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The Queen's Nipple

Writer's picture: Dungeon MasterDungeon Master

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

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The party finishes talking with General Zodge, who agrees that you deserve part of your reward now and agrees to give you 100 gold, for the work you were able to complete so quickly and crippling the cult of the dead three. He tells you to do what you must to wipe out the Vanthampurs, and should you succeed, he will increase your reward to 300 more gold pieces.

During the day the party completes errands in the city, conduct business, and rest. The first day passes with no incident. Dartan was able to go to the Church of Tyr, with a flaming fist escort (provided by Zodge). Bruno and Bartok spend the day in prayer at the Temple of the Baroness. Jules spends the day, taking care of rogue business. The party finally checks into the Queen's Nipple brothel around 8:00 pm in the evening.

The Madam greets you at the door, and smiles warmly at the party.

"Welcome to the Queen's nipple gentlemen. I think you'll find your accomodations to your liking."

The madam hands you a set of keys and tells you where your rooms are.

"Services are provided for 5 gold pieces per hour. I am Madam Jeina, at your service. Eva here is available for rent tonight, and there are other ladies if she doesn't please you."

"Hello gentlemen. Please let me know if I can serve you in any way."

She gives a wink, and walks over and sits down on a red velvet chair.

With that the party concludes their business for the day and must rest another night.

The madam gives you 6 separate room keys. Each room has a queen size bed.

Please let me know what the party plans to do this first night.

Second, what your plan is for the next day, if intending to look for Amrik or Thurstwell. If you intend to conduct any other business on Fourthday, and what time you would want to head to Low Lantern or Vanthampur Villa.

9 hours pass

Time: 8:50 PM

Date: Thirdday , 23 , Tarsakh

The 2:00 AM meeting

The rogue ignores the whores and takes a key, finds the room, closes the door behind him and the lock snaps with a sharp “click”. Once in the room he falls into bed with pants on and a dagger in each hand.

Bartok seems more at peace tonight than any time since the beginning of the journey. He spent the entire day at the temple in quiet meditation and prayer, concluded by having a quiet conversation with the leader of the temple. his shield has been polished, his mace cleaned, and his armor freshly oiled as he appears ready once again for adventure. He chuckles at the ladies and discusses the healing potential of a pair of legs vs. a good potion!

Bruno grips the bundle of fine papers and inks tightly under his arms and grabs the key from the madam. Doing his best to avoid eye contact, he nods and makes a half bow towards her.

“Er…thanks. I think we’ll be fine.”

Rushing up the stairs to his room, Bruno shuts the door and quickly locks it behind him. Carefully organizing the paper in a neat stack, he pulls out his spellbook and a couple of the spellbooks they recovered from the cult of the dead the three. Summoning Walter to his side, he nods to his familiar.

“Keep an eye out and let me know if someone is trying to get in.”

Bruno cracks his knuckles and takes a deep breath. Taking his time, he begins carefully inscribing the arcane symbols into his spellbook.

Bruno pauses for a moment, considering whether to venture outside of his room. Reaching for the knob, he stops himself and reconsiders.

“Think we’re going to stay in tonight, Walter.”

Gesturing towards Mortlock’s room, Bruno cups a hand to his mouth and casts Message.

“Evening Mortlock. It’s Bruno. What would be the best way to strike at your brothers? Should we take out the imp master to remove their eyes or head down to the Low Lantern first? Which would deal a more crippling blow to your family? You may reply to this message.”

After just a few seconds, Bruno gets a reply.

"Well isn't this an interesting little spell. You Wizards are very interesting people. I think we should go take out Amrik at the Low Lantern first. Thurstwell may have imps, but you already killed several of them so his spy network is already crippled. We will need to strike them both quickly though. It's too bad we can't get them both in the same place, but they don't usually spend much time together."

Jules comes out of his room for a moment, and speaks to anyone that is listening.

"I have a meeting with a black market vendor who claims to sell magical items. Anyone want to join me?

Upon hearing about his meeting, he smiles and offers to join him.

"I'll go with ye Jules. My shield will cover your back."

Bartok grabs a cloak to cover up the shine on his armor, and his weapons when they leave tonight.

Jules and Bartok head out into the dark a little before 2:00 am to arrive at the meeting place that was described by the vendor. When they get to the alley behind the Mourning Wood tavern, it's quiet - but there is still some night life at the tavern around the front. Occasional laughing and music is heard as the patrons drink and flirt with prostitutes that are making their rounds. Jules and Bartok stay clear of attracting any attention and stay in the shadows. Jules shows Bartok some tips and tricks for staying hidden.

** Only Jules and Bartok are here for this encounter **

Finally a little after 2:00 am, three men approach Bartok and Jules in the back alley.

"I am Snake eyes. Is one of you Jack?" I was told that Jack wanted some pepper cat spice. Which one of you is my man?"

The other two men, have crossbows cocked and stand just out of the little bit of light in the alley, about 15 feet away from Bartok and Jules.

Jack steps up and speaks to Snake eyes in Theives cant for a few minutes, until Snake eyes opens his cloak revealing several interesting items.

The rogue shows you:

1 x Silvered Short Sword + 1 Price: 300 gp

1 x Leather Armor of Vanishing (3 x charges of invisibility) Price: 400 gp

1 x Ring of protection + 1 Price: 1200 gp

1 x Wand of Magic Missiles (8 x charges, casts magic missile) Price: 250 gp

1 x Necklace of Fireballs (1 x charge left) Price: 50 gp

1 x Dagger of Sickness (target must make CON save vs DC 12 or suffer disadvantage for 1d4 rounds) Price: 300 gp.

Dartan, Bruno, Hippee and Mortlock are at the Queens Nipple (presumably sleeping)

What does Bartok and Jules do?

about 5 hours pass

Time: 2:15 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Rogues cant

Speaking in thieves’ cant,

“nobody is carrying that kind of cash out at night. Call it professional courtesy but I should let you know these goods are not priced to move. Quick cash and not holding inventory is what makes sense for all of us. Send word with your new prices and where to make the exchange.”

Snake eyes looks visibly annoyed but composes himself quickly.

Snapping... "Nobody would get anything even close to this nice for the price."

As he composes himself, he speaks calmly again, "Snake eyes doesn't just come and go at your beck and call. I'll meet you again, but you bring gold next time, or else you'll be fishing a bolt out of yer eye. I don't have time to play games."

Snake eyes turns and walks away with his body guards. He turns around at the last second and says,

"20 percent off my prices next time, to move the inventory. Bring gold or don't show up. Same place, same time, two nights from now"

With that he fades into the darkness and is gone.

The rogue turns to leave and will head back to the nipple with Bartok

Once they are out of earshot of the alley, Bartok quietly speaks to Jules.

"Sorry ya didn't get what ya wanted there lad. But there'll be another chance for ya. Good to leave with our skins intact, and coin still in our pockets." Glancing around the streets as they walk, Bartok speaks from the heart.

"I know we don't always see things the same way Jules. But I think when it comes to these evil men we be huntin, we're wantin the same thing. But I Spent a good bit of me day thinkin and prayin about what happened in the sewers..... I've been called to heal, and care for the people of this land, and I'm goin to do the best i can to do that. There's gonna be those that we fight that need killin, and rightfully so! but I'm gonna save any as I can that be lost, or misguided. I'd appreciate yer help with that. Ye want to leave em locked in a room, or bound on the floor to keep us safe, I'm with ya! But slittin throats for the sake of convenience, or killin folk before we've had a chance to talk with em don't sit right with me."

Bartok pauses, then continues.

"I like ya lad. Ye're deadly with a blade and yer a handy man in a fight! And ye can live yer life how ya choose, but i wanted you to know I've been inspired to help you specifically. Seems the Baronness has got a soft spot for ya. But stray too far to the dark side lad, and I'm not sure how much me praying on yer behalf will get us."

Having a moment of realization he continues,

"Oy, If the sword don't work out for ya, there's some in me order that can work a blessing on a good piece of steel ye have already! Give me some time and I may be able to do it meself!"

Bartok and Jules come back inside the Brothel a little after 2:45 am, and retire to their rooms.

The rest of the night passes uneventfully.

The party must now decide on todays events.

Everyone please determine the plan for the party in the chat - once you are all in agreement on the next course of action, and a time to proceed to your next destination, have the party leader post here.

** Long Rest Complete **

Here are your current options:

1. Head to the Low Lantern to deal with Amrik (this is Mortlock's vote)

2. Head to the Vanthampur Villa to deal with Thurstwell (Mortlock wants to go here second)

3. Spend a day or more laying low here at the Queens Nipple

4. Doing something other than the above.

Depending on the party decision, will determine the free time you'll have on Fourthday.

about 7 hours pass

Time: 9:15 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

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답글 상대:

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