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The Battle with the Duergar

Updated: Sep 30

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Duergar Ambush - Round 7


Melee Attack:As Uptharr dangles upside down in the grip of the Ogre Zombie, he refuses to go down without a fight. With a defiant shout, "Unhand me, beast!", he swings his flail with all his might. The flail connects with the monster’s side, dealing 9 points of damage. The blow lands solidly, but the Ogre Zombie’s grip remains firm as it continues dragging Uptharr down the hallway.

Melee Attack:Uptharr, still hanging upside down, doesn’t let up. With his off-hand, he swings his bronze mace at the Ogre Zombie, landing another strike. The mace hits the creature with a solid thud, dealing 3 points of damage. Though the zombie grunts from the hits, it keeps its grip on Uptharr, determined to carry him away.

Nildar Sunblight

Use an Object:Realizing the battle is turning against him, Nildar quickly snatches a potion from his belt and drinks it in one swift motion. The magic of the potion takes immediate effect, restoring 25 hit points. Before the party’s eyes, his wounds begin to close, and his vitality returns, the Duergar commander standing taller and stronger as his body repairs itself. A sinister grin spreads across his face as he looks ready to rejoin the fray with renewed vigor.

Shove Attempt: "I don’t go down that easily, Halfling!" Nildar bum-rushes Dorf, attempting to knock him prone. However, Dorf, fueled by his unrelenting rage, plants his feet firmly and resists the attack. With an impressive roll of 27 against Nildar’s 20, Dorf shrugs off the shove, standing his ground. Nildar grits his teeth in frustration as his attempt to knock the halfling prone fails.

Melee Attack: Nildar, his face twisting in frustration as Dorf stands firm, snarls through clenched teeth. "You stubborn runt! I’ll break you yet!" With rage in his eyes, Nildar tightens his grip on his pick axe, preparing to swing it down with all his might at the unyielding halfling. Nildar swings his pick axe with vicious intent, piercing through Dorf’s armor with a solid strike. The blow is strong, dealing 14 points of damage, but thanks to Dorf’s rage, he only takes 7 points. Despite the hit, Dorf remains standing, his fury burning brighter than the pain.

Mutt Bromwell

Mutt looks on apprehensively from inside his frozen dome as Uptharr is dragged away by the ogre zombie.“Uh guys, Uptharr looks like he may need some help…” Mutt shouts after the Paladin. “Uptharr! Can’t you turn that thing?! Stop playing around with it before you get yourself hurt!”

Cast a Spell: "How is it the big, dumb, dead guy is doing better than you?" Mutt’s Vicious Mockery echoes through the battlefield, but Nildar, fueled by his rage and determination, remains unfazed. The cutting words seem to wash over him without effect, leaving the Duergar commander unaffected by the spell. Nildar glares at Mutt, a sinister grin forming as he resists the attempt to weaken him.


"Ok, ok, I got it, Mutt.”

Range Attack: “I hear you, Mutt. Just hoping I can land this shot.” Azalie is starting to lose her edge. Doubts fill her mind. She takes a deep breath.Azalie, seeing Uptharr in the grip of the ogre zombie, draws her bow and takes careful aim. With a lucky strike, her arrow flies true, piercing the Ogre Zombie in the neck. The undead creature jerks as the arrow sinks deep, dealing 12 points of damage. Though still standing, the Ogre Zombie’s grip on Uptharr loosens slightly from the impact.

Cast a Bonus Spell: Azalie sees the arrow make contact with the ogre. She turns her attention back to Nildar, casting a spell so she can be ready to entangle him in thorns. Azalie, not content with a single strike, channels her magic into her next attack. She whispers the incantation for Hail of Thorns, causing sharp, magical thorns to form around the arrowhead. The thorns shimmer with deadly energy, ready to burst upon impact and unleash a barrage of piercing shards on her next shot.


Dodge:Mellon, sensing the chaos of the battle, instinctively takes a defensive posture. The Blood Hawk flutters in place, using the Dodge action to make itself harder to hit, its sharp eyes watching for incoming attacks and ready to swiftly evade any threat.

Fizzbum Lilypad

Disengage: Fizzbum, realizing the danger he’s in, quickly assesses his surroundings. Without wasting a moment, he uses the Disengage action, skillfully slipping away from the immediate threat. He moves back, putting some distance between himself and the enemies, readying himself for his next move.

Move: Fizzbum moves 10 feet from T5 L20 to T10 L30.

Dorf Thimblerigger

Drink Potion: Dorf, still seething with rage but feeling the wear of battle, quickly pulls a potion of healing from his pocket. He uncorks it and drinks it down in one swift gulp. The potion’s magic works instantly, mending his wounds and restoring 10 hit points. Feeling rejuvenated, Dorf grips his axe tightly, ready to dive back into the fray.

Melee Attack: "Suck down all the potions you can, scum, that just means I get to cause you more pain!" With renewed strength from the healing potion, Dorf grips his dwarven axe and swings it at Nildar with fierce determination. The blade strikes true, cutting into the Duergar commander and dealing 9 points of damage. Nildar grunts in pain, feeling the force of the barbarian’s relentless assault.

Duergar Guard

Move:The Duergar Guard moves 10 feet from T20 L30 to T20 L40.

Melee Attack: The Duergar guard, seeing an opportunity with Uptharr trapped in the Ogre Zombie’s grip, moves in to flank the Paladin. A cruel grin spreads across his face as he raises his war pick, relishing the moment. "Struggle all you want, Paladin! You won’t escape this time!" With a dark chuckle, he prepares to bring the weapon down. The guard swings his war pick with confidence, aiming to take advantage of Uptharr’s predicament. However, the blinding light of Uptharr’s Sacred Weapon throws off his aim. The bright glow overwhelms the guard’s vision, causing his swing to go wide, missing the Paladin entirely. The guard growls in frustration, cursing the holy light that continues to shield Uptharr.

Ogre Zombie

Melee Attack:The ogre zombie tries to slam the paladin into the floor, as Uptharr struggles against the monster. The Ogre Zombie, still gripping Uptharr by the leg, raises him high, preparing to slam the Paladin into the ground with brute force. But as the zombie swings him downward, the radiant light of Uptharr’s Sacred Weapon flares up, momentarily blinding the undead creature. Disoriented by the intense brightness, the Ogre Zombie misjudges the angle, and Uptharr manages to twist mid-air just enough to avoid the crushing blow. The slam misses, and the Ogre lets out a frustrated roar.

7 Rounds have passed

Current Time: 12:09 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 55°

Current Phase: Exploration

Duergar Ambush - Round 8


Class Feature: Turn the Unholy As Uptharr dangles upside down in the grip of the Ogre Zombie, he glances over at Mutt with a wry grin. "Well, this is a bit... undignified, isn't it? Not quite the heroic pose I had in mind. But fear not, Mutt, I'll be right-side-up soon enough—just need to have a quick word with this undead brute!" Gripping his holy symbol, Uptharr calls upon Helm to turn the undead. Divine energy surges from him, but the Ogre Zombie shakes off the divine influence, holding firm to Uptharr. "Well... that's unexpected. Usually, they run screaming at this point."

Off-Hand Melee Attack: With a determined grunt, still dangling upside down, Uptharr swings his off-hand bronze mace at the Ogre Zombie. The weapon connects with a squelch, sinking into the decaying flesh. The blow deals 4 points of damage, but the zombie's grip remains firm. Uptharr grins, "Ah, there we go—nothing like a little squish to start the day!"

Ogre Save Throw vs Turn the Unholy: The Ogre Zombie, feeling the divine power of Uptharr's Turn the Unholy, hesitates briefly. However, its rotten form shakes off the holy influence, unaffected by Helm's power.

Nildar Sunblight

Grapple Attempt: Nildar lunges at Dorf, determined to overpower him. "I’ve had enough of you, you filthy runt!" Dorf, however, easily repels the grapple, shoving Nildar off with a snarl.

Melee Attack: Nildar, filled with rage, swings his war pick with deadly precision. The weapon slams into Dorf with a critical strike, dealing 26 points of damage. Thanks to Dorf’s rage, the damage is halved to 13, but the blow still staggers him.

Mutt Bromwell

Cast a Spell: Mutt mocks the Ogre Zombie with Vicious Mockery, taunting, "Hey! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?" The zombie fails its save, taking 2 points of psychic damage and suffering disadvantage on its next attack.

Class Feature: Mutt strums a quick, uplifting tune on his lute, granting Bardic Inspiration to Azalie.



Range Attack: Azalie, with a smirk, takes aim at Nildar. "Why are you still standing?" She cocks her head and takes aim at NIldar, a haunting smile on her face. She releases an arrow that strikes Nildar in the buttocks, dealing 12 points of damage, leaving him both wounded and humiliated.

Save Throw: As Nildar reels from Azalie’s arrow strike, the magical thorns burst forth, but Nildar fails his saving throw, taking an additional 8 points of piercing damage.

Use an Object: Azalie spins and kicks the Wizard’s Staff towards Mutt’s barrier. "Hey Mutt, think you can wield this thing?" The staff clatters next to Mutt's ice barrier.


Dodge: Mellon takes a defensive posture, ready to evade any incoming attacks.

Fizzbum Lilypad


"Heya Mister! Got a light?"

Cast a Spell: Fizzbum conjures a flame in his hand and hurls it at Nildar, but the fiery blast streaks past him, missing its mark.

Dorf Thimblerigger


"Die bitch!!!!!"

Shield Bash: Dorf, with fury burning in his eyes, slams his shield into Nildar, dealing 3 points of damage. Nildar, already weakened, staggers and collapses, bringing his reign to an end.


Dorf lets out a battle cry as he raises his axe over his head, and brings it down with vicious force.

Melee Attack: Standing over Nildar’s fallen body, Dorf raises his bloodied axe and brings it down in a swift motion, decapitating Nildar. The Duergar commander's head rolls across the ground as Dorf stands victorious.

Move: Dorf then advances down the hallway to help his friends.

Duergar Guard

Melee Attack:The Duergar Fighter, witnessing Nildar’s decapitation, lets out a furious roar. "For Nildar! For the Sunblight clan! I drag you all to the nine hells!" He charges at Uptharr, swinging his war pick wildly. The strike hits, dealing 11 points of damage as Uptharr remains suspended in the Ogre's grip.

Ogre Zombie

Melee Attack: The Ogre Zombie, still holding Uptharr by the leg, lifts him high to slam him into the stone floor once more. However, in its clumsy rage, the creature misjudges the swing, and Uptharr manages to twist just enough for the zombie’s grip to loosen, causing the attack to miss. Uptharr is spared the deadly blow, though still dangling precariously, and remains conscious, narrowly avoiding a crushing fate.

8 Rounds have passed

Current Time: 12:09 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 55°

Current Phase: Exploration

Duergar Ambush - Round 9


Grapple Reverse: "Ok big guy, I think it’s time to put me down now!" Uptharr twists and struggles in the Ogre Zombie's grip. Summoning all his strength, he manages to wrench himself free, breaking out of the grapple with an impressive athletics roll of 23 against the zombie's 14. He lands on his feet, regaining his footing, and prepares to rejoin the battle.

Off-Hand Melee Attack: With a smirk, Uptharr grabs his bronze mace. "Ah, freedom at last! You’re going to regret letting me go, you rotting pile of bones." He swings the mace confidently, striking the Ogre Zombie's side with a solid thud, dealing 4 points of damage.

Mutt Bromwell

Cast a Spell (Vicious Mockery): Watching the battle unfold, Mutt calls out mockingly to the Ogre Zombie. "You're not looking so good there. I mean, you looked awful before, but still..." His Vicious Mockery hits the zombie with the full force of his biting words, dealing 2 points of psychic damage. The undead creature groans in confusion and frustration, failing its saving throw, and now suffers disadvantage on its next attack.

Ogre Zombie Save Throw: The Ogre Zombie, already confused and lumbering, fails to resist the insult’s magical power, further clouding its dull mind.


Move: Azalie narrows her eyes, her demeanor turning deadly serious. She smoothly moves into position, ready to make her attack.

Range Attack: "Enough of this. It’s time to stop playing around." Azalie notches a blessed arrow, its tip glowing faintly with divine energy. With a sharp whistle, she calls out to Mellon. "Mellon, attack!" Releasing the arrow, it flies straight and true, striking the Ogre Zombie with a powerful impact and dealing 9 points of damage. The divine energy courses through the undead, adding to the relentless assault.


Move: Responding to Azalie's command, Mellon the Blood Hawk moves into position for an attack.

Melee Attack: Mellon swoops in with a fierce cry, diving toward the Ogre Zombie. The hawk's beak strikes with precision, pecking into the decayed flesh and dealing 6 points of damage. The Ogre flinches at the sharp attack, weakening further under the party's relentless onslaught.

Fizzbum Lilypad

Cast a Spell (Produce Flame): Fizzbum conjures a ball of fire in his hand, its warmth flickering with magical energy. With a swift motion, he hurls the flame at the Ogre Zombie. The fiery orb strikes its target with a burst of heat, scorching the rotting flesh and dealing 7 points of damage.

Cast a Bonus Spell (Healing Word): Without wasting a moment, Fizzbum quickly mutters the incantation for Healing Word, directing the magic toward Dorf. "One more to go, Mr. Dorf! Here's a little pick-me-up." A soothing glow surrounds the halfling barbarian as his wounds mend, restoring 8 HP.

Dorf Thimblerigger

Move: With renewed strength from Fizzbum's healing spell, Dorf charges at the Ogre Zombie with a furious roar.

Melee Attack: He swings his Dwarven Hand Axe +1 with all his might. The blade slices through the rotting flesh, dealing 10 points of damage. The Ogre staggers, its massive form swaying unsteadily before collapsing to the ground, finally lifeless and defeated.

Ogre ZombieSave Throw (Undead Fortitude): The Ogre Zombie's body hits the ground with a thud, failing its undead fortitude save with a roll of 5 against a DC of 15. Its death blow is final; the hulking creature is defeated.

The Aftermath

With the Ogre Zombie collapsing in a heap of rotting flesh and decay, the battlefield quiets momentarily, but one enemy still stands. The remaining Duergar guard, enraged and horrified by the fall of his comrades, lets out a guttural roar. His eyes burn with fury as he charges forward, swinging his war pick with reckless abandon. However, his rage blinds him, and he quickly finds himself surrounded by the party. Their combined might is too much for him. A flurry of blows rains down, each one striking true, and the Duergar falls to the ground with a heavy thud, his anger extinguished.

Breathing heavily, the party surveys the aftermath. The once chaotic battlefield is now littered with the corpses of their foes. They move carefully among the fallen, ensuring that every enemy is truly dead. However, they decide to spare one of the Duergar guards. Working quickly, they bind his hands and feet, ensuring that he is thoroughly disarmed and unable to pose a threat. This one, they decide, will be questioned when he awakens.

With their enemies subdued, the party turns their attention to the spoils of battle. They meticulously search the bodies, uncovering various items of value and potential use. Weapons, armor, trinkets—each piece is inspected and added to their growing collection of loot. As they gather their findings, they begin to strategize their next move. The Keep stands before them, silent yet foreboding.


Two doors remain unexplored: one near the lever that Nildar had pulled, and another from where the two guards and the Shadow Mastiff emerged.

Treasure Added

XP awarded

20 minutes have passed

Current Time: 12:29 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 55°

Current Phase: Exploration

Resting in the Duergar Keep

The Interrogation and Rest

Uptharr stands amidst the wreckage of battle, his chest rising and falling heavily as he surveys the scene. Blood, both theirs and their enemies', stains the cold stone floor, and the silence that follows the chaos feels almost deafening. He plants his flail into the ground and leans on it slightly, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Well," he begins, voice booming in the chamber, "I’d say that went better than expected, though perhaps not as clean as one might hope!" He glances around at his comrades, offering a nod of approval. "You all fought valiantly, and Helm's light shone brightly upon us this day. However, let's not celebrate just yet."

He gestures toward the corridor ahead, a serious glint in his eye. "We must remain vigilant. Duergar are a devious lot, known for setting the most vicious of traps in their lairs. It would not do to let our guard down now only to end up skewered by a hidden spike or impaled by a flying axe." Uptharr chuckles, then raises his mace in a mock toast. "A fine end to the day that would be, eh? Death by trap rather than blade! Hardly the stuff of legend!"

His gaze shifts to the unconscious Duergar prisoner slumped against the wall. "We should quickly search the rest of this keep," Uptharr continues, his tone becoming more serious. "Find those stolen goods and whatever else these vile dwarves have hidden away. Then, we take our new friend here back to Caer-Konig." He smiles, almost cheerfully, though there's a hardness behind it. "I suspect the townsfolk will have some choice words for him—and perhaps a nice, cold cell. But not before we have a chat with him ourselves, once he awakens. I've a few questions for our bearded friend here, and I'd wager he'll find it... enlightening."

He cracks his knuckles and turns back to the group, his eyes shining with a mix of determination and humor. "Now, who wants to bet on how many more traps we'll encounter before we leave this forsaken place? My wager is on at least three! Ha!"

Fizzbum looks around at the battlefield, and especially at Nildar in his now reduced size.

"Wow! He got really big for a second. I'd never have to get my stump to reach the top shelf in my hut if I could grow like that!" Catching the end of Uptharr's conversation, Fizz nods sagely in agreement. "I think that would be for the best! I wouldn't want someone wandering around my house for too long either, but these guys need to stop stealing stuff!"
Fizz shakes himself, grabs his now normal looking staff, and gets ready to head out.

Stopping by the lever on the way out, Fizz inspects it. Looking to learn about how the mechanism works, and if it can be disabled.

The Howlbears gather around the bound and unconscious Duergar prisoner, their breaths still heavy from the battle. The cold, oppressive atmosphere of the keep surrounds them, the stone walls seemingly pressing in as they wait for the Duergar to awaken

Azalie's ears are deceiving her. The sounds of battle have ceased. Azalie sheaths her daggers and takes a glance at the ones still standing. The Howlbears have once again managed to survive an almost impossible victory.

She sees Nildar's body on the ground. "Ha! I warned you not to let Dorf lose." Azalie grabs Nildar's beaten head and raises it to eye level. She stares into his dead eyes, "Insolent elf, huh?" a snarly smile crosses her face. She tosses his head over her shoulder, "I'll notify your next of kin."

Azalie sees her friends and they mostly appear unharmed. Instantly she buckles and loses some of her strength. "Whoa." She just started feeling the burning in her side and the pounding headache. She starts to feel embarrassed that she smells like death. " I could really use a bath." tilting her head to lighten her mood.

Azalie walks over to the wizard's body. She kicks him a few times and just makes really sure that he's more than "mostly" dead. She knows all too well, the trickery of a wizard. "So? Just how sure are we that there isn't more enemy's here?" Azalie really wants a bath.

Azalie listens to all the suggestions. "I'm not sure lugging a bunch of bodies with us is needed. Maybe we can stash them in the room the Wizard exited? Honestly," she pauses and looks around the room, "if any are left, they know we are here." she looks at the guard. "I'm not sure what we will get from him. He would sooner die then talk to us." Azalie is willing to go with the group, she just hopes she doesn't have to carry this duerger.

"I would like to investigate the room the wizard exited from." Azalie wants to be cautious, checking for traps and hidden dangers. She would like a short rest to heal.

"Everyone all right?" Mutt asks, looking around at his companions. He nods approvingly at their readiness. "No more surprises today," he murmurs, echoing Uptharr's sentiments.

Mutt uses his mage hand to help loot some of the bodies, gathering the weapons, armor, and other spoils towards the center of the room. He also helps with dragging the bodies towards their planned exit route.

Sitting cross-legged near the pile of loot, Mutt encourages the group to wait a few moments before claiming any of the items. He begins humming a low incantation, starting a ritual casting of Detect Magic.

As Mutt completes his incantation, a faint glow begins to emanate from the pile of loot. His eyes focus, and the magical auras around the items become clearer. Each magical item radiates a unique light, indicating its school of magic. The Sunblight War Pick pulses with a dark red glow, its aura sizzling with the energy of evocation, suggesting its power to unleash fiery wrath. Next to it, the Duergar Shadow Leggings emit a smoky, swirling gray light—a sure sign of conjuration magic, tied to their ability to teleport the wearer through shadows. Lastly, Nildar's Shadowscale Armor shimmers with a faint, inky purple hue, the aura of illusion magic cloaking the armor's ability to blend into darkness without hindrance. As Mutt's eyes sweep the room, he notices that the doors and the surrounding area reveal no further magical auras, indicating that the immediate vicinity seems free of magical traps or enchantments.

Mutt positions himself in front of the prisoner, leaning casually against a wall while maintaining a careful eye on the others. He waits for the Duergar to stir, his gaze lingering on the pile of loot that he had earlier identified with his magic.

The dim light of the chamber flickers against the blood-stained floor, casting long, sinister shadows. Fizzbum is already examining the lever mechanism nearby, muttering to himself about its inner workings, while Azalie and Dorf keep a vigilant watch over the surrounding area.

Eventually, the Duergar stirs, his eyes fluttering open to the sight of the party looming over him. He glances at his fallen comrades, rage and hatred burning in his eyes. Uptharr steps forward, his towering frame casting a shadow over the captive.

"Ah, awake at last, our valiant friend!" Uptharr's voice booms through the chamber, filled with mock warmth. "Now, we have some questions for you. Answer truthfully, and you might just make it back to Caer-Konig with your head still attached."

Mutt makes sure to address Uptharr while within earshot of the remaining live captive.

“We will take the bodies with us. If you can’t get our friend here to give us the answers we seek, I know someone who can get answers from even the dead.” (Attempting to help Uptharr with his interrogation/intimidation)

The Duergar sneers, spitting blood onto the stone floor. "You surface dwellers think you can make me talk?" His voice is rough, dripping with contempt. "I’d rather rot in the Nine Hells than betray my kin."

Unperturbed, Mutt steps in with calm authority. "Tell us about the traps. Are there any more in this keep?" The Duergar's eyes flicker for a moment, but he remains silent, his jaw set defiantly.

Uptharr smirks and leans closer, his expression a mixture of menace and grim amusement. "It seems our friend here values his silence. Very well. But know this—Helm's light is not merciful to those who hide in darkness." Uptharr raises his flail, the divine energy from his Channel Divinity still faintly glowing around it. The threat is clear, but the Duergar merely laughs.

"You fools know nothing. You’ve stumbled into a den of vipers, and you’re blind to the poison that surrounds you. Traps? Yes, there are traps—everywhere! But you’ll find no help from me in avoiding them." His eyes narrow, a twisted grin on his face. "As for what we were doing on the surface? Why should I tell you? You think you've won here? You know nothing of what's to come."

Mutt sighs, exchanging a glance with Uptharr. "Why steal from the town?" Mutt presses on, trying a different approach. "What did you want with the chardalyn?"

The Duergar's grin falters slightly at the mention of chardalyn, but he quickly recovers. "Chardalyn... It is power. You surface-dwellers are weak. We take what we want because it is ours by right."

Uptharr shakes his head, unimpressed. "And the perpetual twilight? Surely that’s not merely a coincidence," he says, his tone growing more serious.

The Duergar's eyes flash with anger. "Ask your precious gods why they curse your lands! We merely take advantage of your weakness." He struggles against his bonds, his hatred palpable. "Kill me if you must, but know this—you fight a war you cannot win."

Dorf steps forward, his eyes cold as he looms over the Duergar. "Maybe you taste better alive," Dorf growls, his canines elongating slightly and a hint of bear fur sprouting. The Duergar meets Dorf’s gaze, his expression unflinching. "Your threats mean nothing, Halfling. You do not scare me."

Uptharr raises a hand, signaling Dorf to step back. "Enough. This one will speak no further. We have learned what we can. He will be taken to Caer-Konig where he will face justice" He turns to the group. "We shall rest here for now. Let us regain our strength before we explore further."

Mutt nods, settling himself near the pile of loot. "I’ll use a song of rest to aid our recovery," he says, his voice soothing as he begins to hum a low melody. A warm, comforting aura envelops the party, easing their wounds.

The Howlbears settle into a wary rest, keeping a watchful eye on the prisoner. The Duergar keep remains cold and foreboding, the air heavy with the scent of blood and decay. Shadows loom in every corner, and the faintest of sounds—drips of water, distant echoes—remind them they are not alone. They take turns keeping watch, ensuring that no hidden threats emerge from the darkness.

Azalie cleans her daggers methodically, her eyes darting around the chamber, never fully relaxing. Fizzbum sits cross-legged, entering a meditative trance as he recovers some of his magical energy. His mind clears, allowing him to regain 1 second-level spell slot. "I have my natural recovery," he murmurs to himself, satisfied with his regained strength.

Dorf hunches over a corner, quietly sharpening his axe. He grumbles about the Duergar's refusal to talk but is grateful for the respite. Uptharr stands like a sentinel near the prisoner, eyes scanning the room for any sign of movement. He takes his short rest in silence, always vigilant.

The short rest passes with tense quiet. Slowly, the party feels their wounds mend. Each member rolls their hit dice, taking in deep breaths of the stale air, their eyes constantly shifting toward the unexplored doors. They know that the battle is far from over; the keep still holds secrets yet to be uncovered. But for now, they are as prepared as they can be, resting amidst the cold stone of their enemies' lair, awaiting the next challenge.

Short Rest Mode Activated.

You all may roll a Hit Dice if you wish. (To roll, go to your character sheet, and click the link that says "used" by Hit Dice. This will take you to the rolling page. HP will automatically be added to your character)

Healing Spirit heals the following:

Azalie... regains 3 HP. (now at 32 / 39)

Fizz... regains 5 HP (now at 20 / 35)

Dorf... regains 5 HP (now at 25 / 45)

Fizzbum: you recover a second level spell slot with "Natural Recovery"

90 minutes have passed

Current Time: 2:11 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 55°

Current Phase: Exploration

Nildar's Door Trap

Mutt approaches the door, eyes scanning the area with meticulous care. His earlier success with detecting magical auras has given him confidence, but this time, no glow or shimmer catches his attention. The room is still, save for the faint creaks of the old keep.

“I meant we should take the bodies with us when we leave here. I don’t want to haul their smelly carcasses around the outpost with us. They’re not going anywhere,” Mutt mutters as he kicks the nearest corpse, making sure it stays down.

The party watches as he reaches the door, unaware of the danger lurking there. Mutt’s fingers glide over the doorframe, but his eyes miss a small, almost invisible seam in the stone near the floor. His hand brushes the handle, and in an instant, a sharp click echoes in the silence.

From a concealed vent in the floor, a hidden mechanism springs to life. The faint hiss of compressed air follows, and before Mutt can react, a cloud of sickly green gas rushes up from the floor trap, engulfing him.

Trap Effect: Mutt must make a Constitution saving throw as the Duergar's mechanical poison trap triggers, releasing a noxious, pungent cloud directly into his face.

Azalie finds herself lost in thought as her friends chat about their next moves. She watches as Mutt approaches the door. She sees him check closely, yet she isn’t registering what is happening. He thoughts on the dead wizard and him returning to smite them.

Azalie hears a click, “…wait!”

The gas rushes toward him, but before the fumes can fully engulf him, Azalie’s sharp instincts kick in, and in an instant, she launches herself forward, rolling across the stone floor with impressive agility. Her hands grab Mutt by the arm, pulling him away from the worst of the blast.

The two tumble back just as the gas fills the space where Mutt had stood. He coughs and winces as the acrid fumes sting his skin, burning like acid. The damage is swift but lessened by his quick reflexes and Azalie’s intervention. The gas stings as it clings to their skin, leaving small burns where the droplets of acid make contact.

Trap effect: Deals 4d6 points of acid damage, and target is poisoned on a failed save. Damage is halved and no poison on a successful save.

Total damage roll: 19, cut in half by successful save throw: 10 damage.

Split between Mutt and Azalie, each taking 5 points.

Mutt wipes at his face, the stinging pain subsiding slightly as the gas disperses.

“Thanks, Azalie,” he coughs, a hint of gratitude mixed with exhaustion in his voice. “That could’ve been a lot worse.”

Azalie shrugs, though she’s clearly feeling the burn from the acid. “Don’t mention it. Just next time, keep your eyes open for everything, not just magic.”
Uptharr steps forward, his expression both concerned and amused. “Ah, you see, this is why I prefer a nice, big shield in front of me at all times! No gas or trap can pierce good steel!” His booming laughter fills the chamber,

cutting through the tension, though he keeps his eyes on the door warily.
Fizzbum peers at the vent that spewed the gas, wrinkling his nose at the faint traces of acid still sizzling on the stone. "Nasty bit of engineering there. I’d take magic over this stuff any day."

Dorf grumbles, though he too remains on edge. “Typical Duergar. Always with the dirty tricks.”

Nildar's Quarters:

As the stone door creaks open, the Howlbears peer into the dimly lit room beyond. The chamber is sparse, its walls carved from the same cold stone as the rest of the Duergar keep. A stone-carved bed, barely more than a slab, sits against one wall, and opposite it is a simple desk, covered in various items.

The atmosphere is heavy, almost suffocating, as if the room itself is holding its breath. A faint glow, shifting from blue to green to red, pulses from beneath a burlap sack draped over something on the desk, casting unsettling shadows that dance across the room. The light flickers, catching the edges of several dark, glassy shards scattered across the desktop. The shards glimmer ominously in the shifting light, each one a fragment of what the Duergar have been hoarding.

At the center of the desk lies a crumpled-up piece of paper, carelessly shoved aside, its surface smeared with charcoal writing. The faint smell of earth and decay clings to the air, an unmistakable reminder of how deep they are within enemy territory.

Uptharr is the first to step forward, eyes narrowing as he takes in the strange sight.

"By Helm’s light, that must be the lantern from Caer-Konig," he says, gesturing to the glowing object under the sack.

He reaches out carefully, pulling the burlap away to reveal a magic lantern beneath, its light cycling between blue, green, and red. The stolen lantern has no other magical properties, but its shifting colors confirm its identity—the very item they were sent to recover.

Mutt steps up to the desk next, his eyes falling on the crumpled paper. Unfolding it, he scans the message scrawled in Dwarvish charcoal:


You will find me on the frozen ferry in Easthaven. From this new base, the search for chardalyn continues. Long may our father reign over this dark land!


As Mutt reads the letter aloud, the weight of its contents sinks in. Nildar's older brother, Durth Sunblight, has taken residence in Easthaven, continuing the Duergar’s dark work. The reference to their father hints at a much larger and more sinister plan at play.

You find a variety of rough stones of various kinds in Nildar's chamber.

*Treasure Added

What do you do next?

20 minutes have passed

Current Time: 2:31 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 55°

Current Phase: Exploration

Exploring the Keep

As the Howlbears recover from the gas trap, they regroup in Nildar’s chamber, where Fizzbum has already started to search for secrets. Dorf, dragging the Duergar guard behind him, deposits the prisoner onto Nildar’s stone bed, ensuring there’s nothing within reach. With a smirk, he mutters to the prisoner,

“Now we can get to know each other better…” He tests the sharp point of Nildar’s war pick, his grin widening. “Maybe we can roll you down the hall to disarm the traps.”

Azalie steps in, leaning toward Dorf. “I don’t think he’ll roll well. But maybe you can yeet him.” She winks at Dorf, adding playfully, “Or we could let justice take the weight. Some people gain from regret.”

Uptharr strides over with a bemused grin, his flail resting casually over his shoulder. He gives Dorf a long, exaggerated look, raising an eyebrow before shaking his head with a chuckle.

“Ah, Dorf, ever the problem solver,” Uptharr booms, “But let’s not treat our guest like a bowling ball, hmm? As tempting as it may be to see how he fares against a door, I fear we need him in one piece for answers.” He leans in slightly, his grin widening. “Besides, it wouldn’t be fair—doors don’t hit back.”
Uptharr pats Dorf on the back, his tone shifting slightly. “Let’s leave the justice of Helm to handle this one. There’ll be plenty of traps left for you to smash, I promise.”

Meanwhile, Fizzbum continues his exploration, running his hands along the stone walls and furniture. His eyes gleam as he uncovers a secret compartment beneath the desk.

“Ah, now this is interesting,” he murmurs, revealing a small, locked box. The gnome's excitement grows as he inspects it, but his expression shifts when he notices a faint rune etched near the lock.
“There’s a trap,” Fizzbum warns, tracing the rune with a finger. “If we try to force this, we’ll likely trigger something nasty. It needs a key or combination.”

Mutt raises an eyebrow. “Best not shake it, then,” he says cautiously. He begins searching the wizard’s body for a key, though after a few moments of rifling through the robes, Mutt shakes his head. “No key on him. Might have hidden it somewhere else.”

Dorf, now rummaging through the room, grumbles as he searches the stone walls for hidden doors or compartments. His investigation, though determined, yields no results. “Nothing,” he mutters, clearly frustrated.

As the party investigates, Azalie’s sharp eyes land on something on Nildar’s desk. She carefully moves a piece of paper and uncovers a seal, its intricate markings catching the light.

“Perfect,” she muses, tucking it away with a small smile. “Gotta sign those death notices with something.”
With a final glance around, Azalie grows uneasy. “We should move on. The hairs on my neck are standing up… feels like something’s watching us. I don’t think we’re alone here.” She starts working on her arrows, tying hemp rope to them and dipping them in oil, preparing for what’s ahead.

Uptharr steps forward, watching the group’s movements with a mix of pride and concern. “A fine discovery, Fizzbum,” he says, clapping the gnome on the back. “But this Duergar's tricks won’t stop us. Helm’s light will guide us forward.”

With the search in Nildar’s quarters complete, the Howlbears turn their attention to the unexplored south door. As the group approaches, Uptharr raises a hand.

“Hold, friends,” he says, his eyes narrowing as he inspects the frame. His hands run along the door’s edges, feeling for anything out of place. A faint smile tugs at his lips as he finds what he’s looking for.

“There’s something here,” Uptharr announces, tapping a nearly invisible seam in the stone wall next to the door. “Looks like a trap mechanism… probably tied to the door itself. But I’m afraid I can’t tell how it’s triggered or how to disarm it. This one’s beyond me.”

The room grows quiet as the party gathers around the south door, knowing that their next step could lead them deeper into danger, with another trap ready to spring if they aren’t careful.

Options to continue forward:

  • Roll Sleight of Hand if you wish to Disarm this (require Thieves Tools)\

  • Any player may make a second Investigation roll vs DC 15, success gives advantage to the character making the Sleight of Hand check.

  • Ignore the trap and open the door

20 minutes have passed

Current Time: 2:51 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 55°

Current Phase: Exploration

The Trapped Door

The Howlbears gather cautiously around the south door, each of them casting wary glances at the nearly invisible seam that marks the trap. Uptharr, having discovered the mechanism, steps back, arms crossed as Mutt shakes his head, frowning at the challenge before him.

“Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again,” Mutt mutters, summoning his mage hand. He glances back at the group, raising his voice. “All right, everyone, stay 30 feet back. Just in case.”

Dorf, his brow furrowed, steps up next to Mutt, peering at the door. “I’ll give it a look,” he says, leaning in to investigate. But after a moment of studying the door, his expression doesn’t change much. "I can’t make heads or tails of this thing," he grumbles, his investigation turning up nothing of use. “Hey, Az, does that thing you picked up from Nildar’s desk match the rune on that box Fizz found?”

Azalie shakes her head as she slips between Uptharr and Mutt, her fingers tracing the edges of the door. “It’s just his seal. Doesn’t match anything.” Her eyes narrow as she studies the door, trying to locate a disarming mechanism. But after a moment of searching, she steps back, frustration clear on her face.I’m not seeing anything here…”
Azalie glances over at the bound Duergar, an idea forming. “Maybe Dorf’s right. Let’s have the guard open the door. Better him than us.” Her gaze sharpens as she steps toward him, addressing the prisoner with cold authority. “We’ll heal you if you help. Refuse, and Dorf will make sure you regret it.”

Dorf, grinning wide, moves closer to the prisoner, hands ready to drag the Duergar to the door. "C’mon, it’s time to make yourself useful."

The Duergar, his beady eyes narrowing with defiance, spits on the stone floor at Azalie's feet. "You surface rats think I’d help you?" His voice is a low, venomous growl, thick with contempt. "I’d rather die choking on my own blood than help you weaklings! Go on, kill me. Do your worst. Nothing you do will break me. You’ll have to drag my corpse to that door before I lift a finger for your kind."
The Duergar’s words drip with malice as he sneers at Azalie. "You won nothing today, elf. You and your little pack will fall soon enough. My kin will see to that."

Dorf's grin fades as he shoves the guard toward the door with a growl of his own, but before things escalate, Uptharr steps in. Placing a firm hand on Dorf’s shoulder, he smiles slightly, his voice calm but resolute.

“No, Dorf. We are heroes, not common thugs,” Uptharr says with a serious tone. “Let’s leave the poor fellow to his stubbornness.” He turns toward Mutt. “I think it’s time your little ghost hand worked its magic. The Duergar will have to stay put for now.”

The party refocuses, preparing for Mutt’s mage hand to take its chance at disarming the trap.

Mutt nods and sends his mage hand forward, tools in tow. With deft, invisible movements, the hand begins to tinker with the door’s mechanism, carefully avoiding any wrong turns. But as it works, the reality becomes clear—the mage hand is simply not strong enough to move the heavy door and trigger the trap.

The party watches with bated breath as Mutt’s magic fades, the door unmoved and the trap still very much intact.

Uptharr frowns, his voice calm but serious. “Well, it seems that plan has failed. We’ll have to open the door ourselves to trigger whatever lies waiting behind it. Does anyone want to try their hand at disarming this thing? If not, I will volunteer to open it... If I can borrow a shield.”, Uptharr says with a wink


  1. Sleight of Hand (with thieves tools) to disarm the trap.

  2. Open the door and trigger the trap (Uptharr will volunteer, if he can borrow a shield)

  3. Leave the door alone

  4. Try something else (custom action)

20 minutes have passed

Current Time: 3:11 PM

Date: Fourthday , 24 , Alturiak , 1742

Temperature: 55°

Current Phase: Exploration

Player Replies Below

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7 days ago

“Don’t forget your bandanas. They could mean the difference between alive and dead. These Druegar mean business.” Azalie is nervous about the door coming open. She melts into the sides of the walls, getting as much stone between her and the door. However, she has to stay at the ready to fire first.


7 days ago

“I still think we should have tied him up right next the door and then pulled the rope, but whatever. Dorf gets a good grip on the rope and gives it a good hard yank.


Mutt takes the rope from Azalie with a nod. He makes a quick gesture and summons his mage hand. Placing one end of the rope in his mage hand, he commands it to tie the rope around the door handle.

Satisfied the rope is secured, he hands the other end to Dorf.

“Before you pull that open, we all may want to make sure we’re behind cover.”

Mutt takes cover behind a wall some distance away from the door and nods to Dorf.

“Whenever you’re ready.”


Oct 02

Azalie gives her hemp rope to Mutt. “Go ahead and tie this with your flashy hand.” Azalie is more than ready to head forward.

“Oh what I would give to have a bath.” Azalie is feeling a little cold. Even inside these thick walls, the cold has a nasty way of finding itself against her bones. Azalie hates the cold.

Azalie gets at the ready. She grabs some nylon fabric from her pack. Quickly cutting up four strips. “Take these and cover your faces.” Azalie hands the bandanas to her friends.

She ties her bandana. She’s drops her pack to release the weight dragging her down. Pulling out her bow and a fire arrow. “I want to be ready for…


Fizz responds to Uptharr, “Oh I’ll pass Mr Uptharr. I’ve never been much good with locks! I used a couple of willow branches tied around my door just to keep the chill out, but otherwise I’m not a fan of locked doors.” Fizz’s eyes grow misty as he remembers. “I actually remember one special night where the winter had just settled on my swamp, and after a wonderful night of sleep filled with cuddly furry feelings, I woke up to no less than 10 squirrels, 3 rabbits, and the cutest little possum mama you’ve ever seen!” Fizz sighs, “That’s real magic right there…. The magic of friendship and peace.” Noticing the others staring at him, Fizz clears his t…

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