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The Sewers of Elturel

Writer's picture: Dungeon MasterDungeon Master

Updated: May 20, 2023

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The Sewers of Elturel

Seeing the last of the ghouls fall, Dartan stows his weapons for a moment and goes to the corpse of the overlord, undoes his pants, and relieves himself on the dead body.

"Slavers are the worst of the most foul."

He reaches down and grabs one of the horns that broke off from its head and stows it in his pack muttering to himself.

Bruno breathes a deep sigh of relief as the last ghast falls. He places a hand on the shoulder of the mother and forces a smile for her two kids.

"Here, we should be OK for a moment. Do me a favor and watch Walter for me for a moment."

Bruno summons Walter, bends down, and places him gently in the palm of one of the children.

"Remember, be gentle with him and no loud noises, eh?"

Bruno stands and tries to put on a brave smile for the mom.

"I just need to talk with the group for a bit. Keep the kids close, and be ready to move if needed."

The children, still in shock from the devil and undead attack, slowly warm up to playing with Walter, and after a few minutes, they are distracted with the little rat, who stands on his hind legs and “performs” a little dance for them. Before long the children are giggling and talking about how he is the “smartest rat ever”

Walking over to the rest of group, Bruno winces at the myriad cuts, bruises, and other wounds they've suffered.

"How is everyone doing? I have a few heal potions left if someone needs one. I'm not sure we have time to rest." Bruno sighs heavily. "Even if we had time for a rest, my tiny hut won't fit everyone inside now."

Bruno glances over his shoulder at the now much larger group of refugees before looking back to the group. He tries to keep his voice low so they won't be able to overhear him.

"I don't know that going up on the roofs is an option any more now that we have more folks to try and keep alive. I fear they won't be able to move quickly enough if needed." Bruno pauses in thought. "Reya, you said you knew the way to the cathedral from here, but do you think you could guide us there from underneath in the sewers? I *really* don't want to get lost and turned around down there. It might be safer to stay on the streets where we know where we're going. What do you think?"

Reya scrunches her nose as she thinks.

"Yes, I think I could guide us under the city. It may take longer but it may be necessary. We won't survive too many attacks like that." Reya looks over at Dartan and then to the Shield of the Hidden Lord , "I think HE is drawing something to us. He's tried to get in my head more than once now."

Dartan puts a hand on Reyas shoulder.

"This...none of this... must be easy for you to see. I will follow your lead, but Lulu is right. There are more evils lurking about. The sewers might be our safest bet, especially with our extra cargo. The light of Tyr shines down here still and so does hope. Let us be on our way. "

The ranger moves to the trapdoor and investigates for traps. If he doesn’t find anything dangerous he opens the door and has a look inside. To the party,

“let’s see what’s under this door. It might be that we can hide these folks here and continue on above ground. If it doesn’t seem safe then I vote we chance the sewers. ”

“Bruno, I would welcome any aid you can give.”

Arkon doesn’t find any traps as he searches the trapdoor. (Perception check: 15+5=20)

He opens the trap door, to a stone stairway heading down into a dark cellar. You smell sewage and other unpleasant odors coming from below.

It’s pitch dark down the stairs.

Lulu flies over and casts “light” on Arkons short sword, and it glows like a torch.

Arkon descends the stairs and has a look.

Bruno rummages through his bag of holding for a moment before producing a small vial and handing it to the Ranger. Turning back to Reya, Bruno nods.

“If you believe you can guide us through the sewers that may be our best bet then. If that shield is attracting devils to us, we definitely need to keep moving. Walter and I are ready when you all have had a chance to catch your breath.”

Bartok limps over to the Group as they chat about options. Seeing Arkon emerge from the cellar with the report, he sighs,

"I'm still not a fan of goin down in the sewers, but after that "caveworm droppin" of a fight, I'm thinkin it may be the best. " Bartok rummages in his pack with a frown and looks over to Bruno. "I'm down ta one potion lad. May keep this one in me bag for last resort. How many ye got left?" Looking around at the the party, Bartok starts to check wounds, wrapping what he can and putting basic salve on anything still bleeding. As he walks, he checks the party's eyes for any remnants of the confusion spell, and helps tighten up armor straps and check weapons and shields in need of repair.

Stopping by the Prisoners, he immediately checks into their health and shares a bit of his rations and water. His village healer instincts quickly kick in and he quickly gets to know each one by name, and asks about what's happened to them since the fall, and how much they know about the state of the city. ARe there more demons near the cathedral? Do they feel up to going in the sewers with us? Is there anyone they know still in captivity?

As Bartok treats the wounds of the four freed prisoners, they begin to share a little bit of their ordeal over the past few days. They had all been laying low in their residences after the city fell, and for weeks they ran through their food stores until finally they were forced to leave their homes and look for other survivors. The devils have been increasing in numbers and frequency over the last few days

"I had to leave my house, because I was out of food and water -- I had seen a monster walking the streets a few days ago, but it had been quiet for a few days so I ventured out to see if I could find help. I was quickly picked up by the Big devil over there." She begins to wimper, "He told me terrible things he was going to do to me. He drug me around the streets until we came upon the two devils with the chains, they had captured Jund and fanny already, and then just a couple hours ago, they captured Gunther. They didn't tell us where they were taking us, until we ran into you.."

"I have a similar story. My family was killed the day of the fall... our home collapsed on my wife and children. I stayed in a small group of six other survivors, and some of our group told me that Ulder Ravengard and some other Hellriders had formed a garrison at the Cathedral - but they said it's impossible to reach the Cathedral from here. Apparently the city split in two when it was pulled into...wherever we are... and the chasm is too wide to cross to reach the side of the city that the cathedral resides. All of my group was slain except me when the devils came for us."

"I want to stay with you wherever you go. Please just take us with you! "

Bruno rummages in his pack for a moment before frowning and and responding to Bartok.

“After giving that potion to Arkon, I’m down to two. I was hoping we wouldn’t need so many so quickly...”

Bruno visibly deflates at the mention of Elturel being split in two and the cathedral being unreachable. Catching some of the prisoners looking at him, he forces himself to straighten his stance and tries to put on what he hopes is a reassuring smile.

“We will figure out how to cross that gap when we get there. For now, we need to keep moving. Can all of you walk…or run, if needed?”

Everyone nods, indicating they are good to walk and ready to travel.

As the party gathers themselves, Hippee stands jaw agape staring in to the void of tentacles and horror he created then to his hands and back to the void

“Woah…sorry Bartok but DID YOU GUYS SEE WHAT I DID!” Hippee let’s out a light laugh and produces a light of purple crackling energy in his palms and quickly dismisses it. “Not sure what feels better, this new…energy I feel from my Lord….or the the tryst to save Reya I had with the two Succubi…” Hippee stares at nothing as he trails off, snapping out of it he walks up apologetically to Bartok

“Here’s a potion friend, sorry for the tentacle action…unless you liked it…anyways take this, I have a few to spare”

Arkon returns from down stairs.

The room at the bottom of the stairs is about a 20x20 foot square room, the walls are made of brick, and one of the walls has a large hole (a five foot diameter hole). There hole opens into what looks like the city sewer system. There are some little bits of human flesh and bone around the hole in the cellar wall.

Aside from that, there are a few empty crates and some spoiled meat and vegetables covered in insects.

The party agrees that the sewers are the best option, as the devils outside continue to patrol the streets.

The stench from the Ghasts also becomes unbearable so the party descends into the cellar and closes the trapdoor above them.

The party ends up in a very musty, smelly cellar.

There is is a hole in the cellar wall, about 5 feet diameter.

Into the Sewers:

The party enters the cellar, and then proceeds to go through the breach in the wall. The sewer reeks of waste, and other smells that you can't quite identify.

In the middle of the sewer tunnel is a five-foot canal flowing with a putrid yellow liquid of wastewater. You immediately get nauseous, and the smell causes you to wretch. (the refugees are unable to stomach the horrible smell and they gag and vomit as you enter the tunnel.

(Everyone roll a CON Check, DC 10, or you suffer disadvantage for the next 1 hour on all rolls)

As you enter the main sewer tunnel, you find that you can only go to your right. The passage is blocked on your left.

Your group has to walk single file on the narrow ledge on each side of the canal. The Marching order (Unless changed) is as follows:

Arkon, Reya, Bartok, Dartan, Bruno, Hippee, Jund, Fanny, Mother and Kids, Selma, Gunther. None of the refugees are armed.

The tunnel is cramped, and insects and rats scurry along the ledges. you can occasionally see the sewer water ripple as things swim underneath the murky filth.

You reach a crossroad in the tunnel, and you can travel Forward, Left, or Right.

LEFT: The Left passage turns to the right after a few feet

FORWARD: The forward passage goes on as far as your light lets you see, and those with Darkvision just see a long passage.

RIGHT: The right passage goes off into the darkness, before making a bend to the left.

Every few minutes, you hear echoes in the distance... grunts, groans, and the sound of water splashing occasionally. Everything you hear echoes making it hard to tell how close the sounds are originating.

Reya stops at the crossroads and looks down each passage for a moment then to the group.

"Directions are pretty meaningless, since we have no way to know which way we are actually traveling. I believe that the left passage may be in the right direction of the High Hall Cathedral, but honestly, now that we are down here, it is going to be easy to get lost. Still, I think we should go left."

Do you take Reya's suggestion? or does the party wish to go a different way?

15 minutes pass

Time: 12:46 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

What the Muck?

Bartok looks up at Reya as she searches for the right path. Removing part of his vestment he had been holding over his nose, he nods. “One stinky path is as good as the next! Lead on lass. We’ll peek out on occasion and see where we be.“

Bruno comes to a stop and places a hand on Dartan’s elbow.

“Reya, give us a moment. Dartan, give me a shake if anything comes up on us.”

Bruno summons Walter to his palm and stares with concern at the small, grey rat.

“You be careful down there.”

Bruno gently sets Walter down and directs him to scout out each of the tunnels, being as stealthy as possible. His eyes flash white as he begins to see though Walter’s eyes.

The Party remains at the crossroad section.

Walter runs off down the passage way, first to the left, then the forward passage, then the right passage.

1. The passage winds to the right then left, then opens into a large chamber with slimy stone walls.

The chamber is completely flooded with murky sewage water. Walter does not enter the water, but just looks around the chamber.

There are two pillars that go from the ceiling down into the murky filth.

The party would have to tromp through the waters to reach the far side wall, where another passage looks like it leads off in two directions.

2. The Forward passage goes straight about 40 feet, before it reaches another flooded room with slimy stone walls. There is an archway leading into this chamber. Walter stops at the edge of the chamber, not entering the murky waters. He can see on the far wall, a stone door.

3. The right passage goes about 25 feet before bending to the left. It goes another 20 feet or so before the passage once again floods entirely with nasty filthy water. Walter can see the flooded tunnel for about 50 feet where it looks like it may widen, but he sees no further.

It takes Watler 20 minutes to perform this quick search.

Other than a few bubbles and ripples in the filthy water, and the occasional growl and groan echoing in the distance, Walter doesn't see any other movement in any of the three directions.

There is NO light down here save for the glowing sword that Arkon holds from lulu's light spell.

Decide which direction the party will go.

20 minutes pass

Time: 1:06 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

The Forward Path....

Bruno’s eyes return to normal after he finishes scouting each of the three tunnels. Rubbing his chin, he frowns.

“It looks like we’re going to have to get our feet wet.”

He glances down the hall to the left.

“I’m not keen on heading down the tunnel where someone already … ran into trouble. Let me check the cards.”

Bruno pulls the pack of cards from his pocket and draws three pairs of cards from the deck, one for each tunnel(2d12x3 = 3,1 10,5 2,1)

“Left tunnel, 3 of hearts…1 of graves. OK, middle tunnel…10 of hearts and 5 of graves. Right tunnel, 2 of hearts. 1 of graves.”

Bruno frowns at the cards.

“The cards seem to say each tunnel is…OK…” Bruno glances down the left, bloodstained tunnel. “But the center tunnel is our best bet.”

Bruno shrugs and puts the cards back in his pocket.

A door usually means a room and a room could mean survivors or at the very least, solid ground. The fact that it’s not broken down yet means the devils may not have found it yet. They don’t seem the type to close doors once they’ve opened them. I vote we go down the middle tunnel.”

Bartok listens to Bruno's reccap with concrn,

"Urrrmm.. Did he say ALL the hallways are flooded? I don't float well anyway lad, and definitely not with all this armor on. HIppee and I may need a Boost big guy!" Bartok grins over at Dartan trying to get a smile out of him since he's feeling so sick. "I be fine with checkin the middle path. Sooner I get out of this blasted muck the better!" BArtok looks down at Walter with fondness. "nice job me little friend!"

Reya looks at the different options and to Bruno’s reasoning with the cards.

“Well, i suppose one path is as good as another. We’re a long way from the high hall, and these tunnels could all eventually lead to our destination. I’ll go whichever way you all decide.”

Lulu continues to help the sick peasants as they struggle with the putrid stench down in the sewers, and she chimes in.

"If we can find a safe place to take a short rest, it would do wonders for morale....and also, most of my power is spent at the moment, so a short break would help me regain some energy".

Dartan and Hippee struggle with their nausea, and Arkon looks at the passage options, and nods at Reya - indicating any direction at this point is as good as another in his opinion.

With that, the party heads into the forward passage.

After 45-50 feet or so, you reach the archway, and where the passage becomes fully flooded. Using a sword - you check the water depth. It's about 3 feet deep it seems in the flooded room.

This is over the heads of the toddlers, and Hippee would barely tip-toe touch the bottom. The rest of you will be approx. chest deep in the filthy water, while Bartok would be up to his neck.

As the party stands at the edge of the room, you notice something on the ceiling above the doorway..... a little snicker and then an invisible imp materializes, perched above the stone doorway.

The imp speaks in common to the party.

"Don't come any closer! Me Golok! Golok guards this door! You must pay Golok um... pay golok....a soul coin to pass!!! Yes! One soul coin!!!"

The imp snickers and takes a piss into the filthy waters defiantly.

6 minutes pass

Time: 1:12 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

Blasting the Imp

Dartan suppresses a belch that comes out as a 'pfffffffffff" and a groan.

He looks at the party to see if they also see the Imp. After realizing it is indeed a real being, he looks at the imp with visible nausea.

"Golok? What would be so important to have one such as Golok guarding it? Tell me, great pisser, what, or who are you guarding? *Hic* We don't want any trouble and can indeed provide a soul coin for you. What would you do with such an item? *Retch* Tell me this - is there dry ground and clean air through the door? I would give you the deed to this whole city for some fresh air if I could."

Golok stays perched above the door as dartan speaks.

"Master told Golok no one can go through this door. But Golok no care. Master not here. So Golok just want soul coins, then Golok be the master!!! So you give me coin now?"

The imp rubs his hands together greedily.

Dartan starts to reach for his coin pouch but doubles over and dry heaves before he can get to it. With tears in the corners of his eyes and snot dripping down his nose, he looks back at the imp.

"Whoof.....that wasn't fun.. Master? Who's that? Golok seems to be the Master of his own fate. Our small friend here *pointing towards hippee* told me about soul coins but I had never seen one until I found one. What are they for? How do I know you will let us go through when I give it to you? Are there more of you hiding up there that we can't see?"

Dartan stands back up, wipes his nose and blows a snot rocket out of one nostril.

Golok looks closer at Dartan and watches his movement closely,

"Whoof.....that wasn't fun.. Master? Who's that?"

"Master Axerex says only masters can have soul coins, but Golok no care about master anymore! Golok is going to be master!"

"Golok seems to be the Master of his own fate. Our small friend here *pointing towards hippee* told me about soul coins but I had never seen one until I found one. What are they for? How do I know you will let us go through when I give it to you? Are there more of you hiding up there that we can't see?"

"Golok already told you! Golok want to be master! Soul coins make me master! Golok told to stay here and guard alone. Now you give me coin, and I let you pass? Ok? Show Golok you have coin and then you throw to Golok, and then Golok throw you key to door? yes?"

The imp bounces with excitement on his perch as he negotiates with you.

Bruno starts in surprise before narrowing his eyes in annoyance at the

appearance of the imp. He curses himself inwardly at not seeing this sooner. Of course there would be an imp along the path with the highest grave card. Stupid!

Bruno raises an eyebrow and looks uncertainly between Dartan and Gorlok as they continue talking. Bruno places a hand on Dartan's arm to steady the Paladin before addressing the Paladin.

"Soul coins are not to be given lightly and certainly not to lower devils like Gorlok here. I bet he's not even important enough for his master to have told him what's behind the door he's guarding. Someone as lowly as that doesn't deserve a soul coin."

Bruno makes a show of pulling Dartan back the way they came. "There are other paths we can take. We don't need to waste our time with Gorlok here."

Golok scowls as Bruno pulls Dartan back, clearly unhappy with being denied the soul coin... then, with a sly grin,

"Come on, you no be so quick to dismiss Golok. You no idea what's behind that door... but Golok tells is.. uh.... it is the way out of smelly place... Yes, and Golok has key right here. " Golok reaches above his head in a crack between two bricks and shows you a large key and then puts it back. "All you have to do is give Golok a soul coin, and me gladly give you the key. It's a fair trade, yes?"

Bruno cocks his head to the side as of listening for a moment before glowering in Dartan’s direction and shaking his head. Bruno turns back to the imp with a scowl.

“We don’t have time for this. Give me a second, Goatlick. I think I have a soul coin around here…” Bruno digs in his bag of holding for a moment before withdrawing his hand and casting Magic Missile at Golok. ALL BOLTS.

Hippee sidles up next to Bruno, transforming into a smaller version of the Wizard, and casts off a fireball from his hand

“I have a soul coin for you too Goatlick!”

Bartok grips his mace as soon as the imp appears, rage bubbling up inside at his memories of their previous encounter. Readying a sacred flame, he pauses as dartan starts to speak it. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, Bartok decides to wait while they talk, but ready at any minute to let the flame fly.

Bruno's magic missiles streak toward Golok, who is unable to react and dodge them. He takes four bolts direclty to the torso, as Imp flesh is burned and singed by the force. The imp is knocked back with each bolt, and then as the imp begins to fall off it's perch into the murky waters, a massive fireball explodes incinerating the corpse of the imp, as a massive fireball fills the small enclave, burning the walls and the stone door.

The wave of hot stinky air blasts the party in the face, harmlessly - but causing everyone to feel a bit nauseous.

After the embers fall, and the fireball stops. The party is still standing in the same place.

What do you wish to do next? 3 minutes pass

Time: 1:15 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

Exploring the Sewers

Bruno’s eyes narrowed as his magic missiles streamed towards the imp and all struck the tiny little bastards body. He starts to breathe a sigh of relief just as the spot where the imp was perched explodes in fire. He instinctively shields his face as the heat from blast washes over him. Tracing the ray of the fireball back to its source he looks down to where Hippee was by his side. Ready to angrily berate the gnome for his carelessness, Bruno stops short and is immediately silenced when he sees a miniature version of himself standing there grinning back at him.

Sighing heavily in resignation, Bruno turns and starts to gesture and summons his mage hand. He directs the hand to search the small hole in the rock where he saw the imp stash the key.

“We’ll need to keep moving. It’s possible something heard that and we don’t want to be here when Golok’s master returns.”

Bartok pats his beard, checking or embers or bits of Imp that may have nestled into it's curls.

"By Bruener's beard! It was just a bloody imp! No need ta burn the world down ya crazy lock!" Bartok looks at Hippee with an exhaustive glance.

As Arkon catches his breath he begins to laugh through the nausea,

“I guess you two didn’t care for the imp…hold here and I’ll check for traps.” The Ranger chuckles to himself as he moves cautiously to the door and looks for traps including where the key is hidden.

Dartan vomits and sits down with his head between his knees

Bartok and Arkon both wade into the filthy waters. The horrific, stagnant sewage waters reach Arkon's chest, and come up to Bartok's neck. They move through the muck, as bits of slime and wiggly things, find their way into Arkon and Bartok's Armor. Meanwhile, Bruno's mage hand searches the ledge where the Key was stashed. It seems the Key is no longer on the ledge, as it probably fell into the disgusting waters when the fireball exploded.

Getting the key off the bottom of the flooded room proves very difficult. Bartok removes his sewage soaked steel boots and feels around on the bottom of floor with his bare foot, until it finally comes upon a metal object that feels to him like a key. He carefully grabs it with his toes, and brings the key up, and out of the filth until he has it in his hands again.

Arkon checks the stone door -- the door does not have a key hole or handles. It takes Arkon a minute or two to find the lever that opens the door, partially submerged in the sewage waters. Arkon pulls the level and the door grinds open revealing a long flooded hallway that turns off to the left and then goes on in total darkness.

You hear some splashing sounds echo from off in the distance as the door is opened,

The rest of the party waits on the ledge.

"You don't expect us to all trudge through these filthy waters? I don't think I can stomach this", Says Fanny as she tries not to wretch from the stench.

Reya scowls as she watches Bartok and Arkon wading in the horrible waters.

"I am afraid I may agree with Fanny. Aside from the sheer unpleasantness of wading in these sewage canals - we don't know what dangers may lurk in the waters. If an Imp was already down here, you can bet there are more ... dangerous things waiting for us in the dark. I think we should take our chances topside."

The party has the following options.

1. Go through the open stone door that the Imp guarded, and head into the long dark flooded hall. (Sewage waters are around 3-4 feet deep)

2. Go back the way you came and try a different direction. (All directions require the party to enter the flooded hallways)

3. Leave the sewers and try a different route.

15 minutes pass

Time: 1:30 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

The Short rest in the sewers

Bartok climbs out of the water to the side rail, and shakes the disgusting water down off his hands. His beard stained a putrid greenish brown and full of chunks of gods knows what. He looks at the younglings and the rescues in pity.

"I don't think we can take them down the tunnel lads. It's just too deep and nasty. Maybe we try a bit back the other way and try and stay on the sides a bit. Unless we can find a way to drain the water or float above it? Any of those fancy levitamation spells there Bruno?" Bartok smiles feebly at his request, not really expecting an answer.

"I don't know what choice we have and I cannot think properly down here with this stench. What if.....that is....I dont..... WE know the shield can protect us from dragons. Could it perhaps keep us dry and safe until we got to the cathedral from here?"

The hidden lord laughs audibly as Dartan speaks. Then speaks aloud,

“oh? The mighty Paladin now wants the help of a demon? You amuse me, Lord servant of Tyr. Yes, I can help you. All you need to do is ask”.

Bruno sighs heavily and starts rubbing the back of his neck. Casting a wary glance at Dartan, he shakes his head.

“We’re not so desperate as to need help from a demo just yet. Let’s take some time to rest for a moment and clear our heads before making any decisions.”

The Hidden lord scoffs at Bruno.

"Ahh, yes, but you WILL grow that desperate, I assure you", gargauth laughs.

Bruno snaps back,

"But not today, demon. Begone!" Then addressing the party, "I think we should return to the cellar. The air there was not quite as foul, and that would be the safest place to rest. If we can secure a space, I have a spell that could help us rest for a bit."

Arkon and reya nod at Bruno, then reya says,

"Agreed Bruno. We all could use a rest. ", Reya leads the party back to the cellar.

The party heads back to the cellar where they came down the trap door, carefully listening for any signs of noise or activity in the cellar or the house above. The ranger lifts the cellar trap door, and peers around the room, as the rest of the group huddles silently at the bottom of the stairs.

"The coast seems clear, Bruno. Work your magic"

Bruno removes his spellbook and begins ritual casting Unseen Servant. Once complete, he directs Walter and the servant to go through the trapdoor. Closing it behind them, he looks through Walters eyes and directs the servant to conceal the trapdoor with a rug, chair or some other object that hides its presence but doesn’t make it so the door couldn’t be opened if needed. Once the trapdoor is concealed, he directs Walter to stay up in the house, conceal himself and keep watch for anything that comes into the house.

Once the trapdoor is concealed, Bruno begins ritual casting Tiny Hut, positioning it so it blocks the entrance to the sewers. He leaves space in the cellar for others who can’t fit in the hut to rest. Coloring the hut to match the walls of the sewers, he exhales and looks to the group.

Meanwhile, as Bruno preps the area to rest, Dartan, Reya and Arkon work to conceal the hole in the wall leading to the sewers as best as possible while Lulu entertains the children with some simple magic tricks.

The rest of the refugees sit quietly in the corner, helping as needed but mostly just sitting and staring.

Finally, Bruno's tiny hut springs into existence and provides shelter.

“We’re as safe as we can be, given our circumstances. Let’s take a breather and start moving again in an hour or so.”

The party successfully completes a short rest for 80 minutes.

(Short rest mode active)

- Everyone, You may use Hit Dice to recover Hit Points if you wish

- Bruno, you may use Arcane Recovery to recover up to 3 levels of spells slots. (1/2 your level), you also can choose to prepare up to 3 spell slot levels of new spells) ** this is only allowed once between long rests **

- Hippee, you recover all your spell slots during a short rest.

- Bartok, you recover your channel divinity power, but no spell slots.

- Dartan, You recover your Channel Divinity power, but no spell slots.

- Arkon, You do not recover any spell slots.

Near the end of your short rest, after 80 minutes, you hear some grunts and growls echoing in the sewers, and occasional splashing. Something is definitely moving in the distance in the are not sure from which tunnel, but probably the left tunnel at the cross section.

Suddenly, Walter alerts bruno -- something is outside the house. You Hear some low voices speaking in infernal but can't make out what they are saying.

(In your next posts, you can post any conversations you wish to have during the rest, before responding to the noises that occur at the end of the rest)

80 minutes pass

Time: 2:50 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Short Rest

The long Dark.

“Ugh, wizard does that hut have a bath? Gods I’ve never been so filthy.” The ranger uses the rest time to get as clean as possible. As the voices near he speaks low to the group,

“hush. I speak a bit of their tongue.” The ranger creeps close to the door and listens intently…

Just after Bruno allowed himself to relax for a moment, his head snaps towards the cellar door. Turning to Bartok beside him, he whispers quietly so as not to be heard by whatever else is trudging through the sewers.

“There’s something upstairs outside the house speaking infernal. I’m going to take a look. Shake me if anything happens.”

Bruno’s eyes flash white as he looks through his familiar’s eyes. He directs Walter to stealthily creep towards the source of the sounds to see what may be making the noise and if they might be coming into the house.

Bruno sees through walters eyes, and sees a pack of devils entering the house upstairs. The Devils are speaking and pointing to the corpses of the slain devils and ghasts in the house. One of the Devils spots Walter, and points to him and speaks something in infernal...

The devil is saying something about the rat could be a wizard's familiar.

"Aye lad. BE careful!" Bartok keeps a close eye on Bruno as his eyes glaze over. He wrinkles his wide nose at the stench coming from his armor and says a quick prayer to the baroness and seeks guidance for how to get out of this mess. Marching through sewers and protecting a pack of refugees was not how he thought this might turn out when they left ol' Trax's tower. Wracking his brain he tries to come up with some way to navigate the sewers with little ones and poorly equipped prisoners. His eyes scan the magical hut, and he spots the trap door out the window. An idea begins to form in his mind of a raft or boat that maybe they could tow or push down the flooded sewer tunnels. Bartok peers at the hinges of the door and grabs his hammer from his BAg. Looking over his shoulder he sees Bruno twitch at something Walter sees, and returns quickly to his side waiting for the report.

Arkon motions to the group to hush their voices, as he presses his ear up against the trap-door listening to the voices in the house above.

He hears the following spoken in Infernal...

"This is where Zariel's reapers were slain. Another was slain a few blocks from here"

"There must be a resistance force in Elturel", says another devil

"Look over there, the rat... a wizards familiar....that means they are close"

"The trapdoor, open it! They must be hiding like rats in the cellar" shouts another one of the devils.

Low to the party,

“they’ve spotted Walter. It’s only a matter of time before they find their way down here. Get ready to move!” The ranger snaps up his gear and pulls his swords from their sheaths.

The group quickly and as quietly as they can, moves toward the breach in the cellar wall. You hear a loud growl echo in the sewers... closer than you have heard yet. There is something in the darkness, and it's getting closer.

Suddenly, you begin to hear the devils in the house start to move things off the trapdoor in an effort to get it open.

"Quickly, they are just below, I can smell their gold! They won't escape!"

The party moves into the sewer tunnels, just as the trap door is ripped open with a crash!

Reya draws her sword

"Bartok!? can you collapse the tunnel?" reya looks at the breach, for any signs of weakness.

Bartok surveys the breach, and checks the stonework

"Aye, the tunnel is unstable, I think I can collapse it with a few whacks of me diamond pick. "

As the devils begin to rush down the stairs, the party runs into the sewer passage, and Bartok begins to strike a few of the key supporting stones in the passage.... rubble starts to fall from the ceiling as he strikes and just as the Barbed devils fill the cellar, the tunnel collapses completely!

Bartok leaps out of the tunnel (Acrobactics Check: 13) and narrowly avoids being caught in the collapse. A few large rocks strike his armor, but he suffers no damage. As the dust settles, the party can hear the devils snarling and begin to dig in the collapsed tunnel.

Reya sheaths her sword..

"We now have but one choice" Reya ignites her blade with Hellfire. "We must face the long dark sewers. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than Devils, in the dark places of Avernus"

The children whimper as the dust settles around them.

The refugees stay quiet, obviously frightened at their predicament, but still grateful to be with strong heroes. They try not to complain about their situation, despite being afraid.

Lulu sings a celestial song, that is soothing and seems to drive some of the fear away from everyone.

The party moves through the sewer and takes the left passage, that winds around a bit until it ends at a widened chamber with two pillars that support the ceiling of this flooded room.

It's about a 25 foot across the room to the other side, and it appears there is a walkway leading out of the room that isn't flooded. Unfortunately, the only way across is through the filthy, disgusting waters.

The waters are fairly still... but you think you occasionally see a bubble and a ripple appear near the middle of the room...

Lulu looks at the children and the refugees and then to the party,

"I cannot carry anyone over the flooded room, but I can transform into a mammoth and carry many of you over on my back. assuming the waters are not too deep."

What does the party do?

20 minutes pass

Time: 2:50 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

The Unspeakable Horror

With disgust,

“There are swamps more inviting than this place. Sticking to the sides is a good idea. I’ll take the point. Cleric, you’re with me. Paladin, bring up the rear and keep the refugees in the middle with the spell tossers. By the way Bartok, nice job with that bit of stone craft.” Arkon slips into the murk and proceeds cautiously down the tunnel keeping his eyes open for the horrors that surely lurk beneath the surface.

Bartok looks fondly down at his new pickaxe and smiles up at Arkon.

“Been me dream since I was A wee lad to have this pick!“. Looking back at the group and ahead to the flooded room he nods at Arkon.

“Aye, I’ll stay with ya lad. If Lola can get all mammothy and keep the little ‘uns on her back, we can creep about the edges. Let’s see how many she can take. keep her within yer bow shot Lad, I’m not likin the look of those bubbles in the muck.“. Bartok swings his shield back to the front and grips his mace tightly As he prepares to protect the party and the innocents on Lola’s back.

Reya pats Bartok on the back as the party moves through the sewer

"Nice work with the tunnel back there. Let's hope the Devils can't dig through that!"

Reya assists the party as they reach the wide chamber and Bruno summons Walter to search the tunnels beyond.

Bruno looks uncertainly at the murky filth water and then at the landings across the way. He places a hand on Bartok’s shoulder and whispers in a low voice to the group.

“If we’re going in … that, we should stick to the sides of the room and hang on to each other. I’m going to see what’s on the other side and which direction to go if we need to make a quick escape.”

Bruno summons Walter onto the wooden platform across the room as his eyes flash white. Looking through his familiar’s eyes, he directs Walter to scout out the tunnel beyond.

Walter scurries off down the dark tunnel beyond the large room as the party waits on the south side of the chamber. Walter just sees long dark sewage passages that extend for long distances, with side passages branching off at intervals. The passages seem quiet, with the occasional echo of a growl, the scurry of critters on the walls and floors, or a splash of water and constant drips. Walter goes as far as he is able without breaking his link with Bruno, but sees nothing.

Dartan ruffles the fur on the little beasts head.

"Lulu, you are a better companion than many deserve. I fear there is something more foul in that water than piss or shit, but I don't know what other choice we have."

Steeling himself at the stench, he nods at Arkon and says, "onward'

Lulu suddenly transforms into a huge gold mammoth and then splashes into the mucky water. The water is deep, but not for Lulu in her huge form. The sewage water reaches the tops of her legs, and just barely touches her belly.

"Climb aboard, I can carry about four of you at a time across."

The mother and her two children get on board first, followed by Fanny

As arkon slips into the murky water, that comes up to his chest, he begins to skirt the side of the passage, staying as close to the wall as he can.

As he gets a little past halfway, Suddenly, the water in the middle of the chamber starts to stir, when suddenly a monstrous horror bubbles up from the middle of the room with a groan. The body of the creature is a mish-mash of flesh eyes and claws, in a vaguely humanoid form, but barely recognizable as anything you have seen. The horror screeches an unnatural sound as it rises out of the sewage.

Roll For Initiative

10 minutes pass

Time: 3:00 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

Unspeakable Horror - Round 1

Luck was on your side!


What is that thing?!

Bruno grits his teeth and sends a ray of frost at the monstrosity! The ice barely grazes the creature, dealing 3 points of cold damage. The limb Bruno struck frosts over with white, and slows down slightly but otherwise does not affect the creatures movement. Oozing bile splatters off the creature but the frost turns the blobs of bile to icy chunks that fall into the sewage.

Bartok shrugs off the toxic waters.


Time to bring down me Hammer!

Bartok Summons a spiritual Warhammer that appears next to the Unspeakable Horror.

The Spiritual hammer smashes into the Unspeakable Horror, dealing 12 points of radiant damage!


Burn ya horror!

Bartok casts Sacred Flame, A radiant flame consumes the Horror, dealing 3 points of radiant damage to it`s disgusting limbs.

Lulu Gores the giant monster, piercing it`s gross body for 29 points of damage! As her tusks penetrate it`s limbs, globs of bile spray all over her, dealing 5 points of acid damage to Lulu, and all those riding on her back. The children fall off her back and into the nasty sewage waters. The mother screams as her children plunge into the muck.

A stream of acidic bile covers Lulu, dealing 31 points of acid damage, and coating her with disgusting bile. Lulu lets out a trumpet shriek of pain as her flesh begins to bubble and burn.

Dartan is sprayed all over by the Unspeakable Horror with it`s acid Bile. He takes 31 points of Acid Damage! The Acid bubbles on his non magical armor - and starts to corrode it.


"No! The children!"

Reya runs under Lulu swimming into the sewage and pulls one of the lifeless toddlers out of the mucky waters and lays her on the ledge in the tunnel.

Reya shrugs off the effects of the Toxic water

Reya dives under the muck, and finds one of the toddlers, and pulls her out of the disgusting waters. The toddler isn`t breating and appears to be dying.

Dartan dives under Lulu and grabs the second lifeless child and sets him on the ledge next to his sister. Both toddlers appear to be dying and need medical attention.

Dartan shrugs off the toxic water


Wont someone think of the children!

Using: Dark Ones Blessing, Agonizing Blast

Hippee fires his eldritch blast, but it streaks past the Horror dealing no damage!

Arkon Shrugs off the effects of the toxic water

Luck was on your side!

Arkon rushes into battle and slices one of the limbs of the Unspeakable Horror. His blade slices the creature for 11 points of damage, causing a backspray of bile that causes 5 Damage to Arkon!

Arkon stabs at the monster but the creature blocks his off hand attack as its disgusting limbs smack Arkons blade, deflecting the blow.

Luck was on your side!

Arkon finds a lucky opening, and stabs the monster again, causing 7 points of damage, and sending another backspray of bile that deals 5 damage to Arkon!


My babies! (The peasant mother rushes over Lulus back and to her children and desperately tries to revive them, to no avail)

Fanny and the rest of the refugees cower around the horror, frightened by the disgusting monster.

Reya shouts at Bartok and Dartan


We need healing! The children are dying! quick, Bartok or Dartan, do you have any magic that can save them?"

0 minutes pass

Time: 3:00 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Combat

Unspeakable Horror - Round 2


Everyone stay back! *motioning to the civilians to stay behind cover*

Bruno fires his magic missiles at the Unspeakable horror, three bolts fly at the monster. Bruno grits his teeth with determination and boosts his spell, dealing 14 points of damage! Bile sprays off the monster with each blast, harmlessly landing in the sewage.


Hang in their little ‘uns!

Bartok casts Mass Healing Word bathing several party members with healing energy.

The Mother is restored 10 points

Dartan is restored 20 points

Lulu is restored 10 points

One toddler is restored 10 points returning her to life

One toddler is restored 10 points returning him to life

Bartok`s Blessed Healer restores 30 points of life to Bartok, as his energy feedback from the Baronesss pours over his body. The entire chamber is bathed in soothing radiant light as Bartok glows brightly, and is recovered.

The Spiritual hammer smashes into the Unspeakable horror, sending bile spraying, and dealing 9 points of radiant damage to the monster.

The bile on Lulu`s back continues to burn the Hollyphant, dealing another 25 points of damage!


Lulu`s eyes flash red as the acid burns her

You harmed the children! You must die now!

Lulu sends a blast from her trunk, as thunder blasts the Unspeakable horror for 18 points of damage, but the Horror avoids some of the blast and takes 9 points instead. The horror roars as Lulu blows the creature`s limbs off, and the steaming monster sinks into the filth of the sewer and all becomes quiet.

As the horror sinks into the sewage, the room becomes quiet and the sewage bubbles a few times as sizzling bile bubbles on the walls of the sewer.

Reya quickly sits the children up

"Little ones, are you ok? "

The children whimper but seem a bit stunned after their ordeal. They nod at Reya, in somewhat amazement at the healing they just received.

"Thank you, oh thank you! for saving my babies!" weeps the mother as she holds her children in her arms.

"We will never survive down here! We are doomed!!" says Gunther fearfully.

"What will we do? What will we do!?" cries Fanny

Experience Awarded

Stars Awarded

0 minutes pass

Time: 3:00 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration


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Arkon Mace
Arkon Mace
May 23, 2023

Arkon spits in disgust as the Horror sinks into the pool and follows suit to cross with Lulu. He pulls the party together and looks at Bartok and Reya and speaks low, "By all the gods and their damnations! These children will not last down here. We are skilled and we may not last for long. We have to keep moving and find a place to rest. I will attempt to use my survival skills to help us navigate and think between you, good dwarf, and your stone craft and you, lady hellrider, and your knowledge of the city we may be able to better navigate. I suggest we three consult at each junction to try to pick the bes…


Dartan Vilmon
May 21, 2023

Dartan clutches the small child close. "This isn't a good place for a swim little one. " He places the little one on top of the mammoth and steadies himself to help everyone atop lulu.

He claps Bartok on the back and says "Seems as if the Baroness flows through you stronger than we imagined. If she hears you still in this forsaken place, we are blessed indeed.

I do not believe that... thing... was demonic. I feel like it was born of years of filth from before the fall. Ending its life likely put it out if years of pain and misery. In this, we can find solace. May the light of Tyr continue to help us. Onward.


“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
May 21, 2023

Bruno pokes his head around the corner as the horror shudders and sinks beneath the surface of the muck. Seeing Lulu still covered in the bile, he gestures quickly and casts Mage Hand, directing the spectral hand to clear the bile off of her. He tenses his body and keeps an eye on the surface of the water for several moments to make sure the horror doesn’t reappear.

Seeing the threat neutralized for now, he motions to the cowering civilians to start moving towards Lulu.

“Quickly! Climb up, four at a time. We must get across before anything else decides to show up!”

Bruno stays in in the tunnel, keeping a nervous watch to make sure nothing sneaks up on…


Fizzbum Lilypad
Fizzbum Lilypad
May 21, 2023

Bartok sloshes over to the children checking on them, and the mother for any residual poison effects. His eyes are still sparkling from the power of the baroness flowing through him, but his kind smile brings reassurance to the family and peasants as he makes his way through them. "I know it's going to be a trial lads and lasses, but we'll make it through. WE need to find a way to the cathedral for you and for us to have a chance to end this nightmare. I just don't think we can be travelin above the ground with all the demons about."

"First things first, let's get across this filthy pool. I spotted another ledge on the other si…


Fizzbum Lilypad
Fizzbum Lilypad
May 16, 2023

"Baroness protect us!" BArtok yells in astonishment. Gathering his wits he calls out to the Party. "We'll take it an arm at a time!! Keep an eye the wee bobbins Lulu! And someone bring me a snorkle!"

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