Quick Links:
Combat Round 1 - Torture Room
Combat Round 2- Torture Room
Skill Challenge - Rigging the Trap
The party decides to move deeper into the dungeon.
Bruno, figuring out that Walter has darkvision, lets the rat perch atop his shoulder so that he can see in the dark.
The party moves into the flooded room, with the rotten egg smell, and spend a few minutes checking this room. Other than the smell of rotten eggs, there is no other items of interest in this chamber, so the party moves into the side hallway that is also flooded.
There is a wide, dark hallway running south for about 40-50 feet, that ends with a stairway that leads up out of the water. You see that near the end of this hallway, there is a glow of torchlight. So you proceed carefully.
As you approach the stairs you hear an occasional moan coming from deeper in the catacombs. As you exit the flooded chamber, and come up the stairs, you find yourself in another long hallway.

Once you reach the top of the stairs, you can tell this area of the dungeon is a very ancient burial catacombs. Again, carvings in the walls depict demons and devils carved into many of the stones. The ceilings are much higher in this part of the catacombs. Also, torches are lined in this hallway, and they are burning.
This hallway extends to the east about 60 or so feet. You see at several alcoves that branch off the main hallway. Four alcoves on the south wall, and two alcoves on the north wall. Three of the alcoves on the south wall end with a large, heavy iron doors. One of the alcoves on the north wall ends in an old damaged wooden door, that's cracked open slightly.
At the end of the hallway to the east, is another large iron door.
The party has moved through the hallway carefully, Jules checking for traps and snares as they go. (Passive Perception: 10)
The third iron door on the south wall - you can hear soft moans and groans coming from the other side.
Map Key:
X = Party
Blue Star = Room you hear moans
Pink Star = Iron Door at the end of the hall

It takes the party 25 minutes to carefully move through the flooded "rotten egg" chamber, and into the older catacombs. Finally, once in the lit hallway, it takes them 10 minutes to walk the length, checking for traps, and taking a brief look at each alcove and door.
The First alcove on the right (south wall), is a collapsed hall, and is impassable. The same thing for the first alcove on the left (north wall), also a collapsed hall, impassable. The rest of the alcoves have the heavy iron doors.
Time: 6:29 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Bruno whispers cautiously to the group while giving Dartan a side eye.

“While low moaning may be something you want to check out, I doubt anything down here making those kinds of noises would be something you want to get tangled with.”
Dartan softly chuckles at Bruno.

"No friend, I prefer the loud moans. Anyhow, you are right. These are...unnatural. We must be on our guard.
The rogue moves to the damaged wooden door and inspects it for traps.
This door appears to be very old, it looks like it may be an original feature of the catacombs. You are able to tell because the door is cracked and partially open that the chamber beyond it has collapsed long ago. There is just a small alcove beyond the door before rubble blocks any further advancement.
On the rubble is a plate, with 6 black candles that are burned to just stubs. In the middle of the candles is a pile of ash, and in the ash are a few human teeth and a swath of unburnt hair. There is nothing else in the alcove.
Bruno shoots a suspicious glance at Kiva.
“Someone keep an eye on him and watch me for a moment.”
Bruno’s eyes flash white as he prepares to guide Walter through the partially open damaged wooden door to the north.

Jules turns toward Bruno,

"Don't bother. There's nothing here. Just some unholy necromancer filth."
The rogue moves back into the hallway away from the door.
You get an uneasy sense that you are being watched...
5 minutes pass.
Time: 6:34 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Bruno stops as a thought occurs to him and he turns towards Kiva, his eyes narrowing.

"You were asked to obtain demon ichor for the cult. The only source of demon ichor I'm aware of is within a demon or in the nine hells itself. How was it you planned to obtain it for them? Do you have frequent contact with demons or make frequent trips to the nine hells? I find it hard to believe the cult would do business with you if they thought it unlikely you could reasonably deliver."
Kova's face turns solemn, and he puts his head down and looks at the floor, then sighs and looks up at Bruno,

"I already told you - I needed money. I am a Demonologist, I have studied demons and devils for years, when the Vanthampur family found this out, I was approached by one of the cult leaders and they offered me a handsome price if I could get them some Demon Ichor. You are correct, Wizard - Demon Ichor can only be harvested in the nine hells, but if properly stored, it can be brought to this plane. Candlekeep is said to have some in it's vaults, and I thought I would be able to steal it for the cult. I went to candlekeep, but failed to obtain the Ichor. When I returned to Baldur's Gate, the Cult was already waiting for me."
Kova shakes his head.
"They had to have been watching me, how else could they have been waiting for me. When they found out I didn't find it, they brought me here. We are all in danger, I don't know what their plan is, but after hearing about the destruction if Elturel, I assume this city is next! Believe me, I had no choice! IF I had refused to do what they asked, I would have ended up here anyway."
3 minutes pass.
Time: 6:37 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Bruno's eyes widen slightly as Kova mentions the Vanthampur family's involvement with the cult. Removing the makeshift map from his pocket, Bruno makes note of Kova's statement and updates the map of the dungeon up to this point. Quickly folding the parchment, he tucks it back into one of his pockets.
Looking to the group, Bruno's face looks weary and strained.

"This mess just got a whole lot bigger than we imagined. From what I've gathered, the Vanthampurs are powerful and have many allies in this city. We need to be careful who we let know about this."

"The vanthampurs! What treachery! Bruno, make note of this on your parchment! If we don't all survive we must make sure this gets out.
So demonology... you knew exactly what you were doing, and yet you did it any way. Is that noise at the end of the hall coming from one of your demons?
Kova, somewhat defensivly,

"They aren't MY demons", he snaps.
"I study them, I do not involve myself with the actual demons! I would assume the cult has not had a whole lot of luck summoning or controlling them. Usually, worshippers of demons, know very little about those that they worship."
**the rogue wanders over in time to hear the Demonology discussion; leans up against the wall a few feet away and pulls a coin from his purse and begins rolling it across the top of his fingers all the while mumbling to himself**
grumbling low,

"who likes...hurmph...as a study...to each their...nobody...Rok's guild...sure coin and treasure...gods damned zealots..."
**the rogue's hand with coin suddenly snaps forward and the coin vanishes. The rogue looks up to those in the party and scratches his chin**
low but to the group, "Which of these doors am I opening?"

"With these doors secured from the outside, we should consider the door at the end of the hall, unless our professor has more insight. Is this where you were held?"
Thinking carefully and looking the length of the hallway back toward the dark area that reeked of rotten eggs.

"I have no insight, as I said. I know I was held in a cell somewhere, but they blindfolded me when I was moved, so I don't know where I was. Seems like we did pass through an area that smelled of rotten eggs, so I would assume I was here and moved to the other room to be sacrificed to Bane"
Bruno turns to Kova and his face grows stern.

"You may have some good left yet to do in this world. If you are willing to bear witness and state exactly what you have told us about the Vanthampurs you may yet have use and therefore, may be worth keeping alive. If not..."
Bruno shrugs at the demonologist.
"Before my friend here places a gag in your mouth, if there is any additional information that you would like to share that may ingratiate yourself with us or ensure our collective continued survival down here, now would be a good time to share it."
With a look of shock and disbelief,

"Why would you gag me? I have told you everything I know and answered all your questions. I already stand here without any dignity in a loin cloth, at least give me the dignity of being able to speak and breath normally....and as far as the Vanthampurs are concerned, don't get any ideas of going against that family. They may as well be deities here in Baldur's Gate. Their corruption and power run deeper than any of us are aware of, I'd wager. Do what you will, but I protest"
Jules moves to the door at the end of the hall, and pulls it open....
The walls and floor of this room are covered with streaks and splashes of dried blood. Two dangling bodies are shackled to the east and south walls. One is an elderly male human; the other, a young female tiefling. Both are covered in bloody gashes, and neither is moving. In the middle of the room is a sturdy wooden chair with a bloody whip draped over it. A bucket half filled with salt sits on the floor nearby.
There are also two bodies strung up and hanging upside down in the middle of the room, both completely nude. One female human, one male Elf. Both of these bodies have their heads submerged in buckets of water, and several of their fingers and toes have been clipped off.
There is also a pile of bloody flesh in the north corner of the wall, next to an iron door that exits the room.
X = party
Blue stars = location of the bodies

20 minutes pass.
Time: 6:57 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

"Beronness save us... The evil in this place makes me skin crawl and me beard itch... What can corrupt a soul so much that it would do this to a creature of any kind!
I'd like to get these poor souls down, but me luck has not been good with chained up folk recently... Let's find us the vile creature that did this then we'll come back and put them to rest eh? "
**the rogue picks up the bullwhip and gives it a crack**

“let’s keep moving”
Upon seeing the carnage in the room, Dartan's eye glow with an intense rage.

"This madness must be stopped. Look hard demonologist. This is what you were going to bring upon the Gate. Bah! Coward. Is saving your own skin worth inflicting THIS upon all the innocent?"
With a steely resolve, Dartan nods at Jules and says, "onward."
Jules checks the north door for traps, and after finding none (passive perception: 10) opens the door.
As the door opens, you suddenly hear behind you a chattering sound, and suddenly a small creature appears behind you, speaking

"Not the masters! Kill them, Yes! Make the masters happy! Kill them! Delicious they will be! "
"I wants the eyes! ", squeals another.
4 chittering invisible imps suddenly swoop down from the high ceiling, and materialize behind the party in the hallway

"Bagast! Bagast! Bagast!", Shouts one of the imps.
"Ohhhh yessss, get hims out" replies another one.
The party is surprised, the imps get one surprise round
Imp # 1 and #2
Two of the imps start to open the iron bar on the shut door.
Standard Action: The second imp lends aid to opening the bar on the door. The Large Iron bar lifts off the door and falls to the ground with a loud clang. The two imps start to pull on the door to open it.
"Me lifts it, we opens it Skoth. Help me!", says Imp #1
"I Helps you! We lets out Bagast!", says Skoth
Imp #3
Standard Action: The Imp flies into the room over Bruno and tries to sting him in the neck, but Bruno dodges the attack.
"His flesh will taste so good!!"
Imp #4
Standard Action: Another Imp tries to Sting Bartok, but he blocks the stinger with his Shield.
"We stings you, so you hurt more!"
Roll for initiative.
3 minutes pass.
Time: 7:00 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh

Standard Action: Bartok slams the imp that tried to sting him with his war hammer! Landing a square blow, the hit seemed to do less damage than expected. The Imp takes 3 points of damage.
Bonus Action: Bartok swats at the chittering Imp with his shield but the small creature dodges.
"Shut yer squeaky mouth!!"
Bruno disengages from the imp, and moves into the corner of the torture room.
The two imps finish opening the iron door.
There is a low growl, followed by a frightening loud roar, as you hear percussion impacts as the monster on the other side charges through the iron door. The two imps fly out of the way just in time as a large Zombie Ogre crashes into the hallway, holding a large femur bone as a club.
As the large undead breaks out of the room, you hear more moaning coming from inside the chamber, the moans grow louder from the excitement of the door being open

The 3rd Imp stings Kova, dealing 4 Points of damage, Kova falls down dying.
"Kills it!!"
The fourth imp stings Bartok, this time sticking him in the chest with his stinger, dealing 5 points of damage. (Bartok must make a CON save throw with advantage.)

Dartan swings his flail at one of the imps, smashing it and knocking it back, dealing 7 points of damage. The damage is not as much as it seems like it should have been.
"I come bearing the word of my god. That word is Die."
Dartan tries to hit the Imp with his shield, but misses.
Bartok shrugs off the poison from the Imp sting. (Save vs Poison successful)

Jules darts over to the door, and with quick thinking slams it shut, whilst dancing around the small imp trying to sting him. He successfully closes the door and latches it with a 3 in thick iron deadbolt.
"Flying whores!"
With the door shut and locked, you begin to hear roaring and thrashing coming from the other side, as Bagast and the Zombies fight the two imps in the hallway.
Combat Round 2'

Standard Action: Bartok swings his heavy warhammer at the tiny imp, but the Imp is able to quickly dodge the slow and clunky weapon.
"Get off me ya rat with wings!!"
Bonus Action: Without stopping Bartok tries to smash his shield into the Imp, and again the Imp moves aside and the attack misses.

Standard Action: Bruno points his finger and a stream of ice lands squarely on the tiny Imp. The Imp lets out a squeal as the cold burns him for 4 points of damage, killing him!
Bruno then takes a step and closes the northern door of the chamber, while reciting,
"Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"

Standard Action: The tiny imp, disengages from the fight and flies up to the ceiling where it grabs onto a tiny brick ledge in the corner of the room. It continually hurls insults at you.
"Gullb! NOOOO You kill Gullb! AHHHGHHGGH We tell the masters, you will suffer. Ugly creatures you are, yes! Only good for food!"
Dartan stands ready with his Flail
Any Last Words?

Standard Action: Jules throws a dagger up at the Imp, perched in the ceiling. The Dagger slices into the Imps tiny leg, it lets out a squeal and takes 5 points of damage. However it seemed to deal less damage than expected
Bonus Action: Jules follows up the throw, with a second dagger, that also hits the Imp, slicing its wing for 4 points of damage, the imp screams! But the damage seems to be less than expected.
Outside, you still hear roaring and imps chattering as the zombies continue to fight in the hallway.
The Imp on the ceiling shouts down,

"Why does them come to this domain? what is their businessess? The masters will take off your skin, you musts leave here now! Bagast will eat you, yes, you will be his!"
(Combat can continue, you you can forgo combat and talk with the Imp)

Dartan addresses the imp in Abyssal "the old masters are weak. We have come to replace them. Come down here and kneel before me and I may let you live."
intimidate: 11 + 5 =16
The imp looks curiously at Dartan, speaking in Abyssal, and then spits down on the half-orc.

Shrieking back at Dartan in Infernal,
"Cha'k tak vol imer sau Dekk. Tu tash vallixk ovma"
The imp spits down on you again and shrieks!
The imp then turns invisible.

Dartan takes the keys and tries to lock the door.
"Nobody! stay there and guard that door - I have this one."
to Bartok, "Tend to the professor"
**the rogue retrieves his daggers; checks the key hole door for traps** To the group,

“nobody asked but hand us the pitons and hammer. Paladin, [assuming the door is clear] start running through those keys but don’t open the door; we have the deadbolt.” (OOC-if y’all agree let me know; the rogue has an idea)
The door to to the north has no traps, Jules determines.
Bruno subtly motions towards Bartok to tend to Kova and stabilize the demonologist. Keeping his gaze scanning the ceiling,
(Bartok stabalizes Kova - Medicine Check 10 + 5 = 15, success)

he makes a quick gesture and casts Message towards the imp.
“Ignore the big green one who speaks in the tongue of demons. He doesn’t understand you. You are a fiery one and obviously loyal. Unfortunately, your loyalty means nothing to your ‘masters’. They abandoned you here. It’s clear you are much more clever than Gullb. Gullb did not have the opportunity to fix his mistake but you do. What do you say? Are you willing to parley?”
Bruno waits for a moment for a response from the imp, and after a minute he gets a message back,

"You no trick K'vak. The masters strong and you not strong. Show me proof you masters, or die like all the rest"
As the party spends a couple minutes securing the door, the sounds of battle in the hallway stop, and you hear the occasional groan from the undead as they roam around outside the door...
Suddenly, you hear someone or something fiddling with the north door. There is a voice beyond the door.
"Who is in there? open this door. What was all that noise?"
says the voice.
Then you hear the door shake a few times like someone is trying to open it.
Time: 7:12 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Skill Challenge - Set the trap
Bruno glances hurriedly at the north door. Suppressing a rising sense of panic, he quickly pulls Flennis’s spell book from his pack and displays it. He gestures and casts Message again towards the ceiling where he last saw the imp.

“I know you’ve seen this book. It used to belong to one of your ‘masters’. They now lie cold and dead. It now belongs to us.”
Bruno quickly puts the book back in his pack.
“Is that proof enough for you, clever one?”
The Imp stays invisible, but responds to the message

"Ahhhh I know that book! The master is... dead?"
The party quickly springs into action to rig a trap for the person on the other side of the door.
Dartan shouts through the door at the guard,

"Come help! These damn imps are up to their usual shenanigans! I have Yignath's prisoner! He tried to escape and now Bagast is loose, Fleannis is dead and there is one of these invisible bastards still in here somewhere!" Dartan Replies to the voice. "(Persuade = 24)
Meanwhile, the voice on the other side, sounds a little bit suspicious, but Dartan is believable enough that they don't realize the ruse at this point.
"The door seems to be stuck, I am trying to open it -- I have a key, hang on"
Meanwhile, Bruno AIDS Jules in creating a trap for whatever is behind the door. (+2 to Jules Sleight of hand roll) Bruno has scattered ball bearings in front of the door (Sleight of hand: 22) while Jules deftly uses SLEIGHT OF HAND skills he learned on the streets creating ruses to pick pockets and alleviate individuals of possessions. He ties an oil flask (sleight of hand: 13) above the door to fall when it is opened (Sleight of hand: 22), creating a wall of fire once Burno tosses a torch on the oil.
They expertly rig the trap in front of the door, and once rigged properly they flank the side of the door, and prepare to let the guard in.
Bartok readies his crossbow and keeps a keen eye out using his PERCEPTION for shadows of the imp moving about. (Perception :18)
Bartok sees some dust get displaced on the ceiling and fires his crossbow toward the puff of smoke (attack roll with Disadvantage: 3 + 0 = 3 MISS) but the bolt misses the imp, however his intent wasn't necessarily to hit it but to distract it, which was successful. The imp loses focus on the party rigging the trap and fails to warn the guard on the other side.
With all the pieces of the trap in place, Dartan releases the door and pushes it open - the guard rushes in to help subdue the prisoners, an Dartan is there to greet him...
As he comes through the door, he slips on the ball bearings, and the flask of oil falls on his head, cracking open dousing him with oil.

"What in the nine hells is thiiaaaaaaaa"
He slams to the ground and is confused for a moment.
Dartan attempts to grapple the prone guard. since he is prone - make your grapple roll with advantage. (use the misc dice roller and roll 2d20)
You do not see any other guards behind him.
Dartan jumps on the Elite Fist of Bane, and successfully grapples him. However the struggle is real, and he does not relent.
5 minutes pass
Time: 7:17 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
As soon as Dartan grapples the guard, Bruno closes the door behind him. Bruno takes the keys from Dartan and after starting to fumble with them slightly, manages to lock the door behind him. Whirling around and glancing towards the ceiling, he tries to pinpoint where the invisible imp is hiding.
Being used to wrestling in oil, Dartan easily subdues the guard. Bruno shuts and locks the door behind them as Jules restrains him

"Listen to me. I have spoken no lies to you. You may yet get out of this alive, if you cooperate with us. Fleannis is dead, her spellbook is in his pack"
(Dartan nods at BRuno).
"There is an imp in here that has seen it."
Bruno, not even seeing Dartan nod, intuitively opens his pack while keeping his eyes on the ceiling, still scouting for the Imp, and reveals Flennis's spellbook, without making eye contact with the guard, he slowly slides the spellbook back into his pack... never taking his eyes off the ceiling.
Dartan continues,
"We have killed Yignath and whatever cleric he was with. Believe me when I say we WILL kill you if you force our hand. The damned imps freed Bagast."
Dartan points to the sealed iron door, then waving his hands again as if flabergasted,
" It sounds like he has killed the two that we locked on the other side of that door. "
Leaning into the guards face, and speaking very stern and slowly,
"Now. We need to know what lies ahead. How many more sets of keys lead to this room? What is down the passageway you came from? Is there another way out of here."
Turns his back on the prisoner and stares at the wall for about 10 seconds, then turns back around,
Let's start with that, shall we?"
At hearing the news that Flennis & Yignath are dead and seeing the spellbook, the guard looks at you with almost a look of glee.

"You really did slay them. Flennis would never allow her book to be taken from her."
The guard smiles, then Looks at the iron door, then back to Dartan
"Bagast was freed? With Flennis dead, there is no one to control Bagast. He will kill anyone that he sees. There is no other way out. You are outnumbered"
The guard starts laughing
"You won't survive, You have angered our Lord Bane and he will bring your deaths slowly and painfully. I will skin you myself, as soon as the rest of the guards realize I am gone and come looking for me. "
Looks at the bodies hanging around the room, then to Dartan,
"I'm going to hang you from that hook right there, and skin you alive"
The guard starts laughing
"For the glory of Bane! All hail the lord of Hate and Terror!!!"
The imp is still hidden.
5 minutes pass
Time: 7:22 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
The paladin pauses and then turns around and walks away from the prisoner and says to Jules,
"Jules, Show him your badge"
**the rogue grins** To the guard,
“nobody is apposed to leaving you here. Bound, gagged and with a mischievous invisible imp hanging around and a small horde of undead on the other side of the door…nobody would blame you for spilling what you know…”
**the rogue shakes out his whip and continues to grin at the guard**
Bruno hisses towards Jules while keeping his gaze towards the ceiling looking for signs of the imp. His voice wavering a bit, he tries to suppress a note of panic.

“He isn’t going to tell us anything more than he already has. There isn’t another way out of here. There are more guards somewhere further ahead. At some point they’re going to come looking for him so we can’t stay here.”
Bruno attempts to slow his breathing to try and keep himself calm.
“Those undead were also under Flennis’s control and now they have no master. He will also attack anyone he sees. So we need to make sure he doesn’t see us.”
Slowly regaining his composure, he shoots a glance at Jules.
“I agree with Dartan. Show him your badge and send him to meet his god. Let’s not give him a chance to continue his god’s evil works.”
The guard, still with a smug look on his face, speaks to anyone who will listen,

"You don't have what it takes to do what I do. Your kind is like cattle for people like me, we do what we want, we take what we want. You may think you're slowing us down, but you are just increasing our resolve. There is a hook for each one of you. We will find your families and make them pay for what you have done here today."
the rogue’s face goes hard at comments from the party and his flaming fist badge is nowhere in sight** The rogue speaks slowly in low tones,

“Well, Walter, it seems…many are judge and jury…but nobody is willing to do the needful…”
**as the rogue is speaking he coils the whip, stows it away, and takes up the 3 pound hammer used in driving the spikes and steps behind the guard. The hammer turns to a blur as the rogue’s quickness takes over. He smashes the guard in the temple and the follows him to the floor. After several blows the skull is a splattered pulpy mess. The rogue wipes his face and hands on the deadman’s cape, stands and calmly hands the hammer to the paladin as he walks over sits down with his back to the wall with eyes half closed and a dagger in each hand**
The Imp appears briefly, way up in the corner of the room and then Bruno sees it polymorph into a tiny spider, barely visible. It crawls into a crack in the ceiling and is gone.
3 minutes pass
Time: 7:25 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
The Tombs
The party, decides that rest is a priority, but this room of death and carnage, they determine is not the safest place to remain. So they opt to press on into the catacombs, but prepared to retreat back to the torture room should they need to.
Bruno sends walter through the north door to explore what is beyond.
Walter exits the chamber and scurries down a set of stairs, and roams through some hallways. All of the hallways have torches burning, but it is quiet.
Once he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he notices the wall to the left has a small pooling of water that is seeping out of a crack near the base of the wall.
He proceeds around a corner, and sees:
A: The section marked with an "A" is a collapsed tunnel, Walter finds just rubble in this area.
Walter scurries up some stairs to the east and finds a fork in the hallway
B: To the north passage, walter sees an open door, and he enters the chamber. It looks to be a tomb. The room has been looted, Four flickering torches in wall sconces light this partially collapsed crypt. An open sarcophagus in the middle of the area is filled to the rim with blood, with spillage streaking the sides of the sarcophagus and pooling around its base. The sarcophagus lid lies half buried under rubble behind it.
C: He moves back to the hall and into another chamber that has an open door. IT's another tomb, The room is lit by two sputtering torches in sconces on the north and west walls. A stone sarcophagus in the middle of the room stands empty, its lid half buried under rubble on the floor behind it.
D: The final chamber is also an open door, and another tomb. Four flickering torches in wall sconces illuminate this crypt, the middle of which is occupied by an open stone sarcophagus. The sarcophagus bears no carvings or other ornamentation, but is full of humanoid skulls and bones. Six dusty bedrolls lie on the floor around it, a couple of weapons lean near the walls, and a old wooden trunk sits in the corner.
The entire area is devoid of any guards,
Walter then returns to Bruno to report his findings.
The spot marked "T" is where the party is currently hold up.

20 minutes pass
Time: 7:45 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Searching the Tombs
Upon Jules dispatching the guard and seeing the imp transform and disappear into the rock, Bruno releases the breath he didn't realize he was holding. Wearily rubbing the back of his neck, he walks over to the wooden door and attempts to quietly unlock it. The door unlocked, Bruno steps and places a hand on Bartok's shoulder as his eyes flash white. Urging Walter down the corridor, he relays the layout of the dungeon ahead to the group.
While Dartan listens to Bruno detail what Walter saw, he examines the body of the guard to see if he has anything of use.
The guard carries:
* A very high quality mace that feels lighter than it should.
* A standard mace in his off hand.
* He has a suit of plate armor, with Bane's symbol painted on it.
* a pouch containing 25 gold pieces
* A set of keys (3 keys on the ring)
** Treasure has been added to treasure & Loot**

"Well then. It sounds like we may be able to rest for a bit. I do not think it is a coincidence that there are three rooms in this dungeon of the dead three. We can be certain that something awaits in at least one of those rooms. Why else would there be a guard here. I bet that's what Savras meant. We must not let down our guard just yet. Jules, you go first and check for traps. I shall follow you ready to attack whatever is hiding down there. Bruno, you and walter stay behind me. Bartok will come last. Examine the stonework and let us know if anything seems ... off... to you Master Dwarf. Lets examine the rooms in order: North, East, then West. Once we feel confident we can rest, we must. We cannot drag this demonologist around all day and We need to recover our strength. "
Walter's task complete, Bruno dismisses his familiar and updates the rough map he's been working on with the latest information. Looking over at the unconscious Kova and seeing the group in desperate need of rest, Bruno closes his eyes and mentally resigns himself to the fact that his mage armor will wear off before they have a chance to get out of these ruins. As the group ponders where to rest, Bruno pulls the deck of cards from his sleeve and mutters under his breath:

"Are we safe to rest down here for a long period of time?"
Pulling two cards at random, he peers at the result (2d12: 8 hearts, 11 graves) . Seeing the queen of graves, Bruno's pace turns slightly pale. Clearing his throat, he mutters again:
"Are we safe resting in the room with the bedrolls?"
Pulling another two cards at random, he peers at the result (2d12: 11 hearts, 12 graves). Upon seeing the initial queen of hearts, Bruno's face light up momentarily until he draws the king of graves. Looking around the room nervously, Bruno chuckles nervously and mutters a third time:
"Are we safe resting here in this room for a time?"
Pulling a final pair of cards from the deck with his eyes closed, Bruno pauses a moment before forcing himself to open his eyes and look at them (2d12 result: 8 hearts, 6 graves). Nodding at the cards with some relief, he tucks the deck back in his pocket.
"The cards say we shouldn't spend a lot more time down here. There is death lurking down here. We should be OK spending some time to recuperate, but we should not linger down here."
Jules leads the party out of the room and searches for traps in the hallway where the water is seeping from a seam in the wall (Perception: 14+2 = 16)
He discovers that the wall here shows a seam (well hidden) in the bricks, that forms the outline of a door. there are no traps, but you do see wet foot prints that lead both toward the wall and away from the wall in various directions.
The party stops here for a moment before proceeding further.
5 minutes pass
Time: 7:50 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Bruno starts as Jules detects the hidden seam in the wall. His eyes instinctively begin looking for some way to open the concealed door. (Investigation roll made: 14 + 4 = 18)
Bruno examines the ancient stonework and mumbles to himself

"craftsmanship is.... of course it would... well... I know I know Walter... AH, that's probably it"
Bruno points to the torch sconce on the wall, that has a mechanical looking aspect to the base. "This sconce, when pulled likely will trigger the door to open. I am not sure if we will be able to stop it once the mechanism triggers, so opening it partially may not be an option"

While this is happening, Dartan says a soft prayer to Tyr to heal his wounds. As he prays a ray of light shines through the brick, and bathes Dartan in healing energy restoring 6 HP to the half-Orc.
5 minutes pass
Time: 7:55 AM
Date: Secondday , 22 , Tarsakh
Bruno holds his breath and crosses his fingers as he pulls the lever.
Steeling himself for whatever awaits them, Dartan softly says a prayer to Tyr to heal him of his wounds.
Bruno starts as Jules detects the hidden seam in the wall. His eyes instinctively begin looking for some way to open the concealed door. (Investigation roll made) If a way to open the door is found, Bruno will caution the group to open it slowly and just wide enough for Walter to slip in.
While Dartan listens to Bruno detail what Walter saw, he examines the body of the guard to see if he has anything of use.
"Well then. It sounds like we may be able to rest for a bit. I do not think it is a coincidence that there are three rooms in this dungeon of the dead three. We can be certain that something awaits in at least one of those rooms. Why else would there be a guard here. I bet that's what Savras meant. We must not let down our guard just yet. Jules, you go first and check for traps. I shall follow you ready to attack whatever is hiding down there. Bruno, you and walter sta…
Upon Jules dispatching the guard and seeing the imp transform and disappear into the rock, Bruno releases the breath he didn't realize he was holding. Wearily rubbing the back of his neck, he walks over to the wooden door and attempts to quietly unlock it. The door unlocked, Bruno steps and places a hand on Bartok's shoulder as his eyes flash white. Urging Walter down the corridor, he relays the layout of the dungeon ahead to the group.
Walter's task complete, Bruno dismisses his familiar and updates the rough map he's been working on with the latest information. Looking over at the unconscious Kova and seeing the group in desperate need of rest, Bruno closes his eyes and mentally resigns…