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Writer's pictureDungeon Master

The Treasure of the Cult

Updated: Jun 13, 2022

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As the party gathers and takes a moment to rest from the intense battle, the Rogue wanders off into the darkness toward the inner sanctum.

The party catches up with Kaido, and takes care of healing some of their wounds from the battle.

The rogue immediately wanders off after addressing the sorcerer.

The inner sanctum is quiet, and dark.

Dartan notices Nobody missing.

"I'll bet that rogue is off checking the area where we lost Vaaz. There seemed to be a dais or an audience hall of sorts there. Perhaps there is more information we can gather there. We all need a rest after that battle, but I'm not sure we can accomplish that here again. I have a feeling if we go back to Zodge with only his word, he will not be impressed. They know we're here now, so the guard will be heightened. If we leave, we don't know what sort of trap we will walk in to. If we stay down here and barricade the door again, they won't be able to surprise us from that direction. We should find Jules and see what he has found and bunker down in our previous hiding spot for a good long rest before venturing on. Zombies and fiends and ..... whatever Vaaz is be damned, With all of us together we are a force to be reckoned with!"

The party enters the inner sanctum and arrives at the area where the hell hounds were originally seen. they find the rogue in a small antechamber, A short flight of stairs climbs to a circular chamber with four padlocked wooden chests piled in the middle of it. When they arrive, the rogue is already looking around the room, checking for traps.

Each of the four chests has a large padlock. Jules does not detect any obvious traps, but is not sure if the chests may be more intricately rigged.

Chest #1 - Graffiti carved on the wooden chest, depicting a demon eating a human

Chest #2 - Graffiti carved on the wooden chest, depicting demons in sex acts with humans

Chest #3 - Graffiti carved on the wooden chest, depicting a necromancer raising some undead

Chest #4 - Graffiti carved on the wooden chest, depicting the city of Baldur's Gate, with chains around it, and a demon holding it in his hand.

The room is dark, but on the north set of stairs leading out of the main room - you see a soft flicker of light coming from a chamber at the top of the stairs.

What will you do next?

30 minutes pass

Time: 6:08 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

Booty and Loot

snags the keys from the wizard and hands them to the paladin with a wink. speaking low,

"nobody knows. However, the flame is drawing the moth."

**the rogue heads for the flickering light and slips into the shadows**

Seeing the rogue start to slink into the shadows, a stab of fear grips Bruno. Gesturing quickly, he casts Message towards the rogue.

"Jules! We have no way of knowing what's down there. Give us a second to regroup and I can scout ahead with Walter. We can't afford you getting hurt by dashing off ahead! You may reply to this message."

The rogue responds, "Nobody can afford Walter getting hurt".

He continues up the stairs toward the flickering light.

To Nobody, "You confounded cur! Get back here and let me know if you found any traps!"

realizing that Jack is not intending to return, dartan signs and turns to Bruno.

"Bruno, how about we look for a scroll of hold person. When we get back to town?"

Dartan starts opening chests, starting with #2

He is quickly able to find a key off Yignath's keychain, that fits the lock and her turns the key in the lock and removes the padlock.

The chest lid creaks open, revealing sparkling treasure inside.

CHEST #2 - contains over a thousand silver pieces, and some gemstones scattered inside. It will take some time to count all the coins and gems.

(Treasure Added to treasure & Loot page, claiming this treasure will require 10 additional minutes)

-----------------------------------------JULES ONLY----------------------------------------------

Meanwile.... Jules reaches the steps and heads up the stairs into the lit area. (The rest of the party does not see this part)

Burned torch stubs litter the floor of this hall, the western end of which is occupied by three six-foot-tall, painted statues. Each statue stands atop a two-foot-high block of red stone, making it look taller and foreboding.

CENTER STATUE: The center statue resembles a heavily armored man whose face is hidden behind the fearsome visor of his helmet. He's painted red except for his right gauntlet, which is black. Clutched in this gauntlet is a blood-red spear, pointed upward.

NORTH STATUE: The statue to the north depicts a purple-garbed male noble wearing a harlequin mask and holding a dagger behind his back.

SOUTH STATUE: The statue to the south portrays a black-robed skeleton with its jaw opened wide and its bony hands outstretched.

Between the statues, bound by large ropes is a large unarmored human brute with a scarred face, a large bloody greatclub is leaning on the wall near the north statue. The bound man with the scarred face appears to be unconscious and has some fresh wounds on his body as though he has been very recently beaten.

There are 4 other corpses lying on the floor in the room with the statues, all with their skulls caved in.

On the far eastern wall, there is a curtain hanging in front of a doorway.

What does the party do next?

What does Jules-Jack-Nobody do next?

10 minutes pass

Time: 6:18 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

The Curse of the Cult Treasure

Dartan begins to opens the rest of the chests.

He unlocks chest number one and lifts the lid, as the lid opens there is a "click" sound followed by a hiss. a cloud of gas is expelled from a small hole near the padlock, Dartan realizes it too late (Con Save Throw: 3 + 1 = 4), and suddenly begins to feel off. It doesn't take long before the effects of the toxin begin to take effect. Dartan begins to vomit uncontrollably, and blood starts to pool in his eyes and ears, he starts to convulse. Dartan is affected by a strong and deadly toxin - his Hit Points immediately drop to zero, and he begins to die.

Meanwhile the gas cloud continues to expand past Dartan as it begins to fill the chamber. Bruno, Bartok, Kova and Kaido only have seconds to decide what to do to get out of the way of the rapidly expanding cloud as dartan's body remains collapsed at the chest.

"That gas! quick, run!" - Kova runs out of the chamber back into the mucky flooded room.

Dartan falls to the ground unconscious, affected by Devils Poison.

What do you do?

Jules, meanwhile is unaware of what is transpiring and is still in the statue room.

1 minute passes

Time: 6:19 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

The Son

Bruno’s eyes go wide as the gas cloud envelops Dartan and the half-orc drops to the floor, motionless. Pressing the wool covering tightly over his face, he scrambles away from the gas cloud back toward the mucky, flooded room along with Kova.

“Dartan! No!” Once he is sure he is out of the range of the gas, Bruno quickly gestures towards where the rogue disappeared and casts Message.

“Jules! Dartan triggered a gas trap on one of the chests and collapsed! The gas is still in the room so be careful! You may reply to this message.”

Wheeling to face Kova, Bruno questions the scholar, his eyes wide in panic.

“You recognized that gas! What does it do and how do we cure it?!”

Kova thinks for a second...

"I think it's a toxin called Devils Poison. There are powerful demons in the nine hells, and many of them have toxic stings. I would expect he would be dead in minutes without an anti-toxin. Although, I have never studied the effect of the toxin on races other than Human, so hopefully he can resist the effects long enough for us to provide him aid"


Meanwhile, Jules takes out his waterskin and squirts the unconscious man in the face. the man startles awake, and shakes his head.

"Wha...where... Vaaz? No, you're not one of them. Who are you? "

the man struggles against the bonds, but it's no use, he can't break the ropes.


Yellow Bolt = Rogue

Blue Circle = Bound man

3 minutes passes

Time: 6:22 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

The Son II

To the brute,

"greetings big man, there's a situation brewing next door and if you get cut loose are you going to be able to agree to not go on a rampage?"

"I won't go on any rampage. I was betrayed. These assassins conspired with my brothers to kill me. If you hadn't come along, I'd be dead. I owe you my life. I can help you escape this place"

*the Rogue is unsure whether the brute is telling the truth or not**

The rogue shrugs pulls a dagger and cuts the brute’s left hand free,

“nobody has seen nothing but death and betrayal down here.”

The rogue hands the dagger to brute to continue to free himself, spins on his heal and walks out of the chamber back towards the party. Over his shoulder to the big man,

“come meet Walter when you have a moment.”

Jules heads back toward the south room, to see what is going on with Dartan, the Brute grabs the greatclub and follows the Rogue over to where the others are.

By the time the Rogue returns, the gas has dissipated and Bruno, Kaido and Bartok are standing over Dartan they don't even notice the brute holding a giant Greatclub, following the rogue.

Kova is feeling for a pulse, and nods at Bartok.

"He seems stable, but we need to get him an antidote quickly. He should already be dead. He is a sturdy chap, that's for certain, He must have the favor of his god to still be breathing"

*looking at the situation with confusion*

"How did you all get down here? where are the hell hounds? where is Vaaz? "

4 minutes passes

Time: 6:26 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

The Vanthampurs

As the gas dissipates, Bruno rushes over to the motionless form of Dartan. Quickly fishing through his pack, he pulls out a small red vial. With a bit of effort, he manages to roll the paladin over and unstoppers the healing potion. Hurriedly forcing the potion down the paladin's throat, Bruno starts muttering under his breath.

"C'mon you big son of a bitch!" (Bruno grants his inspiration to Dartan for his saving throw)

Distracted with trying to revive Dartan, Bruno doesn't register the rogue or the hulking brute behind him for several seconds. Finally looking up towards the rogue, Bruno's eyes open wide with alarm.

"Savras's balls! Jules, behind you!"

Casually to the wizard,

"nobody panic. He's just here to meet Walter."

the rogue starts grinning and scratches his chin as he Walks over to the paladin on the floor,

"What have you done now, Sir Rug? Nobody said there were no traps."

Bruno slowly stands and looks from Jules to the brute warily. Cocking his head to the side and a look of "I have no idea what's going on, but I'm going to go with it" on his face, Bruno summons Walter to his shoulder. The grey rat stands and waves a pink paw towards the brute.

Gripping the lantern tightly, Bruno shifts his weight into a more defensive stance (readying the dodge action if the brute attacks). Bruno raises the lantern up to try and get a better look at the brute.

"Yeah, so...uh...this is Walter. Who are you exactly and what are you doing down here? As for the hellhounds ... Walter killed them."

The brute stares at Bruno, in disbelief.

"I am Mortlock. Mortlock Vanthampur. If you all have made it this far, that must mean you have destroyed most of the heads of the Cult of the Dead three. My family is paying the Dead Three cultists to murder people in the city to prove that the Flaming Fist can't do its job. Once the city stops paying them, the Flaming Fist will have less of a reason to stay in Baldur's Gate. With them gone, no one can stand in the way of my mother becoming the city's next grand duke. I cant be a part of that anymore, and I think my brothers tried to have me killed by the cult. I was being prepared for execution, and knocked out. When I came to, this rogue here was spraying me in the face, and then cut me loose. When my mother learns what has happened here, none of you will be safe in Baldur's gate. She will see that you are never found again"

10 minutes passes

Time: 6:36 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

A paladin, in need.

looking down at the paladin mumbling,

"Walter safe, check. Monologuing exposition, check. Paladin, dying of poison, tracks..."

The rogue kneels down beside the paladin and holds the paladin's nose until his mouth pops open. A vial of blue liquid appears in the rogue's hand, he pulls the cork with his teeth and dumps the blue liquid down the paladin's gullet.

The rogue stands, "yup."

moves over to the unopened chests and starts checking for traps.

Jules takes a minute to search the remaining two chests, (perception roll: 20 + 2 = 22) He finds that the third chest, is also rigged with some sort of spray trap. Rigged to go off as soon as the lid opens.

The Rogue feels like he can disarm this one - however there is a risk of setting it off even with attempting to disarm. Make a Sleight of Hand check, with advantage vs DC 12 to disarm this trap - if you fail, you will set it off and I'll call for a Dexterity check.

As the rogue is checking for traps, the Blue potion kicks in, and the Paladin regains consciousness. The Healing potion that Bruno gave to him, restored him to 10 hit points. the Effects of the poison leave the Paladin's body - however the poison was strong, and until the Paladin takes a long rest, he will suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks.

8 minutes passes

Time: 6:44 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

A conspiracy revealed

Bruno visibly exhales as Dartan sits up and regains consciousness. Turning his attention to Mortlock, he looks the brute up and down, not relaxing his defensive posture (Bruno makes an insight check to try and see if he’s telling the truth: 1+3=4).

“Let’s assume you’re telling the truth. Why would your brothers be trying to kill you?”

Jules gets out some tools and tinkers with the chest as he whistles. there is an audible "click" (trap disarmed) and jules puts his tools away and opens the trunk and begins looking through the loot. Inside chest #3 is thousands of copper and silver coins, and a delicate dragon mask.

"The Dead Three cultists receive regular payments from my brother, Amrik, who runs his own moneylending business out of a tavern called the Low Lantern. My mother doesn't expect much of me, but she thinks the world of Amrik. He's always been her favorite. My oldest brother, Thurstwell, uses imps as spies throughout the city. He has the bathhouse under surveillance and knows you're here. He's very sickly and seldom leaves our mother's estate. He must have told Vaaz to kill me as soon as I came down here, he told me that the Flaming Fist had sent a group down here, but he assured me the cult had taken care of it... I see they underestimated you all. I have always suspected that my brothers would eventually try and off me if they ever had a chance."

As Mortlock is talking to Bruno, Dartan bolts upright with panic in his eyes.

"It's a trap! Poison! Get back!.....What... what are you all doing? Why am I on the ground?"

Dartan sees the brute and ejaculates,


while trying to draw his sword. His body is too weak to complete the motion and his arm flops down to his side useless. He notices the taste of blood in his mouth and sees the drying blood on his clothes and realizes it's his.


Bruno keeps his attention focused on Mortlock, his posture still defensive and tense.

"Long story short, Dartan. Chest was trapped and you sucked down a lot of gas. Jules and I popped a couple of potions into you to bring you back and..."

Bruno hears the click of the trap being disarmed behind him as Jules works his magic. Startled out of his wits, Bruno jumps and whirls around in the rogue's direction.

"Nine hells, Jules! A little notice would have been nice! I had my mouth open and everything."

Bruno clutches his chest and seems on the verge of hyperventilating.

"I just can't with this place any more."

Composing himself slightly, he turns back to Mortlock.

"OK, Mortlock. Your brothers tried to have you killed. Looks like they failed. You're welcome. Your mother is trying to undermine the Flaming Fist in order to become the next archduke. Well, we just happen to be here under the jurisdiction of the Flaming Fist. Yignoth and Flennis are dead and Vaaz is on the run. You said you couldn't be a part of this anymore. Fine. Help us get out of here and get back to the Fist to report what we learned down here. With you and Kova's testimonies, the Fist and other dukes will be able to take action against your family. I can't think of a better payback for them trying to have you killed."

Bruno takes several deep breaths and stands fully upright.

"You say once your mother learns about what happened here none of us will be safe? Since when have any of us been safe? Our lives have been an absolute shitshow since we stepped foot through the gate. I don't know if you've noticed, but most of the city is pretty damn awful. I thought we were going to die several times just in the past few days. And that was even before we got down here! Hell, Dartan just about died a minute ago. If what we're doing here can buy just some semblance of peace and safety for some defenseless and scared folks then it will have been worth it. Help us stop your family."

Mortlock, listens to the wizard wax eloquently as he watches the rogue open the last chest and rummage through it. The fourth chest was not trapped, and it contains a single black crown,

"With yignath and Flennis dead, the cult is crippled, but not destroyed. Vaaz will regroup and come after you with a vengance. I will help you kill my Brothers. I have never liked them. But I don't think my mother would have been in on their plot to kill me. I can't stand by and watch my mother destroy this city, and I won't see her come to any harm, so as soon as we kill my brothers, I am leaving this city forever, and heading up north to start a life away from the corruption of this gods forsaken place."

Looks at the pile of treasure as the rogue rummages.

"I heard my brothers mention something about this belonging to some dragon-god named Tiamat, and that it was stolen by devils. I'm not the most intelligent man in the room, but I have always had a bad feeling about taking a demi-gods treasure. that's all I'll say about that"

Mortlock spits on the ground and rubs it into the stone with his foot.

15 minutes passes

Time: 6:59 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

The Three Statues

Bruno nods slowly at Mortlock.

"Fair enough. I'm sure once the Fist hear about what your brothers and the cult have been up to, they'll have no issue risking our necks again to go deal with them."

Pauses a second, then continues,

"Since your family was so close with these cultists, any other tricks, traps, or surprises we should know about down here?"

"I don't know of any other traps. I don't come down here unless I'm told you check on the cult, or deliver supplies. We should get to the surface, If Vaaz escaped, you can bet he is going straight to Amrik."

Bartok stares at all the treasure in fascination and then Seems to come to a resolution.

“Lads, we’ve earned our fair share of this treasure. But this was stolen from someone, and likely not peacefully. May be many a needy family needing This back. Besides that, there’s a dragon god keeping an eye on it. I say we take a bit for our troubles and get the rest back to the people that need it. This city could do with some charity..“

Upon hearing the treasure had been stolen by devils from Tiamat, Bruno frowns and sighs heavily.

"You can't throw a stone in this city without hitting some god, demigod, murder cult, evil worshippers, or fanatical evangelists! I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel I've made enough enemies today. We should take the treasure so it doesn't remain down here where the cult could get it back, but I don't think we should keep it either."

Bruno pulls his spellbook from his pack and begins thumbing through his spellbook and begins the ritual casting of Detect Magic.

To nobody in particular,

"Walter, you combine all the loot into one chest, make sure to keep the right key, and don't you dare try on that crown."

**The rogue takes another swig from the water skin and wanders back toward the statue; once at the statues the rogue carefully examines them more closely and the tapestry on the wall.**

Jules inspects the statues, but they seem to just be statues. They are poorly constructed, and are obviously not original to the dungeon. The Red spear is real, and can be taken out of the statues hand.

As soon as Bruno's Detect Magic spell is finished he checks the loot for magic.

The Black Crown does glow grey, indicating Divination magic is present

The Fire breathing potions glow green, indicating enchantment magic is present.

The rest of the treasure does not glow.

Bruno moves to the statue room and notices that the only statue that is glowing is the Statue of the skeleton with his jaw open, that statue has a black glow, indicating there is necromancy magic present.

Walter meanwhile, finishes consolidatng all the treasure into one of the chests. The single chest contains the following:

* 6,900 copper pieces - 138 lbs

* 1,750 Silver pieces - 35 lbs

* 10 Eye Agate Gemstones - 1 lb

* Delicate Dragon mask - 1 lb

* Black Crown - 1 lb

* 2 Potions of Fire Breathing - 1 lb

* Chest - 25 lbs

Total Weight: 202 lbs

15 minutes passes

Time: 7:14 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

Storage Room

Bruno completes the ritual and his eyes flash yellow for a moment before he starts to look around. Bruno's eyes scan across the black crown and he does a doubletake before shaking his head and continuing to survey the room. As he gazes towards the skeletal statue, he winces as he detects traces of necromantic magic. Holding his breath, he knocks on his quarterstaff three times.

"Careful with that one, Jules. It's radiating necromantic magic. Best not get too close."

Looking at the giant pile of coins, gems, and loot in the one chest, Bruno frowns slightly.

"Er... nice job Walter, but that one looks a bit too heavy now. We should probably split it up between two chests to make it easier to carry. Kova, is that something you could help with?"

"Will do"

Kova and Walter start moving treasure to two chests.

Bruno smiles warmly at Walter and turns back to the rest of the group.

"I agree with the brute. The sooner we get out of here, the better. I'll see if I can find us a way out."

Bruno walks to Bartok and places a hand on the dwarf's shoulder. Transferring his awareness to Walter, he directs the rat to scout out the areas to the east.

Walter scurries past the curtain hanging over the doorway and enters another chamber. It's a modest sized storage room with 9 open wood crates.

Six of the crates are empty, but Walter sees in three of them, various items.

Without going in and counting it all up, there is:

* Rations (half dozen or more)

* a couple of flasks and vials and potion bottles

* a pile of daggers

* some gear (tinderbox and manacles and caltrops)

The party is in the room marked with a red X, walter explored the room to the east behind the curtain that has 9 open wood crates.

15 minutes passes

Time: 7:29 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

The Way Out

Bruno’s eyes flash back to normal as he returns his consciousness to his body. As the treasure chests are organized and lifted, Bruno holds his breath, crosses his fingers and quickly walks past the statues while avoiding looking at them directly. Moving the curtain carefully aside with the tip of his quarterstaff, he walks into the storage room. Gesturing back towards Jules, Bruno casts Message.

“Hey Jules, there’s a few things in here that might be of interest. We should grab whatever looks useful or valuable and keep moving. You may reply to this message.“

**The rogue shrugs and goes into the storage room making a careful search of the room, crates and contents keeping an eye for traps and secrets**

The storage room is a basic cellar type room, as walter saw, most of the crates are empty and there are a few items that are available.

Jules finds no traps, or anything else after a careful search.

The party gathers up all the items and prepares to head out of the dungeon.

The following has been added to the treasure:

- Two Chests each with half of Tiamats Treasure

- Bag of Caltrops (20)

- Three flasks of thick brown oil

- Six sets of Manacles

- Four Tinderboxes

- Nine Daggers

- Four Potions of Healing

Mortlock tells you about the exits,

"The best way for us to leave would be through the east stair. It's a secret staircase leading up into an old abandoned building my family owns."

He shows you on the map. the exit is marked with the yellow up arrow.

The party must decide now if you are leaving up the stairs mentioned by Mortlock, or if you are going to do something else.

20 minutes passes

Time: 7:49 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

Topside at last

"Yes, let's go out that way. I believe that is where vaaz ran to when he vanished. We must be on our guard. I have an idea. I propose we set up a ruse just in case someone spots us. I shall put on the breastplate I took to disguise myself as one of these cultists. You all can fake being locked in manacles while we carry the treasure out. If anyone asks, you're my prisoners and moving the chests on vaaz's orders."

Bartok looks at Dartan.

"That just might do the trick. Though ya start calling me Chewy or a walkin carpet we're gonna have some words."

BArtok eyes the healing potions.

"might be best we share those around, just in case, to the worst of us. WE can always buy more once we get topside. I'd rather not step on a trap, or turn a corner on some more zombies with us at less than healthy. I can pray to me goddess all ya want at the moment but there's naught in me but a whisper when it comes to healin."

Bruno's head whips towards the direction of the hidden stair as Mortlock mentions a way out. Quickly pocketing a few items that look potentially useful, Bruno joins the group as they start walking towards the east stairs.

"I'm all for getting us out of here as quickly as possible, but we should be careful Vaaz didn't activate any traps on his way out. I can scout ahead with Walter while Jules makes sure Vaaz didn't leave any surprises for us. If the way looks clear, we can head up using Dartan's manacle idea. Thoughts?"

Bruno pauses and looks at Walter sitting on his shoulder. He takes a moment to scritch the grey rat behind the ears.

"We're almost out of here, little friend. Just a bit further to go."

The party heads to the stairs, after walter scouts the room out there doesn't seem to be anything out of place. The party gathers up the treasure and heads out the way Mortlock advised them.

It doesn't take too long to lift and carry the heavy treasure through the flooded tunnels and up to the secret staircase - with no sign of any cult members, the party heads up the old stone staircase and ends up in an old empty building.

As you emerge from the darkess, you reach the surface as twilight sets in over the city. The night life in Baldur's gate is beginning to boom as the taverns are filling up with more and more patrons around the city.

The fresh air fills your lungs and you look around at each other, covered in filth and grime, reeking of sewage, armor splattered with blood and bits of rotting flesh from your battle with the undead.

Mortlock opens the door and peers out into the alley, nervously.

"The coast looks clear, we shouldn't linger here long"

The party is in an abandoned building in Baldur's Gate, There are several taverns closeby, including Elfsong and Mourning Wood taverns.

Please decide where the party will head next, and please claim any additional treasure - any unclaimed treasure will be removed at my next post.

* return to Elfsong

* return to Mourning Wood

* Find a different Tavern

* Go to the Low Lantern now to confront Amrik

* Find another place to lay low.

30 minutes passes

Time: 8:19 PM

Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

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“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Jun 13, 2022

Bruno looks out after the rogue as he disappears into the shadows. Nodding eagerly after the rogue, Bruno reaffixes the wool wrap around his face.

"Well, that works too."

Bruno tucks the badge into his clothes so it can't be easily seen but can be displayed quickly if needed. Bruno directs Walter to hang upside down by his tail from his quarterstaff, playing dead. Stooping slightly, he tries to resemble one of the many sewer encrusted rat catchers around the city. Walter's little tongue lolls out of his head and the rat winks at the rest of the group before closing his eyes again.

"This is probably the best I can do to try and avoid attention. Hardly anyone wants…


Arkon Mace
Arkon Mace
Jun 13, 2022

"Nobody stays in the same place twice when being hunted. you need somewhere with a back stair and a discreet proprietor. go towards and past the elfSONg to the third tavern on the left. We'll find you there. Walter, keep them out of trouble."

**the rogue fades into the street and out of sight**


“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Jun 13, 2022

As the fresh air hits his face for the first time, Bruno stops a moment and takes a deep breath, smiling wide. He takes a moment to drop the manacles and affix the Flaming Fist badge to his clothing to try and deter any would be troublemakers. Before they head out into the street, Bruno looks to the group. “We’re likely to attract attention lugging those chests around. We should make sure our badges are easily visible so everyone knows we are on official Fist business.” Bruno peers through the doorway into the darkening street beyond. “As much as I’m sure Dartan would love to head back to Nectar, I think we should make for the Elfsong Tavern. We already know…


Fizzbum Lilypad
Fizzbum Lilypad
Jun 13, 2022

"In the meantime. Me shoulders still work! I'll take one side of these chests if ye'll take the other! Let's move out!"


Fizzbum Lilypad
Fizzbum Lilypad
Jun 13, 2022

Bartok looks at Dartan. "That just might do the trick. Though ya start calling me Chewy or a walkin carpet we're gonna have some words." BArtok eyes the healing potions. "might be best we share those around, just in case, to the worst of us. WE can always buy more once we get topside. I'd rather not step on a trap, or turn a corner on some more zombies with us at less than healthy. I can pray to me goddess all ya want at the moment but there's naught in me but a whisper when it comes to healin."

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