**The rogue waits a beat following the wizard’s comment; pulls the Flaming Fist badge from a pouch and pins it to his cloak; stands, walks over and bends down in front of the Necro; in one swift movement, grabs the necro by the hair with his left hand, pulls a dagger with his right hand and stabs the necro in the neck; lets go and replaces his dagger; stands walks back over to where he was and sits back down; replaces the badge back in his pouch**

Jules gains +1 Inspiration

looks around at the party through half-open eyes, "whenever you're ready..."

Bruno starts retching slightly and looks away as Jules dispatches the cultist. Pressing the cloth wrap to his face, he takes several deep breaths before turning back to the group.
"Well ... that's taken care of then."
Turning towards the alarmed door, Bruno pulls out the scroll of dispel magic and begins muttering the inscribed incantations. (Bruno dispels the ward on the door).

A flash of light emerges from bruno's eyes as he reads the scroll. Runes appear on the door as he reads and as his eyes dim and return to normal, the runes on the door disintegrate. The spell has ended.
Bruno is satisfied the ward has been removed from the door -- and Jules is satisfied from his search earlier there are no physical traps.
The door is opened slowly and carefully to reveal a long hallway.
You hear muffled voices echoing down the hallway and a feint glow of torchlight can be seen, it appears that about 30 feet beyond the door, there is a set of stairs leading down deeper into the dungeon.
The putrid sewer stench is slightly less foul beyond the door leading into the dungeon.
You can tell that this area of the dungeon is ancient, possibly predating the city of baldur's Gate itself. there are images carved into the limestone bricks depicting demons and devils battling each other, as well as script carved in Infernal. The script reads "Suffering is eternal" and "Innocent blood".

How does the party proceed forward?
Time: 4:12 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
"It took me back to my youth on the farm, but I figured out how to secure the door like you asked, Jules. So more water and now disembodied voices. I seem to recall from my studies that brimstone smells like rotten egg! What horrors are these fools playing with?
Well, I suppose we head down into your egg chamber."
"Do you like my trap, Jack?"
Jules enters the Altar room, and scouts around.
Stealth: 4 + 5 = 9
Perception 2 + 2 = 4
The room is exactly as Walter saw it. There is an old stone Altar, covered in half melted black candles, currently unlit. There are bones piled on the altar, and around the floor.
He notices nothing else in the chamber - so he carefully heads down the stairs toward the flooded hallway.
Jules moves carefully into the flooded room, once again the water here is about ankle deep, and the air in this space reeks of rotten eggs.
Jules is able to see a door on the west wall, that appears to be the other side of the "stuck" door…
As a boy, I was taught to respect my elders. It seems to me that we follow Bartok's vision and explore the room with the altar. I believe it should lead back to our stuck door in the previous flooded room.
Rogue. Go do your thing while I jam this halbred under the door to attempt to stop it from opening .
BArtok stares at the bones on the altar for a moment. "These necros have much to answer for... How many horrors have they inflicted on these poor people?." " Goddess protect us... we've got some work to do." All right Lads! Now that I've got my Hands free! heheh.... Hands free.. let's move on. I've thrown down the guantlet on these Necros! HAH! I'm funny! Ye don't have to tell me... I know!
The party finishes getting Kova out of the shackles. He cannot wear the armor, as he is only in a loin cloth and the armor would need to be fitted, plus would chaff badly on bare skin.
After a few moments the group moves into the hallway, then to the two closed doors that Jules checked a few minutes earler.
Bruno puts some oil on the hinges and any rub points on the door at the top of the stairs and then Dartan opens the door slowly.
Beyond the door the room is pitch black. Walter scurries in to scout, and being a magical beast, has darkvision - so the blackness is no problem for him.
(Marked with a green…