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The Low Lantern

Writer's picture: Dungeon MasterDungeon Master

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

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The party gathers at the Queen's Nipple for a quick breakfast at about 9:15 AM. The day is shaping up to be pretty foggy, and folks are concerned that a storm is headed this way.

Dartan recounts his day yesterday, and shoo's off a couple of the prostitutes that come down to try and get any of you intersted in a morning romp.... but the party is all about business today, so after trying a few minutes the ladies go try their luck with other patrons.

Bruno idly stirs his bowl of dwarven stew as Mortlock, Dartan and the group descend the stairs to the common room. Swallowing a spoonful, he twists his face and grimaces at the bitter, burnt flavor.

“I can see why this place isn’t known for its food. Looks like I got the bottom of the pot. At least I hope that’s why it tastes like that.”

As the group assembled, he pushes the bowl away and summons Walter to help himself to the bit left in the bowl. Leaning in so only the group can hear, he motions towards Mortlock.

“Mortlock here seems to think going after Amrik first is the way to go. I tend to agree with him. The longer we wait to go after them, the more time they have to prepare and come after us. What do you all think?”

"When we get within a block of the Low Lantern, we need to be careful. Amrik and Thurstwell will be watching, likely with invisible imps. I recommend that we not linger too long, but make our move swiftly so they don't have time to respond. If Amrik sees me, he will know something is wrong, and he will try and flee, Perhaps we should wear disguises?"

As mortlock speaks, the Rogue chimes in.

“Nobody is likely awake at the Low Lantern as yet and it’s good a place to start as any. Try not to make too much noise whenever you get there. We’ll find Walter and give a readout of the situation.”

With that the rogue downs his breakfast ale, stands and walks out the door. The rogue will go to the Low Lantern and conduct stealthy reconnaissance of the place and area.

------ -The Rogue scouts the Low Lantern ----------------------

The rogue reaches the Low Lantern around 9:45 am.

Fog obscures the Low Lantern until you get within a hundred feet of it, whereupon its tall masts and creaking bulk come into view. The converted ship has rigging but no sails, and is anchored to the wharf by thick chains. A wooden staircase climbs from the wharf's

edge to the main deck. A lantern at the bow casts an eerie green light to signify that the tavern is open for business.

It is pretty quiet at this early hour.

As Jules boards the ship - the main deck there is quite a few dead seagulls littering the deck, and two ravens perched up near the crows nest.

there are some steps leading up to the forcastle and also steps leading down to the aftcastle.

There is also a staircase leading down into the tavern deck.

Jules heads into the tavern deck, and inside finds a few patrons playing games and drinking. The Captains cabin is at the bottom of the stairs, the door is shut and has a sign that says "Captain Laraelra"

The Rogue counts 8 patrons inside the ship - The captain, is in the tavern, a Male Duergar dwarf, a Male halfling, twin Drow elves (one male, one female), and three male humans.

This is the busiest and noisiest part of the ship, and it reeks of sweat, cheap ale, rotting timbers, and old vomit. Three bouncers position themselves so they can see everything that happens here.

The captain sees you as you enter and immediately greets you.

"Well met! My name is Laraelra Thundreth, but folks around here call me the Captain. If you're thirsting for a beverage or looking to gamble, you've come to the right place, but watch your step. Things can get pretty messy around here. If you're here for a loan, Amrik is down stairs in the lounge"

The rogue nods to the captain and takes the place in and then finds a corner with a a good view. He orders a cheap ale and observes the room and patrons. He’ll speak if spoken to but otherwise will take a reasonable time with his brew and then leave to find the party and report.

She goes back to working, letting the rogue be.

From this level of the ship there are some stairs in middle of the tavern that descends into a lounge area.

This is as far as the rogue gets, before he heads back off the ship to meet the party.

The party gathers about 100 feet north of the ship on the docks.

What does the party do next?

about 1 hour passes

Time: 10:15 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

The best laid plans

Bruno stops for a moment and steps in a narrow alley near the Low Lantern. Gesturing slightly, he closes his eyes and raises his arms to the sky before bring them down dramatically. After his casting of Disguise Self is complete, a dwarven man stands in his place. He stands about a foot shorter, his beard is black with a bit of grey starting to show at the edges and throughout his temples. His face has the darkened and creased lines of a sailor from many weeks at sea and one eye is slightly clouded over. His clothes are worn and patched and one boot has a well worn hole where a toe can be seen sticking out. His disguise complete, he nods to the rest of the group.

“Thanks to Jules it looks like there’s only one way into and out of that boat. We need to make sure Amrik doesn’t doesn’t get away. If he does, we may never find him again. We should probably station a couple of folks near the exit in case he tries to make a break for it.”

Bruno looks to each member of the group.

Who wants to stay back towards the exit? I have some things I can do to prevent him from running so I can hang out near the exit or accompany the group that heads below to confront Amrik. Any preference?”

"When he flees, he’ll fall, I’ll stay back"

“We like this plan and will go back with the wizard and gain access to Amik under the pretense of borrowing money. The others should follow in a staggered timeframe with Mortlock coming in last as he is known. With luck we can dispatch with the target and leave without too much difficulty but will have backup if the attempt goes sideways.”

"Me thinks I'll stay up here with dartan for now. MIght be a bit conspicuous if I go wavin me symbol around a few of those fellas."

Bartok pats his crossbow,

"If they go runnin I think me and Dartan can slow em down." Narrowing his eyes he says,

"If it comes to blows down there lads, you can bet I'll come down the steps in a hurry."

Jules and the disguised Bruno, both head back to the Low Lantern first.

They reach the main deck and board the old ship - Bruno takes a look a the seagulls lying dead on the main deck, and notices the two ravens perched in the crows nest. The ravens are watching the two men as they inspect the bodies of the gulls. Bruno scratches his head curiously.

"Well, I am not sure why the seagulls are dying. They might be being poisoned." Looking at two or three carefully.. "They don't seem to have any trauma marks or bites. Although all three of them do have this strange spot on them." He shows the spot to Jules, it's a small raised bump under the feathers.

they both drop the gulls and head down the stairs into the tavern deck.

The same patrons are still here - and the "captain" greets Bruno,

"Welcome back to the Low Lantern, and welcome to your friend as well. Can I get you a drink?"

Captian Laraelra has a slightly puzzled look as the rogue comes back so soon after leaving.

"We're just headed down to see Amrik about a loan. We won't be long. Maybe we get drinks later."

Both Bruno and Jules head down another set of stairs into the lounge.

This tavern lounge fills an entire deck and is lit by oil lanterns hanging from the 8-foot-high ceiling by 1-foot-long chains. The windowless deck contains a bar, couches, coffee tables, and tables where patrons can socialize and gamble. Three of Laraelra's bouncers stand in plain view across the deck.

Bruno and Jules casually walk toward the stern of the ship

they see Across the room in the stern section of the ship, there are a pair of couches set up as a makeshift office.

A man sits on the couch, with his feet up on the coffee table. Next to him, perched on the back of the couch, is some sort of devil, with sharp spines protruding from it's back and on it's wings. As Bruno and Jules enter the deck, both the man and the devil look over toward you both. The man watches you but otherwise doesn't seem to be that interested in you.

You notice an armed pirate sitting at the bar, and a few patrons playing some dice and cards at the tables, plus a bartended serving drinks.

There is also a set of stairs going down another level in the ship. near the man and the devil on the couches.

(Map here shows the location of the man, the devil, and the pirate at the bar. as well as Bruno and Jules)

Meanwhile, Dartan, and Bartok board the ship and reach the tavern deck.

Mortlock and Hippee remain outside the ship on the dock, holding position there in case they need to stop Amrik from fleeing.

What does Jules and Bruno do next on the lounge deck?

What does Bartok and Dartan do on the tavern deck next?

What does Hippee and Mortlock do on the dock?

about 15 minutes pass

Time: 10:30 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Amrik Vanthampur

Before descending the stairs to the lower part of the ship where Amrik has set up shop, Bruno pulls Jules to the side and appears to engage him in conversation. He motions to the rogue as if speaking and whispers in his best Dwarven accent, "One moment, manling."

Continuing to gesture as if speaking in hushed tones, Bruno motions towards the Tavern entrance and casts Message towards Dartan.

"There's a good chance we've already been spotted by those damned imp spies. It looks like they may be the ones that have been killing the seagulls. It's a good bet they're either invisible or the ravens up on the mast and watching this place. We should be quick about this before they get word back to their master. You may reply to this message."

His message complete, Bruno nods to Jules and indicates he's ready to head down to Amrik

Meanwhile -- Dartan, after getting Bruno's message, takes a look at the two ravens perched in the crows nest and see the deck littered with dead seagulls. The ravens both continue watching - and both take off and fly away as soon as they see Dartan and Bartok.

Dartan walks in beaming with charisma and charm. After the Captain gives her introduction, he gives her a lopsided smile and orders an ale.

"Captain, you say? Is this your ship or do you have stories of past exploits on the seas? I'd love to hear them if you have the time. My friend here isn't much for the water, but any lady with a good handle on working the mast and the sails always intrigues me."

Chucking a little, "Captain is more of an honorary title, I'm afraid. I am just the proprietor of this establishment. The Low Lantern hasn't sailed for years. I am not even sure if she'd make it out of the harbor - she has so many leaks. "

The captain continues to chat with Dartan for a bit, until she politely excuses herself to work on some drinks.

Meanwhile -- in the lounge

The rogue walks over to the man with the devil and sits down across from him. The rogue’s usually sharp face softens as he sits and he begins speaking with a slight accent,

“a most pleasant day to you m’lord. The name’s Jasper and this one ‘ere’s me partner Billiam Bulldam. We’ve been told that we might find a loan for repairs on this one’s fishing boat assuming you’re, Amik, the man we’re looking to do business with? And if not we’d be most grateful for any assistance, m’lord.”

The rogue finishes with a little nervous smile and troubled glance at the devil and awaits the answer to his query.

Bruno, Taking a seat next to Jules, Bruno keeps quiet while the rogue speaks to Amrik. He looks towards the floor and grunts as if in shame when Jules mentioned needing a loan to repair his fishing boat.

"Aye, just hit a bit of bad luck. I just need a small bit to get the materials I need and should be able to repay it in a tenday or two."

Amrik smiles, and the entire time he speaks, the Spined Devil watches you both very carefully.

"Why yes, Jasper.... Billiam... Yes, I am Amrik. Amrik Vanthampur. It's a pleasure to meet you both. Can I get you a drink? I always enjoy a drink when talking business.

Amrik motions to the bartender who nods back and starts to pour some ale.

"Now, a loan. Is there an amount you are looking to borrow? Where is your boat docked? Forgive me, but these are common questions I ask all my clients. I don't mean to imply that I don't believe you. With all the ... new faces in Baludrs gate these days, it's hard to know friend from foe. Am I right? "

As he is talking, the drinks arrive, and are placed on the coffee table in front of you.

"The terms of the loan are simple. I do like simplicity. 25% interest on the borrowed amount. Paid back in full within a ten-day. "

with that, Amrik lift his mug and drinks his ale.

What do you do next?

What is Dartan and Bartok doing above in the tavern deck?

about 15 minutes pass

Time: 10:45 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

The Deal

On the Tavern Deck, Bartok and Dartan finish with the captain and take a seat at the bar. Bartok sits down next to a rough pirate looking fella, and strikes up a conversation,

"Evening lad. Don't suppose I can buy ye a drink? You look like a chap who's seen a few things!"

Bartok orders an Ale and whatever the Pirate wants to drink.

"I've been lookin fer some.. ahem.. buccaneers shall I say, that may have seen a wee lass hangin around the

docks. She goes by Miss Turner, and she's always been fascinated by sea

goin folk and in particular the fellows wearin a pirate hat and cutlass."

Bartok sighs and lowers his gaze.

"more than once I've had ter drag her of the hold of one ship or another. Breaks me heart, but she can't help herself. Don't suppose ye seen her? Pretty lass. Long blond hair, green eyes, handy with a sword and pistol? Last I saw her she's with a fellow named Jack."

The pirate, looking a bit puzzled at the dwarf, accepts the ale and replies,

"Well met. Me thinks I've heard the name Turner before... but I havn't sailed the seas in months. Me ship, the Goose Down is docked just a few blocks from here. We be lookin for sailors like yerself. Perhaps ye want to come speak with my cap'n about ... Turner was it? He may know more than I."

The pirate finishes his ale and thanks the dwarf,

"Me name's Lester. Lester Black, I didn't catch yers?"

meanwhile - down below deck on the Lounge deck.

Bruno stops and stammers as Amrik asks about the whereabouts of his boat.

"Right, there was ... you see ... er..."

Bruno causes his checks to flush red in shame and embarassment.

"Truth of it is, I have a bit of a problem with the cards. Me luck turned and I find myself on a bit of a losing streak."

Bruno turns around and looks hungrily at the table where folks are playing cards, and also takes note of how much attention the pirate at the bar is paying to their conversation. Turning back around, Bruno leans forward and winks at Amrik.

"Aye, but me luck's about to turn, sure as the tide. See, I've been given a sign from Veragain herself that old Billiam's luck is turning around."

He sits back and nods to Jules.

"You'll have to forgive ol' Jasper here. I told him of my plight and he knew right who to go to for help." Bruno says smiling at Jules. "Berronar guard that lad's hold for granting me his help. Word was that Amrik help those that need help and seems those that says so have the right of it. Now, I was concerned you wouldn't help a dwarf whose cards have been low, so Jasper here comes up with the fixing a boat. The lad was just trying to help a dwarf out."

Bruno looks nervously at the devil before focusing his attention back on Amrik.

"As for the amount, I think 50 gold should be enough to get me back on my feet. Your coin is as good as guaranteed. You can count on ol' Billiam."

he says, smiling wide at Amrik.

The rogue looks at the “dwarf” and blinks, looks at the devil and then Amik for his reaction…

The smile on Amrik's face slowly fades the longer he listens to Bruno. Finally as bruno finishes, Amrik pauses for a moment, then bursts out laughing,

"You had me going there for a moment. You sounded like you wanted to take out a loan to cover your gambling losses. "

Turns to the spined devil

" Vhaltus, did you hear the good dwarf? What do you make of him?"

"Yessssss I heard him. Foolish dwarf. Foolish indeed asking Amrik for a loan for gambling... Maybe they mean trouble? his friend there --- dark eyes that one."

gesturing toward Jules.

Looking at Jasper, "I agree, he has dark eyes. (mumbling under his breath) Lying to me right off the bat, isn't a good start."

Looking at the drink he ordered for you

"And you even took me for a drink... Ahh... cost of doing business I guess."

With that Amrik pulls a dirk from his coat and throws it directly at Jules, attempting to hit him between the eyes.

Attack Roll: 3 + 6 = 9 (MISS) the dagger plants itself in the couch as Jules narrowly dodges it.

Roll for initiative (Jules and Bruno)

about 5 minutes pass

Time: 10:50 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Combat with Amrik - Round 1

Jules snaps into action, and stabs at Amrik, but misses his first attack.

"For Walter!"

He follows up with a dagger to the shoulder, dealing 6 points of damage and 11 points of Sneak damage!

Amrik begins slicing with his dagger attacks - striking with lightning reflexes, dealing 6 points of damage. He unleashes a multi-attack maneuver.

** winces at the damage by the Rogue **

"You will pay dearly, for crossing the Vanthampurs! , I know that you infiltrated the cult hideout. Your time is over. thank you for coming to me, and saved me the hassle of finding you."

Amrik Misses the second strike, Amrik strikes with his third strike, dealing another 5 more points of damage.

The Spined Devil sinks its fangs into Jule`s forearm, scoring a critical hit! Dealing 8 points of damage!


"Feed them to the fishes! Let them sink!"

The Pirate swings his Scimitar at Bruno, and Bruno dodges, the scimitar cuts into the arm of the couch.

(yawning) "You will regret crossing the Vanthampurs"

looking at Amrik,

"Looks like it's a bonus pay day"

Bruno casts Tashas Hideous Laughter on Amrik, and it successfully affects him, causing him to fall prone in hysterical laughter. (Failed save)

"Who do you go to if you’re lost in the woods and need money? The Loan Ranger!"

Bruno runs toward the stairs and shouts to Dartan and Bartok on the Tavern Deck,

"Oi - Amrik's gone mad! Him, a devil, and a bodyguard are down here attacking us!"

As Bruno moves away, he provokes two attack of opportunities, one by the devil and one by the pirate. But both attacks miss as he runs toward the stairs.

"Silence your magic - wizard!"

"Get back here, scurvy dog!"

Laughing hysterically "I`ll kill you... in the most... painful way!!"

meanwhile - OFF SHIP, Hippee and Mortlock see the two ravens shapeshift into small spiders and crawl into the ship.

Turning to Hippee,

"His imps must have recognized the Orc and Dwarf - we probably need to get in there and help - Amrik likely has a trap set for them

With that - Mortlock readies his greatclub and runs onto the ship.

Everyone who hasn't - please ROLL initiative.

Time: 10:50 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Combat with Amrik - Round 2

Standard Actions: The Rogue drinks a potion of Fire Breathing and his throat begins sizzling with a fiery ember. Still hasted, he grabs another potion from his belt,

The Rogue drinks his potion of healing and recovers 10 hit points.

"Surrender to your fate"

Bonus Action: Jules breathes fire at Amrik, he fails to avoid the flame as he continues to laugh - he is burned for 10 points of damage!

Standard Action: The Spined devil makes an attack against Jules, attempting to bite again but Jules is able to avoid the attack!

"Ack! It breathes fire!"

Standard Action: The pirate chases Bruno toward the stairs, then slashes at him with his scimitar. Bruno is cut across the back for 6 points of damage!

"Not so fast, wizard. You are going nowhere."

Standard Action: Bruno casts mage armor, and a suit of magic armor covers him.

"Gah! That HURT!"

Standard Action: Dartan rushes down the stairs (Dashes) and reaches the lounge and comes up next to the Pirate and Bruno.

Bonus Action: He casts Hunters Mark on Amrik.

"You are marked, Amrik! Prepare to face judgement, the JUDGEMENT OF TYR!"

Standard Action: Bartok charges down the stairs (Dashes) onto the Lounge, reaching the pirate, and rams his shield (Bonus Action) into the pirate full force, dealing 4 points of damage!

"Not so fast, filthy pirate!"

Standard Action: Hippee dashes onto the ship and down onto the Tavern Deck

Imp(1) Standard Action: The imps come through the windows and revert to their natural forms and swarm Mortlock, striking him for 5 points of damage!


Imp(2) Standard Action: The second imp strikes at Mortlock but misses it`s attack!

"We makes masters happy! Get this one! He is the one!"

"Oh great, more of Amrik's associates. Please don't break everything."

As Captain Laraelra sees the imps come through the window, she moves aside casually, and gestures to the bartender to move the more expensive bottles down to the floor. they work fast.

Time: 10:50 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Combat with Amrik - Round 3

Standard Action: The rogue slices at the spined devil with his short swords. And in a dizzying display he cuts into the demon dealing 5 points of damage and 6 points of sneak damage!

"I`ll Need A Nap After This!"

Bonus Action: Striking with his offhand the rogue hits again for 5 points of damage

Standard Action 2: Still whipping his blades he hits the devil again for 7 points of damage, killing it!

Standard Action: The pirate stabs his scimitar at Bruno’s head, but misses..

"Boss, weve got company! Could use some help! I’ll kill this bastard wizard!"

Standard Action: Bruno fires a ray of frost at the pirate, but it misses.

"Ol` Billiam`s not such an easy mark, manling!"

Mortlock smashes the imp in front of him, dealing 20 points of damage, Killing it! CRITICAL HIT!

"You imps, go back to hell!"

Standard Action: Dartan hits the pirate with his Greatsword and deals 8 points of damage!

"You have chosen your employer poorly"

Bonus Action: Dartan casts Hunters Mark on the Pirate

Standard Action: Bartok smashes the pirate with his Mace dealing 6 points of damage!

"It`s Thumping Time!"

Bonus Action: Bartok casts Healing Word on Jules, and he instantly recovers 6 hit points

**Gesturing dramatically**

Hippee casts a blast of purple energy lighting that crackles and hits the Imp - the Imp is singed for 4 points of damage!

The Imp disengages and becomes invisible

"No! Not fair! You kills Golmak! Ackkk"

Suddenly, there is a sinister laugh come from below deck, as a familar figure arrives at the top of the stairs.

"There you are, slippery one. We meet again. this time, you won`t get away! (to Amrik) Dont worry, I`ll make short work of them. They will pay for what they did!"

He casts Hold Person on Jules, but Jules uses Bruno's portent roll and saves.

Time: 10:50 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Combat with Amrik - Round 4

Standard Action: Jules springs away from Amrik and slices at Vaaz. Using his Adept Wielder he gains +1 to his attack roll for a total of 15, and successfully lands a blow across his shoulder dealing 4 points of damage, and 7 points of sneak damage!

Bonus Action: His off hand attack strike misses Vaaz

Hasted Standard Action: The Rogue`s throat ignites and a stream of fire streaks toward Vaaz, Vaaz successfully rolls away from most of the damage, taking 4 points of fire damage!

Standard Action: Amrik continues to hysterically laugh while prone. (Fails save throw)

"I will.... cut your throat.... wizard! (Laughing angrily at Bruno)"

Standard Action: The Pirate disengages, and jumps over the bar, taking cover (1/2 cover)

Bonus Action: He grabs a bottle with his off hand and breaks it.

"Boss, can you stop laughing and help us! "(as he disengages and takes cover behind the bar)

Standard Action: Bruno makes gestures at Vaaz, pointing a finger at him - a streak of ice streams past Vaaz, hitting the couch instead.

"Oi! Black`s not your color! Makes ya look like ya tryin` too hard!"

Standard Action: Mortlock barrels down the stairs and when he sees the situation, draws his heavy crossbow and fires at the pirate behind the counter (+2 AC) and the pirate ducks behind the bar, taking no damage.

"There you are brother. What is the matter? something funny? At least you will die laughing! (to the pirate) "You chose the wrong brother to work for. No hard feelings."

Standard Action: Dartan jumps over the bar, and slices at the pirate, Missing!

"For Justice!"

Standard Action: Bartok sends a bolt of radiant light at the pirate, but the pirate ducks behind the counter and it misses!

Bonus Action: Pulling his crossbow, Bartok shoots at the hiding pirate, but the bolt hits a bottle, breaking it. (illegal bonus action, but I'll allow it - only a hand crossbow can be used of hand)

Standard Action: Hippee shoots a blast of energy at the Pirate, but its blocked by the bar counter.


Standard Action: Vaaz casts a spell, and his hand glows green, he reaches out and grabs Jules making a successful touch attack, dealing 11 points of Necrotic damage, and healing himself for 5 points of damage. Wounds open up on Jules.

"Which limb shall I rend first? You can give me all your limbs!!!"

Time: 10:50 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Combat with Amrik - Round 5

Standard Action: Jules belches flame at Vaaz, engulfing him for 7 points of damage!

Bonus Action: Jules drinks a potion and recovers 10 HP

Hasted Standard Action: Jules slices at Vaaz, cutting him across the face for 4 damage and 5 points of sneak damage!

Standard Action: The pirate misses with his scimitar attack!

"Scurvy dog! to the locker with ya!"

Bonus Action: The pirate smashes the broken bottle cutting Dartan across the chest for 4 points of damage!

Standard Action: Bruno casts Magic Missile and hits Vaaz with 4 bolts of force for 11 points of damage!

"Amrik’s back up lads! Watch yerself!"

Standard Action: Mortlock viciously slams Vaaz with his Great Club, scoring a CRITITCAL HIT, dealing 16 points of damage!

"I never liked you, Vaaz. You can die, for all I care."

Standard Action: Dartan tries slicing the pirate but the cramped space makes it hard to land a blow with the greatsword, and he misses.

Tyr judge you!

Standard Action: Bartok casts Guiding Bolt at Vaaz, the bolt smashes him for 19 points of radiant damage!

"Baronness guide me!!'

Bonus Action: Bartok pulls out the light crossbow, but the clunky weapon is difficult to manage and he is unable to get a shot fired off this round.

Standard Action: Hippee casts Eldritch Blast at Vaaz, and it hits dealing 6 points of damage, Vaaz goes down!

Time: 10:50 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

Combat with Amrik - Round 6

Standard Action: Jules slices at Amrik, who is prone, and hits dealing 4 points of damage, and 7 points of sneak damage!

Bonus Action: Jules slices with his off hand, dealing another 8 points5 points of damage!

Hasted Standard Action: The rogue pierces Amrik through his shoulder, his blade running all the way through for a critical hit, dealing 14 damage

Standard Action: Amrik stands, and pulls a vial, and drinks it quickly recovering 40 hit points

*to the pirate* Get over here and get this damn rogue off me!

Bonus Action: Amrik stabs at Jules, but misses his attack.

The pirate rushes over, provoking an attack of opportunity from Dartan, and hits Jules dealing 7 points of damage!

"Sorry boss! ** to the rogue ** Boss says you gotta die.. So..."

Then slashing the rogue with the bottle for another 3 points of damage!

Attack of Opportunity: dartan misses his attack of opportunity as the pirate runs toward Jules

Standard Action: Bruno casts Ray of Frist at Amrik, The ray of frost streaks at Amrik, but he narrowly avoids it.

Standard Action: Mortlock bashes the pirate in the back for 9 points of damage!

"Amrik, your time is come."

Standard Action: Dartan slices across Amriks arm, rending a 12 inch gash, dealing 9 points of damage!

You shall pay for your sins, Amrik

Standard Action: Bartok casts cure wounds at Jules, and a ray of healing energy envelops him restoring 13 hit points

Standard Action: Hippee fires a bolt of cracking blue energy at the pirate, and it hits, dealing 7 points of lightning damage!

"Ah, my favoured enemy. Something alive."

Standard Action: The Imp suddenly appears behind Bartok, and stings him for 6 points of damage. (make a save vs poison, DC 11, failed) plus 8 points of poison damage!

"You not going to heal anymore, bearded devil!"

Time: 10:50 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

The passing of Amrik Vanthampur

Standard Action: The Rouge repositions himself and parries a blow with Amrik.

Bonus Action: Slicing and dicing, parries another blow with Amrik

“Gods take it, paladin! Use that giant blade for something more than euphemism!”

**he’s missing the pirate; turns his blade on Amik**

Jules finds an opening, and with a fast slash to the neck, deals a Critical Hit, doing 12 points of damage, and 22 points of sneak damage!

Standard Action 1: Amrik, with a flash of anger, slashes at Jules with his dagger, scoring a critical hit! Dealing 16 points of damage!

*recoiling from the critical hit*

"If this is to be my end, I will take you with me!"

Standard Action 2: He continues slicing at Jules, stabbing across his stomach dealing another 7 points of damage! Jules goes down and is dying.

Standard Action 3: Amrik plants his dagger deep in Dartans belly dealing 8 points of damage. Bile starts leaking from the wound.

"I have to do everything myself (after Jules falls, then turning around to face Dartan) Now you, ugly bastard. Die!"

Standard Action: The pirate advances toward Bartok, and slices at him with his Scimitar, but Bartok blocks with his shield.

I`ll get that healer for you boss. (to Bartok) Sorry big dwarf, but I cant have you healing your friends now can I? (yawn)

He follows up with the bottle, but bartok blocks the bottle with his shield and it shatters out of his hand.

Standard Action: From across the deck, three magic missiles streak toward Amrik, striking him for 12 points of damage, killing him!

"Abraca-FUCK YOU!"

The pirate, seeing Amrik fall, and seeing his situation pauses, and speaks,

"Hey, hey.. I have no quarrel with any of you. I know when I'm beat. If you let me leave, I promise you won't ever see me again. I am not loyal to the Vanthampurs, I just work for coin.

the pirate waits for an answer.

Mortlock lowers his club

"yeah, how about you help us kill my other brother, Thurstwell? And we will call it square and let you live"

(looks at the party for approval)

"Sure, sure... I suppose asking for some coin for that is out of the question?"

the imp seeing the pirate withdraw,

"Yes, yes, you lets us go and mes leave you be! me not care about Vanthampurs neither"

the pirate smirks,

"yeah don't trust the Imp. He'll run straight back to Thurstwell and warn him were coming"

"No no! Mes stay and fight with you too! Mes promise!

Standard Action: The Imp suddenly is split in half by Dartan`s massive sword. 12 points of damage Killing it. The Imp sizzles away in a pool of devil ichor.

"Take your lies back to hell"

Standard Action: Bartok casts Cure Wounds and Jules wounds heal up and he regains consciousness. 12 points healed

As the dust settles, the patrons in the lounge get out from behind their hiding spots, and the bartender starts cleaning up the broken bottles.

What does the party do next?

Time: 10:51 AM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh

The Short Rest

**the Rogue sits up with a deep breath and looks at the cleric and claps him on the shoulder and stands up**

"you and your lady save me again. (with a chuckle) Gods only know why."

**Looks down at his tattered armor and sighs; walks behind the bar and finds the two most expensive bottles of whiskey and slides one in his pack and pours himself a drink with other**

glancing at the pirate,

"looks like we picked up a stray?",

to the Paladin with a raised eyebrow.

**the rogue continues to drink and walks through the carnage and puts a few items in has pack**

Looking to the Paladin,

"We'll send word to Nectar for next meet up."

**With that, the rogue leaves to find a safe place for the party to rest.**

Seeing Amrik fall to his missiles and the imp cleaved in twain, Bruno relaxes a little and tries to slow his breathing. Looking around cautiously to see if anyone else is going to come at them, he walks up to the rest of the group. Seeing no attack imminent and Jules getting back to his feet, he turns his attention to Dartan and the pirate. When the pirate agrees to flip sides, the dwarf’s eyes narrow slightly in suspicion.

“We should be on our way lads. No telling how soon Amrik’s allies may get here to avenge him. I for one don’t want to be here when they arrive.”

Bartok watches Jules head out with his whiskey in hand And mutters,

“That lad bleeds more than a priest in the scourge temple!“. “Anyone else missing a layer of skin or 2?“. Bartok checks the party first and then the patrons. Offering bandages or minor healing to anyone in need. After making his rounds he returns to bruno , mortlock and Dartan. speaking quietly he says, “well.… That’s 2 of the 3, and I’m right glad to be rid of that fella with the imps.“

he rubs his neck in memory.

“One more stop and we may actually give the people of this city some peace and rest. “. Thinking for a moment, “That one took a bit out o’ me though lads! I’d appreciate some lunch, and a minute to rest before we go after ’im. Possibly even a nap! Not sure where we can end up, but i say we stop by the tavern and the shop for a minute before we head out again.“

"It's probably a good idea for us to only rest a short time. If there were any spies that got away, they will be alerting my other brother any minute. Otherwise it could take hours for word to get to him." Looks at the stairs leading up to the Tavern Deck.

"Thurstwell probably has asked the Captain to alert him to any unusual activities surrounding Amrik. We may want to ask her to keep quiet, but she probably will want something in exchange. Other than that, it won't be long regardless before Thurstwell gets wind of this. I'd say lets not linger long."

Mortlock approaches the captain as the party heads out of the Low Lantern

"We would appreciate it if you could hold off on letting my brother know about this. We have some business with him, and I assure you, he won't give you any trouble. Just maybe a couple hours?"

The captain smiles.

"Good to see you Morty. Don't worry, I wasn't about to warn Thurstwell. Shit, I am just glad that your brother Amrik is finally gone. He was bad for business. Don't worry about the mess."

She whistles again as she cleans up the mess.

The party heads out, to rest at the Queens nipple for 90 minutes and recover a little before heading to Vanthampur Villa

* Free time will be awarded, plus you all have some brief downtime to take care of any business, spells or errands.*

New scene will be posted tomorrow.

Time: 12:20 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh


Jul 21, 2022

Hippee of course will be picking herbs in some of his free time


“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Jul 21, 2022

Billiam smiles as he walks up the stairs to the main tavern floor. Winking at the Captain, he chuckles and tosses a silver her way. “You never saw ol’ Billiam in here, eh?” (@DM please add a tab of 1 silver to Bruno) Walking outside, Bruno finds a sufficiently secluded alleyway away from the Low Lantern and drops the disguise. Making sure no one is watching or keeping tabs on him, Bruno quickly makes his way to a nearby row of shops to look for supplies before heading to rest at The Queen’s Nipple. (Assuming Bruno is able to find a pearl worth at least 100gp…if not, please disregard this section) Once the group is gathered in private in their rooms…


Fizzbum Lilypad
Fizzbum Lilypad
Jul 20, 2022

Bartok watches Jules head out with his whiskey in hand And mutters, “That lad bleeds more than a priest in the scourge temple!“. “Anyone else missing a layer of skin or 2?“. Bartok checks the party first and then the patrons. Offering bandages or minor healing to anyone in need. After making his rounds he returns to bruno , mortlock and Dartan. speaking quietly he says, “well.… That’s 2 of the 3, and I’m right glad to be rid of that fella with the imps.“ he rubs his neck in memory. “One more stop and we may actually give the people of this city some peace and rest. “. Thinking for a moment, “That one took a bit…


“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Jul 18, 2022

Seeing Amrik fall to his missiles and the imp cleaved in twain, Bruno relaxes a little and tries to slow his breathing. Looking around cautiously to see if anyone else is going to come at them, he walks up to the rest of the group. Seeing no attack imminent and Jules getting back to his feet, he turns his attention to Dartan and the pirate. When the pirate agrees to flip sides, the dwarf’s eyes narrow slightly in suspicion. (Bruno will make an insight check to see if the pirate is telling the truth about helping to attack the next Vanthampur brother). “We should be on our way lads. No telling how soon Amrik’s allies may get here to avenge…


Arkon Mace
Arkon Mace
Jul 18, 2022

**the sits up with a deep breath and looks at the cleric and claps him on the shoulder and stands up**

"you and your lady save me again. (with a chuckle) Gods only know why."

**Looks down at his tattered armor and sighs; walks behind the bar and finds the two most expensive bottles of whiskey and slides one in his pack and pours himself a drink with other**

glancing at the pirate, "looks like we picked up a stray?", to the Paladin with a raised eyebrow.

**the rogue continues to drink and walks through the carnage and puts a few items in has pack**

Looking to the Paladin, "We'll send word to Nectar for next meet up."

**With that,…

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