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Return to Mourning Wood

Writer's picture: Dungeon MasterDungeon Master

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

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Peering around the corner of the door Bartok exclaims,

"Whoa! That gives new meaning to "Dude looks like a Lady!"' Bartok chuckles. "Noone will recognize ya in that getup!" Bartok grins at Thavi-elf. Pretending to look her up and down, Bartok checks for the box that he had been holding. Bartok sheathes his mace in his belt and shoulders his shield to appear less threatening. "We'll get ya outa 'ere. Don't ya worry."

Bruno looks on as Thavius turns into a thicc elven woman. Shaking his head, he continues to look around the room for signs of the imp. While peering around the room, he gestures quickly and casts Message at Dartan.

“You may want to mark Thavius here in case we get ‘separated’. It could make him easier to find again.”

"A friend of mine, Nectar, works at an establishment frequented by the Flaming Fist. With your disguise and the fact that you are, well, who you are, nobody will expect you to be there. We will take you there, I will stand watch over your room while my friends plan our escape. Sound good... m'lady....Tonya?"

Thavius chuckles and slings his bag over his shoulder.

**Bruno notices that Thavius is carrying a bag of holding. and has stashed several items in it before picking it up.

"Lead on, I am tired of this place"

The party exits the cellar

@Bartok - if you want any of your items you stashed, please post in chat what you are grabbing on the way out.

After 20 minutes, you reach the mourning wood tavern.

The tavern has a couple of scantily clad women standing out front, who immediately begin looking intently at the three men approaching, and this interesting elven woman.

It's not long before a familar face approaches... it's Nectar. She recognizes Dartan easily, and smiles.

"Welcome back, I wondered how long it would take you to come back for more. Jana is 'tied up'.... literally right now, but I am free, if you're looking for a repeat of last time." She approaches Bruno... "And maybe you want to play with us too? You're a cute one" she rubs her hand on Bruno's cheek.

The party checks into the Tavern, and will be able to successfully complete a long rest.

Please post what you will be doing during this long rest, if anything other than staying in the Tavern.

** 120 Free Time Awarded

** 150 Experience Awarded

11 hours pass

Time: 7:54AM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

What happened during the night...

Before exiting the cellar, Bruno carefully discards the cultist robe and mask. He pulls his scarf up to conceal his face before rejoining the group as they make they way stealthily to the Mourning Wood. His attention is split between Thavius, looking for signs of the imp, and keeping an eye out for Flaming Fist patrols so when Nectar addresses him, it catches him partially by surprise.

"Er, I ... *ahem* ... I don't think I'm ready for ... all of that. I'm sure you'll have your ... hands ... full enough with these ample two. I'll just sit by and watch over our ... stonky elf friend here."

"Suit yourself, big boy.", she says as she runs her tongue over her lips.

Bruno tries to avoid throwing up in his mouth a little picturing the aging Thavius engaging in ... anything really. Feeling his face growing redder, he ushers Thavius through the door with Bartok flanking him. Trying to settle his nerves, he approaches the tavernkeeper to arrange for a room for the night for the group.

Dartan leans in close to Nectar and nuzzles her neck.

"It's good to see you again. I haven't eaten in hours. Let's fix that" he says with a devilish twinkle in his eye. "My friend Tanya here wants to experience the services that are offered here. She is a bit nervous and shy, so I promised to stand guard at her door while she... relaxes. The works. Make sure she is well taken care of. As for you...." He picks Nectar up, tosses her over his shoulder and heads upstairs. "Boys, keep an eye on Tonya, I'll be back shortly."

(8 minutes later, Dartan and Nectar returns) After he finishes eating, Dartan looks Nectar over and says, "there is more to Tanya than meets the eye. We need her exhausted. Sound asleep if possible. I can't go into detail right now, but I mean it when I say the future of Baldurs Gate depends on it. Once all of this madness is over, you and I will go someplace tropical and have fruity drinks brought to us as we sun our bodies in the sand."

"No problem, I'll keep Tonya busy. I'll leave the door unlocked too, in case you decide to stop by" She winks.

She takes Tanya by the hand and they both head upstairs. Thavius keeps his bag of holding close to him as he goes into their room.

Please decide if you have done anything else during the night, otherwise this all occurred during the long rest.

It is still the same time as the previous post, as no one has made any indication of what their characters are doing, or planning to do.

Time: 7:54AM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

Tied up

Once Tonya and Nectar head into the room, Bruno summons Walter into his hand. Looking about to make sure no one is looking his way, Bruno quickly casts Invisibility on Walter.

Bruno follows several steps behind Tonya and Nectar as they head towards one of the rooms. Pulling up a nearby chair he places it next to the door and nods towards Tonya.

"You, uh ... ladies have fun. I'll make sure you're not disturbed."

Setting Walter down, Bruno makes a show of stretching and yawning. Sitting comfortably in the chair, he looks about as if keeping watch while directing Walter to go into the Nectar and Tonya's room through the open door. Looking to Bartok, Bruno gestures quickly and casts Message.

"Watch over me for a moment. I'm going to see if Walter can get a chance to grab that bag Thavius is holding so close. Nudge me if anything happens."

Bartok nods at Bruno and stands at the door. Dartan, then leans over toward bruno and says,

"I'll go in and stand guard. Either you or Bruno go get Fisted." He says with a wink.

As dartan is going into the room, Bruno nods at him and says, "Leave the door cracked, so I can send Walter in."

Dartan nods in agreement and leaves the door cracked as he steps into the room.

As he enters the room, he winks at Tanya.

"Best to keep guard in here. Don't want to get careless. Nectar, what do you say about That thing you do with the ropes and the blindfold and the feather. Oof!", says Dartan playfully.

Nectar looks at Dartan and smiles as she begins to undress Tonya and herself.

"Oh yes, I am sure this one would be more than happy to let me tie her up"

Tonya snickers,

"Absolutely my little pet. Have your way with me!"

After removing all of Tonya's clothing, Nectar binds Tonya's hands to the bedpost and her feet to the footposts so she is spread in an "x" formation.

She puts his bag of holding on the floor next to the bed.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Bruno sends his consciousness into his familiar to look through Walter's eyes.

Walter enters the room, and sees Dartan standing near the door, watching the two ladies play. Walter scurries around the room until he finds the Bag of holding on the floor and he drags it out to Bruno.

After some time of playing, Tonya passes out from being worked for so long.

Tonya then looks seductivly at Dartan, and drapes herself over the passed out body of the large elf. She then turns toward Dartan, inviting him to have his way one more time.

All of this occured during the 11 hour long rest.

By the morning, as you all wake up and prepare to head out, you can hear Thavious, yelling from the room where he was tied up.

"What is the meaning of this!? What happened! Where is my bag!! he shouts. Vilmon? Vilmon! Confounded oaf. Where is that blasted Imp. I've been robbed!!"

What do you do?

1. Leave Thavius tied up, naked in the room to be found by staff.

a. If chosing this option, where do you go next?

2. Go into the room and talk to Thavius

The Bag of Holding has been added to Bruno's inventory under "FOCUS" items.

Time: 7:54AM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

The Morning After

During the night

Bartok took the evening to eat and recover his strength after so many days of turmoil. He tried to keep an eye on the “rumble room” where Dartan and the girls were entertaining Thavius, but the beer and the pies slowly closed his eyes. Soft snoring could be heard from the chair next to Bruno where Bartok was supposed to be watching Bruno. Luckily, the night passed without major issues, and Bartok awoke feeling better than he had in a week.

seeing Bruno with the bag of holding Bartok comes quickly and fully awake!

”check for the box lad! We need ta‘ make sure that evil thung gets secured or destroyed as soon as we can!”

Bruno nods to Bartok and gestures into the air, casting Mage Hand. Reaching into the bag with the mage hand, Bruno envisions a puzzle box in his mind. After fishing around for a few seconds, the mage hand emerges clutching an ornate puzzle box.

"This may just be what we were looking for." Bruno carefully places the puzzle box back into the bag. "I'll see what I can find out about that box and whatever else is in the bag tonight. At first light, I'll leave to try and bring back some reinforcements." While safely in his room, Bruno will instruct Walter to keep watch while he ritually casts Detect Magic. If anyone or anything (aka the imp) comes into the room, Walter should ping Bruno. His ritual complete, Bruno carefully uses mage hand to pull items out of the bag one by one. As he pulls a small blue vial out of the bag, he ritually casts Identify on it to learn more.

As the Detect Magic is cast, all the things that Bruno already knew were magical begin to glow. The Infernal Puzzle box also glows with a soft grey aura. Bruno identifies the Blue potion as a Potion of Heroism.

Bruno also casts Identify on the Puzzle box, and identifies it as an Infernal puzzle box. Attempting to open it without knowing the proper sequence of steps will result in taking 12d6 psychic damage.

His brain buzzing with all of this new information and still reeling from recent events, Bruno has no issues falling asleep. When he awakens early the next morning, something has clicked in his mind. Arcane formulae that previously eluded him became clear. He felt sharper, more focused. With a spring in his step, he leaves the Mourning Wood in search of Zodge and/or a Flaming Fist patrol to bring back to the tavern to apprehend Thavius.

As the morning arrives, and Thavius begins to shout.

Dartan bolts up off the floor and Nectar and exclaims

"Hold your tongue man! You haven't been robbed! Bruno took your bag for safe keeping. Act your station! Did you have fun, yes or no? Good. Now give me a moment and I'll remove your bonds. We wanted to ensure that it was indeed a bag of holding so we could get you in it to sneak you out. Now, will you stop your blithering and just trust us? If you keep yelling for help the Fist WILL come up here and find you."

As Dartan unties Thavius and he starts dressing

"Are you crazy! You cant put me inside the bag of holding! Go fetch my bag, there is some really important items inside, and I cannot have them out of my sight. Return it to me at once!"

After getting dressed Thavius waits in the room for his bag to be returned to him.

What do you do next?

15 minutes pass

Time: 8:09AM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh


Bartok sees Bruno leaving, and nods in satisfaction knowing that it’s now only a matter of time until Thavius is brought to justice. Confident in Dartans ability to keep Thavius “entertained” Bartok heads out to the blacksmith and the shop. A couple of hours of labor in the blacksmith station produces some of the cleanest steel he’s crafted so far, and he the.n heads over to the shop. He grins as he spots one of the armor pieces that’s he’s been saving for since he started adventuring. Calling the shopkeeper over he drops a heavy bag of gold on the counter and collects his prize. Bartok renters the morning wood with a satisfying jingle and clank, settles into a chair with a thud and orders some lunch!

Bruno makes a point of keeping clear of windows and doorways as folks start tossing chamber pots into the street. Crossing his fingers and avoiding stepping on cracks in the street, he walks quickly towards the city gate where they last saw Zodge. He keeps his eyes scanning the streets for Flaming Fist patrols who might be able to direct him to Zodge or the general.

As he reaches the gate, he sees Zodge talking to some Flaming Fist soldiers.

Zodge recognizes Bruno and greets him,

"Welcome back Wizard. What news do you have of the Vanthampur cellar? Have you found out where Thavius was hiding?"

Meanwhile, back at the Mourning Wood tavern

Dartan steps out of the room for a moment. Upon reentry, he says,

"The wizard went to get breakfast and took it with him. He'll be back shortly. I understand your frustration, but I assure you it is safe and will be back with you soon. . Stay here. I'll grab a drink downstairs. Ale? Whiskey? Stout?"

"You should not have taken it without my permission. Why would he have taken it with him? This is most peculiar, indeed." Thavius paces back and fourth. "You do know that the box was in that bag, if the wrong person gets ahold of that box it could completely ruin our plans for Baldur's Gate." He folds his arms and looks at Dartan. "Very well, get me an ale and some eggs"

Thavius sits down in a chair, and taps his fingers on the arm rest.

What does Dartan and Bartok do next?

What does Bruno say to Zodge?

30 minutes pass

Time: 8:39AM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

Bring him in

Bruno nods to Zodge.

“We have Thavius holed up at the Mourning Wood tavern. He had disguised himself as the thiccest tree in the forest but I imagine that potion has worn off by now and he should be back in his original form. We need some assistance from the Fist to come pick him up so we can interrogate him about his puzzle box, what happened to Elturel, and his plans for Baldurs Gate.” Bruno looks impatiently over his shoulder. “I left before he woke but it’s only a matter of time until he’s up and moving again. Time is of the essence, Captain.”

Zodge looks annoyed at the Wizard.

"Gods, do I have to do everything myself? Couldn't the lot of you brought him here to me, rather than have me or my men go galavanting around Baldur's Gate in the midst of a crisis to pick him up? "

Zodge sighs and rubs his temples.

"Sorry, it's been a stressful day, and we have had our hands full with Refugees. Oh you may like to know we Killed Mortlock as he was escaping the city. One of my men got him right in the head with an arrow. Poor bastard. But I guess it's his wage for his sins. "

Zodge motions to 4 well armed flaming fist soldiers to come near.

"you four, accompany this wizard back to the Mourning Wood tavern and arrest Thavius Kreeg. Bring him back here."

"Aye captain", reply the soldiers.

Turning toward Bruno,

"Once he is in custody, you'll have your reward. Go with them and bring that son of a bitch to me"

The four soldiers and Bruno head back toward the tavern.

Meanwhile at the tavern

Dartan goes and gets him so mofuggin eggs and ale. And finds a scantily clad lady to deliver a....full service... breakfast

Bartok sees Dartan coming down for food and a delivery girl and starts to follow him back to the room. Something has started to prickle at the back of his neck, and it feels like trouble. Knowing bruno will be back soon helps some, but the longer Thavius stays in the room, the less he likes it. He stands in a nearby doorway as Dartan goes into the room, and loosens his mace in his belt. bruno didn’t confirm it with him, but Bartok “knows” what was in that box. there will be no genocide of Baldurs gate if he has anything to do with it…..

As Thavius enjoys his full service breakfast, and is finishing up - Bruno returns with the four flaming fist soldiers.

They arrive and easily take Thavius into custody. The party returns to Zodge with the prisoner and stand before the captain. Upon returning to the captian, General Portyr has also returned and is awaiting the arrival of thavius Kreeg.

"So, the weasel from Elturel, found in a rat hole." Says the captain.

general Portyr addresses the party,

"You have all done well in locating this traitor. We will make sure he is brought to justice.. Captain, see to it they are adequately rewarded, they uncovered quite the scandal. I am sure they earned their pay"

Turning toward the party,

"Thank you for doing your part in helping secure this city.

The captain Replaces your badges with a pass badge and offers you each 500 gold pieces as a reward for your efforts in uncovering the Vanthampur plot and capturing the high overseer of Elturel. he also tells you that you may pass freely in and out of the city with the new pass badges he gave you. You are no longer working for the flaming fist.


Do you wish to speak more with Captain Zodge or General Portyr?

Do you wish to return to the Vanthampur Cellar? (There are several rooms unexplored)

Do you wish to do anything in Baldur's Gate?

Do you wish to leave Baldur's Gate?

3 hours pass

Time: 11:39AM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

Ret-Con info regarding Falaster Fisk

During the time you were at Mourning wood (previous night), Falaster Fisk had a brief discussion with the party about the infernal puzzle box. He tells you not to talk to Zodge about the box, but to take it to Candlekeep to have Sylvira Savikas assess it. He tells you he will go with you to Candlekeep if you wish. Falaster did not stay with you at the tavern, but he told you where to find him after you turned Thavius over to the Captain.


Clutching the bag of holding tightly, Bruno shifts nervously from foot to foot as Thavius is taken into custody. He looks towards General Portyr but averts his eyes, unable to meet her gaze.

“General Portyr, with all due respect, we still don’t know what happened to Elturel or if the threat to Baldurs Gate is gone. We plan to travel to Candlekeep to learn what we can.” Bruno looks to Thavius. “We’re still not sure how Thavius is involved in all of this. I assume you have ways of getting information from men like him.” Bruno looks back to the general, still not able to look her in the face. “If we want to send word or contact you, what would be the best way to do so?”

Bartok places his hand on Bruno's shoulder,

"We'll find a way Lad. For now we've set things right 'ere in Baldur's and the city is safe from this bit o' evil." seeing Bruno flinch at speaking to the General, Bartok grins crookedly and asks, "What he means is where can we find ya again General? I think he's a bit taken by yer shiny armor! and he's always been a bit shy around powerful women." Looking over at Dartan, Bartok says, "I think we'd best be on our way lad. We've got a bit o travelin ta do, and I've not given up on that wee gnome, our brother rogue, and me favorite sword dancer yet! Let's put our boots ta walkin!" Once out of earshot of the Fist, Bartok will suggest that they head out soon to Waterdeep with the Box. since the city has been destroyed, there may be some kind of portal or weak spot to the underworld that we could get to our friends with. POssibly even this Sylvira can give us some tips on how to break through to the underworld.

"A messenger can find me easily, just send word to the captain of the flaming fist. ", says Portyr. "It will be easier to contact Zodge than me, but any word you send to him, I will hear"

"General, Captain. Baldur's Gate is safe enough, for now. Make no mistake, great evil has found a foothold in this city. We do have a lead to follow up on in Candlekeep, but we should ensure the lair where this man was found is clear. General, Captain, do either of you know of a place in this city where we can find magical items? Magical bags or sacks in particular?"

The captain and general wish your party good luck in any additional private investigation you partake in. you are told that magic items are scarce right now, because due to the lock down of the city, and the limited ships arriving, things are harder to find. They give you a lead to a couple of shops that still have decent wares. The best magic shop in town is called "The Arcane Scroll" near the harbor.

** Shop is Updated with wares from "the Arcane Scroll" **

+60 Free time awarded

30 min pass

Time: 12:09pM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

The Vanthampur Vault

Bruno looks to his companions. “We should get some supplies together before heading to Candlekeep. We’ll want some kind of transportation. Horses or a cart of some kind.” Bruno can barely suppress a smile at the thought of leaving Baldurs Gate and going to Candlekeep. “I must confess I have always wanted to travel to Candlekeep. The untold knowledge and potential in those libraries…” Bruno trails off in thought before coming back to reality. “Falaster Fisk mentioned he had a connection in that city. We should meet at his place and gather him before setting out. Say in 2 hours?”

"Before that, we should go see what lies in the vault and in falaster's secret room in the cellar. We wouldn't want the Fist to get caught in a trap. Perhaps even some more enchanted items in the vault have your name on it, Bruno."

Visions of Reya, Jules, and Hippee being sucked through a yawning portal to hell behind in the Vanthampur cellar briefly flood his memories before Bruno shakes his head clear. Bruno nods to Dartan. “That may be a good idea. Who knows what other dangers may lurk down there? While I have little love for the Fist, I would not wish our companions fate on anyone. We should be cautious.”

"Aye! Let's clean out that rat's nest for good. (sorry walter). But let us do it quickly. Every moment without our companions hurts me heart." BArtok taps the hardened plate above his heart.

After the party spends a little time shopping, and preparing, they head back to the Vanthampur Villa to finish exploring the cellar.

There are no flaming fist present when they arrive so they head back down the secret trapdoor in the stables and return to the cellar dungeon.

You reach the door of the Vault (southern part of map) and Falaster Fisk is already here, trying to pick the lock on the vault door. As you approach, he hails you

"Oh, I didn't expect you to return here, but I am pleased you are. This door is beyond my ability to pick. We need to find the key. Any idea where it may be?" the door is made of reinforced iron and is locked. You try the keys you have, but none of them open the door.

What do you do?

120 min pass

Time: 2:39pM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

Picking the Vanthampur Vault

"Fisk. Good to see you again. We can use your knowledge to try and find that secret chamber. Let's check out the last door we know where it is. Be on your guard. We know all too well this place is more dangerous than it appears."

"Sure thing, I think I may even know where the secret door is that goes into the secret room.", As he is speaking, Bruno interrupts

Bruno peers at the locked vault door for several moments and then back to Fisk.

“Are you a trained lockpick, Mister Fisk? I only watched our … our uh, late companion Jules pick a few locks before and I’m no expert, but perhaps the two of us can figure out how to break this lock.”

"Of course, in my line of work you have to be ready for anything - and locks are always in my way. But this lock is exceptionally difficult. Do you have any magic that can help us here? I can attempt it again, but I am pretty sure this lock is beyond me", Falaster says as he folds his arms and looks again at the lock.

"If you want to give it a shot there Lad, I may be able to help. I've got a new trick up me armored sleeve! I can give you "guidance" to make it a bit easier for ya." Bartok grabs his Amulet and prepares to support the lock pick. "If that don't work, we may have to go back and check the other rooms for the key. Where did we put the jailer keys from the cells?"

"Does anyone have any quality lock picks? I am afraid my set went missing when I was taken captive."

Please determine any aid you wish to give to Falaster before he makes his lockpick check.

10 min pass

Time: 2:49PM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

Bruno reaches into his bag of holding up to the el is and rummages around for a bit before pulling out a set of thieves tools. He hands them to Fisk and looks to Bartok.

“That IS a handy trick! Let’s see if we can give Fisk here some help.”

"Best get on with it. There's at least one imp on the loose down here" Dartan says as he begins to use his divine senses to detect any nefarious creatures.

Bartok casts guidance on Fisk. Hearing Dartan mention the imp, Bartok grumbles,

“let Im show his stinkin face. I’ve got something for his little spike butt…“. Bartok steps back to give Fisk and Bruno a bit of room and loosens he shield off his shoulder and readies his mace.

"This just may do the trick!", Fisk takes the lockpick tools and works the lock.

With the help of Bruno's Portent roll and Bartok's Guidance, Fisk is able to spend a few minutes and the lock finally clicks. As it clicks, Fisk carefully pulls open the heavy iron vault door.

This room contains four wooden tables with two small wooden coffers atop each one (8 total coffers). Hanging on the wall opposite the door is a beautiful golden shield. Standing in front of the shield is a tall stone golem. As The door opens the Golem's eyes light up and dust and pebbles fall from it as it begins to move.

The Golem hasn't taken a step yet -- but stands just in front of the two back tables in front of the shield.

"Looks like The Vanthampur's have a stone golem. That's not good.", says Fisk as he doesn't enter the room".

What do you do?

10 min pass

Time: 2:59PM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

The Golem

Bartok grins as he sees the stone golem come to life.

“Stone huh? Sounds like my kind of guardian!! Race ya for the shield Dartan! Whadda ya say!?“ bartok smiles up at the paladin with a merry glint in his eye. Bartok checks his memory of his mountain home for lord on stone golems.

Bartok casts guidance on himself, and prays to the Baroness for wisdom as he searches for lore.

Bartok has known many Stone Golems that would guard the dwarven treasure rooms, and has heard they are formidable opponents. They resist most non-magical attacks, and even are resistant to magical spells. (Advantage on save throws), in addition. ,most Stone Golems have the ability to slow down any that are near it. They have no intelligence, and simply act as defenders to whatever the creator has commanded it to defend.

Bruno takes a step back as the golem rumbles to life. He nervously chuckles to Bartok and drops into a defensive stance.

“Don’t your people keep these things as pets?” When the golem doesn’t advance on them, Bruno cocks his head in thought.

“I wonder…” Gesturing with a practiced motion, Bruno extends his hand and casts Mage Hand. He sends the phantasmal hand towards the nearest chest and commands the hand to open it.

After realizing brunos plan Dartan tenses and readies himself to slam the door shit.

The mage hand appears in the room near the closest treasure. As the hand moves toward the coffer, the Golem suddenly activates and springs into action. It moves much faster than it looks like it could move, and attacks the mage hand with a vicious slam. The hand is crushed by the Golem's massive stone hands, and the hand fizzles out of existence. The slam damages the table the coffers are on, and they crash to the floor (but stay shut).

The golem then slowly walks back to it's original place in front of the shield and waits for the next thing to enter it's domain.

What do you do?

5 Min pass

Time: 3:04PM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

the Golem 2

"This.. might be beyond our means. Bartok, you say they are mindless creatures? Perhaps we could trick it somehow."

"Not mindless me large friend. Single minded! WE can probably wander the room safely, but looks like we touch on of the wee chests and he'll come smashin." Bartok looks over at Bruno. "If we can find the source of the spell, we'd likely be able to shut him down. Or maybe, an immobilizer. Ye still have that ol' sticky web spell lad? Then we can scoop up the chests and take em outside."

Bruno winces as the mage hand is smashed into arcane particles.

"Glad I didn't send Walter in there..."

He looks from the smashed table to Bartok.

"I can web up the room sure enough if we think that will hold him."

Bruno glances at the large statue dominating the back wall.

"I'm not sure how long it would hold him but it's worth a try. You mentioned these might be a spell that powers the golem? Interesting..."

Bruno removes his spellbook and sets up to begin ritually casting detect magic.

"Let me see if I can detect the source of the spell that might be powering him. Fisk? You know anything about these things?"

Fisk shakes his head.

“I know enough to know that one wrong step and we will be jelly, smashed into the cracks of the stone floor. Other than that, I’m not entirely sure how they function, and whether or not they can be dispelled.”

Bruno finishes his Detect Magic spell, and the Shield behind the golem glows with a purple aura indicating conjuration magic is present.

The Golem does not glow with any magical aura.

10 Min pass

Time: 3:14PM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh


"Bruno. Do your portents predict luck for us? If so, I will go in, grapple the golem and hold it while you three grab the chests and run. I'll push the statue over, grab what I can and run out while you shut and lock the door behind me. What do you think?"

Bruno pauses before starting the ritual casting of Detect Magic to consider Dartan's question.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to consult the cards."

With a practiced motion, Bruno pulls the deck of well worn cards from his pocket and draws two cards [1d12 = 2 (of hearts), 1d12 = 1 (of graves)].

Bruno considers the cards and frowns slightly.

"The cards don't seem to think the golem is much to worry about, but..." Bruno pauses as he glances to the smashed table. "I'm not sure the cards saw what the golem just did to that table."

Bruno smiles weakly at Dartan, replaces the cards in his pocket, and resumes the ritual casting of Detect Magic.

Dartan furrows his brow as he thinks deeply.

"Friends. I..... I'm not certain this is right. Yes, the Vanthampur family was evil, but were they always such? The things in this vault......are not ours. Sure, we can make a claim to it, but is that just? Does that make us nothing more than murdering thieves? I.... I don't know that I can be a part of this. ", Turning to Fisk,

"Fisk - about that secret chamber. Let us go look for it."

"Yes, that might be prudent. This Golem is bad news"

The Party leaves the room with the golem and heads toward the area where Fisk believes there could be a secret. After Bartok searches the walls, it's not long before you uncover a secret door, hidden in the stonework.

This ten-foot-high vaulted chamber has a plaster ceiling painted with images of terrifying winged devils looking down on a symbol embedded in the room's floor: a circular disk of black stone inscribed with a nine-pointed gold star. Four wrought-iron candlesticks bristling with unlit, half-melted red candles surround the circle.

What do you do?

30 Min pass

Time: 3:44PM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

The Summoning Shrine

As the party stands in the evil shrine bruno blurts out,

"The Vanthampurs are dead - they no longer exist. These coffers will likely be taken by the city, or by the Fist, and I guarantee you they will not use them to help protect the city's citizens."

Looking back toward the vault.

"The treasure in thas room back there was used to terrorize, enslave, bribe, punish, and eliminate anyone that stood in the Vanthampurs way. Leaving it here will not undo the evils the Vanthampurs wrought, but we can still use it to help prevent further horrors from being inflicted on the innocent. Maybe we can bring some semblance of good and peace to those that suffered because of it."

Bruno looks to Dartan and Fisk.

"If you don't feel right claiming it and using it yourself, fine. Donate it to Tyr or the Baroness where we can be sure it will be used for good. I fear more what this treasure may be used for by whoever may come in after us to claim it."

Fisk looks at Bruno,

"I agree with you, Wizard. But the stone golem that guards it, I don't want any part of THAT."

Dartan ignores bruno and continues looking around the shrine.

Dartan says a quick prayer to Tyr:

"Guide my eyes and let me see any evils in this room" *divine sense in the secret room*

His divine sense active, he sees no undead or fiends currently in the room. but on closer inspection, there are signs that demonic activity has occurred in this room. there are small tracks in the dusty floor, that are clearly devil tracks. Various sized claw tracks are present and there is a lingering scent of sulfur and brimstone.

Bartok shudders as a sense of evil overcomes him. Looking around the room Bartok can feel the blood, the dark magic, the power of this place. the shape of the room seems to focus him on the black disc at the center. Almost not of his own will Bartok draws his mace and with a quiet chant he begins to glow with radiant energy.

Bruno stays silent while taking in the room. His eyes are drawn to the circle on the floor. Squinting his eyes in concentration, he tries to determine what the circle, and this room, could have been used for.

Fisk touches the stone disc on the floor then turns toward the group.

"It's probably a summoning shrine or gateway. Hard to say, I am no warlock. " Fisk pokes at the disc on the floor and then tries to pry it out with his sword, but the stone is too large and tight to budge.

After a time, the party determines there is nothing of value here.

20 Min pass

Time: 4:04PM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh

Destruction of the Summoning Shrine

Bruno stays silent while taking in the room. His eyes are drawn to the circle on the floor. Squinting his eyes in concentration, he tries to determine what the circle, and this room, could have been used for.

"Interesting. Let's make sure that portal is shut" says Dartan as he grabs a candlestickand begins to smash it into the floor to break up the stone

“Exactly what I was thinkin!” Bartok says with a growl. Snapping a candlestick on his way, Bartok approaches the black stone at the center of the room. His Thick dwarven muscles flexing, bartok hooks his mace back onto his belt and with Divine energy still crackling around him, grabs his solid mining pickaxe from his pack. with a deep growl of “no more…dead” and a powerful grunt he hammers down on the circle! The room rings with the impact of his blows as he attempts to destroy this corrupted sanctuary.

Taking a step back while Dartan and Bartok break up the summoning circle, Bruno pulls out his spellbook and begins another ritual casting of Detect Magic.

As the spell finishes, Bruno looks around, but no magical auras are present in the chamber.

After a few minutes, Bartok and Dartan finish reducing the black stone circle into bits of rubble and shards of rock.

Fisk digs around in the rubble until he's satisifed there is nothing of use under the stone.

"We have crippled this cult, and likely bought this city some time, but the threat isn't over. You need to take Thavius' Puzzle Box to Sylvira Savikas at Candlekeep, she was very concerned with the Vanthampur's dealings with Thavius Kreeg and how it ties in to Elturel's fate. She will know what to do. I am happy to accompany you to Candlekeep, if you'll have me. "

What would the party like to do next?

- Vanthampur vault

- Spend more time in the city.

- Head to Candlekeep

- Explore something else.

30 Min pass

Time: 4:34PM

Date: Sixthday , 26 , Tarsakh


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Fizzbum Lilypad
Fizzbum Lilypad
Dec 09, 2022

Bartok looks thoughtfully at Dartan as he speaks about the friends that he's lost and a calm comes over him. "YOu're right lad, I got distracted by the evil of this place. We've got more important things to do than break a few candlesticks. Let's find our knowledgeable lady and get to candledeep. I've not given up on em yet."


Dartan Vilmon
Dec 08, 2022

"Very well. Let's get out of this cursed place. Who knows - the golem might hold off the fist until we can return with our friends."


“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Dec 08, 2022

Bruno shoulders his pack and nods to Dartan. "Her name is Satiir Thione-Hhune. She mentioned her family would reward us for her release. If nothing else, we should check to make sure she made it back in one piece."


Dartan Vilmon
Dec 08, 2022

You are correct. We waste valuable time while our friends are suffering in who knows where. Let us make haste to candlekeep. Bruno, Bartok, what was the name of the prisoner we freed? Let's stop by her place on our way out to ensure she made it out.


“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Dec 04, 2022

Taking a step back while Dartan and Bartok break up the summoning circle, Bruno pulls out his spellbook and begins another ritual casting of Detect Magic.

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