Jules-jack-Nobody leaves before the rest of the party, and heads into the city without telling anyone where he went, or why.
Dartan, Bartok and Bruno finish their breakfast at Elfsong tavern, and around 9:00 am they leave the tavern to head to the location marked on their map that Tarina made showing the location of a Bath house. The Bath house is known as "The Frolicking Nymph" and is owned and operated by the Vanthampur family.

The Outer Courtyard:
Arriving at the one-story stuccoed building, you see that there are obvious stained-glass windows. The roof is comprised of clay tiles, an odd russet color, and look newly replaced. There are three meter tall walls that enclose a large courtyard outside the southeast corner of the building. The wooden doors to the courtyard are closed, but unlocked and unguarded; they are engraved with provocative images of lithe, smiling nymphs dancing and frolicking in water.
You enter the courtyard and find it in an "L" shape with manicured features of a trimmed lawn and shrubbery of predominantly honeysuckle. The yard is decorated with white marble benches and stone fountains, each in the form of a smiling nymph tipping a jug that spills water into a circular stone basin.
There are a scattering of people here in the courtyard. Mixed company, as it were. Some clothed, while others are draped in plush white towels or robes. A carved wooden door, closed, is framed by two pillared marble columns with a delicate archway above it. Stained-glass windows frame both sides of the door that lead to the interior of the bathhouse.

The Interior of the Bathhouse
You are able to freely enter the bathhouse, as the people here bathing are coming and going as they please. Inside are several people (again, mixed company) are in various stages of bathing with or without a bath attendant. As you enter the main bathhouse, The walls of this twenty-foot-high pillared chamber are adorned with frescoes of bathing royalty. Natural light streams through stained-glass windows, creating colorful patterns on the tiles of polished blue marble that cover the floor. Three shallow, sunken pools contain scintillating perfume-scented water. White marble benches bearing stacks of dry towels are situated near the pools, each of which comes equipped with a pair of brass faucets.
Massage Rooms: On the far side of the bath house are two doors, one to the north and one to the south. both doors are open, and there is a sign over each door that reads "Massage & Bath services - Tips appreciated"
Guards: There are three female humans standing guard in the main bathhouse. They appear to just be here to ensure those bathing are not bothered or assaulted. As you enter the guards notice that you are not exactly dressed for the bath house. One of them approaches you.

"Greetings, gentlemen. You appear quite overdressed for the bathhouse, please remove your armor and leave your weapons over here until your services are finished, we will make sure they are not disturbed. As soon as you are properly dressed, you may use any services you would like. " She motions to an area in the corner of the bathhouse where there are some shelves and trunks to store equipment and armor, she then motions for an attendant to come over, a human female comes over and greets you.

"My name is Qurmilah, Please get comfortable, We also provide masseuse work, allowing a deep, rejuvenating experience for our customers. If you're interested at all, please come visit me here and I will be available to provide you a session. If you need any attention, or any other kind of assistance, please let me know", Qurmilah then walks back toward her massage room and waits by the door.
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What do you do?
Bartok grabs his beard towel, and his body towel from the rack, and raises a freshly scrubbed eyebrow at Bruno. Quietly he asks, "What do you mean we are not going to like it? Besides another miss with the ladies, what happened? I heard mention of the Duke I think? What did you find out? You really should stop hitting on women with weapons strapped on by the way.. someday you might be the pokee...instead of the poker!" Bartok starts to re-dress as he talks to Bruno.
**once in in the tavern the rogue looks for a game of chance and will gamble and listen for gossip pertaining to the bounties and the like; if a game of chance isn’t available will sit at the bar listening for gossip; oh and keep his eye out for shiny baubles and fat purses**
Bruno shrugs at the guard and takes a step back muttering in thought to himself.
"Similar reaction to the other female guard at the Elfsong Tavern. I wonder if it's a common trait among their kind..."
Seeing the group finishing their soak, Bruno waits until they're ready to gather together again. As Jules starts heading out the door on his own again, Bruno gestures at him and quickly casts Message.
"Jules! We need a quiet place to regroup and chat. Hang on a moment and we'll all head to the nearest tavern and grab a table. I think I know where we should go next."
Looking at the freshly bathed members of the group, Bruno grins and chuckles slightly.
Dartan indicates he wants "the works" for his massage from Qurmilah.
"OF course, my lord. I specialize in helping big strong men like yourself release their stresses.", Qurmilah takes the lead and performs a very extensive, full body rub down, which includes some intimate services that she takes her time to ensure completion. During Dartan's services, he is distracted enough that he doesn't notice anything in particular in the northern massage room. (Perception roll: 7).
Meanwhile, out in the main bath house, Bruno comes back inside and has a look around, trying to find anything suspicious about a "Lower" area that may exist. (Investigation check: 16). The workmanship of the bathhouse is exquisite, and a great deal of money …
I would like a full hour please. The