
Hippee and Reya emerge through the portal in a back alley of the city of Baldur's Gate.
Hippee…seeing himself no longer in Hell and back to the material plane drops to his knees and weeps…then laughs uncontrollably and rolls on his side while addressing Reya

“Why aren’t we dead…haha, how?! HOW!?” I’ll tell you how…ME! That Wizard was insane and dangerous. Thanks to my silk tongue we are back! Consider me your shield and you my sword. We make a great team Reya….your shield…” Hippee trails off in a bit of wonder before regaining his senses. “I don’t know about you but I need a bath, a drink and a meal” Hippee heads out the alley in search of an Inn.

Reya rolls her eyes and yells at Hippee, "Are you daft? Your mind is enslaved by that insane wizard! But I don't suppose you will believe that!" Reya follows after Hippee... "Why do I keep sticking my neck out for this one!"
Hippee arrives at a tavern not to far from where the portal dumped you off. The sign on the tavern says "Beers and Breasts". Hippee can't help but enter the door and is greeted with a half dozen topless barmaids serving drinks to a bunch of rowdy patrons.
One of the maidens approaches Hippee and bends down to talk to him

"Well hello little master. What can I getcha?" She winks and blows a sensual kiss.
Reya enters the tavern with the most disgusted look on her face you can imagine.

"no. No. Please. Not here...Hippee! No!!"
What do you do?
Staying at the Beers and Breasts Inn
Hippee narrows his eyes and addresses Reya

“The only one enslaved here is you by your morals…sticking your neck out…you’re alive because of me so we will get a meal and cleaned up” Hippee looks up at the voluptuous bar maiden speaking to him
“How much for two rooms and two hot meals…a reliable source for information”

"A room will cost you 5 silver. Reliable information, I don't know much about that, but if you want some company, 5 gold and I'll be right up."
Reya scowls and sits down at the bar and puts her face in her hands as Hippee secures a room for her and himself.
Hippee pays for the rooms and Reya pays him for her room. The barmaid hands you both keys and instructs you on where your rooms are located.
Reya takes her key and addresses Hippee before heading to her room,

"Hippee, you do know that we have no chance at finding that shield right? It could be anywhere. We don't even know this Hhune family that the wizard told us last had it. Do you really think they are just going to hand it over to us? if it's as powerful as the wizard thinks? No way! We need to regroup and first find our friends. They may be in Baldur's Gate still, if they survived that battle. I say we find them first and then we get their help to look for the shield."
What do you do?
A bit of luck
you awaken at 7:45 am on sixthday.
Hippee tosses 5 gold to the bar maid and before ushering her in to his room

“Perhaps your right…let’s take the night and rest and search for our pals in the morning. Shouldn’t be too hard to find such an inconspicuous group. Rest up Reya, for tonight we DON’T dine in Hell” Hippee closes his door and Reya is immediately disgusted by the loud giggles coming from behind the door.
The next morning, Reya emerges from her room, to meet up with Hippee and she waits in the main common area of the Tavern. The Tavern is quiet in the morning, but they do serve an edible breakfast. Suddenly, as Reya eats her morning breakfast, she sees herself come sit next to her... except she is completely nude!
Reya draws her sword, and jumps off the barstool.

"What sort of trickery is this!", she exclaims as she points her blade at the imposter.
Suddenly, she recognizes a familiar laugh coming from the nude body of herself.

"It's just me, Reya!" says Hippee, as his illusion begins to shimmer and fade.
"My patron has bestowed a new ability! What do you think?"
Reya scoffs and puts her sword away,

"Just what I was hoping for. You being able to cast illusions. If you ever do that again with my likeness, I shall remove your genitalia with this blade." She points to the sharp edge of her sword as she puts it back in it's sheath.
"Now, lets get moving and see if we can find our companions. If they are still in Baldur's Gate."
Reya shakes her head. "But we have no idea how long we've been gone. Time doesn't always flow the same in the nine hells as it does here. We just have to hope for a miracle."
Hippee casts his illusion again, and this time, turns into a very convincing likeness of Jules.

"Well, I'll be a little easier to spot, perhaps if I look like this. More intimidating too!" Hippee laughs as his illusion makes him look just like Jules.
Hippee and Reya head toward the Vanthampur Villa, in hopes of running into the rest of the party.
Meanwhile - elsewhere in Baldur's Gate, near the harbor....
The smell of fish and salt water flood into Dartan's nose as he opens his eyes to find himself at the Harbor of Baldur's Gate. He chuckles something about wizards and tricks, but none can quite make out what he says.

"Well, we're back in the Gate again. Best dig out your badges fellas. We know where the shield is, now how to get it is another question. Shall we secure lodging for the evening? I believe the Low Lantern and Mourning Wood are nearby. Or shall we go to the guard station? It may be more secure there. With our credentials we should be able to simply walk into the villa. Figuring out how to get around the golem will be our struggle here."
His brow furrows as Dartan thinks.
"I wonder.... we know the golem went after the chest. What if it hasn't been set to defend the shield. Only one way to find out I suppose."
Bruno steps through the portal and stumbles a bit as he reaches the other side. Catching himself quickly, he pays himself down to make sure all parts of him made it through the portal. Satisfied all the important bits are there, he looks dejectedly around the dock area.

“Can’t say I’m happy to see this place again so soon.”
Shouldering his bag, he looks to Dartan and Bartok.
“We should make haste to the Vanthampurs villa. If we’re lucky the shield may still be there.”

"That's as good a place to start as any, lad. I be feeling lucky today!" Bartok clanks with each step as his armor gleams in the morning sunlight. "Yes, the Baroness is with us today, lads", he says with a hearty laugh.
Bruno, Dartan and Bartok head toward the Vanthampur Villa. As you approach the villa, you suddenly see Reya and Jules also near the gate of the Villa. They are standing near the gate, looking around and you all five see each other about the same time.

"By the gods! Dartan! Bruno! Bartok! Over here!", shouts Reya as she runs over to greet everyone. In her excitement, she doesn't realize that she runs right into Bartok and gives him a warm embrace.
"I can't believe it! I thought we would never find you!" Reya suddenly realizes she is embracing Bartok and she releases him quickly. "Oh, I am sorry master Bartok. I just am so relieved we found you!!"
** Luck has smiled upon the party ** (each party member has lost 25 luck)

Jules walks up behind Reya and nods his head.
Reya rolls her eyes as the party reunites.
you are all gathered at the Vanthampur Villa. There are no guards present at the moment, however the gate to the villa is shut and chained, and a sign on the villa says "No Admittance, by order of the Flaming Fist"
30 minutes pass
Time: 8:34 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Reunited at Last
Bruno stops mid stride as Reya and Jules come into view. He stares, unbelieving and unable to move. He takes a hesitant step forward, unable to believe his eyes while also wanting to believe this was happening more than anything.

“Reya? Jules? How? How are you here? We were … we tried to…”
Silent tears start to stream down Brunos face as he slowly walks over to them and places a hand firmly on Reya’s shoulder trying to confirm she was actually there and not another symptom of him slowly going mad. His smile widens as he feels the firmness of his shoulder and turns to Jules.
Bartok is completely stunned as Jules and Reya come into view! He is absolutely at a loss for words, and then even more astonished when Reya embraces him! Her strong arms wrap around him and his head nestles under her chin and on top of her warm bosom. he wraps his arms around her waist and crushes her to him, until she finally begins to step away. Tears of Joy have already begun leaking from his eyes and down into his beard as he meets her eyes!

"How Lass?!" he exclaims. "How in the name of all that is good did ye make it back!? I'd hoped and prayed, but I still never thought we'd see ye again." Catching sight of Jules past her shoulder, Bartok emotionally calls to him, "And you! Ye slippery little trickster! I can't believe yer still in one piece! What cleric did ye find to patch ya up so well! I'll be needin to pay em a visit!"
With a smile at Reya, Bartok heads over to clasp arms with Jules.
Bruno, Walking over to the rogue, he attempts to place a hand on the rogues shoulder as well to confirm he’s alive and well. Feeling his hand pass through Jules’ illusory shoulder, Bruno jumps back with a look of panic and fear on his face.

“What the?!”
He immediately takes several steps back and gets in a defensive crouch. He extends a hand towards Jules and looks in confusion towards the rogue and Reya.
“Explain yourselves! NOW! Who are you?! Is this just some devil spawn trick meant to torment us?!”
As BRuno's hand passes through the illusion and he jumps backwards, Panic and anguish blossom in Bartok's heart, as he realizes that it's not Jules. Has he been tricked!? Has some evil sorcerer used his friends awful fate against his tender heart!? Bartok's vision begins to narrow, and there is an audible creak of leather, as his hand wraps around the handle of his mace and he draws it from his belt.

"If ye be thinkin that lookin like me friend will stop me from crushin yer skull down between yer shoulders, ye've got me all wrong." Bartok steps over by bruno's crouched form and brings his shield to bear. "Can ye see who it is lad? Or should I just knock him helmet over boots?"
Upon seeing Bruno's hand pass through Jules, Dartan Grabs Reya by the throat and lifts her off the ground.

"What foul treachery is this?" Shouts Dartan as he reaches out to Grab Reya by the throat.
Reya reacts with fast reflexes as Dartan reaches out to grab her by the throat. She blocks his arms, and lunges backward, away from Dartan and draws her blades,

"Easy big fella -- that there is just Hippee, playing a practical joke on you all. Apparently, he can cast illusions now...."
As she's speaking, the illusion, disrupted by Bruno trying to touch him, begins to fade away, revealing the little Gnome standing where Jules once was.
Dartan gasps and sputters, trying to find words before breaking into tears.

"reya...I... I'm sorry. Please, forgive me. The thought of ...something.... posing as you to torment us was too much to bear. ", then looking at Hippee with a scowl,
"And you, little one....Many days there are where I would have found this funny. However apparently today is not one of them. I take this to mean Jules did not survive. I feared as much. We have much to discuss. First, what brings you two back here?"
Hippee let’s out a little giggle as his form shifts back to normal

“Had you lads spooked for a second haha. Miss me?” Hippee transforms into each of the party members before their eyes. “Hell can change you, literally and figuratively.”

"You are right to be cautious, my friend. We barely escaped Avernus with our lives. Jules was not so lucky." Reya explains what transpired after the three of them were sucked into the portal, she recounts the receiving pit, the deal with the devil to get Jules a new body, the battle with the giant hornets, the river styx and finally, the tower of urm.
"We only escaped because the mad wizard, Mordenkainen let us escape. However, I fear that our little gnome here may be under some kind of spell. Mordenkainen did .... something to him, and sent us back here to find some shield." Reya tells you what she knows about the encounter with Mordenkainen and the shield that supposedly is in Baldur's gate.
As the party reunites and catches up in the back alley, they are just outside the gate of the Vanthampur estate.
there are no flaming fist guards here at the moment, however the villa gates are locked and chained.
Two main options come to mind to get into the estate:
1. you can make an attempt to climb the walls (Acrobatics check vs DC 13)
2. You can try and break the chains locking the gate (Athletics check vs DC 13)
30 minutes pass
Time: 9:04 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Akron Mace, Demon Hunter
Bruno stands from his defensive position as Hippee dismisses the Jules illusion and proceeds to imitate the rest of the group. He shakes his head sullenly and his face is a mixture of emotions as Reya proceeds to tell of Jules' demise and their escape from Avernus.

"Jules ... gone. Lost to the Nine Hells. And now the mad wizard Mordenkainen is a part of all this." Bruno chuckles in sorrow and disbelief. His gaze turns serious when Reya mentions Mordenkainen casting a spell on Hippee. He reflexively makes a sign to ward off bad juju.
"The tales of Mordenkainen are ... well, let's say he *earned* the nickname 'The Mad Wizard'. If he cast a spell on Hippee and let you both leave just like that..." Bruno snaps his fingers. "...who knows what he may have done first?"
BArtok's emotions go on a roller coaster ride as first he learns that Hippee is alive, but that Jules is dead. The story of the golem crushing him and the blood worms eating his flesh in that river of blood, tear at his soul and he weeps openly as the story comes to a close.

"If only I had been there... I'm so sorry for all yer pain and suffering." Bartok raises his eyes, "Baroness have mercy on him. For all 'is troubles he wasn't an evil man." Bartok holds his holy symbol and hums a quick chant.
Reya places a hand tenderly on Bartok's shoulder and speaks softly,

"I know Bartok, I wish you had been with us too... " Reya bows her head as Bartok chants his prayer and then nods when he finishes. Then turning to Bruno,
"Bruno, the spell that Mordenkainen cast, I don't think Hippee is aware that he was bewitched. He's been rambling on and on about how he saved us from Avernus."

"I can try and figure out what spell is affecting Hippee, but it will take time." Bruno sighs and reshoulders his pack. "That will have to wait though. We learned there's an artifact, a shield specifically, that may have a devil trapped inside." *Bruno proceeds to tell Hippee and Reya what they know about the shield* "We saw it here in the Vanthampur's estate when we were here last but it was guarded by a rather large stone golem. We didn't know what it was then, so we decided to leave it behind before we lost ..." *Bruno pauses, the words almost sticking in his throat* "Before we lost anyone else. We need to get it out of this city before it can do any more harm than it already has. We're just hoping it's still here."

"It is obvious that we both seek the same shield. I do not believe it should fall into the hands of evil, but I suppose we will have to deal with that later. For now, let us see about getting back into this place."
Dartan grabs the lock and yanks on it to no avail.
"Bartok, how's your AIM WITH YOUR MACE?"
Wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his vestments, he takes a deep breath and responds to DArtan.

"I think I've seen the like of that lock before. Maybe me blacksmith hammer, or even me warhammer might do the trick." Bartok digs into his bag of holding for his hammers, and begins to study the lock. He also begins to study the gate itself looking for ways to dislodge it from it's mooring, instead of having to break the lock.
Bartok determines that the lock is a very well made, strong lock. It is extremely strong, but it's no match for his enchanted mace. He figures out the best way to strike it, and after a few strong whacks at the precise angle, the lock breaks and the chains fall to the ground.
Bartok grins widely, and nods as he addresses Dartan, "Don't feel embarrassed laddy. Sometimes it's not a matter of brute strength, but of experience. I worked in a smithy as a lad, and learned a thing or two about metallurgy."
Experience Awarded
The party quickly enters the estate and heads to the main entrance. It's about this time, a cloaked man approaches you.

"Seems you aren't the only ones looking for that damned shield. So now what?"
The cloaked man puts his hand on the hilt of his sword and pulls the cloak off his head.
"I'm Akron Mace. You all talk too loud". He proceeds to tell you that he's too is searching for the Shield of the Hidden Lord, and he had suspected it was in the Vanthampur Vault, but after overhearing you all talking about it, realizes you have the same objective: To get the shield out of Baldur's Gate.
You learn that Akron is also a member of Rok's guild and shows you his credentials.
Note: Role-playing your introductions with Akron can be included in your next post, but assume that you all agree you have the same goal.
Akron is a Demon Hunting Ranger. He fills you in on what he knows about the Shield of the Hidden Lord. He also tells you that there is a group of Zealots known as the Knights of the Shield that know the shield is in Baldur's Gate and are also looking for it, and will kill anyone that has it. Akron offers to join your party to rid the city of the threat.
The party is at the front door of the Vanthampur Villa. The door is locked.
What do you do next?
30 minutes pass
Time: 9:34 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Breaking into the cellar
Bartok jumps in surprise as Akron emerges from the shadows. After hearing his explanation BArtok quickly begins to trust him and asks after his health and weapon needs. once he joins them, he offers support and healing as part of the party. Taking a deep Breath BArtok exclaims,

"Baroness save me! Don't think I can take any more heart jumps today lads! What say, we have no more surprises or near death experiences for the rest of the day eh?" Bartok suggests that they stay together and get the shield retrieval done, so they can get back to finding and saving the people of Elturiel.

"Well met, traveller."
Hippee bows to the Ranger

“Well met Arkon, I am Hippee, Warlock extraordinaire, dashing debonair and" (kicking some pebbles towards Reya) "conqueror of Avernus.”
Reya rolls her eyes at the gnome, and continues to rest her hand on Bartok's shoulder.
Bruno automatically takes a step behind Dartan and Bartok as Akron emerges from the shadows. He slowly reaches for his component pouch, waits and listens nervously until it becomes clear the ranger is not a threat. Not moving his hand from his component pouch, Bruno nods towards Akron.

“And how do we know you’re not one of these ‘Knights of the Shield’ zealots and just using us to help you get the shield?”
*Insight check!* (3 + 2 = 5)

"Fret not Bruno - I don't believe Rok would *willingly* associate with infernal cultists.", then turning back to Akron, "Mace, is it? We welcome you to join us for however long it may take. However, we seem to be stuck yet again. Anyone have lockpicks or another way into this damned place? The sooner we are done with it the better."
Reya cautiously looks at Akron, with one hand on the hilts of her blades, and the other still resting on Bartok's shoulder. She relaxes a bit, and answers Akron,

"You are welcome to join us, Arkon. I too have a strong hatred for devils and demons. Let us rid the city of this plague once and for all!"
Seemingly satisfied with the answer, Bruno nods and relaxes slightly. Gesturing to the now open gate, Bruno looks to the ranger.

“After you.”

"Well, what are we waiting for. Let's get that damnable shield!", Bartok pulls out his mace and prepares to smash the front door of the villa but Bruno swiftly speaks up,

"Wait! that will attract too much attention. Why don't we check the trap door in the stables?"
As Bruno speaks, Bartok stops mid swing. The entire party looks at bruno.

"The wizard is right. We shouldn't be smashing our way in, leaving a trail for others to follow. "
The party moves over to the burned out stables and sees the trap door, covered in some rubble and burned wood. After clearing the rubble off the door, they are able to easily open and descend the ladder into the secret passage behind the sanctuary in the cellar. You close the trap door behind you.
The cellar is dark, and quiet. Bartok lifts his mace which provides a soft glowing light, about the same as a torch, for those in the party without darkvision.
the group makes their way to the vault -- as you reach the vault, there are several dead Flaming Fist soldiers laying out in the hall, and a few inside the vault chamber. Their bodies are crushed beyond recognition.

As you look at the door to the vault, it stands open and damaged. The stone golem stands in front of the Shield in the middle of the room, motionless.

30 minutes pass
Time: 10:04 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Engaging the Golem
In a low voice starring at the shield,

“if I didn’t say before, well met to each of you. But it seems the legend is true. And a golem is no small thing. Our only action may be to fight this mindless evil.”

"Bruno, how about using that magic hand of yours to see what the golem does if we try to grab it instead of the chests. Its too easy, but we must try."
Hippee conjures his mage hand in a fist bump towards Bruno

“Dap me up Wizard, two hands are better than one, let’s try for the shield”
Bruno raises an eyebrow quizzically at Hippee. After a moment he sighs in resignation. Nodding at the gnome, he gestures quickly and summons his mage hand. Commanding it to fist bump Hippee’s spectral hand, he turns his attention to the golem and the shield.

“OK Hippee…we go on three. One, two, three!”
At the count of three, Bruno commands his mage hand to try and take the shield off the wall.
As before, as soon as the mage hands approach the shield, the golem activates and it immediately attacks the hands, smashing them into arcane particles. The Golem then returns to it's initial location and stands guard once again.
Bruno winces as his mage hand is smashed into arcane particles.
“Well, that didn’t work.”
Bruno stares up at the large form of the golem for several moments, deep in thought. After a while, his face suddenly brightens with an idea. He turns to Hippee excitedly.
“This thing was obviously put here to guard all these valuables. But there has to be a way for theVanthampurs to come in and out of here without activating the golem. What if you use your new ‘ability’ to make yourself look like Thalamra Vanthampur? It may not attack you then.”
Bruno glances at the lifeless forms of the Flaming Fist soldiers scattered about.
“It’s not without risk though.”

“send in the little fella eh? Might be it could work… then again, that golem might turn ‘im into gnome powder. (Which By the way, is great for blowing up stubborn boulders).“. Bartok grins at hippee. To show he’s joking. “In truth laddie, my shield will be right behind ya if he charges.“. Looking over at dartan, his grin goes even wider and his eyes alight with anticipation. “Whatta ya say big fella!? I’ve been wanting a crack at this rock since we were ‘ere last time!“ Bartok looks down (slightly) at hippee, “start with somethin close to us laddie. No need temptin fate anymore than we have to. “
Looking over at Reya, Bartok gets a bit more serious.
“if he does charge lass, see if ye can get behind him and take off an arm or a leg. I’ve a feelin we may ave to take ‘im a piece at a time.!” Bartok tries to think of a joke for ‘what do ya call a 1 armed 1 legged golem…. ‘
Hippee looks up slightly to Bartok

“bit by bit, limb by limb let’s take this golem down, I’ll stick close, can’t risk losing my shield” Hippee gets behind Bartok and a flicker of purple emerges from his hands as he warms up his fingers.
Reya draws her swords, nodding at Bartok and then looking to the newcomer, Akron.
"That hammer of yours might do well here, Akron. I am not sure how well my swords will do against stone. Go for the knees, lets take this thing down!"

“right then! Sometimes ye just got to put Yer boot right in it to make some progress!! i’m not waitin for some hut to hide in lads! As me old friend use to say…. Leereeeeeroy Jenkins!!!!“ Bartok shoulders his shield, and grabs his mace. the familiar golden glow surrounds him as he marches into the room humming a dwarvish battle chant. Bartok steps up to the closest table (b4) and slaps a piece of treasure in the general direction of the golem. “Yer mother was a polluted fountain! Come and get me rock head!“
Bartok and Reya enter the Vault first, followed by Akron. As soon as Bartok crosses the threshold of the room (row T35) the Golem activates, and raises it's head, Bartok is able to hit one of the coffers toward the golem and the box lands at the Golem's feet. The golem ignores the box and focuses it's attention on Bartok.
Roll for initiative
Akron, swiftly casts hunters mark on the golem, marking it.
Akron, after marking the Golem, steps into the room and smashes the Golem in the legs for 16 points of damage! Pieces of stone and debris crumble from the construct. Akron, follows up with another massive smash to the golems abdomen, causing more chunks to crumble dealing 14 points of damage, and 5 points from Colossal Slayer!
Bruno casts Slow on the Stone Golem, but the spell has no effect!
Reya moves into position, flanking the golem and slashes hard with her Longsword, she cuts into the golem breaking chunks of it scoring a CRITICAL HIT , dealing 18 Points of damage! She makes her extra attack against the golem, but the blow glances off the construct, harmlessly.
Hippee fires off an eldritch blast at the golem but it streaks past the construct, hitting the wall behind him.
The Stone Golem activates it`s passive SLOW effect. Reya, Arkon and Bartok are slowed.
The Golem smashes Arkon with its massive stone fists, crushing him for 19 points of damage! The Stone golem smashes Arkon again, crushing him for 16 points of damage.
Dartan casts Compelled Duel, but it has no effect on the Golem! (Save throw successful)
Dartan attacks the Golem with his blade, but misses! With a lucky swing, Dartan connects with the golem`s leg, dealing 8 points of damage. Pebbles and debris break off the golem.
Bartok heals Arkon for 11 points of healing.
Bruno steps into the hall and points a glowing finger at the golem, energy crackles as he boosts his spell and four bolts of energy slam into the Stone Golem dealing 17 point of force damage! The Golem`s abdomen cracks and dust and pebbles crumble off of it.
(Round 2)
Akron swings his Maul, with a loud "crack" dealing 24 points of damage *Critical hit * and the damaged golem shatters, and collapses into a a few large stone fragments. The eyes of the golem dim and then become stone
The Stone Golem is destroyed!
This room contains four wooden tables with two small wooden coffers atop each one. Hanging on the wall opposite the door is a beautiful golden shield. There are also 6 dead flaming fist mercenaries in the room,
8 wooden coffers
1 golden shield
6 dead flaming fist mercenaries
1 pile of broken stone fragments (the destroyed golem)
Experience is awarded
1 minute passes
Time: 10:05 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Opening the Vanthampur Coffers
Bruno real eases a breath he didn’t know he was holding and slumps in relief as the golem crumbles. He walks quickly over to the dwarf and grabs him by the front of the breastplate, teeth bared.

“Don’t you EVER rush in like that again! You could have gotten yourself…all of us killed!”
Bruno releases Bartok, still obviously fired up.
“This isn’t one of your tavern games where you roll some dice that tell you if you’ve won! How can I protect all of you if you won’t give me the time?!”
Bruno takes several breaths and forces himself to calm down.
“We’ve already lost too much down here. I can’t lose anyone else.”
Bruno gestures almost without thinking and summons his Mage Hand. Shooting a glare towards Dartan, he growls at the Paladin.
“And if you think I’m going to let you open these chests and get poisoned again, think again.”
*Bruno proceeds to use his mage hand to open the coffers.*
Wiping the dust from the golem off his hammer and face regards the wizard’s outburst,

“well, it’s done now. Everyone take a breath and give me a few moments.” The ranger turns to the room and casts Find Traps.

"That went better than I expected. Easy Bruno. Bartok sees stonework and gets excited. Suppose he failed to mention he could see the cracks in this guy that had formed. And don't worry! I won't open anything until our friend here deems it ok.
Mace. You alright? You took quite a wallop. We can get you patched up once we're to safety. Let's see whats in these boxes, get the shield, and get out of here."
Dartan walks over to the shield and examines it.
bartok Stumbles back from Bruno’s grasp as he releases him and the battle joy fades from his eyes. Watching him grab the coffer with his mage hand he begins to feel a bit chagrined. chuffing out his breath through his mustache he steps toward Bruno,

“sorry lad. Was just a big rock Golem. I thought we’d be tough enough to take ‘im. I’ve seen a few in me days in the mountain, and I Wanted to test me new armor against ‘im. I’ll be more careful.“. Seeing smoke tendrils and scorch marks on the golems abdomen, Bartok grins at Bruno. “Ya did have a bit of fun yerself there didnt ya?! Never seen ya lay down a whoopin like that before. Yer gettin pretty good!“. Bartok sees Dartan walk toward the shield “May not want to touch that lad.. not Sure what power that critter inside has.“

You're right, of course Bartok. But we cannot leave it here. After the avatar of zariel, I believe I am up to the task of securing the shield. First things first. Whats in those chests?
As Arkon finishes casting Find Traps. Arkon detects the presence of a trap near where the shield is hanging on the wall.
The mage hand finishes opening the coffers and discovers a large number of ingots, gems, herbs, and fabrics. ** Treasure added **
8 wooden coffers (Opened)
1 golden shield (Trap detected near shield)
6 dead flaming fist mercenaries
1 pile of broken stone fragments (the destroyed golem)
20 minutes passes
Time: 10:25 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
The Vault Shenanigans
Bruno’s gaze whips over to the spot on the wall near the shield where Arkon indicated a trap was. Bruno’s eyes narrow and he grumbles under his breath.

“There’s *always* a trap.”
Bruno carefully gestures at the trap and casts Dispel Magic.
Dispel magic is cast and there is a light "pop" of light on the wall under the shield. A few little sparkles slowly drift down to the floor and fizzle away.

"Well then. Let's do this."
Dartan walks toward the shield, to get it off the wall
Hippee keeps close to Dartan as he approaches the shield.

"Just a moment, Hippee." Reya steps in front of Hippee to prevent him from walking any closer as Dartan keeps moving toward the wall.
"Hippee has been bewitched, let's not forget, and Mordenkainen gave him a recall stone as well." Looks at hippee with a sly smirk, "Isn't that right, my little friend? I think it's best if you keep your distance from that shield for now"
Reya glares at the little gnome, and keeps her blade drawn.
As Reya blocks Hippee and Dartan continies toward the shield, Bruno begins to sift through the rubble of the Stone Golem and the Bodies of the six dead flaming fist soldiers with his mage hand.
The soldiers have very little of value. Their armor is badly damaged and useless, but you do find:
14 x silver coins
18 x electrum coins
9 x gold pieces
6 x short swords +1
* Treasure Added *
Dartan reaches out and grabs the shield on the wall. As he touches it, he pauses for a moment... as if listening to someone or something. He hesistates for a second, not taking the shield off the wall for a good 10-15 seconds.

* Private Message sent to Dartan *
20 minutes passes
Time: 10:25 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Stand off in the vault
Dartan holds the shield in his hands and stares deeply into it. He hears a voice speaking to him inside his head and for a moment, questions his sanity. He speaks with the voice for a moment, absentmindedly stepping slowly backward. He breaks his gaze at the shield and looks around the room panicked. He stows the shield on his back and says

"We must be quick. I fear the Knights of the Shield are close. The....Hidden Lord... in the shield spoke to me and told me such. Gather the loot and bar the doors." He steps to Bruno, leans in and puts a hand on his shoulder whispering. "Now, Even if it is just you and I. We Otter get back to the tower as soon as possible."
With a sideways look at the warlock,

“Careful paladin, the shield holds a powerful demon known as Gargauth. Many are searching to destroy it and the evil it holds. Our group would to well to take it to those seeking its destruction and collect a hearty reward in the process.”
Bruno pauses while searching through a corpses belongings and stands up as Dartan places a hand on his shoulder. Cocking an eyebrow at Dartan, his gaze wanders to the shield before returning to meet Dartan’s gaze.

“You may be right. The sooner we get out of here there better.”
Bruno stands up and heads towards the back of the room.
“Everyone link arms and quickly! It’s time to go.”
*Bruno waits for everyone to link arms*
Hippee links arms but unfortunately not as close to the shield as he would like

“Evil Knights do not sound fun, we’ve got what we want, let’s get out of here”
Bartok raises a bushy eyebrow at bruno as he links arms with the group to complete the circle.

“ready when you are lad.“ looking over at Reya and Arkon Bartok says, “nice job on Stoney back there you two. I’m likin that hammer lad! and as always lass, ya hit em where it hurts!“. Bartok grins in approval looking around the group. “Let’s get movin! I’m needin a beer and some lunch!“
Bruno nods as Bartok links arms. As he rummages through his pack, Bruno glances at Arkon.

“You’re welcome to come with us. Taking on that golem would have been much harder without your help. Just link arms with Hippee there.” Bruno nods towards the gnome.
Bruno then produces a crystal in his hand
“Soooo…these crystals are known to be … finicky. They could take a little while for the energy to build up before the teleportation goes off.”
Bruno makes sure his arms are linked tightly between Dartan and Bartok.
“There’s also a small chance the crystal won’t work at all, teleport us hundreds of feet into the air or into a stone wall.” Bruno chuckles nervously. “I’m sure it will be fine. Everyone keep your arms linked and hold on!”
Reya looks over at the group of men that are linking arms and she has a puzzled look on her face as she sees Bruno produce a Recall stone.

"Am I missing something? What are you talking about? Why are we linking arms? What is Dartan mumbling about? You should be careful that shield!? I know Mordenkainen wants that shield and he shouldn't get it, but what are YOU doing with a recall stone? I think we should discuss as a group what our next course of action should be."
The ranger stands apart from the group and the look on his face is telling as he scans across the band…Arkon looks at Reya and speaks,

“Hellrider, you must have more sense than this. You have said the diminutive warlock is bewitched, the wizard, who was hiding from me in the courtyard, is now wanting to perhaps teleport into a wall, and this large but clearly stupid paladin has snatched the shield and begun speaking of the ‘hidden lord’ which is no name for Tyr I’ve ever heard.” Turning to the cleric, “Master Dwarf, pause a moment and look to your god and what wisdom is bestowed upon you, there are those dedicated to the destruction of the shield which may provide both guidance and aid. Take a breath and apply the wisdom you surely possess. I cannot be a part of this haste and madness.” The ranger ceases his arguments and waits.
Reya stands next to Arkon and does not join arms with the rest of the party, and she replies,

"I agree with our newcomer. This is the first i've heard mention of teleporting anywhere - we only just secured this shield, which we know little about, and which Dartan has already recklessly touched. DO not break that stone, Bruno, until we have discussed our plan"
Dartans eyes flash with rage.

"Do not think you are better than us. Or that you know what we have seen or plan. You would sell the salvation of this city to the highest bidder, so here's my bid - your life. "
Dartan pauses and looks back at Bruno,
Bruno, smash the stone. "

"Belay that order, Bruno. " Snaps Reya as she draws her blades.
Arkon looks at Dartan with annoyance and pity and speaks softly,

“this is not the way. But you and yours will do as you will. While I would see the shield and the evil it contains destroyed, I would use thought and wisdom and not listen to the devil inside. If we must fight, then come along. I promise not to slay you, if I can help it, since your heart and mind are not currently your own.” With a sigh the ranger sets his maul head first on the ground where it stands ready and then slides his gleaming short swords into his hands.
Hippee takes a step back, no longer linking arms with Dartan, Bartok and Bruno and watches in excitement as the Ranger and Paladin stare each other down.
2 minutes passes
Time: 10:27 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Brunos Appeal
Arkon stands ready with his blades drawn,

“Cleric, let us take the shield and your bedeviled companions to a temple where we might find sanctuary and answers. Paladin search yourself and find the truth of this abomination you carry. It’s likely we haven’t much time before the Knights appear and then this all be for naught.”
Bruno looks taken aback for a moment as Reya and Arkon refuse to link arms. He shakes his head and holds up a calming hand as Arkon draws his blades.

“Hold on. Easy there. So much has happened in the past few days I forget not everyone knows what’s going on.”
Bruno turns to Reya.
“After … after what happened down here where you, Hippee and Jules were … taken away … we traveled to Candlekeep. We met with an expert on Avernus to figure out how we might be able to come after you to get you out. She’s the one who told us about the shield and danger it poses to Baldurs Gate. To help us retrieve the shield, she sent us to meet with the wizard Traxigor and his guest Hollyphant, Lulu.”
Bruno looks to Reya to see if there’s any hint of recognition in her face at the mention of Lulu.
“Once we retrieved the shield, Traxigor is supposed to send us to Elturel and we hoped, a way to get you, Hippee and Jules back. This recall stone takes us back to Traxigor’s tower. As of this moment, his tower is the only place I’d feel safe bringing the shield to. We need to get it away from all civilized places as soon as possible. I trust Traxigor to help us dispose of the shield. He will know what to do.”
Bruno glances at Hippee. “He should be able to tell us what’s afflicting our little gnome friend here too. Well, what spells Mordenkainen May have cast on him anyhow.”
Bruno turns to Arkon.
“I know we just met but you should know our goals are the same. We have no love for demons or devils and want to see this shield destroyed. Come with us if only to see for yourself what we say is true. If you hold the same hatred in your heart for those fiends add as I do, you may even want to think about sticking around. We have a knack for running into those bastards. Especially imps,” Bruno grumbles. “I really hate those fuckers.”
Bruno turns to the group with an anxious look. “Now we do need to go. I believe what Dartan said about others coming for the shield is true. The woman we freed down here, Hrune, she is determined to get the shield. The sooner we get it out of here the better. If you want to come with us, link arms.”
Reya keeps her eye closely locked on Dartan and responds to Bruno,

'I see. I remember you telling us before we came down here, that you learned a little about the shield, but I wasn't aware we were going to just whisk ourselves out of here with some unknown magic. We should have more carefully discussed our plans, especially when we met this ranger who also has been hunting this evil shield."
Hippee links his arm back with the closest person near him

“I’m going wherever the shield goes”
Once Dartan hears Hippe say he is going wherever the shield goes, his demeanor changes slightly.

"Bruno speaks true. Do you still wish to hinder us, *friend*?
Bartok releases his arms from the group as Bruno speaks and then turns to the Ranger and Reya,

"Aye, I can see where the misunderstanding may lie. " As he speaks to Arkon, "But, I can tell ye that this group, is good. We've been told to get this shield out of the city, and as quickly as we can. I know ye may have reservations about trusting us, but we've fought side by side against that golem - I even healed yer wounds." Bartok looks at Dartan "Our paladin is a good man, and wants to see the shield destroyed just like you. If we can get this thing out of here and avoid a confrontation with the evil knights that seek it, I think it be worth a try. Let the wizard teleport us all out of here before it's too late" Bartok waits for Arkon's reply.
Reya lowers her swords and nods,

"The cleric is right, Arkon. I've been with these men for some time now, and they are trustworthy. We should get out before we are discovered down here. We don't want this shield falling into the wrong hands - we can't trust that anyone in Baldur's Gate I fear"
Reya motions to Arkon to link arms with her as she links arms with Bartok.
5 minutes passes
Time: 10:32 AM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Bruno breathes a silent sigh of relief and links arms with Dartan and Bartok. Reaching into his bag of holding, he produces the recall crystal and crushes it in his fist.
The ranger sighs and flips his swords back into place. Picks up his maul and walks over and links arms with the Hellrider. “Oh what the hell.”
Once Dartan hears Hippe say he is going wherever the shield goes, his demeanor changes slightly.
"Bruno speaks true. Do you still wish to hinder us, *friend*?
Hippee links his arm back with the closest person near him “I’m going wherever the shield goes”
Bruno looks taken aback for a moment as Reya and Arkon refuse to link arms. He shakes his head and holds up a calming hand as Arkon draws his blades.
“Hold on. Easy there. So much has happened in the past few days I forget not everyone knows what’s going on.”
Bruno turns to Reya.
“After … after what happened down here where you, Hippee and Jules were … taken away … we traveled to Candlekeep. We met with an expert on Avernus to figure out how we might be able to come after you to get you out. She’s the one who told us about the shield and danger it poses to Baldurs Gate. To help us retrieve the…