it ends at an intersection that extends to the north and south.

Jules carefully approaches the intersection to have a look - and sees that the tunnel heads off both to the north and south for a long distance.

Jules sees Smooth stone trenches cut into the floors channel water and waste and the water is flowing toward the south, These trenches are 4 feet wide and 3 feet deep, with arching stone bridges spanning them at irregular intervals

The Tunnels are 9 feet high and have curved ceilings. Oil lanterns fitted with thick panes of green-tinted glass hang at regular intervals on 1-foot-long iron chains. Each lantern sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius.

The sounds of dripping water and an occasional echo of a voice can be heard. you are definitely not alone down here.

The party gathers at the intersection (marked with the red x).

What do you do next?

3 minutes pass

Time: 4:36 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

The North Passage

Bartok sniffs ahead to hall down to the cellars for the scent of whiskey or beer.

"Well, it's not where I'd keep the good stuff. Bit wet for my tastes! That being said. I'm not one to pass up on a good brew! Wonder if we can drag a few of these out of here."

"Sir Walter, I think we should go north since there is no obvious passage that we would walk in front of. What do your keen eyes say?"

Bruno nods at Dartan and dismisses his mage hand. Summoning Walter to his palm, Bruno gently sets the rat on the floor.

“Right then Walter, here we go again. Keep a sharp eye out for any rat traps down here, eh?”

Bruno takes a step back and places his hand on Bartok’s shoulder as his wills his consciousness into Walter. Seeing through Walters eyes, Bruno directs him first to scout out the north tunnel being careful to look for and avoid any rat traps.

Walter Heads out to the north walking along the smooth stones. As he rounds the corner and turns west, Bruno looking through his eyes sees a long tunnel that extends a great distance - further than Walter can even walk or be too farm from Bruno.

There are iron doors on the wall to the north of the tunnel Bruno thinks he sees 4 each one about 25-35 feet from the next.

On the south wall, he sees two large iron double doors about 100 or more feet down the passage. Beyond those double doors, there appears to be another passage in the south wall, and then another door beyond that.

At the end of the long tunnel, it looks like it turns to the left.

Walter can only go so far, before running back to Bruno.

Additionally, down the hall way Walter saw two humans walking west and then round the bend to the south. Voices echo as they talk lowly.

"Nice trick, wizard. Let's move... if there are patrols about we need to see them first.... "

Reya heads off to the north and turns west around the corner....

What do you do now?

10 minutes pass

Time: 4:46 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Scouting Ahead

Bruno shuffles uncomfortably and stares towards the floor as Reya compliments him. As she starts moving down the corridor, Bruno looks about to the rest of the group with a look of surprise and uncertainty. Quickly coming back to his senses, he starts following behind the Hellrider grumbling to himself.

‘Just pop into the cellar and grab a box’ she said. ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ I say…” Bruno follows Reya moving as silently as possible with the rest of the group.

Touching the Hellrider on the shoulder before she tramps down the hall,

"We'll look ahead. Nobody said there's no traps. No need to go charging about like a goblin on mead day."

Offhandedly to the wizard, "Nobody thought the box is in a tiny alcove blocked up by the bull's bane?"

Bruno looks at the Rogue quizzically, then back at the door that the Paladin barricaded, then back at the Rogue and shrugs.

Then to the Paladin and dwarf,

"do try to be quiet in all that junk you found in and around those trunks."

With a smile to the warlock,

"I'm not alive but I grow. I don't have lungs but need air. I don't have a mouth but water kills me. What am I?"

The warlock smiles as the rogue reads him a riddle, with his face beaming with glee, he suddenly looks at Reya again.

"I don’t know about you fellas but I’m gonna follow the hell I’d rider her….I mean Hellrider…”

At the end of his riddle the rogue saunters down the north hall and into the shadows,

"Maester Walter, count three score and then follow us, if you would."

**the rogue moves North and then West looking for traps and secret doors**

Reya nods at Jules

"Very well Rogue - you scout ahead 20 paces or so, we will stay behind and watch your back."

Looking at the group.

"Arm your range weapons and be ready in case the Rogue runs into any .... trouble. There are devils down here. I can sense them"

She pulls out a crossbow and cocks it.

Bartok watches all the party members grow fonder of Reya as she assumes the lead, and feels a pang of jealousy, quickly smothered.

"well", he thinks to himself as she walks down the corridor, "every day tis a new adventure and each blessed new soul, a reason to continue. Especially when they've been blessed with That!" Bartok whispers a quiet prayer under his breath and turns to Bruno as he comes out of his trance. "whatcha thinkin lad? Walter see anythin worth findin down the hall?" Bartok checks his pack with consideration, and starts to unload the items unnecessary to his priestly duties. Seeing a spot by one of the barrels in the corner he carefully lays his heavier loot from the pack behind it. He then reshoulders his new shield and adjusts his mace in his belt.

Bruno fills Bartok in on the lay of the passage as they creep behind Reya with their range weapons at the ready.

The rogue heads around the corner and the first thing he comes to is a long passage to the right, on the north wall. The rogue sneaks down to have a look, and then comes back to the main passage.

"Dead end" he says quieltly to Reya, as he fades into the shadows again and heads further down the passage

He comes to the first iron door on the north wall -- the door is checked for traps (Investigation: 10+3 = 13) He does not find any traps.

Do you open this door?

(the rogue is at the first iron door on the long passage, on the right. the rest of the party is 20 feet behind him)

5minutes pass

Time: 4:51 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Cold Storage & the Dining room

Bruno nervously bounces on the balls of his feet while looking up and down the corridor. Straining his ears, he tries to determine if anyone seems to be making their way down the hall towards them from either direction. (Perception roll made)

The rest of the party reaches the door and the rogue nods to dartan.

"Nobody found any traps. Lead the way Sir Rug."

The rogue readies his swords and

Dartan says a quick prayer to Tyr asking for his senses to be heightened as they explore. (Use divine sense). As they reach the door, he waits to see if he senses any evils beyond it before nodding at Jules and whispering

"Be ready to spring to action if something rushes us." He opens the door.

Dartan opens the door, and reveals a cold storage room. the room stores animal carcasses and other fresh meats in this room, but nothing else of interest.

(The party can take the meat if they want, added to the treasure)

Reya lowers her guard and shakes her head.

"Nothing here. Lets keep moving. But keep your guard up."

The party continues their marching order, with Jules leading the way - further down the hall.

The next door on the right, is cracked open, and Jules is able to peer inside. Inside is a dining room, Two wooden trestle tables with benches stand in the middle of the room, which is brightly lit by six tall wrought-iron candlesticks spaced along the walls. Each candlestick stands six feet high and has nine lit candles at the top of it.

The table is set, and you can hear some pots clanking and dinging behind a wooden door on the west wall.

(Party is currently at the red X)

What do you do?

5minutes pass

Time: 4:56 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Dinner Time

Bruno cocks his head to the side and listens to the pots clinking and clanging before shaking his head and whispers to the group.

“This dining room looks too big for the small number of servants we saw upstairs. I think it’s fair to say there’s a good number of other people down here. If Reya says she senses devils down here, it’s a good bet they’re not friendly either.” Bruno looks to the wooden door then back to the group. “It’s unlikely the box we’re looking for would be kept in the kitchen. We should move on and keep looking before we attract too much unwanted attention.”

"Ay. I'm with Bruno on this one. Let's not pick any fights we don't have to. WE'll be needin some kinda store room, maybe even a study I think." Bartok does glance around at the kitchen as he speaks, a bit distracted. Rations and Water have gotten a bit bland for his taste, and a hot meal would be welcome. Discipline is a part of life in service though, and he tightens his belt a bit and looks ahead down the hall.

"Agreed. Let us carry on. We must be on our guard."

The rogue walks over to the candles and blows three out. Walks over to the wooden door and investigates for traps.

Suddenly as he is checking the door for traps, there door opens forcefully as a man dressed in a chefs outfit walks into the dining room holding a tray of some kind of meat. As the door opens, Jules must quickly jump out of the way (Acrobatics Check: 14+6 = 20) He executes a masterful backflip, and sticks his landing while simultaneously and instinctively drawing his blades. The man stops and stares at the unexpected Rogue, and then notices the rest of the party near the door.

"I... am sorry... I mean. wait, you aren't supposed to be here!"

The chef throws the tray of meat at Jules, and runs back into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Bruno hears some voices getting louder in the hallway - it sounds as if a group of people are walking through the tunnels and getting closer.

What do you do?

4 minutes pass

Time: 5:00 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

The Cake that ate the Pie.

Bruno curses quietly under his breath as the chef disappears back into the kitchen. Turning quickly to the rest of the group, Bruno’s eyes widen as the sound of voices and footsteps get closer.

"We have company approaching" whispers Reya as she listens in the hallway, then shuts the dining room door.

“If they raise the alarm … it … well I don’t know what would happen, but it can’t be good.”

(Sighs). "I don't like it, but you're right. We must make sure they don't raise the alarm."

Dartan takes a deep breath and kicks in the door. As he bursts through he says,

"Your master is dead. Unless you wish to join him as cooks in the nine hells, I would advise you to leave this place and never look back." Intimidation roll =21

As the half orc is sternly speaking, a meat cleaver flies right at him (Attack Roll: 20, CRITICAL HIT) planting itself in his right shoulder dealing 6 Points of damage! (this cancels the intimidation)

There are two chefs in the room, the one that threw the meat cleaver begins to noisily bang pots and pans.

"Stay back! The others will be here soon and then you will suffer!"

Both chefs are holding pots in one hand and a chefs knife in the other

Hippee casts Charm Person on a portly chef(Save roll: 18, success) but the spell does not have any effect.

“you there! Butter me a slice of bread and bring it here before you leave with your friends”

"Never! You can't have anything, and when the others arrive, we will carve you up and serve you to the devils!!"

"We don't have time for this. We will slay you and the others, you're only chance is to surrender now!!"

(Intimidation: 13)

The two chefs do not surrender.

Bartok and Jules hang back in the dining room, as Bruno, Dartan, Reya and Hippee are in the kitchen with the chefs.

What do you do?

3 minutes pass

Time: 5:03 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Chef Beat Down

Bruno flinches and takes a step back as the cleaver strikes Dartan. Almost reflexively, his gaze immediately turns to the cook that threw the cleaver and he flicks his wrist, casting Ray of Frost. The ray hits dealing 7 points of damage! The chef goes down, dying from the frost.

Hearing the pots and pans banging in the kitchen, Bartok swears,

"Bloody, bearded Balls! We gots ta do everything the hard way!" Bartok stays near the door to the side, out of a visible angle, mace at the ready.

"I hope they at least get a sammich for me..." He listens for anyone coming in the door and will aim low...(since that's his normal swing anyway).

"Suit yourself. " Dartan draws his sword and attacks the chef that threw the clever. Using the back of his sword hilt, he easily knocks the chef out.

Bartok doesn't have the chance to crack the chef in the kees before Dartan knocks him out.

Jules remains hidden in the shadows watching.

Reya stays near the kitchen door to make sure the group doesn't get the jump on the party as they subdue the chefs.

Hippee uses his sickle to join the beat down. He cuts the frozen chef a few times for good measure.

The chefs are ill-equipped to fight such a seasoned party, and within seconds, the party has knocked the other chef out, and subdues both chefs, by tying them up and making sure they are stable.

The whole battle takes seconds, but the group the party heard in the hallway can be heard coming near the door to the dining room.

"They are here" says Reya. "what's the plan?"

You are in the kitchen, and there is a door leading out of the kitchen back into the hallway.

The kitchen is uncomfortably warm and contains a pair of brightly burning cast-iron stoves with piles of wood next to them. Other furnishings include a wooden trestle table where food is prepared, as well as shelves lined with plates, mugs, pots, utensils, and jars of ingredients and spices.

your options are:

  1. Try and pose as chefs and hope the group coming into the dining room, is fooled.

  2. Hide and see what happens next

  3. Try and slip out of the kitchen when the group enters the dining room

  4. Other suggestions can also be considered


The party is in the Kitchen marked with the Red X.

The group that has been heard approaching is just outside the dining room and appear to be coming inside presumably for dinner, marked with the green star.

2 minutes pass

Time: 5:05 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh


Beads of sweat quickly form on Bruno’s brow as the uncomfortable heat of the kitchen and their current situation takes hold. Looking around the kitchen, Bruno grabs a bottle of cooking alcohol and uncorks it with his teeth. Rushing over to the unconscious cooks, he forces open their mouths and pours a good quantity of the alcohol in and forcing them to swallow. Spilling a bit of alcohol on their clothes, he looks to the group.

“We can prop them up in here as if they’ve been at the bottle or we can take them with us.” Bruno looks to Dartan. “Either way, we should move.”

Reya nods, "Good thinking, as soon as the group enters the dining room, slip out the door"

Jules and Dartan watch the dining room door through the kitchen, as Bruno, Reya and Bartok props the two chefs up against the stoves, and waits. Hippee runs around the kitchen tasting the food and finds some bread and eats it in front of one of the K.O'd chefs.

After another few seconds, the dining room door opens and the group of cultists enter the dining room.

They are laughing and talking about random things and they immediately notice the tables are not set with food. "Someone go check on those lazy chefs. I want my dinner!"

As soon as the group enters the dining room, the party quietly slips back into the hallway and closes the kitchen door behind them...

You are now in the hallway again --you can hear the voices of the group in the dining room.

Party - Red X

Enemy Group - Green Star

What do you do?

2 minutes pass

Time: 5:07 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

The Sneak Out

As the party steps out in the hall Bartok checks both directions and quietly whispers to the party.

“better make this quick lads. Seems we’re a long way from getting clear of this house. Let’s find the box and get out of here.“. Bartok moves west down the hallway to the next passage, mace at the ready.

"Agreed. Let's try to bar the doors so they don't come up behind us"

Dartan finds something in the kitchen to bar the door.

The rogue holds his position from the shadows (moving if needed for visual) and takes a good look at each of the newcomers in turn. He attempts to assess potential dangers from those in the group. (Investigation rolled)

In the group, the rogue sees 6 humans, 2 female and 4 males, dressed in black robes. Two of the humans are wearing masks that are in the form of a devils face. The rogue isn't able to determine the threat of these cultists, but they all carry scimitars attached to their robes. The rogue watches them for a few seconds before closing the kitchen and moving out in the hallway with the party before Dartan closes and bars the outside door.

Hippee proudly and quietly eats a slice of bread in the doorway while wondering if he has enough time to grab some of the alcohol and watching the rogue blend in to the shadows.

Bruno holds his breath and crosses his fingers as he walks through the kitchen doorway into the hall. Placing his hand on the dwarfs shoulder, he follows him down the corridor to the west.

Hippee places his hand on the back of Bruno’s calf.

The party bars the door, as they exit back into the hallway.

From the hallway - you can hear the group in the dining room with raised voices. From this position in the hallway, there is a large set of double iron doors on the south wall near the doors to the dining room, and then west there is the hallway extending off into the distance, but also some more doors and another passage not far from you.

Please determine where you are going next: (Party is on red X)

  1. The large double iron doors on the south wall (Purple Star)

  2. Head east back the way you came (No Star)

  3. Continue heading west, and investigate the passage that breaks off to the south (Orange Star)

  4. Continue east past the passage that breaks off to the south. (Blue Star)

  5. Sneak back into the dining room and engage the cultists. (Green Star)

What do you do?

2 minutes pass

Time: 5:09 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

the Doors

"The passage south SHOULD lead back to where we came in, but who knows what labyrinthine horrors this place holds. Its likely the iron doors go that way as well. Double doors...and iron. Theres something foul in there to be sure. Let's clear that room before turning our backs to it."

Reya nods at Dartan affirming his leadership and positions herself next to the double iron doors.

“Black robes, devil masks, and sharp blades. I think it’s safe to say anyone we run into down here will mean us harm.” Bruno glances to the double iron doors and winces. “I’m not a fan of finding out what’s in there with this group of … cultists? Guards? Whatever they are potentially at our back. Jules saw 6 of them and there are…” *Bruno silently counts* “…six of us. Perhaps it would be easier to sneak around here if we took their robes and masks?”

"Perhaps, Wizard. Although I would prefer to just get the box and get out of this cellar as fast as possible. The less fighting the better."

After having a look at the cultists, the rogue moves to the large iron doors and searches for traps (Investigation Roll: 8)

The rogue does not find any obvious traps, but as the party stands near the double doors, they can hear at least a half dozen humanoid voices chanting in Infernal.

Reya whispers, "they are singing praise heaped upon the archdevil Zariel for her tireless effort to win the Blood War." She looks concerned. "They... worship Zariel, the angel turned Archdevil that went into the nine hells... I don't have time to get into the history, but this city is in grave danger if they are in league with Zariel. that would explain the devils working for the Vanthampurs" Reya gets lost in thought then snaps back to the present.

"We need to get that box"

Do you open the door?

2 minutes pass

Time: 5:09 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Welcome to the Jungle

"This unchecked aggression cannot stand. We must end these sick individuals. On the count of three, we open the door. One. Two...."

"Whatever is on the other side of this door, don't stop until it's dead."

Reya draws her longsword and short sword and prepares to charge into the room as the Paladin reaches "three"

The rogue looks from the hellrider to the wizard and then the paladin,

“nobody said it wouldn’t be fun…” The rogue flips his short swords and winks at the paladin.

Bartok thinks to himself as he watches the Paladin's shoulder muscles hunch in preparation for a charge.

"Room full of cultists, devils, and dark magic?".... "Sounds about normal... " Bartok mutters out loud, "Six behind and a pack in front lads! If we be doin this, may want to lock the door behind us." To Bruno on the side, "Got any more of em Marbles? Cause I think we've all lost ours!" Bartok grins with a twinkle in his eye

Dartan pushes open the two double iron doors...

Two rows of tall wrought-iron candlesticks light this vaulted chamber, each one bearing nine flickering candles. A seven-foot-tall statue of an angel with white glowing eyes and a longsword stands atop a dais to the south. A six-foot-tall fiend bristling with spines stands west of the statue, glaring at eight black-robed cultists who kneel and chant in the middle of the room, their faces hidden behind golden devil masks. Nine tapestries depicting the layers of the Nine Hells adorn the walls.

As Dartan opens the door, Reya walks into the room, followed by the 7-foot tall half-orc who stands with sword drawn, behind her. bartok steps into the room next, his shield up and mace crackling in his hand and lastly the rogue, wizard and warlock fill in at the back.

"Devilspawn, your reakoning has come! Prepare to join your patron in the abyss!"

The devil looks at the new arrivals and after a brief second of confusion, says in a deep harmonic tone, speaking in Infernal

"Gru dta ukaiv mak see tov' an dak gah" Then to the party in common, "The master will see you in Hell!"

Roll for initiative

1 minute passes

Time: 5:10 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh


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Dartan Vilmon
Sep 09, 2022

"Nicely done, Bruno!"

Dartan maneuvers towards a cultist and Marks it before deftly striking the cultist. He moves back and into a defensive position near the wall.

"Falll back into the corner! They cannot flank us if they can't get to us!"


Sep 08, 2022

Hippee notices his Patron Graz’zt on one of the nearest tapestries “Hey I know that guy!”. He mimics Bruno’s defensive stance side by side with him and whispers “looks like we will have all the tooth picks we need when we slay this vile creature”


“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Sep 08, 2022

Bruno’s eyes open wide and his breath catches in his throat for a moment at the sight of the six foot tall fiend. Quickly gathering his wits, his mind starts to focus as he surveys the room. Planting his feet in a defensive stance, he addresses the group while keeping his focus on the danger in front of them. “Stay behind or side-by-side with Dartan. You don’t want to get caught up in this.”


Dartan Vilmon
Sep 08, 2022

Send the master our regards, for you will make it there before we do!

Take position behind me! I will be your shield!


Fizzbum Lilypad
Fizzbum Lilypad
Sep 08, 2022

Bartok thinks to himself as he watches the Paladin's shoulder muscles hunch in preparation for a charge. "Room full of cultists, devils, and dark magic?".... "Sounds about normal... " Bartok mutters out loud, "Six behind and a pack in front lads! If we be doin this, may want to lock the door behind us." To Bruno on the side, "Got any more of em Marbles? Cause I think we've all lost ours!" Bartok grins with a twinkle in his eye.

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