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The Journey to Kelvin's Cairn

Updated: Jun 6

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Farewell to Bryn Shander

Just before regrouping in the Taproom:

7:30 am:

Azalie wakes up and feels refreshed. She’s happy to get started with the new day. The night before tested her. She looks in the mirror,

“You won’t lose them. They will be safe.” She pep talks herself into a smile.

She exits her room, bounding down the stairs, missing every 2 stairs. She looks around and sees her precious friends. Her hand shooting into the air, with a goofy wave.

“Good morning!” She yells from the other end of the room.

She skips to their table and pulls up a chair.

“How did everyone sleep? I literally died a little last night.” she pauses a moment, knowing they didn’t really understand what she meant.
“I think we should get headed out. Dorf, are you in the mood to see Hruna?” Azalie winks at Dorf. “She’s quite the dwarf woman. I hope to have the same dedication when I grow up.” She bursts into laughter, clearly amused by her own joke.

Dorf grins and nods. “Aye, I’d like to reconnect with Hruna, Storn, and Korux. Maybe find a partner for my battle axe.”

Mutt descends the stairs with carefully placed, measured steps. His head feels like it's full of cotton and his body aches. He is mildly annoyed by how happy and energetic Stout and Ipa are this morning. Mutt decides the dogs must sense the group's impending departure and are revved up and ready to go. He reaches down and halfheartedly rubs each dog behind their ears. Ordering a rasher of bacon, a rind of dark bread and some watered-down ale to try and settle his stomach, Mutt eats slowly while he waits for the others to gather.

As Fizzbum joins him at the table with his overly bubbly and energetic attitude, Mutt groans inwardly. He just doesn't have the energy to deal with the dogs and Fizz this early. He tries to put on as pleasant a smile as he can muster and addresses the gnome.

"Hey Fizz...why don't you turn into a dog or something and play with Stout and Ipa for a bit? I just need a bit to gather myself together. It's been a long night." Mutt finishes his breakfast and takes a moment to settle his account with Scramsax. He smiles wearily at the barkeep. "Hey Scramsax. I know things got cut a bit short last night with all the excitement. Hopefully the quality of the show made up for its brevity. Did uh, did we manage to collect any coin before all hell broke loose last night?"

Scramsax nods, reaching under the bar and pulling out a small bag of coins.

“Aye, Mutt. We did alright considering the circumstances. Here’s what we managed to gather: 25 gold pieces. Ten of that is your honorarium, and fifteen came from tips collected after you left. Good show, all things considered.”
Mutt takes the bag, gratitude in his eyes. “Thanks, Scramsax. Appreciate it.”

>>> 25 GP Awarded <<< Mutt - Claim in treasure

After settling up with Scramsax, Mutt takes some time to check his gear. He secures the additional packets of salt he purchased. He was hoping to buy more cooking supplies before they left, but folks were less willing to part with what they had in light of last night's attack. Mutt didn't blame them. When reminded that survival is not a given, folks tend to horde what they have. He would just have to do some hunting on the way to the Cairn.

“Ok team! I say we head out for Kelvin’s Cairn. Stock up your stuff, feed your Axebeak, and check the Inn for any forgotten items. We head out, searching for Chiwingas along the route”, she winks at Fizzbum, who’s been all in for Chiwings since he heard of them.
Azalie raises to a stiff standing pose. One arm on her hip and the other pointing to the sky. “We all agree! Let’s blow the joint.”

8:45 AM

Hearing the Party's plan to go to Kelvin's Cairn and try and find the Chwingas on the way, Fizz gets very excited, and scoots up the stairs to pack his few belongings. HIs daily trips out into the wilderness almost always had the town in view, and never really found him the peace of deep nature that he craved so much.

Dorf spends time with the Dwarves at Kelvin's Comfort

9:00 am

Dorf spends a few minutes sharing a pint with Thorgar, talking about the upcoming trip to Kelvin’s Cairn. They sit at a rough wooden table in the corner of the Northlook, mugs of frothy ale in hand.

“So, Thorgar, what can you tell me about Kelvin’s Cairn? Anything we should be aware of?” Dorf asks, leaning in slightly.
Thorgar takes a hearty gulp of his ale and nods. “Aye, the path to Kelvin’s Cairn can be treacherous, especially in this weather. Keep an eye out for sudden snowdrifts and roaming beasts. The Dwarves there are sturdy folk, though. Clan Battlehammer’s mining camp is well-defended.”
Dorf nods appreciatively, then shifts the conversation. “I’ve heard a bit about Hruna. She’s quite the impressive dwarf woman, isn’t she? Any tips on where I might find her once we reach the mining camp?”
Thorgar chuckles, setting down his mug. “Ah, Hruna. She’s a hard worker, that one. Usually found at the main forge or overseeing the mining operations. If she’s not there, she’s likely checking on the new tunnels they’re digging. Just ask around; anyone will point you in her direction.”
Dorf smiles, pleased with the information. “Thanks, Thorgar. I’ll be sure to look her up. Sounds like she’s got quite the reputation.”
Thorgar grins and raises his mug in a toast. “To safe travels and good company. May you find what you’re looking for in Kelvin’s Cairn.”
Dorf clinks his mug against Thorgar’s. “To safe travels and good company,” he echoes before finishing his ale and preparing to rejoin the group.

Regrouping outside the Northlook:

10:00 am

Seeing the rest of the party on their way out the door, Fizz heads over to the stable and waves hello to the kind caretaker who has watched Peck for him over the last 10 day. Fizz slips a silver coin into his hand in thanks, and then happily greets Peck as she squawks from the corner stall.

"There you are girl! It's time for a new adventure! Are you ready!?" Fizz checks his packs for all his dried herbs and supplies, checks her saddle to make sure it's snug, and gives her a quick neck rub in affection. "Looks all good to me! Let's ride!"

Heading out into the Tundra:

10:10 AM

As the group leaves the city through one of the actual functioning gates, Mutt guides his sled in the middle of the group and lets someone else guide the way towards Kelvin's Cairn. Mutt tries his best not to think about Alia. He learned the hard way several back not to get attached (or let folks get attached) in whatever town he ended up in. It was simpler, less complicated. But it was lonely. Mutt, not for the first time, thanked whatever fate brought The Howlbears together. It was nice to have some folks he could travel with, even for a while. Mutt was even starting to trust them.

On the road, Fizz chats with Peck and anyone else who will listen about the Chwinga hunt, all the wonderful wild animals and frosty plants that he's found while exploring the hills around town, and how happy he is that those mean ol' Orcs didn't destroy the town. HIs new Muklucks feel great, and the thick Yeti cloak has been a wonderful addition to his winter travel gear.

As the journey progresses, Fizz hops off Peck when the party stops and digs through the snow around the base of trees, and near small ravines looking for the Chwingas himself without the lantern. (Frankly... Fizz forgot that they even had it.)

Mutt's sour mood starts to lift the further they get from Bryn Shander. Seeing Fizz dart from tree to tree, Mutt can't help but smile.

"Fizz! If you really want to find one of those chawingas, you're going to need this." Mutt pulls the lantern and flasks of oil and gives them to Fizz. Seeing Fizz immediately dash off in pursuit of chawingas, Mutt's smile widens.

Seeing Mutt breaking out the lantern, Fizz stares at it in confusion for a couple of minutes and then exclaims,

"Oh....Ohhhhhh!! Now I remember! The nice Elf lady gave us that Chwinga lighter thing to find them! Well, that's much easier than trying to dig in the snow I must say!" Tapping his blue finger against his bearded chin,

Fizz excitedly rubs his hands together and focuses on the lantern, carefully pouring the oil and adjusting the wick. As he strikes a spark, the lantern flares to life, casting a soft, magical glow that pulses gently in his hands. The light shifts and changes, indicating that the lantern is now actively searching for the elusive Chwingas.

Looking for Chwinga's - 1st Hour (Failed to find)

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The group continues on towards the Cairn, Mutt keeps an eye out for anything that looks chawinga-y. (Perception check made - 15)

Mutt: Perception: 15

Mutt’s perception roll of 15, aided by the mystical light of the lantern, allows him to notice subtle disturbances in the snow that ordinary eyes might miss. He spots a series of tiny, almost imperceptible footprints leading towards a small cluster of snow-covered bushes. The tracks are fresh, suggesting recent activity—likely the playful movements of a Chwinga.

Uptharr: Survival: 3

Uptharr's attempt to navigate the tundra and track the Chwinga starts confidently but quickly goes awry. (Survival roll: 3) As he tries to follow the delicate footprints, his heavier steps inadvertently disturb the snow-covered path. The subtle signs of passage become obscured under the freshly shuffled snow, erasing the Chwinga's tracks almost as quickly as they had been discovered.

As the frozen tundra speeds by underneath the dog sled, Mutt takes a deep and cleansing breath. Deciding to pass the time (and possibly attract some chawingas, Mutt breaks out into song.

"Chawinga-chawinga-bo-binga, banana-fana-fo-finga! Fee-fi-mo-minga! Chawinga!"

Status of Journey toward the Carin.

1:00 PM

An hour passes with no luck in finding any Chwingas.

2 of 18 miles completed.

Looking for Chwinga's - 2nd Hour (Failed to find)

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

The group continues on towards the Cairn, Mutt keeps an eye out for anything that looks chawinga-y.

Mutt: Perception: 22

Mutt's keen eyes scan the snowy landscape as the party continues their journey. He notices subtle signs of Chwinga activity: tiny footprints in the snow near a hollowed-out tree and a faint glimmer of something shiny tucked into a crevice. These clues indicate that Chwingas are nearby, boosting the party's confidence as they hone in on the elusive creatures.

Dorf: Nature: 2

Dorf mistakenly identifies some rabbit tracks as potential Chwinga signs, leading the party to a sheltered grove to a rabbit hole.

Status of Journey toward the Carin.

2:00 PM

Another hour passes with no luck in finding any Chwingas.

4 of 18 miles completed.

Enduring the cold:

Despite the bitter cold, the party is well protected from the elements with their cold weather gear, and yeti cloak furs. While uncomfortable, they do not suffer any ill effects, other than chapped lips and little bits of exposed skin being frost-burned only to discomfort.

The Blood Hawk:

During the third hour of their travel, the party spots a lone arctic fox darting across their path, its white fur blending almost seamlessly with the snow. As the fox disappears into the distance, Azalie's keen ranger instincts urge her to investigate the area where it had been. Upon approaching, they discover a wounded Blood Hawk lying in the snow, its feathers matted with blood and its eyes filled with pain. Azalie gently kneels beside the bird, examining its injuries with a compassionate touch. Recognizing the potential for a bond with this majestic creature, she begins to administer first aid, determined to nurse it back to health and make it her loyal companion.

"Easy now, my friend. You're safe with me," Azalie murmurs, carefully examining the bird's injuries. "You've been through a lot, haven't you? But don't worry, I'll take care of you."
She reaches into her pack, pulling out a few herbs and bandages. "You're a strong one, I can see it in your eyes. Just hold on a little longer. We'll get you patched up in no time."

>>> Blood Hawk Pet Gained << Azalie - Claim in treasure

You may post retro information regarding this new pet

The Arrival at Brynströth - Clan Battlehammer's Mining Settlement

After 2 more hours of traveling through the icy wilderness the party has no further encounters and they finally reach the base of Kelvin's Cairn, as it's imposing silhouette comes into view. The mountain’s rugged slopes rise sharply against the sky, and as you draw closer, you notice a fortified entrance carved directly into the mountainside. The path leading to the entrance is well-trodden, though covered in a thin layer of snow.

Above the entrance, a sturdy iron gate that stands prominently against the side of the mountain. There are two watchtowers on each side of the gate, with flags Flying proudly displaying the banner of Clan Battlehammer, its emblem boldly displayed to deter any would-be foes. The cold wind makes the banners flap vigorously.

As you approach the gate you spot two guards, one in each of the two towers, peering down at you. One of the guards shouts down,

"Halt! Who approaches the gates of Brynströth?" His voice is gruff but carries an air of authority. The other guard keeps a close watch, as their eyes scan the approaching party.

Uptharr steps forward, offering a respectful nod. "We are travelers seeking shelter and the wisdom of Clan Battlehammer. We bring news from Bryn Shander, and request an audience with Hruna, as we are friends of hers."

The lead guard studies you for a moment before nodding in approval. "Very well. Welcome to Brynströth. I will open the gates, please come inside and wait, and mind your step."

The iron gate creaks open, revealing a wide, well-lit tunnel that leads into the mountain. Torches line the stone walls, casting flickering shadows that dance along the passage. As you step inside, the cold wind is replaced by a warmer, more inviting atmosphere. The sounds of hammers on anvils and the distant hum of a bustling community reach your ears.

A guard leads you through the tunnel, and you can see the intricate carvings on the walls, depicting scenes of Dwarven history and craftsmanship. The air is filled with the comforting smells of hearth fires and hearty meals.

"Welcome to Brynströth, the home of Clan Battlehammer," the guard says, gesturing to the expansive underground settlement that lies ahead. "You’ll find the Great Hall straight ahead. Hruna should be there or at the forge. You can leave your beasts with the stablemaster, also near the great hall, they will make sure they are well taken care of. Make yourselves at home, and may Moradin watch over you."

With that, the guard steps aside, allowing you to fully take in the sight of the Dwarven stronghold. The mining settlement is a hive of activity, with Dwarves going about their daily tasks, the Great Forge glowing warmly in the distance, and the inviting sight of the Great Hall ahead.

Inside the Brynströth:

Central Hallways: The main passageways are wide and tall, with stone walls intricately carved with Dwarven motifs. The air is warmer here, filled with the comforting smells of hearth fires and the distant sounds of a bustling community.

Great Hall: The Great Hall is the heart of the settlement. Long tables stretch across the room, filled with Dwarves sharing meals and stories. A massive hearth burns brightly at the far end, and the walls are adorned with banners and tapestries depicting the history of Clan Battlehammer.

The great hall also serves as an Inn and has rooms for travelers to the camp.

As the party enters the Great Hall, the warmth and lively atmosphere immediately envelop them. Long tables are set with hearty meals, and Dwarves are gathered in animated conversation, sharing stories and laughter. Banners depicting the history of Clan Battlehammer hang proudly on the stone walls, and the massive hearth at the far end of the hall blazes brightly, casting a welcoming glow across the chamber.

Amidst the bustle, a distinguished Dwarf steps forward to greet you. Thrain Ironbraid, with his intricately braided beard and a twinkle of wisdom in his eyes, approaches with a warm smile.

"Ah, welcome, travelers! I am Thrain Ironbraid, steward of the Great Hall and humble servant of Clan Battlehammer. It is an honor to have you here in Brynströth."

He extends a sturdy hand in greeting, his grip firm and reassuring.

"Please, make yourselves at home. The Great Hall is a place of warmth and camaraderie, open to all friends of the clan. We are grateful for your visit, especially in these times. Come, sit with us and share in our hospitality. There is food and drink aplenty, and many stories to be told."

Thrain gestures toward an open space at one of the long tables, inviting the party to join the Dwarves in their revelry.

"If you have any questions about our settlement or need assistance, do not hesitate to ask. We are a close-knit community here, and we look after our own, as well as our honored guests. Now, what brings you to the heart of Kelvin’s Cairn? We are eager to hear your tale."

Thrain's demeanor is both welcoming and curious, his eyes sparkling with genuine interest as he waits for the party's response.

9 hours have passed

Current Time: 4:56 pM

Date: Tenthday , 20 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 68°

Current Phase: City

The Dwarves of Brynströth

The cold in Mutt’s bones starts to melt away as they enter the dwarven stronghold. Taking the guard’s direction, he finds the stable master and arranges for boarding for Stout and Ipa and a place to park the sled. Satisfied his dogs are well taken care of, Mutt makes his way to the great hall and finds an open table at the “inn”. He orders the second weakest ale and begins to nurse the drink. He sits and just takes in all of the great hall: the sounds, the smells, the laughter, the songs, and the towering columns and architecture. He makes a point not to stare and gawk directly at the giant columns or massive ceiling. There’s no better to get yourself marked by a pickpocket than by looking like a tourist.

Azalie walks through the majestic iron doors. She watches as the pulleys and mechanics help the door open with just a mere push. However, she's sure the doors are also impenetrable once closed and locked. Not even a Giant couldn't make it through, without help.

She makes sure to try to hide the fact that she's never been to a dwarven hall before. She isn't too comfortable being inside a mountain, especially when there's dwarves running around looking for gold.

Fizzbum is enthralled by the Dwarven engineering and carvings. Keeping a close leash on Peck, he hands her off to the stablemaster, then eagerly follows the smells of Dwarven cuisine. Distracted by the iron decorations in Thrain's beard, he blurts out,

"I love this place! I’ve never seen such amazing tunnels! And you live here?! Amazing! We had a couple of caves in the swamp, but they were made out of clay and old branches, definitely not nice like this."

Thrain chuckles, his beard rings clinking softly. "Indeed, this is our home. Please, enjoy our hospitality."

Fizzbum's attention is quickly diverted by the sight of potatoes, he wanders away and begins sampling the Dwarven dishes, chatting with anyone who will listen, sharing swamp recipes and praising the stronghold. As he does, he strikes up a conversation with an older Dwarf named Gudrun, who seems interested in Fizzbum's enthusiasm.

"I heard tales of Chwingas up on the mountain. Ever seen one?" Gudrun asks, his eyes twinkling.
Fizzbum's eyes widen. "Chwingas? Really? I’ve heard about them but never seen one. Me and my companions are trying to find them. Do you know where I might find them?"
Gudrun nods slowly. "Aye, I’ve seen 'em a few times. Tricky little spirits they are. They like the quiet spots, away from noise and commotion. Best time to spot one is early mornin' or late evenin'. They’re curious, so if ye sit still long enough, they might come to ye."
Fizzbum listens intently, absorbing the tips. "Oh! Thank you mister Gudrun! I’ll keep that in mind. Any other advice on how to approach them?"

"Approach 'em slowly and gently," Gudrun advises. "They’re shy but curious. Offer 'em something shiny or a bit of food, and ye might just make a friend. But remember, respect 'em and their space. They mean no harm if ye treat 'em right."

>> Fizzbum gains advantage on his skill checks when looking for Chwingas<<

Fizzbum nods eagerly. "Thank you so much, Gudrun! I can’t wait to try and find one."
Gudrun chuckles. "Good luck, lad. And enjoy our food; there's plenty more where that came from."

Meanwhile, after Fizzbum runs off after the potatoes...

"Mutt", she silently taps him on the shoulder, "I hope we find Hruna soon. I am not sure if these are elf liking dwarves." Azalie looks around the room to see if any of the dwarves looking hostile.

Perception Roll: 20

Azalie scans the room with keen eyes, her senses honed by years of experience as a ranger. She notices the relaxed and jovial demeanor of the Dwarves, their laughter and friendly banter filling the hall. She confidently assesses that there are no hostile intentions among the Dwarves in Brynströth; instead, they appear welcoming and engrossed in their own activities, putting her at ease.

She feels the movement of her new friend in her pack. "It's ok my friend. We are safe here." she takes a small swallow, "I think."

The blood hawk was an amazing find. They are rare and hard find and only a master handler can earn it's loyalty. She thinks back to her puppy. Such a loyal animal. Willing to stay when she told it to.

Azalie shakes off those thoughts and continues into the hall. "I would love to visit the local shops with Hruna. Maybe I can find a new dress." Azalie feels more confident as her friends walk forward. She's also looking for something for Dorf, but it's a secret.

A nearby Dwarf, overhearing her mentioning Hruna, speaks up and says,

"If Yer looking for Hruna, she’s be working deep in the mines right now. She’ll be back later in the evening if ye wish to see her."

Dorf is in awe of the immense underground expanse. Half-listening to Thrain's directions, he grabs some food and ale, then asks the nearest Dwarves if they know where Hruna is. They inform him that Hruna is currently deep in the mines. He then strikes up a conversation with a seasoned miner named Brokk.

"Ah, interested in the art of mining, are ye? There's much to learn, but I'm happy to share some tips. Have ye ever mined Mithral? I can show ye how if ye be interested"

Dorf's eyes light up with excitement.

"Mithral, you say? I’d be more than interested in learnin’ how to mine it! I’ve heard tales of its strength and beauty. Show me the way, Brokk!"

Brokk nods approvingly.

"Aye, follow me then." The seasoned miner leads Dorf through a series of tunnels, explaining the signs to look for when hunting Mithral veins and the techniques for safely extracting the precious metal.

Dorf spends the next few hours with Brokk, eagerly absorbing the knowledge. Brokk demonstrates how to locate, and extract the metal safely. Dorf practices under Brokk’s watchful eye, managing to extract a small sample of the rare metal by the end of their session.

<<Treasure: Mithral Shard Added for Dorf>>

"Ye’ve got a good hand for this, lad," Brokk says with a grin. "With more practice, ye'll be a fine Mithral miner."

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, Dorf thanks Brokk for the lesson and heads back to the Great Hall. There, he notices a group of Dwarves engaged in friendly arm wrestling matches. Intrigued, he approaches them, eager to join in and test his strength. The Dwarves here are just having friendly matches, no one is playing for coin.

Meanwhile, in the great Hall

Mutt sits quietly in the Great Hall, his ears tuned to the hum of conversation around him. As he sips his ale, he strains to catch snippets of gossip and local news. With a perception roll of 11, he doesn't catch much, but one conversation between two Dwarves nearby piques his interest.


"Did ye hear about the strange lights in the old mine?" one Dwarf whispers to the other.

"Aye, some say it's haunted by the spirits of lost miners," the other replies, his voice low and cautious. "Others think it might be some kind of hidden treasure, but no one's dared to investigate."

Mutt makes a mental note of the old mine and its mysterious lights, considering it a potential adventure for the group if they choose to investigate further.

After finishing his drink, Mutt looks around the room and spots a Dwarven bard playing a lute near the hearth. His interest piqued, he approaches the bard with a friendly smile.

"Greetings, friend. The name's Mutt, a bard from afar. Mind if I sit and listen for a while?"
The bard looks up and nods with a welcoming smile. "Ah, a fellow bard! Of course, Mutt. I'm Borik Ironstrum. Sit, enjoy the music."

Mutt settles down and listens to Borik's melodic tunes, his foot tapping to the rhythm. After a few songs, Mutt leans forward.

"Borik, would you mind if I joined you for a bit? I’ve been yearning to play alongside a fellow musician."
Borik’s eyes light up. "Aye! I’d be honored! Let’s see what kind of harmony we can create together."

Mutt takes out his lute and the two begin playing together. Their melodies intertwine beautifully, drawing the attention of the Dwarves around them. A small crowd gathers, clapping and cheering as the music fills the hall. Laughter, dancing, and merry-making ensue, with Mutt and Borik at the center of the celebration.

For an hour or so, the Great Hall is filled with joy and music. The crowd grows, and the atmosphere becomes even more lively. Finally, as the evening wears on, Borik reluctantly puts down his lute.

"Alas, duty calls. I must take my leave. But it has been a true pleasure, Mutt."
Mutt nods, shaking Borik’s hand warmly. "The pleasure was all mine, Borik. Until we meet again."

<< Mutt gains +2 Reputation with Clan Battlehammer >>

<< The other party members gain +1 reputation with Clan Battlehammer>>

As the evening ends:

As the party regathers in the Great Hall that evening, Thrain Ironbraid approaches them again.

"I trust you've found Brynströth to your liking so far. Do you need rooms for the night, and how long do you plan to stay with us?

He glances around, noticing the Dwarves settling in for the night as it nears 9 PM.

Thrain continues, "Hruna didn't return to the Great Hall, so she likely has retired to her private dorm for the night. I suggest you come to the Great Hall at 5 AM for breakfast. You'll find her there then."

Uptharr steps forward, his expression solemn as he addresses Thrain.

"Thrain, I wish to get a room, somewhere in the most quiet area of the Great Hall. I seek solitude to pray. There was an orc raid on Bryn Shander yesterday. Many were lost, and we want to share the news with Hruna, as she was just there the day before the raid."
Thrain's eyes widen in shock, and a deep frown forms on his face. "An orc raid, you say? That is grim news indeed. Hruna will be deeply saddened to hear of this. Thank you for bringing this news, we will send some aid to Bryn Shander, I am sure they will need assistance in the rebuilding efforts. You will have your room, Uptharr. Follow me, and I'll show you to a quiet place where you can find the solitude you seek."

Thrain leads Uptharr to a small, secluded chamber at the far end of the Great Hall, away from the noise and activity. Uptharr nods in gratitude before entering the room, closing the door behind him to begin his prayers.


Please post your characters intentions and how long you wish to stay in Brynströth. If you wish to investigate the Mines and explore the underground settlement, please indicate what you are trying to do and make an appropriate skill roll for your action. Each day in the mines you will also receive Free time.

RETRO ACTIONS OR FUTURE INTERACTIONS: You can post retro dialogue and interactions with any characters you've interacted with, or you can also connect with characters again, please just let me know.

Also, you can assume that Hruna is at breakfast at 5 AM if you wish to post any dialogue with her, I will incorporate it into the next post.

Rewards Summary

Free Time awarded - 60 Units

Reputation awarded - 2 for mutt, 1 for rest of party

Mithral Shard Awarded - Dorf

Please bring hunger and thirst into compliance.

4 hours have passed

Current Time: 8:56 pM

Date: Tenthday , 20 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 68°

Current Phase: City

Azalie's Time in the Dwarven Mining Settlement:

sigh, Azalie takes a deep breath and lets her guard down. These dwarves are friendly and hospitable. Her muscles relaxing and the tension in her face leaves. Her jovial smile returns and she quickly gets to questions.

“How long have you lived in this mountain? Is there a bath house?” Her pack rustles, “Oh! Do you have an animal healer? You see I found this Bloodhawk and birds aren’t my speciality. I’m more a canine handler.” Azalie starts getting excited. “Have you met Stout and IPA? That are just the best. I was looking for a pet and we had dogs covered. Anyways, I would like to see the animal healer in the morning.”

Azalie is spinning with excitement. Almost unable to keep her feet on the floor. This mountain is so warm. She’s hoping they have some natural hot springs she can soak in.

Thrain Ironbraid listens attentively to Azalie's questions, his expression

softening with a warm smile.

"Ah, you've many questions, I see. Let me address them one by one."
He begins, "I’ve lived in these mountains all me life, and so have many of me kin. Brynströth has been our home for generations. As for a hot spring, you're in luck. We do have a hot spring, though it’s not entirely natural. It’s a marvel of dwarven engineering. We channel snowmelt off Kelvin’s Cairn into the caverns, creating pools. These pools are then heated by the very forges we use for our craft, providing a perfect spot for relaxation after a long day’s work.."

Thrain Ironbraid gives Azalie detailed directions to the hot springs, located deep within the mines. He carefully explains the markers to follow to avoid getting lost and warns everyone that the mines can be disorienting. Thrain emphasizes the importance of staying out of dangerous or closed-off tunnels, mentioning that some are natural lava tubes and could contain unexpected threats. With a serious tone, he ensures that they understand the risks and follow the instructions closely.

Thrain's eyes sparkle with curiosity as Azalie mentions the Bloodhawk. "An animal healer? Indeed, we have one. Her name is Kora, and she is quite skilled with all manner of creatures. She should be able to help your Bloodhawk."
Azalie watches as Uptharr takes a room and Azalie remembers it’s late, they just completed a journey in the cold, dark winter. They didn’t locate any Chiwingas and she’s ready to look, she wants nice hot bath and some food. “The food smells really good around here. What you you say is the speciality? And I was going to head to the Hot Springs after I finish a meal.”
Thrain Ironbraid smiles warmly, "As for our specialty, you’ll find the lamb stew and stone-baked bread to be quite delightful. It’s been a long day, and I’m sure a hot meal will do you well." He advises, however, that the bath should wait until morning, cautioning that at this hour, she shouldn't be wandering deep into the mines alone. "During the day, when the dwarves are working, it's safer to go exploring," he explains.

After having a bite to eat, Azalie heads to her room. She got a private room for the night. Her wound is healing but itchy. She also has been dreaming a lot about her puppy…and Master. Maybe she won’t sleep tonight, maybe she will just meditate.

The dwarves offer cozy underground rooms with stone walls adorned with intricate carvings and warm, ambient lighting from lanterns. Each room features sturdy wooden furniture, including a comfortable bed, a bench, and various storage barrels, creating a welcoming and homely atmosphere.

Azalie was sure she hadn’t fallen asleep. She finds herself as a young child. Her puppy has grown a bit. His name is Bags and he was her best friend.

Azalie's Dream & Flashback

Azalie and Bags were exploring together, hunting together, resting together. The only time Bags wasn’t with her, it was because she was with Master. He didn’t like Bags that much. Ignoring the animal anytime it was around.

Every night the Master called for Azalie she would hug Bags, tell him to stay, and he would kiss her face. This was a normal almost nightly event. Every time she returned, Azalie would bathe, climb under her rags and clutch Bags and cry.

As the days turned into months and into years, Azalie had grown to a full sized elf but only a teenager. Her and Bags weren inseparable. Master didn’t call for her much anymore and she was as happy as a slave could be.

Until... Azalie jolts awake, pouring with sweat, tears drenching her face. With long quick breaths she try’s to slow her heart rate. “I wish i didn’t have the mind of an elf.” Elves never forget, anything.

During her restless night

She hears her new friend rustling. The bird staring intently at her. Almost looking at her like it knows who she is and why they are together.

Azalie presents her arm. “Hello, will you come to me?” The hawk clamors off the chair she perched it on earlier. It stands back a little. “It’s ok my friend, I am nervous too.” Azalie has a reason to be scared. Their talons can slice you to pieces. I trust you, can you trust me?”
The hawk flaps its wings wildly almost to elongate its body tall on the chair, “ screech “, the bird lets out two calls. “Nice to meet you, my name is Azalie.” with a chuckle she tilts her head and gives the hawk a warming smile. “Come.” She presents her arm again and the hawk comes to her without hesitation.
“Good boy.” She strokes his majestic feathers, giving a little scratch on his head. “I’m going to call you, Mellon. That means friend in my language.” The hawk ruffles its feathers in acceptance.

Scene: Morning Meeting with Hruna & Azalie

5:02 AM

As dawn breaks over Brynströth, the dwarven settlement stirs in the early morning light. Azalie, feeling the effects of her restless night but determined to start her day, rises and prepares herself. She steps out of her room, leaving Mellon to rest, and makes her way to the Great Hall. The halls are silent, save for the occasional crackle of the hearth’s embers, as most of the settlement is still asleep.

Azalie enters the Great Hall, her eyes scanning the room until she spots Hruna sitting at one of the large wooden tables, a modest breakfast spread before her. The hall is grand and impressive, with stone walls adorned with intricate carvings and runes, and the warm glow of lanterns casting a soft light over the space.

Hruna looks up, her eyes widening in surprise as she sees Azalie approaching. "Azalie! I wasn't expectin' ta see ye here," she exclaims warmly. "What a pleasant surprise. Yer up early—come, join me fer breakfast."
Azalie takes a seat opposite Hruna, the aroma of fresh bread and hearty stew welcoming her. "Good morning, Hruna. I wanted to speak with you about the attack on Bryn Shander."
Hruna's expression turns serious, "An attack on Bryn Shander, ye say? I was just there the day before! By Moradin's beard, what happened?"
Azalie takes a deep breath. "There was an orc raid on Bryn Shander recently. Many lives were lost. We were there just before the attack, and I felt it was important to share this news with you."
Hruna’s face darkens with concern. "That be grim news indeed. Bryn Shander's always been as solid as a mountain, but these attacks be gettin' more frequent and fierce. Thank ye fer tellin' me, Azalie. We'll need ta be send aid an' support ta them."
Azalie nods, her expression solemn. "Uptharr has already begun his prayers for the fallen. I wanted to make sure you knew as soon as possible."
Hruna places a hand on Azalie’s arm, her grip firm and reassuring. "Ye did the right thing, lass. We'll do what we can ta help Bryn Shander. But tell me, how are ye and yer companions holdin' up?"
Azalie offers a small smile. "We're managing. I have a few tasks for today. First, I need to take my new hawk companion, Mellon to the animal healer. His wing still isn't strong enough for flight. Then I hope to join Dorf for some mining exercises, though I must admit I'm not very skilled at it. I also want to explore the area and learn some ancient dwarven tailoring techniques. Your armor is truly remarkable."
Hruna’s eyes twinkle with pride. "Ye've got a full day ahead o' ye. I'm sure Dorf'll be glad ta have ye join him, an' I'll see ta it that someone shows ye our tailorin' techniques. As fer the animal healer, Kora's quite capable an' will take good care o' yer Bloodhawk"
Azalie feels a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Hruna. I appreciate all your help and hospitality."
Hruna smiles warmly. "Yer always welcome here, Azalie. Now, let's eat an' prepare fer the day ahead."

>> Azalie gains +1 Reputation with Clan Battlehammer<<

The two share a quiet breakfast, the weight of their conversation lingering but soon becomes more light as the two laugh and talk about less serious things. As the hall begins to stir with the waking sounds of the dwarves, Azalie feels a renewed sense of purpose and readiness for the tasks that lie ahead.

Exploration and Discovery in Brynströth

7:05 am

Azalie rejoins her companions as they begin to stir and gather for breakfast in the dwarven great hall. The aroma of freshly baked bread and hearty stew fills the air, providing a comforting start to their day. As they eat, the party discusses their plans for exploring the dwarven settlement and mines, eager to uncover its secrets and learn from the skilled artisans within.

Azalie shares her intentions to visit Kora, the animal healer, to check on Mellon, her injured Bloodhawk, and expresses her excitement about exploring the hot springs she learned about the night before. The party agrees to spend the day exploring different aspects of the settlement, taking advantage of the unique opportunities offered by their dwarven hosts.

>>> Azalie Discovers Kora's Animal Clinic <<<

"Good morning, Kora. I’ve brought my Bloodhawk, Mellon. He's injured his wing, and I think it's a torn tendon."
"Good mornin', Azalie. Aye, let me have a look at the lad. Ah, I see the problem. A torn tendon, ye say? Easily fixable with me Dwarven Balm of Restoration."

Azalie: "That's a relief. Can you treat it right away?"
Kora: "Of course, lass. I'll get it sorted for ye. That'll be 5 silver pieces for the treatment."
Azalie: "Here you go. Thank you, Kora."

>>> Tab Added for Azalie <<< 5 SP

Kora: "Yer welcome. Now, ye might want ta take a jar of this balm with ye. It'll help with any future scrapes and bruises Mellon might get. Only 60 gold pieces for a jar. I know that may seem expensive, but can you really put a price on Mellon`s well being?"

The two women discuss animals for a bit before Azalie departs the quaint underground vet.

Scene: Azalie at the Dwarven Hot Springs

Azalie arrives at the entrance to the hot springs, guided by a friendly dwarf steward. The underground path is lit by warm lanterns, casting a golden glow on the stone walls. The air grows warmer and more humid as they approach the springs, and the faint sound of water bubbling can be heard.

The steward stops at a sturdy wooden door, opening it to reveal a large, cavernous chamber filled with steam. The hot springs are a feat of dwarven engineering, with pools formed by channeling snowmelt off Kelvin’s Cairn into the caverns. These pools are heated by the forges used by the dwarves, creating a perfect blend of warmth and relaxation.

"Welcome to our hot springs, Lady Azalie," the steward says with a respectful nod. "We dwarves built these springs ya see. We’ve harnessed the snowmelt from da moontain and used tha heat from our forges to cre-ate thase pools. It’s a popular spot for relaxation after a hard day's work."
The steward gestures around the chamber, "Here, we all soak together, co-ed. but don't ye worry, the men-folk won't be here until after quittin' time, so enjoy."

Azalie thanks the steward and makes her way to the the pools.

She undresses and then carefully steps into the warm water. The heat immediately soothes her muscles, and she feels the tension from her journey begin to melt away.

Azalie sits in the warm water, her body partially submerged as she wraps her arms around herself for warmth and comfort. Her dark hair clings to her wet shoulders, cascading down in loose strands. The soft glow of lanterns and candles reflects off the water’s surface, creating a serene and almost ethereal atmosphere. Her expression is a mix of introspection and tranquility, her eyes reflecting a sense of calm and the weight of her thoughts. The soothing warmth of the hot springs envelops her, providing a moment of solace and peace amidst the rugged life of the dwarven mines.

Azalie closes her eyes and lets out a contented sigh, feeling the stress of the past days dissolve in the comforting embrace of the hot springs.

>> Discovered Dwarven Hot Springs <<

Scene: Chwinga Hunting with Fizzbum

12:06 PM

After a relaxing morning in the hot springs, Azalie feels refreshed and ready for the next part of her day. She meets Fizzbum in the Great Hall, which is now bustling with activity as the dwarves take their lunch break. The hall is filled with the sound of hearty laughter, clinking mugs, and the aroma of delicious food.

Azalie approaches Uptharr, Mutt, and Dorf, who are seated together enjoying their meal.

"Good afternoon, everyone," she says with a smile. "Fizzbum and I are planning to head out and look for Chwingas. Would any of you like to join us?"

Uptharr looks up from his plate, thoughtful. "Chwingas, you say? Those little elemental creatures? It could be interesting. I will come along and help"

As they discuss their plans, one of the dwarf guards approaches their table, a friendly smile on his face.

"I hear ye folks are plannin' to head out on the mountain," he says. "If ye need, I can open the main gate for ye. The snow's not too heavy today, so it should be a good time for searchin'."
Fizzbum nods eagerly. "Thank you, that would be great. We've heard there might be some Chwingas around the base of the mountain. They like to hide in the snow and among the rocks."
Azalie looks around at her companions, gauging their interest. "So, what do you think? Are we all going, or does anyone prefer to stay behind and explore more of the mountain?"

The guard adds, "Whenever ye make up yer mind, let us know. We'll get the gate open fer ye."

At this decision point, Mutt and Dorf consider their options:

Option 1: Join Azalie, Fizzbum, and Uptharr on the hunt for Chwingas, braving the cold mountainside to seek out these elusive elemental creatures.

Option 2: Stay behind in the dwarven settlement to explore more of the mountain, perhaps uncovering new areas or engaging in different activities within the safety of Brynströth.

Actions Required:

Those going Chwinga hunting, please Decide how many hours you are going to search the mountain, then make one roll for each hour you have chosen out of the following:




Also - make 1 Stealth roll each, for each hour.

For those staying in the mountain: Please decide if you are doing any investigating or if you want free time in lieu of other actions.


Free Time Awarded for all players - 120 units

16 hours have passed

Current Time: 12:20 pM

Date: FirstDay , 21 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 68°

Current Phase: City

Searching for Chwinga's on Kelvin's Cairn:

With the plan set, Azalie, Mutt, Uptharr and Fizzbum all head out of Brynstroth to search for Chwingas (Please make sure your correct weapons and armor are equipped that you want on outside)

First Hour: Initial Search

12:20 PM - 1:20 PM

As the Howlbears set out on their Chwinga hunt, the crisp mountain air invigorates their spirits. Fizzbum, bursting with excitement, bounces ahead, pointing out every little detail he notices.

"Look over here! Is this a Chwinga track?" he exclaims, only to realize it's just a rabbit print.
Azalie, with a sharp eye, spots a trail of tiny footprints leading to a cluster of rocks. "I think we've got something," she whispers.

Uptharr, using his survival skills, finds fresh tracks and guides the group towards them.

However, as they approach, Uptharr accidentally steps on a dry branch, the loud snap startling the Chwinga and sending it scurrying away. Mutt shakes his head, chuckling,

"Nice one, Uptharr. Guess we'll have to be quieter next time."

Second Hour: Continued Search

1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Undeterred, the group presses on. Fizzbum's keen eye leads them to a hidden grove, an ideal spot for finding Chwingas. "This place looks promising," he says with a grin. Mutt spots a faint, glowing trail that could only be left by a Chwinga, guiding the group forward. However, Uptharr's eagerness causes him to miss a crucial sign, disrupting the search. Azalie gets momentarily distracted by a rare plant, diverting her focus.

As they try to move stealthily, Fizzbum stumbles slightly, causing a disturbance.

"Well, that could have gone better," Mutt mutters, still moving almost soundlessly. The Chwingas are scared away again, and the group lets out a collective sigh. "Third time's the charm?" Fizzbum says, trying to keep the spirits high.

Third Hour: Successful Observation

2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

With renewed determination, they continue their search. Fizzbum's persistence pays off as he discovers a sheltered nook perfect for Chwinga activity. "This has to be it," he says confidently. Uptharr carefully navigates the terrain, ensuring the group follows the freshest tracks. Mutt catches sight of small, quick movements near a fallen tree, indicating a Chwinga’s presence.

This time, the group manages to move quietly. Azalie, with extraordinary grace, almost blends into the environment. Mutt and Fizzbum keep their excitement in check, while Uptharr’s practiced stealth allows him to approach silently. They successfully observe the Chwinga for 20-30 minutes, watching the tiny elemental creature interact with the snow, creating delicate ice sculptures with a mere touch. Its movements are quick and playful, and appear to be curious and harmless as it interacts with nature.

"Would you look at that," Uptharr whispers, awed.

"Absolutely beautiful," Azalie agrees, her eyes wide with wonder.

Summary of Information colleted for quest:

Using Dannika's lantern of tracking, you located a Chwinga and noted its ability to create intricate ice sculptures with a touch, indicating its elemental connection to the cold. These detailed observations will be crucial for Dannika's research, potentially leading to new insights and discoveries about Chwingas and their abilities to influence the environment. This information may help Dannika in her efforts to mitigate the harsh climate of Icewind Dale, aiming to improve the quality of life for its inhabitants.

>>> Quest Notes Updated <<<

(Quest notes are located under: Stats >> Calendar >> Quests)

Yeti Ambush: Fizzbum, Uptharr, Azalie and Mutt

3:21 PM

Just as Mutt prepares to head back to the Dwarven settlement, the tranquil silence of the mountainside is suddenly shattered by an eerie, bone-chilling roar. The ground trembles slightly as two large figures emerge from the snow-covered rocks—adult yetis, their white fur blending almost seamlessly with the surrounding snow. Their eyes glow with a predatory hunger as they fix their gaze on the party.

The yetis move with surprising speed and agility for their size, closing the distance rapidly. The Howlbears barely have time to react as the massive creatures charge at them, their claws extended and ready to strike.

Fizzbum: "Look out! Yeti attack!" he shouts, scrambling to ready his weapon.
Uptharr: "Stay sharp, everyone! These beasts won't go down easily,"
Azalie: Azalie quickly draws her bow, her eyes narrowing as she focuses on the incoming threat.
Mutt: Mutt instinctively reaches for his weapons, his earlier concerns about the underground dwarven halls now replaced with the immediate danger before them.

Surprise Round - round 1

First Yeti

Movement: The first yeti charges forward with surprising speed, its massive form barreling through the snow as it closes in on Uptharr, claws outstretched and eyes gleaming angrily.

Chilling Gaze:

Uptharr Save vs. Chilling Gaze: Failure - Uptharr`s attempt to resist the yeti`s gaze fails, his body betraying him as the overwhelming cold takes hold. His muscles lock up, leaving him vulnerable and unable to defend himself against the monstrous creature.

The yeti locks its glowing eyes onto Uptharr, unleashing its chilling gaze. Uptharr feels an icy terror wash over him, his body seizing up as the cold penetrates deep into his bones. Unable to move, he succumbs to the paralyzing effect, shivering uncontrollably as he takes 12 damage from the intense cold.

Claw Attacks: The yeti follows up its chilling gaze with a swift, brutal swipe of its massive claw, striking Uptharr with immense force. The blow cuts through his armor, leaving deep, bleeding gashes as Uptharr remains paralyzed and helpless against the onslaught, taking 9 points of damage!

The yeti's claw swings again wildly at Uptharr, but the blow glances off his armor, Missing. Uptharr, though still paralyzed, is momentarily spared from further injury as the yeti's attack misses its mark.

Second Yeti:

Movement: The second yeti barrels through the snow with relentless determination, its sights locked on the immobilized Uptharr as it joins the fray with a thunderous roar.

Claw Attack: Kill Shot! The second yeti swings its massive claw with brutal strength, slashing across Uptharr`s already injured body. The force of the blow is enough to knock uptharr back into the snow, falling to the ground lifeless, as he takes 10 points of damage, and is now dying!

Movement: The Yeti steps in closing on Azalie and Mutt

Claw Attack: The second yeti`s powerful claw strikes Mutt with ferocious speed, tearing through his defenses and leaving a jagged wound. Mutt grits his teeth against the pain, barely managing to stay on his feet as the force of the attack deals 10 points of damage!


DM Note:

  • Players, please make your initiative rolls to determine the order of combat. The yetis are attacking with the element of surprise and will get their round in first. This battle will be fought along side of the current postings. Dorf is inside the mountain and unaware of this encounter.

Dorf: Mining with Hruna

12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Meanwhile, Dorf is unaware of what is occuring outside on the mountain, as he spends the day deep within the mountain, learning about mining and dwarven craftsmanship from Hruna. The clang of pickaxes against stone resonates through the tunnels as they work side by side. Hruna, impressed by Dorf's strength and determination, begins to warm up to him.


Hruna has admiration for his abilities evident. During a break, she opens up about her past.

"Ye know, Dorf, my ma was an elf and my da was a dwarf. They were killed by a giant years ago while bringin' supplies to Bryn Shander," she says, her voice tinged with sadness. "It's been tough, but I carry on their legacy."

After several hours, Dorf’s hard work pays off, and he earns a precious reward: 1 Mithral Shard. Feeling accomplished and slightly more connected to Hruna, he heads back to the Great Hall to relax and unwind before bed.

DM Note:

  • Once the combat is resolved with Mutt, Uptharr, Azalie and Fizz, we can contiue the scene, as that will have an effect on what Dorf returns to find at the Great Hall.

  • In the mean time, all players can post any other retro actions to what has occurred so far

  • @Dorf, you can continue your conversation with Hruna if you have any additional things you wish to say or do while in the mine with her.

I am only advancing the game clock by 3 hours, leading up to the combat with the Yeti's. Technically Dorf, it is 6:20 PM for you, but until the combat is resolved, we can't advance the clock further.

3 hours have passed

Current Time: 3:21 pM

Date: FirstDay , 21 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 68°

Current Phase: City

Surprised by Yetis

Combat Summary: Rounds 2 and 3

(doing a quick summary of what happened in rounds 2 and 3)

3:21 PM

As the battle rages on, the first yeti steps forward with a deafening roar, its powerful claws swiping at Fizzbum. The nimble gnome ducks just in time, avoiding the first attack, but the second strike rakes across his side, sending him stumbling backward with deep, painful gashes. Summoning his strength, Fizzbum casts Thunderwave, a burst of sound crashing into both yetis. The first yeti is thrown back 10 feet, critically wounded, while the second is also pushed back, roaring in pain. Fizzbum then moves to reposition himself and casts Healing Word on Uptharr, restoring his friend's vitality.

Azalie, seeing the danger Fizzbum is in, swiftly administers a healing potion to the gnome, bringing him back to consciousness. She then draws her bow and fires an Arrow of Gentle Echoes, striking the yeti and sending it hurtling backward into the snow, stunned. Commanding her blood hawk, Mellon, Azalie watches as the bird dives and strikes the yeti with fierce precision. Meanwhile, Mutt casts Healing Word on Uptharr, restoring his strength, and then hurls a string of vicious insults at the yeti, disorienting it with his Vicious Mockery. Finally, Mutt drinks a potion of healing, preparing himself for the next onslaught.

Uptharr, filled with righteous fury, advances on the prone yeti. With a cry of "By the light of Torm, you shall fall!" he brings his flail down, channeling divine energy into the attack. The yeti writhes in pain as the combined force of the physical and holy damage overwhelms it. Not stopping, Uptharr swings his off-hand mace with precision, the holy power of his divine smite following, and the yeti falls motionless in the snow.

In the third round, the remaining yeti stands up, still reeling from Mutt's psychic assault, and lumbers toward Uptharr. Its wild attacks miss their mark, giving the heroes a chance to counter. Mutt's vicious mockery leaves the yeti disoriented, and a quick Healing Word revives Fizzbum. Azalie seizes the opportunity, drawing her daggers and leaping into the fray with an acrobatic twist. Her bronze dagger finds its mark, delivering a critical hit that ends the yeti's life instantly. She lands, her hands covered in the creature's blood, crying out in a mix of emotions as the battle finally comes to a close.

The Battle with the Grick, Combat Summary rounds 1-4, Dorf

Meanwhile, in the mountain, as Dorf is mining....

4:00 PM

Battle Summary: Random Encounter with Grick

Round 1:

Grick: While Dorf was mining, suddenly a Grick ambushed him. As the creature appeared, Dorf activated his rage, his muscles bulging with power and his senses sharpening. The Grick moved quickly, closing the distance between them with its writhing tentacles. The Grick lunged at Dorf with its writhing tentacles, each one glistening with a slimy sheen and ending in sharp, beak-like appendages. Dorf deftly dodged the strike, the tentacles whipping through the air with a menacing hiss but ultimately missed their mark. The Grick then snapped its beak-like appendages at Dorf, the sharp tips aiming for a quick and deadly strike. With a swift sidestep, Dorf evaded the attack, the beak clamping shut with a loud snap on empty air.

Dorf: In response, Dorf activates his rage,, Dorf followed up with a swift bash from his shield, catching the Grick off guard. The heavy impact landed squarely, dealing 7 points of damage and causing the creature to recoil in pain.

Round 2:

The Grick, recovering from the initial skirmish, lashed out at Dorf again with its tentacles, but its attack missed. The tentacle whipped through the air, striking the empty space where Dorf had been. The creature then snapped its beak at Dorf, but once again, the attack missed, the sharp beak clacking shut on empty air as Dorf dodged to the side.

Dorf: Seizing the opportunity, Dorf attacked the Grick with fierce determination, using Reckless Attack to gain an advantage. His dwarven axe +1 struck true, dealing 8 points of damage as it bit into the creature's flesh. Dorf tried to bash the Grick with his shield again, but his attack missed, the shield swinging through the air and failing to connect with the elusive creature.

Round 3:

The Grick retaliated, lashing out with its tentacle and striking Dorf with a powerful blow. The impact dealt 9 points of damage, but due to Dorf's rage, the damage was halved to 5 points, leaving a less severe welt on his side. The Grick followed up with a swift snap of its beak, hitting Dorf and dealing an additional 3 points of damage, halved to 2 points due to Dorf's rage.

Dorf: Undeterred, Dorf swung his dwarven axe +1 with determination, but his attack missed, slicing through the air and failing to connect with the Grick. Dorf then bashed the Grick with his shield, the force of his rage adding to the impact. The strike dealt 4 points of damage, plus an additional 2 points from his rage, for a total of 6 points of damage.

Round 4:

The Grick, now desperate, lashed out with its tentacle again, striking Dorf and dealing 8 points of damage, but due to his rage, the damage was halved to 4 points. The creature then snapped its beak at Dorf once more, but its attack missed, the sharp beak clacking shut on empty air as Dorf dodged to the side.

Dorf: With one final, mighty effort, Dorf swung his dwarven axe +1 again with a powerful arc, this time connecting with the Grick and delivering a decisive blow. The attack dealt 10 points of damage, ending the battle and securing Dorf's mining site from the ambush.

Searching for Chwingas; Fourth Hour

3:25 PM - 4:25 PM

As the Howlbears continue their search for Chwingas, their combined efforts lead them to a promising grove. Mutt's sharp eyes, Azalie's knowledge of nature, Fizzbum's enthusiasm, and Uptharr's survival skills all contribute to the successful location of a Chwinga. The group follows the tracks and signs, feeling optimistic about their chances.

Upon entering the grove, they spot a Chwinga nestled among the snow-covered rocks. The tiny elemental creature is engrossed in its surroundings, seemingly unaware of the party's presence. The Howlbears manage to stay hidden and observe the Chwinga for 15 minutes.

During this time, they notice the Chwinga interacting with the environment in fascinating ways. It uses its tiny hands to manipulate the snow and ice, creating delicate sculptures that glisten in the twilight. The Chwinga appears to be playing, its movements quick and playful as it darts between the rocks and snowdrifts. They observe that the Chwinga seems to communicate with the natural elements, almost as if it is in harmony with the snowy landscape.

However, the tranquility is eventually disrupted when Uptharr accidentally steps on a dry branch, the loud snap startling the Chwinga. The creature freezes for a moment, then quickly retreats into the shadows, disappearing from sight. Despite the abrupt end to their observation, the Howlbears have gathered valuable information about the Chwinga's behavior and its ability to interact with its environment.

Returning to

The party continues to search for Chwingas, but as the hours pass, Uptharr and Mutt begin to feel the weight of the day’s adventures. Uptharr glances at the sky, noticing it has grown darker.

"It's getting late. Maybe we should start heading back soon."

"I agree. We’ve made some good progress today, but we don’t want to get caught out here after dark."

Just as they start to discuss their next move, they encounter a dwarf heading back toward Brynstroth. The dwarf, bundled up against the cold, notices the party and approaches them.

"Oi, you lot! Best be gettin' back to the safety of the camp. A storm's coming off the Cairn."

The party looks around, realizing they hadn’t noticed the wind picking up and snow flurries starting to fall.

Uptharr: "Thanks for the warning. We didn’t notice the change in weather."

Dwarf: "Aye, these storms can come in fast and fierce. Follow me, and let's get back before it hits."

Heeding the dwarf’s warning, the party makes their way back to the safety of Brynstroth, arriving at the settlement by 5:00 PM. They gather in the Great Hall, the warmth and light a welcome contrast to the brewing storm outside. The hall is filled with the sound of dwarves talking and eating, creating a lively atmosphere.

"We made it back just in time. That storm looks like it’s going to be a bad one."

The party waits in the Great Hall for Dorf to return. When he arrives, they excitedly share the events of their day, recounting their search for Chwingas and the close encounter with the yetis. Dorf then tells them about his encounter with a Grick that tried to kill him in the mines, adding his own harrowing tale to the day's adventures.

Durin Ironbeard

As they discuss their options, a dwarf named Durin Ironbeard approaches their table. Thrain is a seasoned dwarf with a keen interest in the mysterious lights reported in Caer-Konig.

"Evenin', Thrain Ironbraid told me I would find ye here, I'm glad I caught you before ye left. I’m Durin Ironbeard, and I’m headin’ to Caer-Konig to investigate those strange lights everyone’s been talkin’ about. Could use some company on the road. What do ye say?"

Uptharr: "Strange lights? We were just talking about that. What can you tell us?"

Durin: "Aye, folks in Caer-Konig have been seein' strange lights over the town at night. It's got everyone on edge, and I'd like to get to the bottom of it. Could be connected to the Chwingas, or somethin' else entirely."

Options for the Party

Remain in Brynstroth another day or more:

  • Continue to learn from the dwarves.

  • Rest and gather resources.

  • Explore the mining settlement

Travel to Caer-Konig with Durin Ironbeard

  • Investigate the strange lights reported over the town.

  • Help the townsfolk who are uneasy about the occurrences.

  • Possible connections to Chwingas or other mysterious events in Icewind Dale.

4 hours have passed

Current Time: 7:21 pM

Date: FirstDay , 21 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 68°

Current Phase: City

Preparation for Caer-Konig

Azalie's eyes light up with curiosity as Durin mentions the strange lights.

“Strange lights you say? It’s been rather dark here,” she says, her interest piqued. “We have been traveling for weeks and haven’t laid eyes on a full sunrise. I’ve been wondering if there’s some magic at work here.” She blushes slightly, realizing she spoke her thoughts out loud. “Uh, um,” she stammers, then regains her composure with a giggle. “I have this feeling that there’s magic involved.”

Mutt, still nursing his flask and feeling the effects of the Dwarven stout, squints at Durin.

“Caer-something or other?” he mutters, trying to focus. “Yeah, sure, why not? Everything up here wants to kill us anyway,” he adds with a slurred chuckle. “You say there’s no one else coming with us? Just you, old man? Well, more for us to handle then.” He hiccups and waves his flask in the air. “I’ll go. But I swear, if another yeti shows up, I’m blaming you.”

Fizzbum, already excited about the mention of chawingas, eagerly jumps in.

“Did you say Chwingas in Caer-Konig? We just saw some out there on the mountain! They are amazing! I’d be willing to go and help find them, Mr. Durin. I’m sure those townspeople have nothing to worry about from them. Their magic is so beautiful and natural.” He pauses, his expression turning hopeful. “So! Chwingas?! Let’s do it! I’d love to see some twinkly lights over the town!”

Durin smiles appreciatively at the group. “Thank you, Howlbears. I knew I could count on you. None of the other dwarves wanted to join me—they’re content with their mining. But I believe these lights need to be investigated for the safety of all. Let’s prepare and set out as soon as possible.”
Durin outlines the plan for the journey. "We will set out at 6:00 AM sharp," he says, his tone serious. "The trek to Caer-Konig is roughly five miles through rough, snowy terrain. Given the conditions, it will still take us several hours to get there. We’ll be traveling on Axe Beaks, and Mutt has his sled with two dogs. Be sure to dress warmly and prepare for a cold journey. Rest well tonight; we have a challenging day ahead."

Final Party Actions:

After their discussion with Durin, the Howlbears begin their preparations for the journey to Caer-Konig.

Mutts Investigation: 14

Mutt, despite his intoxication, decides to gather information about Durin. He stumbles through the Great Hall, asking patrons about the dwarf’s reputation. The responses he receives are consistent: Durin Ironbeard is a seasoned and respected adventurer known for his dedication to solving mysteries and protecting the region. The locals speak highly of his integrity and experience, which reassures Mutt about their upcoming journey.

Meanwhile, Azalie takes some time to reflect on the conversation and her thoughts about the strange lights. She prepares her gear meticulously, ensuring that her weapons and supplies are ready for the trek through the snow.

Fizzbum, energized by the prospect of seeing more Chwingas and uncovering the mystery of the lights, busies himself with caring for his Axebeak, Peck. He finds a warm spot to rest and sorts through his herbs and potions, ensuring he has everything he might need for the journey. The thought of adventure fills him with excitement, and he can hardly wait to set out.

Dorf spends the evening with Hruna in the Great Hall. They share stories over mugs of ale. She assures Dorf that while she may not join him on his adventures, she values their time together and looks forward to more moments like this. They talk late into the night, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

Uptharr, ever the disciplined paladin, returns to his room to prepare for the journey. He cleans and sharpens his weapons, ensures his armor is in perfect condition, and spends some time in quiet meditation, seeking guidance and strength for the challenges ahead.

The party heads to their rooms sometime before 11:00 PM as the great hall quiets and the Dwarves all retire for the night.

DM Instructions:

Feel free to add any additional posts or dialogue for your characters that you wish to accomplish before leaving for Caer-Konig. The next post will cover the journey to the town. Be sure to rest well and prepare for the adventure ahead, I will set the game to Long Rest mode, so you can prepare any spells for tomorrow.

3 hours have passed

Current Time: 10:21 pM

Date: FirstDay , 21 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 68°

Current Phase: City

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