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The Basilisk Gate

Writer's picture: Dungeon MasterDungeon Master

(Immediately after the wagon speeds away)

Dartan opens the small pack, and finds the following:

- A Map of the city of Baldur's Gate

- a pouch containing 10 gold coins

- 4 days rations

- A note that reads:

"My dear brother, A tenday ago, Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard left Baldur's Gate with a company of Flaming First soldiers on a diplomatic mission to Elturel, accepting a formal invitation from Elturel's High Overseer, Thavius Kreeg. As you probably know, the government is barely hanging on in the hands of the remaining dukes, and the flaming fist is nearly out of control. Duke Dillard Porter has even recalled Liara Portyr from her post as commander of the Flaming Fist at Fort Beluarian, in the hopes she can keep the Flaming Fist in check here. You and Evan need to leave Baldur's Gate and travel south to Candlekeep. To get out of the city, you should be able to bribe one of the guards to let you out, but if that doesn't work, I hear there are also ways to get in and out of the city through the sewers. I know you were hoping to be able to bring your mule, but it's more important that you get out safely. I hope to see you soon, yours truly, Jesse."

I. Arrival at the Outer City

The party continues their journey toward Baldur's Gate for several hours until they finally reach the edge of the outer city on the banks of the Chionthar River.

As you approach the Chionthar River from the south, you make your way into the outer city, and across Wyrm's Crossing, a 2000 foot bridge that crosses the river. There is a lot of commotion, and you see Flaming Fist mercenaries patrolling the streets.

II. Continuing through the Outer City to the Basilisk Gate

Once you have crossed the river and make your way to the Basilisk Gate, you start noticing more and more refugees, so many in fact that all of the Inn's in the outer city are at capacity, and so makeshift camps are being set up around the city streets. You watch your belongings closely, as you see roving bands of Street Urchins, picking the pockets of anyone that looks like they may have anything of value.

As you observe the area around the gate, you see that a mob of refugees is arguing with Flaming Fist mercenaries, begging them to open the gates and let them into the city. The Fist soldiers, use whatever force is necessary to keep the mob at bay.

General Information of The City of Baldur's Gate & Elturgard

Welcome to Baldur's Gate, a veritable nest of rats and vipers clinging to the rocky slopes overlooking the Chionthar River. From their high perches in the Upper City, the local nobles—known as patriars—gaze down with veiled contempt upon the common rabble in the grimy Lower City, which hugs the foggy harbor. The whole of Baldur's Gate reeks of blood, crime, and opportunity. One can easily fathom why pirates and traders are drawn to this place like flies to a carcass.

Following the river farther east would eventually lead you to Elturel, capital of the holy land of Elturgard—or at least that was the case until a few days ago. The flood of refugees from Elturel has gotten worse since news first arrived that the city has fallen. Everyone is saying Baldur's Gate is next, but no one truly knows who or what has claimed Elturel.


** Basic History the Characters know about the city **

The City of Baldur’s Gate

The city is divided into nine districts and has many shops, inns, and places of worship. It is also the home of many notable organizations such as the Flaming Fist, the Merchants' League, and the Iron Throne.

The city is as massive below as it is above: it has an extensive sewer system which is often used by criminals to move unseen through the city. The Upper City houses the Patriars, rich merchant families.

Baldur's Gate began as a harbor town where traders would meet with "ghost lighters"—folk along the Sword Coast who used lights to lure fogbound ships to shore. When those ships ran aground, the ghost lighters would scavenge the wrecks and haul their plundered goods to Baldur's Gate, nestled on the north shore of a bend in the River Chionthar, and sell their booty. In the years since, Baldur's Gate has grown into a walled city. Today, its foggy streets run red with the blood of unfortunates who fall prey to evil opportunists, many of whom count themselves as nobles, traders, pirates, and assassins. An army of mercenary soldiers called the Flaming Fist keeps order in the city, and these soldiers answer to Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard. The members of the Flaming Fist don't care about justice; they crave power and coin, nothing else. But despite the Fist's reputation for cruelty, the Grand Duke is widely regarded as an honorable and reasonable man.

The current rulers of Baldur’s Gate are called the Council of Four:

  • Grand Duke Uldar Ravengard, the leader of Baldur’s Gate and of the Flaming Fist; he is currently on a goodwill trip to the City of Elturel to improve relations between the two cities.

  • Duke Belynne Stelmane, a matronly politician who recently suffered a stroke and is recovering in her manor.

  • Duke Dillard Portyr, respected businessman and politician allied with the Flaming Fist. Only surviving family is Blaze Liara Portyr,

  • Duke Thalamra Vanthampur, a matriarch with three sons who visibly vie for her attention, she came to prominence by upgrading the sewer.

The Flaming Fist

A band of mercenary soldiers who serve as the primary military and peacekeeping force in Baldur’s Gate. Notably, and publicly, corrupt.

Rank structure: Fist, Gauntlet, Manip, Flame, Blaze, and Marshal. They have been a fixture in the city for several centuries. While the Flaming Fist mainly polices the Lower City, the Watch is in the pay of the Upper City and the Patriars, operating out of the Citadel.



The following are options you may wish to pursue.

  1. You can attempt to gather information while in the outer city. (Investigation) *Please be specific, what you are trying to learn*

  2. You can attempt to enter the city (Persuade / Intimidate / Bribe guards) through the Basilisk Gate.

  3. You can find another way into the city (Perception / Investigation) *be specific how you want to attempt this*

  4. You can do anything else you wish to do in the Outer City

What do you do?

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“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Mar 03, 2022

Bruno steps back and watches the exchange between Nobody and Zodge, tightening his grip on his quarterstaff. Seeing the situation settle down, his mind wanders back to the religious texts he recently read to try and remember if he read anything about Bane, Bhaal, Myrkul or their followers. Religion check d20: 12 + 6 = 18 total He turns the flaming fist badge over in his hand and looks around at Zodge and the soldiers surrounding them. Glancing up at Dartan, he sighs heavily. “I don’t see what other option we have at the moment. We might as well head over to the Elfsong Tavern. Savras knows I could use a drink.”

Arkon Mace
Arkon Mace
Mar 03, 2022
Replying to

**claps the Cleric on the shoulder and walks off in the direction of the tavern while flipping and catching the badge in the air like a coin and mumbling** “wonder if they have Jack’s whiskey…”


Dartan Vilmon
Mar 03, 2022

Dartan turns to the party.

"Well we have answers for rok now. What shall we do about these murderous followers of the dead? I am concerned about killing them on sight. Should they not stand trial? This seems like an odd task for new 'ecruits.' Perhaps this tarina will have more to tell us on the matter. What do you say, friends? Should we seek her out? "


Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master
Mar 03, 2022

"This is disturbing news indeed. We have come here in search of fellow adventurers. You may have ... recruited them into your ranks. Speaking of recruits, here is our friend, as promised. We should send a message back to Rok's to let him know of the troubles here."

As Dartan is speaking, The Rogue nonchalantly emerges from the crowd and sidles up next to the cleric, capturing the gaze of the captain....

"Captain, I have never heard of a power that could raze an entire city like that. Why would the Hellriders believe you are responsible? What happened to the Duke?"

Zodge, not really paying attention to Bruno's question, fixes his eye on the rogue, with a perplexed look on…


Dartan Vilmon
Mar 02, 2022

This is disturbing news indeed. We have come here in search of fellow adventurers. You may have ... recruited them into your ranks. Speaking of recruits, here is our friend, as promised. We should send a message back to Rok's to let him know of the troubles here. What would you have of us?


“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Mar 02, 2022

Bruno jaw drops slightly and he goes pale when Zodge mentions Elturel is a smoking crater. His eyes go unfocused as his mind wanders over half remembered visions of fire, suffering and destruction. He doesn't even notice when Nobody suddenly rejoins the group.

After a few heartbeats, he composes himself and clamps his mouth shut, holds his breath and knocks on his quarterstaff three times. Turning to Captain Zodge,

"Captain, I have never heard of a power that could raze an entire city like that. Why would the Hellriders believe you are responsible? What happened to the Duke?"

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