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The rogue looks at his companions with a nod and steps into the waiting boat. To the boatman with a growl in his tiefling throat,

“to the tower of Urm and quickly. We are on business for the most wicked Prince Graz’zt.” With a haughty air the rogue takes a seat in the vessel.
Reya boards the boat cautiously and takes a seat near the feet of the 12-foot tall boatman.
Hippee stands on the shore, and follows Reya onto the boat.
The boatman awaits payment before he will shove off. Reya hands the boatman some gold coins, and he takes them with a moan, and continues sailing down the river styx. The men that are on the boat make no comment, and just stare blankly.
The boat sails for over 3 hours. You see many strange creatures on the shores of the river as the time passes. Finally you see far off in the distance, a large tower. You assume this must be your destination. the closer you get, the more intimidating the tower becomes. Finally, the boatman gets as close as he can to the tower before bringing the boat to the bank.
After exiting the boat, you march toward the tower. the air here has a scent of iron and brimstone. You navigate through some strange floating bushes, that hover a foot or two from the ground, before finally reaching the bank of a large lake.
An iron tower rises atop an island on a lake of boiling blood. No windows penetrate the tower's walls, and its only visible door opens onto a high balcony. Red lightning crackles constantly between two horns of metal on the tower's roof.
There is a boat docked next to the tower on the island, but you see no way to reach it from your current position.

"Great, now what do we do? We can't swim across that lake, and even if we could. I wouldn't touch the waters here"
What do you do next?
You are beginning to feel tired - although in Avernus, there is no day and night, just a constant hot orange sky covered in cloud.
Time in Avernus: 9 hours, 15 minutes
MAP ADDED -- Your group is on the south land mass shore, the boat is 45-50 feet from you.

The Boiling Lake of Blood
The rogue smirks at the diminutive warlock’s joke,

“nobody will get us in the lake. Warlocks might swim in blood but not us. Hellrider, do we have any rope?" While waiting for a reply the rough starts walking around the lake looking for a spot on the edge that will bring the group closest to the boat without touching the "waters".

“Some rope would do us well, let’s get to a close enough spot, my mage hand can get close enough for an accurate throw”
Reya nods her head,

"I've got some rope." She pulls out some thin nylon rope, and fishes into her pack, and gets out a grappling hook and attaches it to the rope.
"Here goes nothin"
She throws her rope out as far as she can (Athletics check: 14) and the rope catches in the back of the boat. The only problem, the boat is tethered to the other bank by it's own rope.
"Well, if we can tie this side tight enough, one of you might be able to tight-rope walk across the lake. Don't look at me!", she scoffs.
Time in Avernus: 9 hours, 30 minutes
Walkin' the tight rope
“I’m still beat after my epic encounter with those Succubi..” Hippee grins “I think the nimble new body of our dear rogue would make it swiftly to the boat…what do you say Jack?”
The rogue takes the end of the rope from the Hellrider and looks across to the boat. The rogue pulls the rope taught as he ties it to the hilt of a short sword and drives it deep into the ground; then repeats the process with another sword and another and finally with the shards of a broken short sword. He directs the Hellrider to hold the first sword closest to the water and the Warlock to the next.

“Nobody do anything sudden and now matter what happens hold position until we reach the boat.” The rogue puts a test foot on the rope and, if satisfied it will hold, begins the walk across the rope with a sigh and a “yep”.
The rogue cautiously walks over the bubbling lake of blood (Athletics roll: 12), as he reaches the middle of the rope, it dips down almost to touch the "water" but Reya and Hippee pull extra hard to keep it taught.
Jack finally reaches the other side, and lands in the boat, almost falling several times. It was NOT an easy walk across the rope..

"Excellent footwork, Jack!", shouts Reya as she sees him safely land in the boat.
Once in the boat, Jack is able to untie it and row it back to shore to pick up Reya and Hippee.
You all gather at the base of the Tower of urm. There is no door on the ground level, and no windows. You see a door on a high balcony about 60 feet (give or take) up the side of the tower. The tower is polished black stone, and has no hand holds. Your rope is just a bit short to reach the 60 foot balcony.
There are four devil statues arranged in a group near the base of the tower, and each of the statues holds a Pitchfork.
The Pitchforks can be removed from the statues' hands. In addition, one of the Devil statues is pointing up toward the balcony.
What do you do?
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 0 minutes
Entering the Tower of Urm
Hippee gazes up at the ebony tower, then to the statues and their spears. “There’s gotta a be a door somewhere…or perhaps we could…Reya please remove two of these tridents and throw them as powerfully and tightly together towards the balcony above this fine chap pointing to the heavens.”
Reya looks up at the balcony. "That's a long way up. I don't think I'll be able to get these pitchforks to stick."
Reya grabs a pitchfork and throws it at the stone tower. but despite her efforts, the pitchforks do not stick into the side of the tower. They just bounce off, barely making a scratch
Hippee watches as the Hellrider throws two of the spears 20ft down from the balcony in to the tower. “Well, if you were stronger, it might have worked.”, says Hippee confidently.
Suddenly, upon the balcony, a robed human appears. He looks down on the three of you and speaks in a haughty tone.

"I am afraid I must ask you not to touch the decorations. Those four bothered my decorations and I made them permanent fixtures. Would you care to have the same fate?"
The wizard lifts his hand and it begins to glow with a greenish blue aura.
"Why are you here?", he says.
Reya looks at Hippee and Jack, and then steps forward,

"We are stranded and lost in Avernus, and have heard that you may possess the power to return us to the Material plane. Can you help us? We have things to trade."
She then mutters to Jack and Hippee under her breath,
"He looks human... he may be able to help us get out of here for a price."
The wizard smiles, "Trade you say? Please, come in!"
He mutters a few magic words and a door appears at the base of the tower.
What do you do?
- Speak to the wizard
- Enter the tower through the door that appeared
- do something else?
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 15 minutes.
The Mad Wizard Mordenkainen
Hippee gives a gracious bow to the Wizard

“We are grateful for such a warm welcome” Hippee enters the tower through the newly formed door with a deep breath. The diminutive warlock clears his head and keeps a keen on anything dangerous and for any soul stones that may be near.
The rogue’s eyes narrow as he scratches his chin and mumbles,

“nobody trades in naught but souls in this place…”, glancing at the Hellrider’s back, “and we have but one more throw in the sheath…” with a shake of his head the rogue walks up to the tower and through the door.

"Be cautious. Wizards in Avernus either serve powerful demons -- or they are insane. This one could go either way", scoffs Reya as she draws her blades and enters the tower.
As you enter the cold stone tower, you immediately feel a sense of energy come over you as you pass through the doorway.
You find yourself in a modest entryway, adorned with long ceiling to floor tapestries, sculptures of devils and demons, and a stairway leading up to the upper floors of the tower.
A massive Iron Golem stands at the base of the stairs, it's eyes glowing red.
As you take in your surroundings, a voice echoes from a platform above.

"You aren't assassins of Zariel are you?" Laughs the voice, "Seems like only Zariel's assassins come pay me a visit these days. It does get lonely, but that's the price of researching Avernus". The wizard laughs again.
As the voice echoes in the hall, you see the wizard appear on the landing at the top of the stairs behind the golem. It looks just like the wizard that hailed you from the balcony. you then begin to notice that all the magical items and equipment on your person begins to glow.
The wizard walks down the stairs and stands in front of the Golem.
"This is Gomer." nodding toward the golem, "He will ensure that if you are assassins, you will fail." The wizards eyes narrow as he scans each of you up anTressd down. As he gazes at you, he seems to be determining what you are carrying and judging you. After a moment, he looks disappointed and then mutters,
"Useless junk....Well, get on with it - I am a Mordenkainen, Lord of this tower. Why have you come?"
The wizard taps his foot and folds his arms.
What do you say?
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 30 minutes.
What do you have?
Hippee is immediately struck with a curious intrigue of his newfound Hosts reaction to the party. Hippee gazes at the glowing items of his and his comrades as the curious Wizard gives his rebuke and drops his jaw in facetious utter shock.

“Really? Useless? Even this fine feline statue?” Hippee holds up the item towards the Wizard who is uninterested.
“Studying Avernus you say, an interesting endeavor I say. We are no friends or followers of that wretch Zariel and we come with no ill intentions to yourself or Gomer. Seems we both have a common annoyance in Zariel. We seek soul coins, and Zariels Generals are said to hold them. Perhaps you and yours could benefit from me and mines task. Our mission will definitely distract from your studies, perhaps with a little help to me and my friends we could agitate Zariels people enough to take the limelight off you while you work…”
As Hippee holds up the statue of the cat, Mordenkainen looks at the feline statue with intrigue.

"A Tressym figurine. Very interesting. I happen to collect strange and rare figurines. May I?" he says as he holds his hand out toward Hippee
The wizard examines the cat figure for a moment and feels the material, then snaps his fingers a few times and then licks the kitty, and hands the figure back to Hippee.
"I am interested in your Tressym figure. Do you know that the metal it's made from comes from here in Avernus? That's right, it's Fel iron. No mistake about it. It is a magical artifact that does not radiate magic! Brilliant! I must study it. Would you be willing to part with it for a soul coin?", Mordenkainen pulls a shimmering gold coin about 3 inches in diameter and a quarter inch think from a pocket in his robe.
"I just happen to have one on me"
The wizard looks intently at Hippee and his Tressym figure while he awaits a response.
Reya looks suspiciously at the Wizard and then to Hippee while she waits for him to respond to the wizard.
What do you say?
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 35 minutes
Six soul coins?
Hippee looks at his statue and gives it a hesitant lick as well

“Fel iron…perhaps I should lick more things…We seek 6 soul coins, surely a wizard of your caliber so quick to trade one has more.” Hippee pulls out a jeweled hairbrush and a Pearl necklace in each hand and licks them both “I don’t think it’s fel iron but you have amazing hair and Gomer would look great in a Pearl necklace”
Mordenkainen looks at the Gnome with surprise, as Hippee makes the Hair comment.... then slowly an amused grin spreads across his cheeks.

"Amazing hair you say?" the wizard bursts into laughter. "Ahh gnomes. You know, I just realized that I may have killed more of your kind, than I have friends of your kind. But the ones I keep as friends, make me laugh"
Low to the warlock,

“nobody’s making deals that fast. We say 6 coins and return to Baldurs Gate once the debts are paid.”
Mordenkainen, still smirking at Hippee, slowly turns his attention to the Rogue. He walks up toward Jack, and gazes closely into his eyes, only about a foot or so from his face.

"You are not in your body. Are you.... Tiefling? " Mordenkainen sniffs the air.
With a much sterner look, he looks back at Hippee. "Soul coins are difficult to come by. I could just take the statue from you. I doubt either of you would give me any challenge."
Mordenkainen looks at you intently, the smile on his face fading.
What do you say?
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 40 minutes
The rogue stares into the eyes of the wizard,

“we have the body we have. The figurine for restoration of our old body, return to Baldurs Gate, and 3 soul coins.”
Hippee takes a deep gulp and stares back at the Wizard as the Rogue names new terms and breaks out in to a nervous dance to amuse Mordenkainen
Mordenkainen looks at Jack with a quizzical and perplexed look, and then smiles, and laughs as the rogue names the new terms.

"Negotiate with me? That is amusing." Mordenkainen turns his back to the rogue and walks back toward Gomer. He then pivots around on his heel and faces the party again.
"I don't want to help you." He says, in a matter of fact tone. "But, I do love games... don't you? " He laughs maniacally. As he laughs he produces two more soul coins and he lays them on the floor in front of Gomer.
He gestures with his hands and mutters a Telekensis spell, (Int check: 12+5 = 17, vs. STR check: 14, Hippee fails to hold the statue) and suddenly the Feline statue is ripped from Hippee's hands and it is flung toward Mordenkainen who grabs the statue.
"The game has commenced. Gomer, kill anyone that attempts to take the soul coins...." Turning back toward the party, "It was a pleasure meeting you. Enjoy your stay in Avernus" The wizard laughs as he begins to make his way back up the stairs.
The Iron Golem stares at the party, waiting for them to try and take the soul coins on the floor in front of it.
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 45 minutes

The rogue eyes the golem and the coins and in a flash makes a diving roll and snatches all three coins and run out the door to the boat.
Acrobatics Check: 17 + 6 = 23
The Rogue grabs the coins and as he does the golem springs into action, using a readied action to attack the rogue.
Attack Roll: 16 + 13 = 29

The Rogue is struck by the golems massive hands, he is crushed for 20 points of damage.
(Rogue HP: 34 - 20 = 14)
Reya and Hippee bolt toward the door of the tower, and all three of you escape the tower - but you hear the golem roar behind you and you hear the massive foot steps chasing you.
You reach the boat on the shore of the blood lake, as the golem crashes out of the tower and is still charging toward you.
-You can get on the boat and shove off. (Skill Challenge)
-You can turn and face the golem (roll initative)
-You can try and return the soil coins. (Diplomacy)
-You can try and ask Mordenkainen for mercy (Diplomacy)
What would you like to do?
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 50 minutes
Negotiating with a Madman
Hippee runs to the exit of the tower as the Wizards words echoed in his head.

“I didn’t attempt to take the soul coins…” he mutters and upon reaching the outside immediately side steps outside and plants his back against the wall of the tower. The angered golem charges out the tower towards the Rogue and Hippee dashes back in to the tower to have a word with the Wizard.
The rogue shows no signs of slowing as he exits the tower and runs to the boat immediately shoving off (unties the boat, if tied) and begins rowing with all he can muster to evade the pursuing golem.
Reya stops with Hippee as the Rogue runs to the boat, the golem crashing through the tower door chasing the Rogue.

"You crazy son of a Cackniff! " swears Reya as the golem continues following the Rogue.

Jack jumps into the boat and shoves off - the Golem pursues him into the water, swinging it's giant arms crushing the back of the dingy, causing massive damage. the boat begins to take on water.
Hippee enters the tower as the Wizard ascends the stairs and yells up to him

“Rogues will be rogues am I right?” And throws his hands up in a dramatic shrug “so…one soul coin for my lovely statue?…maybe?” Hippee smiles a big smile to the wizard.
Reya enters the tower behind the Gnome, giving support to Hippee. She whispers softly,

"I hope you know what you're doing, We might have done better against Gomer" shaking her head.
Mordenkainen stops at the top of stairs and turns around to face Hippee and Reya,

"It looks like Gomer will squish your nimble ally soon enough. I am afraid you will need to get your payment from the coins that your friend stole. Gomer will bring them back to me once he kills your rogue friend, and then I'll happily pay you what you're due."
Mordenkainen laughs.
what does Jack Do?
What does Hippee do next?
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 51 minutes
The Bloodworms and the Foot Corn
Hippee follows the Wizards lead and let’s out a hearty laugh and pretends to crush something under his heel

“While we wait, I’m curious, what studies bring someone so powerful to Avernus? Perhaps we could be of some assistance?”
Reya watches hippee address the wizard and winces, hoping Mordenkainen does not become offended...
The wizard smirks and then chuckles at the Gnome, ignoring the first part of his question and addressing the second,

"Assist me? Well sure, I could use your assistance with my laundry. Perhaps you could wash my soiled undergarments? Or perhaps you could make me a cup of tea? I am very thirsty. Oh, Better yet! Why don't you come file the corns off the bottoms of my feet"
Meanwhile, outside - the Rogue and the Golem face off.
As the dingy starts to sink in the lake of boiling blood, the rogue tries to find his footing

“Whoresons!” with a curse, the rogue continues rowing with all he has further into the lake hoping the golem can’t swim and the lake will deepen. As the boat sinks he springs toward the shore and swims for his miserable life.
( The rogue has 45 feet to the shore, he rows 10 feet before he has to jump out of the boat, landing 10 feet beyond the bow. He has 25 feet remaining to shore)
As he jumps into the lake of red, boiling blood, the temperature is very hot, but not hot enough to cause instant death - He swims as best he can in the strange fluid as the golem wades in deeper and deeper in pursuit. (The Rogue takes 7 points of heat damage over the first 10 feet of swimming (He has 15 feet to go). As you swim, the golem only pursues until the blood reaches it's neck and then it stops, however it is then you feel hundreds of tiny little worm like creatures that begin to burrow into your body as you swim in the foul, hot waters. As they burrow into your body, you feel intense pain as they begin to consume you. You take another 12 points of damage and become infected with flesh eating blood worms.
Rogue, Please make a CON check.
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 53 minutes
And so passes Jules-Jack-Nobody
The rogue tries to focus on the closest spot on the shore to activates his cloak to misty step to safety, but his body suddenly goes into massive convulsions as the bloodworms begin to pierce his muscle and burrow into his blood vessels. Jack takes a few jerky attempts at swimming as his body begins to seize up as more and more bloodworms enter through every place imaginable in his body and burrows a hole nearly a quarter inch in diameter. It's an excruciating way to go, and the last thing that gomer sees is Jack's hole ridden head finally sink below the red waters. You have died.
Meanwhile, in the tower.
Hippee conjures his Mage Hand and tosses it a waterskin and directs it above a pile of laundry.

“Gracious Host, if these are your biggest worries then please let us assist!” Hippee looks at Reya then back to the Wizard “Reya makes an amazing cup of tea, perhaps while my conjured hand does your laundry and I remedy your feet corn we can focus on perhaps other issues…now…do you have a file or shall I use my nails to scrape those pesky corns away”
Mordenkainen does not look amused....at first. But suddenly begins laughing in a somewhat maniacally way.

"You please me, Gnome. I do believe I may like you. Why do you want to leave Avernus? Why not stay here and entertain me? " Mordenkainen laughs lightly as he looks out a widow and then suddenly laughs again.
"Oh, I do believe your friend has passed. How wonderful. It appears that you may get your soul coin at last"
Reya shouts under her breath,

"You Son of a s...." Stopping her self as Mordenkainen looks at her somewhat lustfully.

"Oh... a woman that knows her place. You better watch that tongue. I may require it later." Mordenkainen looks at her creepily and then bursts into laughter again "I am joking! Don't look so serious, it doesn't suit you." With a bored eye roll, Mordenkainen starts to ascend the stairs going higher in the tower.
What do you do?
Time in Avernus: 10 hours, 58 minutes
Mordenkainen's Errand
Hippee follows along behind the Wizard up the stairs.

“While staying here with you and Gomer would be a treat, my Patron requires my service in the mortal plane. Perhaps when my service is complete I can come back. Surely you know a way out of Avernus that doesn’t involve deals with demons?”
Mordenkainen looks back at the gnome as you follow him up the stairs.

“I can send you anywhere! And you chose the burning Material Plane? Bah!! Why not see the horrors of the Abyss? Or visit the molten lava fields of Phlegethos? “ Mordenkainen smiles and then continues up the stairs. Reya holds her tongue… looking at Hippee and nudging him to continue negotiating. (Hippee please roll a Persuasion check)
(Result: 7+0 = 7) Result Irrelevant
Hippee continues behind the Mage

“Who wouldn’t want to see the horrors of the Abyss! I plan on retiring there when my service is completed. Lava Fields and I don’t mesh well, I’m pretty flammable. The Material Plane is where we desire to go, perhaps we could deliver a message for you or even bring you back anything you may require?”
Mordenkainen stops abruptly and places both his hands on your head and begins to utter some words in Infernal as his hands begin to glow blue. Hippee starts to gyrate wildly and is unable to break free as if the wizards hands were magnets and his head was iron. Reya draws her blades and prepares to strike but before she can, Modenkainen finishes speaking and releases Hippee.
Please make a Wisdom roll. (18 + 2 = 20) Failed Save
Hippee falls down on his butt and drools a little as he shakes his head in a slight daze. Hippee stands up and smiles.
Suddenly a green rune appears in the gnomes forehead and glows brightly then fades away.
Mordenkainen looks at Hippee and snaps his fingers a few times in front of his face. Hippee just smiles.

"Now, I have your attention I do have a task for you. There is a very powerful artifact that I desire, in the city of Baldur's Gate. A family by the name of Hhune, was the last to possess this shield. You will go to Baldur's gate and you will get this shield for me and then you will return it to me here in Avernus. " Mordenkainen then pulls a crystal out of his robe and hands it to Hippee. "This Crystal is a recall stone. When you have the shield, you will shatter this crystal and you will be instantly transported back to my tower here."
Hippee smiles and then speaks,

"Yes my lord, as you command"
Mordenkainen smiles, and says

"Good. Now I will planseshift you to Baldur's Gate." He looks at Reya and with a lustful grin, "Maybe you would stay here and keep me company?"
Reya scowls and snaps at the wizard,

"Not a chance. But I'll help this Gnome find this Shield for you. HE will need some assistance to be successful" Reya smiles fakely and bows slightly.
Mordenkainen scoffs and turns his back to Hippee and Reya.

"Very well, You will depart now. I will planeshift you to Baldur's Gate."
Mordenkainen begins chanting and a beam of energy begins to make a circle portal in front of Hippee and Reya. As the energy grows, a shimmer appears in the middle of the circle until finally coming into focus you see on the other side of the circular portal, a back alley of a city....

"Step through, and find me that shield!"

Hippee bows and then stands "Yes, my lord!" Hippee then runs directly into the portal. Reya doesn't think twice and she follows hippee through.
Mordenkainen laughs as the two depart and then closes the portal.
You are in a back alley of a street in Baldur's gate.
What do you do?
Hippee…seeing himself no longer in Hell and back to the material plane drops to his knees and weeps…then laughs uncontrollably and rolls on his side while addressing Reya “Why aren’t we dead…haha, how?! HOW!?” I’ll tell you how…ME! That Wizard was insane and dangerous. Thanks to my silk tongue we are back! Consider me your shield and you my sword. We make a great team Reya….your shield…” Hippee trails off in a bit of wonder before regaining his senses. “I don’t know about you but I need a bath, a drink and a meal” Hippee heads out the alley in search of an Inn.
Hippee continues behind the Mage “Who wouldn’t want to see the horrors of the Abyss! I plan on retiring there when my service is completed. Lava Fields and I don’t mesh well, I’m pretty flammable. The Material Plane is where we desire to go, perhaps we could deliver a message for you or even bring you back anything you may require?”
Hippee follows along behind the Wizard up the stairs. “While staying here with you and Gomer would be a treat, my Patron requires my service in the mortal plane. Perhaps when my service is complete I can come back. Surely you know a way out of Avernus that doesn’t involve deals with demons?”
Hippee conjures his Mage Hand and tosses it a waterskin and directs it above a pile of laundry. “Gracious Host, if these are your biggest worries then please let us assist!” Hippee looks at Reya then back to the Wizard “Reya makes an amazing cup of tea, perhaps while my conjured hand does your laundry and I remedy your feet corn we can focus on perhaps other issues…now…do you have a file or shall I use my nails to scrape those pesky corns away”
The rogue focuses on the closest spot on the shore and activates his cloak to misty step to safety.