Leaving Rok's Guild: As the Characters leave Rok's Guild, each of them must pay 22 gold pieces to cover the 3 weeks and 1 day that you were at the guild. Please deduct this from your character sheet.
The Journey: (Highest Passive Perception in effect: Bartok - 13)
Marching Order: Dartan (Paladin) >> Bartok (Cleric) >> Bruno (Wizard) >> Jules/Jack (Rogue)
The journey through the wilderness is slow and uneventful. You travel at a standard pace and the terrain is quiet and peaceful.
It takes 3 days to finally reach the road, the nights pass quietly, but you sense an eerie and uneasy feeling during the night. Strange whispers seem to travel on the breeze in the quiet of the night, and those on their night watch shifts get a feeling that something is watching from just outside the camp.

You reach the road on the fourth day, and are traveling north when you spot up ahead a wagon coming toward you with two people driving it. By the time you spot the wagon, they also have spotted your party. The rogue, being in the back, darts off the path (Rogue, please make a stealth check and post the result of your roll)

The wagon is approaching -
IT appears to be two male humans.
what do you do?
Summary of Costs to your character sheets:
subtract 22 gold pieces to pay Rok
Subtract 3 days rations (if you do not have enough, please let me know how you were able to obtain food on the journey)
Subtract 3 days water (if you did not bring water, please let me know how you obtained water during the journey)
Note: If you did not bring food or water, you will have the opportunity to use your Survival skill to find it or you other characters could have gifted it if they had spare.
Link to Scene Discussion Here
"Confounded Rogue! I guess we will never know what information they had!" Dartan takes a moment to compose himself.
"Well, we have this pack. I will search it to see if we can find out anything about it's owners. Hopefully we can get enough to be able to return it."
Dartan searches the Pack.
As the wagon speeds off, Bruno casts his spell Message.
"Easy there, Evan. We mean you no harm. We're just as wary as you about bandits which is why one of our friends was keeping watch. If you stop and answer a couple more questions, we can give you your pack back and a couple days' rations to help you on your way. You may reply to this message." (Persuasion Roll = 1 + 0 = 1 )
The wagon continues to speed off, the spell apparently having no effect.
Meanwhile, Dartan composes himself and tries shouting at the wagon as it speeds off,
(Persuasion Roll (disadvantage, due to the cart speeding off, and trying to get their attention from…
Bruno takes a step the side, gestures toward Evan and casts Message.
"Easy there, Evan. We mean you no harm. We're just as wary as you about bandits which is why one of our friends was keeping watch. If you stop and answer a couple more questions, we can give you your pack back and a couple days' rations to help you on your way. You may reply to this message." (Persuasion)
Darton tries to stop the waggoneers.
(Persuasion) We're not trying to Rob you, We're trying to help you! See here! A pack has fallen off your cart. Please stop and tell us more. If we were trying to rob you, We would have kept the pack and let you ride off.
That is a disturbing tale indeed! Do you have need of rations or healing from your perilous journey? (offers some of his own rations) Unfortunately we need to continue our journey, but we thank you for the warning. Did you spot any demons between here and the city? or just in Baldurs gate itself?