Quick Links
Bruno pulls the sconce lever, and the hidden door grinds open.

The hallway beyond the secret door is flooded. The water coats the floor, but is only an inch deep. You hear a growl come from deeper down the hall, that echoes making it difficult to determine it's distance. You also hear some voices occasionally echo from a distant chamber.
Water dripping can also be heard.
Bruno determines that the door can be closed by pulling the lever again, in addition there is another lever on the other side of the door to allow it to open and close from either side.
This hallway, is wider than previous halls in the catacombs, and is lit with torches on Sconces every 10 feet or so. You can see down the long corridor, its about 40 feet or so, then it bends to the left.
You also see a small outcropping about halfway down the hall on the right, it looks like there is a closed door there.
There is another deep grunt followed by a growl down the corridor.
Here is what you can see, with the door open.

Time: 7:58 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Beasts in the Sanctum
Jules jumps into the shadows (Stealth 15 + 5 = 20) and is gone.
Walter is summoned and he begins moving into the wet tunnel... (giggedy)
Jules arrives at the door on the right wall, as he senses walter swim past him heading toward the left bend at the end of the passage.
Jules inspect the door for traps (Perception 14 + 2 = 16) and determines the door is not trapped. He checks the door, but it's locked.
Meanwhile, there is another deep growl coming from within this inner sanctum. Jules hears the growl a bit louder being further into the tunnel.
Just then, Walter reaches the end of the tunnel and turns to the left...
as he turns left, there is a snarl. Walter moves a few steps to the west down the hall.
As he starts seeing the room come into focus, he sees there is a small platform in the middle of a large room - on the platform, Walter see's two large creatures, looking back directly at him.. and snarling.

Both of the creatures stand to their feet and keeping eye contact with Walter, take a slow step, then both roaring, they charge toward Walter!
Bruno has been telling the party what Walter is seeing.
Map Key:
The Green line is where Walter has walked so far, (he is at the end of the green line)
Blue Star: The beasts
Cyan Moon: The Rogue (Jules)
Red X = Party

Time: 8:03 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Bruno gasps as the creatures charge towards Walter. Immediately dismissing his familiar, Bruno returns to his senses and scrambles back to the lever in the hallway that opens the hidden door. Placing one hand on the lever he quickly gestures towards the rogue and casts Message.

“Jules get back here now! Back to the torture room quickly and QUIETLY!”, he whispers, trying to keep as quiet as possible.
**the rogue heeds the message. Shrugs and and returns to the wizard as quickly and quietly as possible**
Jules is able to hear the splashing of the water as the beasts charge toward Walter's last location. IT sounds as though the beasts stop in the hallway, just around the corner, just as Jules reaches the secret door.
Bruno pulls the lever and the door starts grinding shut again, as it grinds, you hear a growl come from down the corridor followed by the sounds of splashing water again, The door closes with a "THUD" soon after.
A few seconds after the door shuts, You hear some splashing on the other side of the door, and some sniffing sounds. You determine the beasts must have come all the way down the hall and are checking out the secret door.
1 minute passes
Time: 8:04 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
A Much needed Rest

"Well. That was. Hmm. How.about those bedrolls? Were going to need a good rest before we even think about tackling that. Or bagast."
Bartok lifts Kova and fireman carries him as the party hastily moves toward the room with the bedrolls.
Bruno continues to breathe heavily as he backs away slowly, gripping his quarterstaff in a white knuckled grip. His eyes wide, beads of sweat drip down as his face as the wizard fights off a wave of panic. Wordlessly nodding towards Dartan, Bruno slowly steps down the corridor, not taking his eyes off of the hidden door. Once he is sure nothing is coming through and there is someone between him and the hidden passage, he heads to the bedroll room and inspects the door.
After a minute or two, the sounds of the sniffing stop and you hear the beasts run back away from the secret door, as the splashes from their paws get softer and softer until all is quiet again.
The party makes haste toward the room with the bedrolls. It seems safe enough. From the looks of the bedrolls they have been used recently, but you can't tell how recently. Regardless, it'll have to do. You can only hope that you can sleep - you all have a lot on your mind.
Once everyone is in the room, Bruno takes a look at the door...
Running his hands over the locking mechanism, he notices is that these tombs were never made to be unlocked from the inside. The doors will lock, but they can only be unlocked with a key from the other side.
The Mending spell, will repair the lock, but not change the lock into a different type
A: The section marked with an "A" is a collapsed tunnel, just rubble in this area.
B: a tomb. The room has been looted, Four flickering torches in wall sconces light this partially collapsed crypt. An open sarcophagus in the middle of the area is filled to the rim with blood, with spillage streaking the sides of the sarcophagus and pooling around its base. The sarcophagus lid lies half buried under rubble behind it.
C: another tomb, The room is lit by two sputtering torches in sconces on the north and west walls. A stone sarcophagus in the middle of the room stands empty, its lid half buried under rubble on the floor behind it.
D: another tomb. Four flickering torches in wall sconces illuminate this crypt, the middle of which is occupied by an open stone sarcophagus. The sarcophagus bears no carvings or other ornamentation, but is full of humanoid skulls and bones. Six dusty bedrolls lie on the floor around it, a couple of weapons lean near the walls, and a old wooden trunk sits in the corner.
There is room to sleep behind the sarcophagus, and not be easily seen from the hallway unless someone enters the room.

Do you repair the door and lock?
Or do you decide to do something else?
10 minutes pass, and all is still quiet at the secret door.
Time: 8:14 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Sneaky Devil
**the rogue grabs a bedroll and positions it nearest to the door leading to the dogs by the wall and drops his pack and grabs his tools and some dried meat. He munches the dried meat as he searches the room and its contents.**
Perception: 14 + 2 = 16
He determines there are no traps in this room or on the trunk itself. The trunk is locked, and from the looks of the lock, it is a similar sized keyhole to the keys you got from Yignath.

Bruno begins his ritual casting of Detect Magic as Jules is checking for traps, and gets well into the casting.
Preparing for their rest, Dartan uses his Divine Sense to check for undead or other evils in the room.

HE immediately senses the presence of a Tiny Fiend watching the party in the rafters of the hallway.
Suddenly Dartan clearly sees an outline of the Imp near the doorway.
Bruno is already 5 minutes into casting his spell when Dartan sees the invisible imp spying on the party.
The Imp, is apparently unaware that Dartan sees him.
What do you do?
Time: 8:19 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Dartan keeps an eye on the imp, and slinks off his backpack. Once he is underneath the imp, he springs up and grabs at it!
Athletics Check: 15 + 4 = 19
He successfully surprises the Imp and grapples it. The imp immediately begins thrashing and hissing, and tries to attack Dartan with it's stinger.
(Attack roll: 1 + 5 = 6, Critical miss)

"I done old you once you son of a bitch we are the new masters!"
Dartan deals damage to the imp trying to break it's neck.
He deals 5 points of damage, however the damage is less than expected as the imp resists having it's neck broken as it thrashes around. It squeals and spits

"I Hates you! You not the new masters! You kill Gullb, now Bagast eats you! I will watch!"
Combat has begun - Roll for initiative (if you wish to act in this combat, we won't run this one on the combat tool)
Time: 8:24 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
That's one Dead Imp
Hearing Dartan's commotion and struggle, Bruno Immediately breaks off his ritual. Dashing to his feet, he moves towards the door to see what the commotion is all about. Bruno presses his back against the wall to let others go by if needed. (Initiative rolled ... natural 1 😣)
It doesn't matter however, as the Imp inadvertently stunned himself with his stinger in his panic struggle with Dartan, and due to the wounds taken earlier from Jules's daggers and now Dartan, angrily crushing his windpipe, the tiny fiend lets out a final gasp, and falls limp in the Half-Orcs hands.
Dartan drops the lifeless husk to the floor and gives it one final stomp, crushing it's skull, leaving a little puddle of Demon Ichor that sizzles away.
Bruno, seeing the danger has subsided, restarts his ritual casting of Detect Magic.
After 10 minutes he completes the spell, and takes a walk around the chamber looking for anything magical.

Jules Cloak, emits a green aura, indicating an enchantment school of magic.

Bartok's Mace, also emits a Green Aura, indicating an enchantment school of magic.
the exact properties of the magic are unknown as Detect Magic only shows you the presence and school of magic present.
Glancing around the room, the Trunk does not emit any magical essence, however that doesn't mean that there isn't magical items inside.
The bones in the sarcophagus also are not emitting any magical auras.
The few weapons that are in the room are just some regular looking maces, and a Long Sword, a standard Short bow, with a quiver of arrows, and a Dagger. none of them exhibiting any magical auras.
Jules, since he checked the trunk, unlocks it with a key from Yignath's key ring. Inside the Trunk, there is junk. Some old worn clothes, some rations that still look edible, and a potion of healing (this item does emit a magical glow) (all added to Treasure)
The party now decides to try and rest, and while Bruno has the rat keeping watch in the hallway, they complete 8 hours of rest successfully
The party awakens refreshed, although they didn't get great sleep, it was much needed.
Experience has been awarded. Please level up to level 3.
The Unrestful night
During the first hour or so, the party all settles into their places, and enjoy a little down time. Bartok says a few prayers, Jules plays with his cards as he listens in, all the while Bruno can be seen flipping through books and scribbling notes, while Dartan sits calmly, in thought. Eventually, everyone starts to drift off, as the night watch rotation begins.
Bruno extends his hand and summons Walter into his palm. Bruno presses his forehead to the grey rat's head and smiles a weary, proud smile.
He says a few things to walter and sends him off.
Bruno watches for several moments as Walter scampers off into the hallway to help keep watch. Finally daring to close his eyes, sleep takes him almost instantly.

Dartan takes the first watch and spends much time deep in thought while he fits the breastplate to himself. (Fitting Complete)
The large half-orc carries a lot of weight in his eyes as he methodically adjusts straps, buckles and fittings. It's like he has done it a thousand times, his eyes closed most of the process, as he remains deep in thought.
He barely notices Jules, flipping through his cards, and snapping them out of sight, until finally the Rogue drifts off.
Dartan hears a low grumble at one point during his watch, which causes him alarm... until he realizes it is just the Dwarf, snoring. In fact the snoring gets so loud, he has to get up and Turn Barok's head into the bedroll to muffle it. With that out of the way, he continues walking the room. He takes special notice of the Rogue, who to Dartan's confusion, is somehow able to sleep sitting straight up, and he swears one of Jules's eyes stays slightly open. Passing by Bruno, he looks at the wizard clutching his spellbook, and empathizes at recognizing the tell-tale signs of a nightmare.
"Tyr bring him peace" he mutters as he keeps walking, stopping at Kova.
He looks down, and sighs as he sees the pathetic, wounded man who has still yet to regain consciousness.
Dartan returns to his bedroll and sits again, trying to keep his tired mind busy. HE sees Walter roaming the hallways, and he tosses a tiny crumb of a ration toward the magical rodent. Walter humors Dartan and squeaks and consumes the morsel.
Dartan nods off for just a moment, right before the Dwarf slaps him on the back to start his watch, slightly startling Dartan.
Bartok says quietly,

"You get some rest, I'll take over from here, friend"
Dartan nods and stretches, and yawns and stands up to head to his bedroll.

"Well friend, looks like we've found ourselves in quite deep eh? Do me a favor, when you're talking with the Baroness tonight, ask her to put in a good word for me with Tyr. I have a feeling we're going to need all the help we can get."
"That I can do, lad, That I can do" replies Bartok.
Bartok takes the Second Watch
As Bartok stares coldly into the hallway, he seems almost like a statue. The only giveaway, being his steady, and strong breathing. He revisits Dartan's words over and over... "I have a feeling we're going to need all the help we can get"... The dwarf, notices all the dust and dirt, in these cold dusty tombs, but he feels actually a little at peace here. Bartok has always felt secure underground. Those feelings of secureness fade as his thoughts remind him that they are, as far as they know, Trapped down here. Undead horrors one way, Fiendish horrors another. He lets out a deep sigh, not for fear for himself, but for fear of losing a companion. He returns to his prayers for the rest of his watch.
Bartok remains in prayer until the Rogue lightly kicks him to indicate that his shift is up. Bartok nods at the rogue, the two don't share any words. Bartok returns to his bedroll and within minutes is snoring again.

the rogue is quiet during the third watch, not even playing with his cards during his 1.5 hour watch. He just taps a coin. He takes a sip of water and stretches often. At several points he just stands up and walks out into the hall a few times, passing by Walter without paying any mind, then wandering back to his spot in the chamber, where he sits again.
This goes on until Bruno finally Tapping the rogue on the shoulder, he nods towards the bedroll and takes his place on watch. The Rogue nods back and welcomes another hour and a half of sleep.

Bruno takes the Fourth watch and for the next hour and a half, works on his maps, and notes. Scribbling away, making sure to detail everything that has happened to this point.
Being underground, the party doesn't rest very well, the air is musty, and it is generally uncomfortable. In addition, everyone feels itchy, dirty and smell really raunchy. Everyone starts remembering the foul sewage that they were tromping through just a few hours earlier. Your armor and clothing are damp, and smelly, and you have to shake out more than a couple spiders and bugs from your packs as you get sorted in the morning.
The morning is solemn, as everyone realizes there won't be any campfire, or fresh cooked breakfast meats or eggs. Just more of the same salty dried meat, or trail rations again. And the water is almost gone...

Kova wakes up last, weak and weary he smiles....
"I'm alive? " sighs "I'm alive", he says relieved.
He nods at Bartok, as Bartok comes over to recheck and dress his wounds again.
With everyone up and ready to move out, as rested as you are going to be,
As the group begins to gather their belongings to continue exploring the dungeon, he speaks,

"Friends. We have not been together long, but know this. Knowing you all has changed me. I thought virtue, honour, and duty were the ONLY worthwhile tenets of existence. But who defines those ideals? At the end of the day, there is only good and evil in this world. Laws are made by man. Those are easy to follow. To do good or to do evil is a CHOICE. What we are dealing with here is greater than any of us could have imagined when we left Rok's. I swear to you that I will not stop until these demons are vanquished and those responsible for unleashing them upon this world are held accountable. If into the depths of hell we go, and it looks like we just might, I could find no finer companions than you three. Now, let's go wreck some vengeance on these cultists!"
The rogue quietly listening to the paladin’s speech rolling a coin across his fingers** Upon the conclusion of the paladin’s monologue the coin disappears and he looks up grinning at the half-orc,

“zealots, devils, and vengeance…what could possibly go wrong?”

"If ye have any water left in that skin Big D, I'd appreciate a splash meself" Prayin is thirsty work!", Everyone laughs with bartok as the party heads out.
"No, seriously, I am thirsty" he says, as everyone walks out of the room.
What does the party do next?
Maps below of the tomb area, and the inner sanctum behind the secret door.

Time: 4:36 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
The Stuck Door
Bruno spends a few minutes looking at his Cards, as the party heads back into the catacombs.
Turning to Dartan, Bruno addresses the paladin.

"For what it's worth, the cards are foretelling almost certain death beyond the secret door. They predict a much more favorable outcome going back the way we came and facing Bagast."
Bruno shrugs and smiles weakly.
"The cards have been wrong before though. What do we want to do?"

"Savras says Bagast eh? Well I suppose I have the rest of my life to eke out my vengeance. Why not get some practice on some undead," Dartan laughs. "Maybe prolong certain death a bit? Oh come now Bruno! I'm sure we won't end up on the wrong side of a necromancer's spell. At least not Flennis!"
"If I open the door, we could try and funnel the creatures into a trap, forcing them to come through the doorway one by one. Jules and Bartok on a side, Bruno and walter in the back. You there. Demonologist. Kova. There's some clothes for you if you don't fancy catching a cold from the damp down here." Dartan pauses to consider his next words carefully.
"For better or worse, you're stuck here with us. There's a bow and some arrows. Make sure they go into the bad guys and not us, please." "Shall we?"

**the rogue checks his gear and nimbly readies his short swords with a dual hiss as the blades slide from their sheaths** With a shrug, “Nobody else to do it. Lead on.”
Once returning to the Torture room, the party must now unjam the iron door that they sealed with a hammer and pitons.
The door is jammed, and in the haste to seal the door, the party realizes that removing the pitons is more difficult than hammering them into the door jam.
How does the party remove the stuck pitons?
25 minutes pass
Time: 4:51 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
The calm before the storm
Dartan gets the crowbar Jules dropped earlier out of his pack.
"Good thing you brought this along."
Dartan and Jules get to work prying away the pitons as quietly as possible to prevent detection by the undead horde.
Bruno retrieves the ball bearings while Dartan and Jules pry the pitons out of the iron door. It takes 30 minutes to complete the task.
Once the door is unjammed, the door is opened, revealing the hallway again.
The hallway is quiet, the torches that were lit earlier have all burned out, so the hallway is extremely dark and quiet. (Bruno & Kova are unable to see anything, unless there is a torch lit)
Moving into the hallway, you peer at the passage off to the left, where the Imp's freed the zombies, that tomb is still standing wide open, but no zombies in sight.
The party is currently in the hall, next to the open tomb where the zomibes were, marked with a red x

30 minutes pass
Time: 4:36 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
In Total Darkness
Bruno hands the hooded lantern to Kova

"Stay towards the back, and keep the light low so we are not detected. And be QUIET."
Kova nods, and takes the lantern.
Taking a step back, Bruno places a hand on Bartok's shoulder. His eyes flashing white, Bruno directs Walter to scramble down his shoulder and into the darkness of the hallway beyond.
Walter heads off to the west down the pitch black corridor. He travels to the end of the hallway for 55 feet, down the stairs into the flooded hallway. The hallway is totally black. He starts to swim in the ankle deep water, moving north down the pitch dark, quiet passageway.
Walter moves to the end of the passage, but doesn't hear or see anything.
He scurries around the corner to the left, checking the large flooded room. He smells the rotten egg smell again. Walter hears a low moan echo from somewhere, but cannot pinpoint where.
Walter searches the large flooded room, walks by the stuck door, and moves south until he reaches the steps leading out of the water on the south wall. He still sees no signs of torches or movement, he is in total darkness.
This process has taken 10 minutes,
do you....
Send Walter up the stairs on the south wall?
Recall him back to your location?
Walter moved along the green line.
The party is on the Red X
Walter is currently on the green star.

10 minutes pass
Time: 4:51 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
In total Darkness continued....
**the rogue scratches his chin thoughtfully**

“Nobody wants to fight those moans in the dark. Better to make noise to draw them in or re-secure the door and head back to the devil dogs where there may at least be new clues and maybe another way out of this hole.”
Bruno suppresses a shudder as he recalls the vision of the snarling dogs charging towards Walter.

"We know there's at least one way out back the way we came. The information we have learned about the cult and the Vanthampurs down here is too valuable for us to be lost wandering about in the dark. We should get this information and our witness back to the safety of the surface. I have enough oil to refill it at least once, so we should be OK for a time."
Bruno gives a nod of recognition toward Jules.
"Jules' suggestion is a good one. If we make enough noise, we may be able to draw the undead towards us. If we proceed further. I can also scout further ahead and draw any undead we find back towards us if we proceed further back down the hall."

"Well Lads, I'm with Bruno on this one. 'Evil Dogs I'm not a fan of, but I can't leave undead behind. The Beroness has called me to cleanse these unholy abominations from these filthy sewers, and by her grace, (and hopefully some of yer magic and swords lads), we'll get it done. Me shield makes a pretty fair drum in a pinch! Let me know and I'll rattle it for ya."
The rogue takes up his position by the door and winks at the cleric,

“Well, get on with it then. Bang the drum of war.”
Dartan nods his head knowingly at Bartok.

"Very well, we'll get those devil dogs later so bruno doesn't have to think about them anymore"
he chuckles as he takes his place in the door and unleashes an unearly scream.
"Friends. Let's do this"
As Dartan yells out into the darkness, his voice echoes, through the silent catacombs. the party hears an ominous grinding sound coming from the tunnel north of the torture room. It takes them a few seconds to realize the grinding they are hearing is the secret door grinding open. More than that, they hear a vicious snarling sound coming from that direction as well.
As the snarling sounds grow louder as the door grinds open, you hear a frightening groan echo from the darkness to the west as well.
It is about this time a familiar voice chatters in the hallway, as you see clinging to the ceiling, 20 feet up, an imp comes into focus that was previously invisible. the Imp laughs,

"The masters come for you!"
Roll for Initiative.
Time: 5:32 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat Round 1
Standard Action: Bruno turns toward the imp, and chants a spell - four missiles fly and strike the imp dealing 12 points of damage, knocking it to the ground! It is Dying.

"I`m quickly developing a rational hatred of these bastards!"

Standard Action: The First Hell hound exhales fire in a 15-foot cone. targeting Jules, Dartan and Bartok. The flames sear through the hallway
Jules Dex Save Throw: 13+5 = 18 Jules uses fancy footwork to dodge most of the flames searing past him, taking 11 points of damage, instead of 22.
Dartan Dex Save Throw: 17+0 = 17: Dartan ducks at the last second, right under the searing flames. He takes 11 points of damage, instead of 22 for making the save throw.
Bartok Dex Save Throw: 18 + 0 = 18: Bartok raises his shield, narrowly blocking the searing flames. He takes 11 points of damage, instead of 22 for making the save throw.
Standard Action: The Second Hell hound tries to tear into Jules, but Jules swiftly dodges the snarling beast.

Standard Action: Bartok calls to his Deity and casts Aid on Himself, Dartan and Jules.
'Grant us aid, Baroness! We need your power now!" Healing energy bathes the three, granting them a temporary increase of +5 to their MAX and CURRENT hit points.
Bonus Action: Seeing that Dartan has been wounded by the flames, Bartok casts a quick Healing Word and Light bathes over Dartan, restoring 5 Hit Points as several burns disappear.

Standard Action: Kova Steps out from the alcove and fires his shortbow, but his shot flies over the Hell Hound, missing. He then retreats back into the tomb.
"What manner of beast? A Hell Hound! Watch out they breathe fire!"

Standard Action: The Death's Head of bane moves to the north doorway of the torture room and casts Bane on Jules and dartan,
Jules Cha Save throw: 14 + 2 = 16: He successfully shrugs off the spell.
Dartan Cha Save Throw: 11+5 = 16: also successfully shrugs off the effects of the bane spell.

Standard Action: Jules slices through the Hell Hound`s front left leg, dealing 7 points of damage! The creature lets out a yelping growl.
Move Action: Jules then moves up to where the Death's Head is in the north of the room, provoking an attack of opportunity by the second hell hound.
Attack of Opportunity against Jules: The angry Hell fiend snaps at Jules`s ankle as he rushes past, Dartan quickly moves to Protect Jules with his Shield as the Hell Hound bites at the Rogue, Dartan successfully blocks the attack protecting Jules from taking damage!
Bonus Action: Jules lunges his dagger at the Deaths Head of Bhaal, But in the commotion, is off balance and misses.

Free Action:Dartan yells to the skull-man
"You fooL! Call off your damn dogs. We have the scholar and the ichor the masters wanted. I swear on the Vandaments I will throw it in their next firey breath if you dont."
Standard Action: Dartan readies a reaction, to cast Thunderous Smite if Vaaz ignores his statement and doesn't call off the hounds.
Time: 5:32 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat Round 2
(In a hissing, raspy voice)

"Your death is going to bring me far more pleasure than some Ichor. The scholar can DIE along with you, for failing us the first time. I will personally ensure that Bel has your soul when we are finished with you."
To his hounds speaking Infernal, "Devour them my pets! but leave the Paladin's body somewhat intact. he will make an excellent zombie"
The Death's Head of Bhaal does not respond well to your offer.

"What do you get when a hellhound licks its nether regions? Fire balls!"
Standard Action: Bruno Casts Tasha`s Hideous Laughter, Bruno`s spell causes The hell hound to start to make a strange yelping noise as smoke and small burps of fire come out it`s nostrils and mouth. Before long, the large beast is on the floor, sounding like a Hyena. The Hell Hound is Prone!

Standard Action: The hound exhales fire in a 15-foot cone at Dartan and Bartok.
Dartan's Save Throw: 5 + 0 = 5: Failing his save, The flames sear Dartan, dealing 17 points of damage, causing him to wince.
bartok's Save Throw: 20 + 0 = 20: Bartok once again, successfully raises his Shield, blocking much of the flames. taking 8 points of damage instead of 17.

Triggered Ready Action: As Vaaz ignores Dartan's request to call off the hounds, he immediately casts Thunderous Smite causing his flail to light up and begin to crackle with electrical energy.
He then strikes at the Hell Hound, He swings his flail at the Hell Hound, but his strike is not true, and his flail swings by the beasts head, missing by a foot. The other prone hound notices the miss, and laughs even harder.

Suddenly, there is a deathly rumble as undead charge up the stairs from out of the darkness, and into the hallway, Bagast leads them but you hear the groaning and snarling from more undead behind, and a human voice commanding them from beyond in the dark....
A horde of undead approaches from the west tunnel.

"We can`t be goin and losin` our tank just yet. Baroness, would ya heal my friend here?"
*Casting as Level 2 spell*
Standard Action: Bartok touches Dartan casting Cure Wounds and an aura of healing restores 25 hit points to the wounded paladin.
Move Action: Bartok then swiftly moves west past bruno, positioning himself between the charging undead ogre and the wizard.
"And while were at it, could ya heal meself too?"
Bonus Action: He casts Healing word on himself, and A ray of healing energy shines through the bricks bathing Bartok, and restoring 8 Hit Points to himself.

"I counted two fire-breaths, Hell hounds can recharge their breath, so try take cover when you see the flame in their throat!"
Standard Action: Kova pops out from behind the wall and fires his shortbow at a hell hound, but the arrow once again flies way over it, striking the wall behind it instead. He then returns to his hiding spot behind the corner of the wall.
Suddenly Bruno and Bartok hear a voice coming from around the corner, behind one of the doors.

"From the sounds I am hearing, it appears there are people in need of assistance!
A blue dragonborn comes crashing out of the tomb into the hallway, looks at Bruno and Bartok
"Wait... what? Bruno? Bartok? Is that you? It`s me, Kaido from Rok`s guild...hold on, we can catch up in a moment."
Standard Action: turns to face the charging horde of undead "SHATTER!", Kaido casts Shatter at the tiny imp, and it erupts into a shatter pulse of thunder, the Imp is blown to bits, Devil Ichor sizzles away off the ceiling. Bagast takes 14 points of thunder damage, and the skeleton takes 7 points of thunder damage!
Move Action: Kaido then steps out of the hall slightly to position himself at the side passage.

Standard Action: *Making a gesture and a beam of light covers the Rogue, casts Hold Person.
Jules's WIS Save throw: 17 + 0 = 17: Jules Successfully Shrugs off the Hold Person effect

Standard Action: Jules, spins around striking the Death`s head of Bhaal right in his femoral artery, dealing 6 points of damage, and 8 points of sneak attack damage!
* Blades slicing *
Bonus Action: Following up with a second strike with his off-hand, lands another blow to the back of Vaaz`s neck dealing 5 points of damage.

"Die With Grace!"
Standard Action: Dartan brings his flail down hard on the hell hound, but the Hell hound dodges the blow, and the flail cracks the stone floor instead.
Bonus Action: Dartan then brings his shield up and into the face of the Hell Hound, cracking one of it`s teeth, dealing 5 points of damage.
"I Will Fight As Long As I Stand!"
Round Summary:
The Wizard: Affected 1 hell hound with Tashas Hideous Laughter, received 0 damage.
The Paladin: Dealt 5 points of damage, received 17 points of damage, was healed by 25 hit points.
The Cleric: Dealt 0 damage, Received 8 points of damage, Provided 33 points of combat healing.
The Sorcerer: Dealt 35 points of area damage, killed one Imp. Received 0 damage.
The Rogue: Dealt 19 points of damage, received 0 damage.
Time: 5:32 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat Round 3

"What’s a hellhound’s favorite food? Hot dogs!"
Standard Action: Bruno casts Tasha's Hideous Laughter at the second hellhound.
Hell Hound's WIS Save Throw: 9 + 1 = 10: Fails it's save throw, Bruno`s spell successfully works on the second hell hound. The hound falls prone as it makes strange hyena yaps and yips.

the two laughing Hell Hounds make their save throws at the end of each of their turns:
Hell Hound #1 WIS Save Throw: 14 + 1 = 15: Success, the First hell hound ends the effect of Brunos first spell. It immediately starts to snarl and growl again. It did not find the ordeal amusing.
Hell Hound #2 WIS Save Throw: 18 + 1 = 19: Success, the second hell hound ends the effect of Brunos spell, and also begins to growl angrily.

The Master of Souls emerges at the base of the stairs
"Feel your body, fail you! Yessss... let the sickness take you!"
Standard Action: A ray of green energy zooms at Bartok as he casts Ray of Sickness, but he blocks it with his shield.

Standard Action: Bagast Charges at Bartok, swinging the Femur bone viciously at the Dwarf, The Dwarf digs in, raises his shield and BLOCKs the charging Ogre Zombie, with a very loud CRASH.
Charge attack gives +2 to attack roll, but you suffer -2 to AC until your next turn.

The slow zombies, gather around the base of the stairs, unable to get past the Skeleton and Necromancer, who block their way.

Standard Action: The Skeleton advances toward kaido and strikes with its shortsword, but misses and strikes the corner of the wall instead.
(clack clack)

"Gonna be hard to get to me friends on one Leg ya filthy ogre! Beronness guide me Mace!"
(called shot to the left knee)
Standard Action: Bartok makes a called shot (uses Inspiration to negate disadvantage) to Bagast`s Knee, (AC +2) and successfully cracks the ogre zombies knee.
Bagast CON Save vs Knee Crack: 6 + 4 = 10: Bagast makes a CON save vs DC 12, and FAILS the save throw, his knee buckles and the ogre comes crashing Prone. He takes 5 points of damage and is Prone.
"And stay down ya filthy animal!"
Bonus Action: Bartok brings his shield down on Bagast`s neck, and hits for 4 points of damage

"Oh my, that creature is huge!"
Standard Action: Kova fires at Bagast but misses.

"You shall perish!"
Standard Action: Kaido raises his hand and three missiles of force steak out and land with three deep “crackles” into the prone Ogre Zombie, dealing 11 points of damage!

Standard Action: Vaaz follows Jules out of the room and points at him, casting levitate, jules suddenly is suspended 5 feet off the ground, unable to move any further.
“not so fast, Rogue. We can’t have you running Amok in my sanctuary.”
Jules CON Save throw vs. Levitate: 4 + 1 = 5: Failure - Jules is levitated off the floor, stopping his movement.
Jules hangs suspended in mid-air, and uses the door jam to turn around to face Vaaz.

Standard Action: Jules slices at Vaaz as he floats in mid-air, but the zero gravity throws him off and he misses his strike.
Bonus Action: Jules jabs his off hand blade at Vaaz, but the second attack clangs off the side of the stone door jam.
Move Action: Jules thrusts himself off the door jam directly toward Vaaz. (Athletics Check vs DC 8: 13 + 1 = 14) Successfully getting enough momentum to collide with Vaaz. Running into Vaaz with enough force to knock him on his butt, dealing 1 point of damage.
Vaaz CON Save throw to maintain concentration (DC: 10): 5 + 5 = 10: Vaaz does not lose concentration.

"We must end this!"
Standard Action: Dartan smashes his shield into the Prone Hell hound`s face, breaking another tooth, dealing 5 points of damage!
"Die Dog!"
Bonus Action: Finally swinging his flail down onto the prone dog, but the dog rolls out of the way, and the flail again collides with the floor.
Round Summary:
The Wizard: Affected another Hell hound with Tashas Hideous Laughter, receives 0 damage.
The Cleric: Dealt 9 points of damage, received 0 points of damage, made a called shot!
The Sorcerer: Dealt 11 points of damage, received 0 points of damage
The Rogue: Dealt 1 point of damage, received 0 points of damage
The Paladin: Dealt 5 points of damage, received 0 points of damage.
Time: 5:32 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat Round 4

Standard Action: The hell hound tears into jules, ripping out flesh and latching onto Jules`s forearm, dealing 7 points of piercing damage. The hounds fiery throat deals 6 points of additional fire damage.
Jules winces from the burns and ripped flesh.

Standard Action: Bruno readies a spell and immediately releases it as soon as the weakened hell hound stands up.
Reaction Action: Bruno`s ray of frost smashes into the hell hound, causing it to yelp in pain as it takes 6 points of cold damage.

The angry hell hounds throat ignites, as his breath weapon recharges.
Standard Action: Flames roar past Dartan, and Dartan's Save Throw: 11 + 0 = 11: Dartan stands and takes the full force of the fire, as he becomes a shield for Bruno. He takes 15 points of damage!
Brunos Save Throw: 13 + 3 = 16: Bruno takes cover behind Dartan, and successfully avoids much of the fire, taking 7 points of damage instead of 15.

Standard Action: The master of souls casts Scorching Ray
"For destroying Flennis, I will bring upon you suffering, and pain!"
Ray #1 & 2: The first ray of searing flame strikes Bartok, CRITICAL HIT! Bartok winces as he takes 12 points of fire damage, the heat is so intense that it ignites his beard. The second ray of flame is blocked by Bartok`s shield and misses.
Ray #3: The third ray of flame, soars past the prone Bagast and strikes Kaido, critically hitting for 8 points of damage! Kaido winces from the blast.

Standard Action: Bagast swings his Femur wildly at the Dwarf, but Bartok jumps and dodges the swipe.

Standard Action: The skeleton strikes at Kaido with it`s shortsword, cutting into the sorcerer, dealing 4 points of damage!

Standard Action: With steely resolve, Bartok raises his holy symbol and light shines in the darkness, turning all the undead save for one lone Zombie.
"Begone you foul creatures!"
Bonus Action: Bartok casts Healing word on himself, and light shines through the bricks healing Bartok for 4 points of damage.
"It takes a great hammer to make a greatsword."

Standard Action: Kova`s arrow lands true, striking the Hell Hound for 5 points of damage!
"I hope I hit that thing!"
After his attack, he retreats back into the tomb.

Standard Action: Kaido moved out into the main hallway and pulls a healing potion and drinks it, restoring 10 hit points

“Your death won’t come soon enough, Rogue”
Standard Action: Vaaz strikes at the floating rogue, but misses!

Standard Action: **the rogue pulls the healing potion from his boot, pops the cork and sucks down the potion**The rogue drinks the potion of healing and recovers 10 hit points.
Bonus Action: He then activates the Misty step power of his cloak. He vanished and teleports further into the catacombs.
To Vaaz, with malice, "c'mon then you skinless cock" ** gestures to the space in front of him with short swords **
"STOP. MOVING", Dartan whirls the flail around and uppercuts the hell hound.

Standard Action: With a loud crackle followed by a deafening *BOOM* the entire catacombs shakes, rubble and dust fall from the ceiling as Dartan’s flail crushes the Hell Hound, the beast takes 8 points of bludgeoning damage and 10 points of Thunder damage, ripping the beast open, and throwing its body into the back wall of the torture room, Killing It!
Bonus Action: Dartan casts Thunderous Smite again, and his mace again begins to crackle with a charge.
"Lets do that again!"
Round Summary:
The Wizard: Dealt 6 points of damage, received 7 Hit Points
The Cleric: Turned undead, Healed himself for 4 Hit Points
The Sorcerer: healed himself for 10 Hit Points
The Rogue: Healed himself for 10 hit points, broke free of levitate
The Paladin: Dealt 18 points of damage, received 15 points of damage.
Time: 5:32 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat Round 5

To the rogue, "We will see how arrogant your words are, when I have you strung up and begging for the pain to stop"
To the hell hound, in infernal, "Bring his nether regions to me"

*Grabbing the lantern off the wall*
"Bartok, Kaido, Kova! Head for the torture room! Last one in, close and bolt the door behind you!"
Standard Action: Fire a Ray of Frost at the first enemy Bruno sees advancing towards or attacking himself or an ally.

Standard Action: The Hell Hound charges at Jules, sacrificing -2 to it`s AC for the rest of the round, Jules skillfully sidesteps the charging hound, and it crashes into the wall.
** The Hell Hound Charges, taking -2 to it`s Armor Class this round, for +2 to it`s attack roll **

"Your god will fail you, Cleric! None can stand against Myrkul"
Standard Action: The master of souls delays his action until initiative position eleven

Standard Action: The Zombie that was not turned tries to bite Bartok, but Bartok easily blocks the bite with his shield.
** Bites at Bartok with a raging hunger **
Bruno fires off a ray of frost as soon as he sees the zombie advance toward Bartok, His icy blast hits the Zombie dealing 7 points of damage!
The master of souls emerges into the tunnel and approaches the cleric, casting Chill touch - but Bartok blocks the hand with his shield, and it misses!

Standard Action: Bartok smashes the Zombies head crushing it`s face dealing 6 points of damage, destroying it!
Bonus Action: For good measure, Bartok crushes its brain once more with his shield, letting out a Dwarven battle cry.

Move Action: Moved 15 feet - Kaido moved Behind Bartok, sacrificing 10 movement this turn so Bartok can protect him from AOP.
Standard Action: Kaido slips into a nook across from the master of souls and targets his shatter spell on the door behind the master of souls, the spell creates a deafening *BOOM* that damages the door and deals 20 points of damage to the master of souls!

Standard Action: Vaaz casts Crown of Madness on Jules, but Jules resists the charm effect easily, being Fey.

Standard Action: Jules begins dazzling his foes with fancy footwork, spinning and dodging, he swings at Vaaz, dazzling him But missing.
Bonus Action: As Jules is whirling his aides, he dazzles the Hell hound right before he pierces a hole in its underbelly, dealing 5 points of damage.
Move Action: Moved 10 feet, jules spins around Vaaz and finds himself behind the necromancer.

Bonus Action: Dartan casts Hunters Mark on the Hell Hound, marking it as his target. A soft hue of red-orange light surrounds the hound.
"No Trace shall remain", says Dartan confidently as he finishes his spell.
Standard Action: Dartan advances toward the Hell hound and steps up. Whirling his flail as it hums and crackles with electric energy, and strikes the Hell hound with a deafening *BOOM* that shakes the ancient walls, several chunks of rock fall from the ceiling as the hound takes 16 points Of Thunder damage, Breaking two of the hounds ribs and damaging its internal organs. (Flail:7, Smite: 7, mark: 2)
Concussion effect: The hell hound is hurled toward Vaaz soaring 10 feet through the air . Vaaz quicky takes a 5 foot step to avoid the flying hound, which lands with a crunch on the stone floor next to Jules. The hound is prone.
Round Summary:
The Wizard: Dealt 7 points of damage, received 0 damage
The Cleric: Dealt 6 points of damage, destroying a zombie.
The Sorcerer: Dealt 20 points of damage, received 0 damage.
The Rogue: Dealt 5 points of damage, received 0 damage.
The Paladin: Dealt 16 points of damage, received 0 damage.
Time: 5:32 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat Round 6

Standard Action: Bruno moves to the corner, just able to see the hell hound, and fires off three missiles. The missiles strike the already wounded hell hound with three deep crackles, dealing 14 points of damage. The prone hound yelps as it nears death.
"hang in there jules"

Standard Action: The Hell Hound tears into Jules, but Jules swiftly jumps out of the way, while parrying with his short swords, the hound misses.
Ready Action: Bagast, the Zombies and the Skeleton all ready their move action to advance into the hall has Bartok moves further away, They still will not advance closer than 30 feet from Bartok, as if prevented by an invisible wall.

Bonus Action: The Master of souls casts Misty Step and teleports next to Kova in the torture room.
Standard Action: The Master of souls appears next to Kova and strikes with his Skull Flail, but Kova dodges the attack.
Hisses at Bartok and Kaido., "You are beginning to annoy me!"

Bartok sees the Master of souls disappear in front of him, but hears the rustle down the hall. "Oh no ya don't ya slippery Cave eel! Yer not going to ruin all the work I've done to keep these fellas alive! " "Kaido stay close Lad! We can't let him get away!"
Standard Action: Bartok slams the master of souls with his magic mace, dealing 9 points of damage, as he flanks his, tearing flesh from his back.
Bonus Action: Bartok slams the back of the Master of souls head with his shield, with a loud ring, nearly giving him a concussion. Dealing 4 points of damage!
"Not so tough without your horde of zombies are ya!"

Standard Action: Kova Disengages from the master of souls, and runs into the hallway behind Bruno.
"No one gave me a weapon except this bow!"
Readied move action: Bagast and the Zombies immediately move into the hallway as Bartok moves away.

Kaido steps out and moves behind Bartok away from the advancing zombie horde.
Standard Action: casts Magic Missile, The first missile strikes the Master of souls in his head dealing 2 points of damage, knocking him out. He falls to the ground, unconscious.
The second two missiles strike Bagast, landing with crackling thuds and dealing 9 points of damage! Bagast roars and the Turn Undead effect ends on him. He snarls and begins charging toward Kaido and Bartok. (Turn Undead Ended on Bagast)

Standard Action: Vaaz moves to flank Jules, and reaches out his withered hand, and casts Vampiric Touch. As he touches the Rogue, the skin on the rogue turns purple, and 10 points of life are drained from Jules, and Vaaz recovers 5 points of life.
"If you wont serve me, then you will heal me! Give me your life force, yes!!!"(laughs maniacally)

Bonus Action: Jules activates the cloak and uses Misty Step to teleport behind Vaaz and away from the Hell Hound.
Standard Action: Jules snaps back, slicing at Vaaz`s hand that is draining his life, he hits and severs two of his fingertips dealing 7 points of damage and 4 points of sneak damage, Vaaz winces and loses concentration causing his Vampric Touch spell to end.
Move Action: The rogue uses Fancy Footwork to disengage from Vaaz and run further into the inner sanctum.

Standard Action: Dartan orders the Hell hound to return to hell, and slams his flail at the beast, the beast bites onto the flail, ripping it out of Dartan`s hand, breaking the chain, and spits the broken weapon onto the ground and turns to face Dartan. (Critical Miss)
Bonus Action: Dartan swings his shield at the Hell hounds face, but the hell hound bites the shield, and tries to rip it out of Dartan`s hand, they struggle for it for a few seconds, and Dartan retains hold of his shield...this time...
Round Summary:
The Wizard: Dealt 14 points of Force damage.
The Cleric: dealt 13 points of Bludgeoning damage.
The Sorcerer: Dealt 11 points of Force Damage.
The Rogue: Dealt 11 points of Piercing/Slashing damage. was drained for 10 points of life.
The Paladin: Dealt 0 damage.
Time: 5:32 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat Round 7

Free action Dartan tosses his shield at the hell hound (drops)
" HAVE IT YOU BASTARD. Tyr, forgive my transgressions. I have been a fool for using that cursed weapon. Please guide my hand and help me vanquish these abominations with this sword of truth." Dartan unsheaths the greatsword from his back and readies it in an aggressive pose.
At hearing Bagast's roar echo through the chamber, Bruno turns to Kova, his brow beaded with sweat and his eyes wide. "Get back to that room and get ready to close and bolt that door against the undead as soon as Bartok and Kaido are inside!"
Pulling a dagger from his belt, Bruno hands it to Kova.
Bonus Action: "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. Now move!"
Standard Action: Bruno unleashes two missiles that strike the already wounded hell hound, the crackle coincides with a final raspy *yelp* as the hound collapses, and smoke rises off its lifeless body. 10 points of damage dealt.
The third bolt from Bruno streaks past the hound and crackles into Vaaz, causing him to cough and wince, dealing 4 points of damage.
Standard Action: Athletics Check: 11 + 4 = 15 vs Kaido`s Roll of 8. Bagast grabs onto the Dragonborn and lifts him off the ground, squeezing him tightly and snapping at his face trying to bite.
The zombies and skeleton remain beyond range of Bartok **their ready move action will automatically keep them at 30 foot distance from Bartok, no matter which way he moves. **
"Let him go ya walkin bag of stink!"
Standard Action: Bartok steps up to Bagast, as he grapples with Kaido, and strikes the massive zombie ogre, dealing 5 points of damage with his magic mace.
Bonus Action: Bartok slams his shield into Bagast, dealing another 4 points of damage. Bagast does not relent and continues to squeeze Kaido.
Standard Action: Kaido looks into Bagast’s face and a crackle builds in his throat, and he releases a stream of electricity that travels through Bagast’s head and due to the close proximity and that he is grappling, he has disadvantage on his save, the bolt deals 8 points of damage. The crackling arc of lightning steaks past Bagast and hits the lead Zombie as well, the zombie succeeds his save and takes 4 points of damage.

“Curse you all, you may have won this time, but you won’t escape this city. Your souls will be mine.” Standard Action: *uncorks a potion and becomes invisible*
The Rogue delays his action, but sets a trigger to attack Vaaz should the paladin detect him.
Standard Action: search for signs of Vaaz and/or exit, You see no signs of Vaaz deeper in the sanctum. You do hear a SLAM coming from the direction of T25 L135, but it`s too far away from you to see anything.
Standard Action: Dartan focuses on his holy symbol and attempts to detect the presence of any evil fiend, celestial or undead. But he comes up empty. Vaaz seems to have escaped.
Round Summary
The Wizard: Dealt 14 points of Force damage
The Cleric: Dealt 9 points of Bludgeoning damage
The Sorcerer: Dealt 12 points of Lightning damage, is grappled by Bagast
The Rogue: Searched for Vaaz
The Paladin: Searched for Vaaz
Time: 5:32 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat round 8
Bruno Standard Action: Bruno sends a ray of frost down the hall that strikes Bagast, dealing 4 points of damage.
Bagast Standard Action: ** With a roar, the zombie ogre throws Kaido over the zombie toward the horde **
Kaido lands with a THUD on the hard stone floor in the hall and takes 3 points of falling damage. Kaido is Prone
Zombie Standard Action: Growl, slurp *The zombie immediately tries to bite the prone Dragonborne.* The Zombie pounces on Kaido as he is prone, attacking with advantage it tears into his scales doing 5 points of d
Undead Readied Actions: The other zombie and skeleton remain outside the turn radius, anxiously looking at the delicious Kaido as he is bitten by the unturned zombie. They ready their moves with Bartoks movement.
Bartok's Standard Action: Bartok presses his attack on Bagast, striking him across the chest with his Magic mace, dealing 7 points of damage!
Bartok's Bonus Action: Then cracks Bagast in his face for another 3 points of damage.
"The bigger they are.... the harder they fall!"
Kova's Standard Action: Kova pops into the hall and fires his short bow but missed.
"Die you big oaf"
Kaido's Standard Action: Kaido attacks with his quarterstaff using it two handed and deals 8 points of damage.
the Rogue's Standard Action: Jules Dashes back into the hallway advancing 50 feet.

Dartan's Standard Action: Dartan lays his hands on the rogue, restoring 15 hit points as holy light bathes the rogue in healing energy.
Round Summary:
The Wizard: Dealt 4 points of damage
The Cleric: Dealt 10 points of damage
the Sorcerer: Dealt 8 points of damage, Received 8 points of damage
The Rogue: Advanced
The Paladin: Healed an ally for 15 points of damage.
Time: 5:32 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat Round 9
Bruno's Standard Action: Bruno fires another bolt of frost at the damaged Zombie Ogre, dealing another 3 points of damage!
"Just die! Well die again…wait, how DOES that work?"

Bagast's Standard Action: Bagast tries to bite Bartok, but Bartok blocks the giant zombie with his sheild, holding him off.
"Bagast......" snapping teeth sounds
Zombie Standard Action: The Zombie continues to tear into Kaido, and
bites for another 4 points of damage!
Readied Actions: The Zombie and Skeleton remain outside the turn radius, watching the carnage.
Bartok's Standard Action: The dwarf smashes Bagast in the face, tearing off his Jaw dealing 5 points of damage.
"This ends now!"
Bartok's Bonus Action: Bartok slams his shield at the ogre zombie but Bagast blocks it.
Kova's Standard Action: Kova shoots at the ogre but misses
Kaido's Standard Action: Kaido smashes the zombie with his Quarterstaff, dealing 5 points of damage, Destroying it!
Jules and Dartan both dash back toward the battle.
Round Summary:
The Wizard: Dealt 3 points of damage
The Cleric: Dealt 5 points of damage
the Sorcerer: Dealt 5 points of damage, Destroyed a zomibe, Received 4 points of damage
The Rogue: Advanced
The Paladin: Advanced
Time: 5:33 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Ambush Combat Round 10
Bruno's Standard Action: Bruno fires his frost bolt at the Ogre Zomibe, the ice freezes the creature for 1 point of damage, and it comes crashing down, it continues to twitch.
"Bagast? More like Bag-end!"
Bartok's Standard Action: Bartok fires the crossbow, but the crossbow malfunctions and the mechanism jams causing the crossbow to misfire. Bartok spends the rest of his action pulling the jammed bolt from the crossbow.
"I Am Not Your Enemy, I Am THE Enemy!"
Kova's Standard Action: Kova fires his Shortbow but the bolt falls short as it whizzes but Bartoks head.
"Hold still you sickening Undead"
Kaido's Standard Action: Kaido fires a frost bolt but the spell fizzled.
"Let’s chill out those cold bones with some frost! Haha!"
Dartan and Jules advance
Round Summary:
The Wizard: Dealt 1 point of damage
The Cleric: Missed
the Sorcerer: Fizzled a spell
The Rogue: Advanced
The Paladin: Advanced
Time: 5:33 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Combat Ends

Bruno's Standard Action: Bruno fires a streak of frost at the skeleton, the skeleton ices up and takes 6
points of damage, and falls into a pile of bones.

Bartok's Standard Action: Bartok fired his crossbow. But his shot whizzes past the slow lumbering zombie.
Kova's Standard Action: Kova throws his bow down, and gives up on shooting it. Spends the rest of the round dodging.

Kaido's Standard Action: Kaido fires a frost bolt and it strikes the zombie, dealing 8 points of damage!
Zombie's Standard Action: The Zombie uses it`s readied action to advance and bite at Bartok, it Hits dealing 5 points of damage.

Jules's Standard Action: Jules throws a dagger, it whizzes past Kaido and Bartok and embeds itself in the Zombies forehead, dealing 7 points of piercing damage and 4 points of sneak damage for a total of 11 damage, destroying the undead.
Round Summary:
The Wizard: Dealt 6 points of damage
The Cleric: Missed, took 5 points of damage
the Sorcerer: Dealt 8 points of damage
The Rogue: Dealt 11 points of damage
The Paladin: Combat Ended
Time: 5:33 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
The Battle over, the party regathers near the Torture room.
It is once again quiet and dark, with only the hooded lantern providing any light.
Kaido approaches the group and catches up the party.
You all remember Kaido from Rok’s Guild – and while you weren’t close friends or anything, you did spend a few days at the tavern getting to know each other. Kaido tells you that he left for Baldur’s Gate two days before you all did, and he arrived at the Basilisk Gate and was also drafted by General Zodge, who asked him to scout out the Cult of the Dead Three hideout.
Kaido was able to locate the hideout and sneak past many of the defenses, thanks to an invisibility potion he acquired from an alchemist in the city – but it wore off after he was deep in the dungeon, and he had to hide in the tomb because of all the cult members lurking about – he was about to make his escape when he heard the battle begin and decided this may be his chance to get some help, thinking that any enemy of his enemy could be his friend.
There are still three chambers in the main hallway that contain Iron doors that have not yet been explored.
Kaido tells you that the tomb he was hiding in, contains a sarcophagus that has a mummy, but he didn’t disturb it or look for any other loot. It appeared to him the mummy had already been looted.
There are three iron doors in the hall to search
There is a small antechamber off the main flooded room
There are two stairs going up into an unexplored area of the dungeon.

What will you do next?
5 minutes pass
Time: 5:38 PM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
"Well done friends! Seems as if Savras might have been right - except it wasn't our deaths HAHA! Suppose ol' Savras was just playing with your mind there Bruno!" says Dartan as he gives the wizard a comradely pat on the shoulder. "Speaking of new garments, how's your pants Kova? You hanging in there? We can't have our star witness crap out on us" Dartan chuckles, proud of his wordplay.
Taking a more serious tone, Dartan notices Nobody missing.
"I'll bet that rogue is off checking the area where we lost Vaaz. There seemed to be a dais or an audience hall of sorts there. Perhaps there is more information we can gather there. We all need a rest after…
Taking a giant swig of his waterskin, Bartok looks down at his bloody mace and then his crossbow and chuckles. "Have to get me ol' bow here a work over!" He looks down at the giant ogre zombie, and down the hall at the pile of skeletons and zombies. He raises his eyes to the dungeon ceiling and says a prayer of thanks. Limping a bit, and favoring his shield arm, He then turns to the party checking on burns, cuts, bruises and does a check for any infection from the zombie and dog bites. "seem's we're all a bit worse for the wear lads, but we made it. These abominations need to be burned to cleanse the g…
retrieving his dagger and surveying the carnage, the rogue nods to the newcomer, "Sorcerer." taking a swig from the water skin, the rogue walks out of sight and back into the gloom.
**rogue wanders off to explore/search the areas marked below**
Seeing the last of the undead fall, Bruno leans on his quarterstaff, breathing heavily. As the adrenaline leaves his body, Bruno pulls the deck of cards from his pocket with a shaky hand. Pulling the queen of graves from the pack, he stares at the queen's skeletal form on the card as Vaaz's skeletal visage fills his head.
After a few moments, Bruno shakes the image from his head and places the cards back in his pocket. Walking over to Kaido, he claps the dragonborn on the back.
"By Savras' balls, it's good you came when you did. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see a familiar face."
Bruno looks around at the remaining sealed doors and…
Jules and Dartan enter the inner sanctum
its a large, dark flooded room - there is a platform in the middle of the room, that has filth, and bones. To the southeast there is a stairway leading up into a small antechamber.
There are stairs leading up on the north wall as well.
finally another set of stairs leading out on the northeast wall.
The chamber is totally dark, and no signs of anything alive can be seen.