Quick Links
Looking for Zodge
Liara Portyr
Return to the Cellar
Prove it
Not gonna happen
Prison Battle - Round 1
Prison Batlte - Round 2
The Prisoners
Detect Magic

Exiting the Vanthampur estate.
Dartan climbs up the ladder and attempts to slowly nudge the trapdoor open quietly. Unfortunately a piece of burned wood from the stable comes loose and hits him in the eye, causing him to call out and fling the door open with force.
Realizing that he has drawn attention to himself, he calls out to the Flaming Fist he can see.

"Help, brothers. Badly wounded. Was a trap. Need. Zodge."
Bruno slowly emerges from the trapdoor and wearily walks up behind Dartan. Gripping the Flaming Fist badge in one hand he raises his arms to show he's unarmed.

"He's right. Zodge will want to hear what we have to say."
Bartok climbs the ladder last, and wearily limps over to the Flaming Fist soldiers.

"Where did you come from?" asks the lead solider. "If you are flaming fist, identify yourselves"
The characters show the soldiers their badges. The guard looks at them suspiciously then speaks again.
"What were you doing poking around in the Vanthampur estate? Don't you know there has been a murder and someone set the stables on fire? You wouldn't have any information about that would you?"
How do you answer?
5 minutes pass
Time: 5:23 PM
Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh
Looking for Zodge

"Indeed. We do. But that information is lost if we die. Help us get to safety....and quickly.. There's.... much to discuss....more than murder and arson. "

Bruno pockets his badge and looks to the guards.
"Our report is for Zodge's ears only. I'm sure you understand."
Bruno walks over to help support Bartok as he limps over to the group.
"We have no reason to run, or to lie. If it makes you feel better, you may escort us to Zodge himself to corroborate our story. That way you can be sure we won't run off. The important part is we need to see him, and quickly."
Bartok stands quietly but with steely resolve, bloodied and bruised leaning on his mace.
The Soldier looks at the group and then nods his head toward the streets.

"that won't be necessary. You're free to go. We have work to do here, and I can't spare any men to babysit you, and even if we wanted to take you to Zodge, I wouldn't know where he is at the moment. "

The soldiers continue doing what they were doing before you emerged from the cellar.
You leave the Vanthampur Estate and are in the streets of Baldurs gate again.
It's getting dark, and you are not sure where to find Zodge at this hour. You wander the streets for a while (about an hour), checking the Basilisk gate - but he isn't there. You ask a few flaming fist soldiers that you happen by, but they either don't know where he is, or they are not telling you. As the rain calms a little, and the streets darken, you realize you need to probably get cleaned up, and find a place to rest.
You are tired, hungry, wounded, and weary.
you could try one of the taverns you have been to before... going somewhere familiar is always easy. Or you could seek out another tavern and hope for the best. The last thing you want to do is sleep on the streets in the rain.
Where do you go tonight?
1 hour passes
Time: 6:23 PM
Date: Fourthday , 24 , Tarsakh
Liara Portyr
"We go stay at Nectar's place of ... work. They know us and we know we can rest there. A good bath and a beer could do us all good.", Says Dartan.
Bruno frowns in thought. “Er…wasn’t The Frolicking Nymph frequented by some cult members? We can’t be sure we got them all and it’s not being watched.” Bruno wearily runs a hand through his hair. “What about one of your temples? Would they give us shelter for a night?”
Dartan looks at Bruno with a face of disappointment.
"Oh, you're probably right. As usual. Very well, to the clerics of Tyr. They will take care of us, and provide us aid"
The party tromps through the rain in the dark and reaches the temple of Tyr. The temple Clerics are happy to receive the weary party, and even give Bartok a warm welcome... although with disapproving looks due to his service to a rival deity. They make comments about how they don't judge others for their choice in whom to worship and are "happy" for him and hope he finds what he is looking for.
They offer to treat the wounded, and offer meager food and drink to the party - as well as some standard cots and bedding for sleeping.
You bunk with some other homeless that the temple has taken in, and several street urchins that are needing to get out of the cold and rain.
You awaken the next morning at 10 o'clock in the morning. The night was stormy, but you all slept soundly and deeply.
You head out after breakfast and try and locate General Zodge again. this time, you do locate him at the Basilisk Gate - As you approach, he is pouring over some maps of the city, and you notice that he is pointing to where the cult of the dead three hideout was that you wiped out days earlier.

When he sees you his eyes light up, and he smiles, "I wondered if you would be showing up. you've been busy I see -- tell me everything!"
You fill Zodge in on the plot that the Vanthampurs had with the occult, and all the dealings you had. He does not seem that concerned about the companions you lost when facing Thalamra, but is gratified to learn that the Vanthampurs are no longer his concern. He tells you that Duke Belynne Stelmane, and Dillard Portyr will be glad to know that they no longer have to worry about the Vanthampurs.
Your meeting with Captain Zodge is interrupted by the arrival of several Flaming Fist soldiers clad in plate armor. From behind this wall of swords and steel steps an armored woman with a white cloak and graying hair.

"Are these the maniacs who've stirred up every nest of rats in this gods-forsaken city?"
"Commander Portyr!" says Zodge. "I was told you wouldn't be in Baldur's Gate for at least another tenday."
"That's what the city's government wanted you to think, captain," she replies. Turning to you, she says, "I trust you've been adequately compensated?"
Zodge interjects, "Why yes commander, I was just about to pay them the agreed wage." He looks back at the party, "I believe you are still owed 100 gp each?"
What do you say?
Time: 11:23 PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
Bruno stands idly back, scratching Walter behind his ears as Dartan recounts their experiences to Zodge. He sets his jaw and looks down as Dartan mentions their fallen comrades.
As Commander Portyr arrives and interrupts their report, Bruno looks up in surprise.

"Er ... yes Captain. You had said 100 gold upon 'removal' of the Vanthampur threat. However, even with the Duke gone, I'm not sure the threat to the city is gone."
Bruno turns to address Commander Portyr and forces himself to try and look her in the eyes.
"Ahh ... one of the ... one of the people we lost was Reya, a woman who claimed to be a Hellrider from Elturel." Bruno swallows hard and continues. "She seemed to believe Duke Vanthampur was in possession of a box of some kind that was somehow involved in the Duke's plot to deliver the city to her devil masters. We were unable to find this box after confronting the Duke. It's possible it's still in the catacombs beneath her estate. There may be cultists and other literal devils still lurking down there. We can't be sure unless you send someone down there to clear it out."
Bruno looks to Zodge and narrows his eyes.
"But I wouldn't worry. I'm sure the Captain here can find some more disposable refugees to take care of this problem for him."
Bruno takes a step back, shrugs sheepishly and continues to scratch Walter's ears.
"And I happen to like rats."
Bartok is unusually quiet as they talk to Zodge. His eyes are red from weeping and praying between his fitful sleep the night before, and his usually abundant spirit seems dampened. Early this morning you may have heard the strike of a hammer on an anvil in the Temple's workshop, steadily ...and angrily... pounding with the strong rhythm only a dwarf can produce. Even the dwarf's appetite was reduced at breakfast, as he ate only a roll and some cold sausage. At the mention of Reya's name, Bartok's wide shoulders shake with deep emotion. Clearing his throat and widening his short legs, Bartok resets his stance and lifts his head. He rests his hand with comfortable familiarity on his mace as he watches bruno take a step back, and with a nod to him takes a stand by his side.
Dartan sighs with disappointment.

"General. Our original agreement was 200 gold each to investigate the murders, which we did. We have also secured the EXISTANCE of the city at least for the time being. Now you offer us only 300 gold. I am a man of honor and thwarting the threat to the city is reward in and of itself. However, food, lodging, supplies. These things add up. Is the safety of your city not important? Is your word not important? Surely you jest. Regardless, we need to get back to the chambers below the villa. I fear for the safety of many if we are not able to finish our search. This box was important to the Hellrider. If she thinks it is key to keeping this city safe, we must find it. Commander, I'm sure you are interested in seeing these horrors for yourself. Would you care to join us? Truth be told we almost died down there. Many times in fact. We could use the help of someone as astute as you. Might want to get a different cloth though - things get real messy real fast we have come to find."

"Perhaps I have misjudged the Hellriders. It appears that we all have been mis-lead one way or another. This reminds me that one hellrider we arrested told us something about Thavius Kreeg being in Baldur's Gate, and that he was somehow responsible for the downfall of Elturel."
Commander Portyr interrups,

"I believe that Thavius Kreeg must have this puzzle box. There is a Tiefling spy by the name of Sylvira Savikas that is in Candlekeep. She is a renown expert on the Nine Hells. You must find this puzzle box and take it to Sylvira post haste. She is loyal to me, and will gladly aid you. If Thavius Kreeg is indeed in Baludr's Gate, he will surely will know where to find, or have the puzzle box. Zodge here will pay you what he promised, and then I will pay you another 1,000 gold pieces each to take the puzzle box to Slyvira." Turns to zodge, "And get them horses, it's a long way to candlekeep." Then back to the party, "Don't make me regret advancing you on your payment. Good luck " She says.
Within a few minutes, two guards bring a trunk filled with 300 platinum pieces.
Zodge whistles and four soldiers approach.

"We are looking for a man by the name of Thavius Kreeg. He was the high overseer of Elturel and we believe he is laying low in Baldur's Gate. These three are charged with looking for him - you will spread the word to all soldiers to keep their eyes peeled for this stowaway."
Zodge provides the men a general description of Thavius, and The men nod and head off to share the word.
To Dartan, Bartok and Bruno, "IF Thavius is plotting to destroy this city, he will be still be here. We will prevent him from escaping, you must find him."
Treasure has been added
The party gains 500 free time each
Please provide details on your next course of action.
1 hour passes
Time: 12:23 PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
After the meeting with Zodge and Portyr, the party spends a little time making preparations before returning to the cellar.
They enter the cellar around 5:00 pm in the evening.
The Vanthampur Estate is quiet when you arrive, the flaming fist guards are no longer patrolling the courtyard and the house is shut but not locked.
You enter through the trapdoor and descend the ladder back to the sanctuary.
Bruno casts "Mage Armor" as he enters the trapdoor.
With walters help, the party scouts the cellar - it's quiet, no patrols are seen wandering the halls... you are able to completely scout the entire area over the course of an hour.
Once complete you have determined there are five doors that are unexplored (shown on the map below)
Please choose a door, the party is currently at the spot marked with a red X, this is where you finished your survey of the dungeon.
Each door is made of iron, you have not checked any door for traps or to determine if they are locked.

Several hours pass
Time: 5:58 PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
As the descend the ladder and return to the cellar, Bruno’s mind can’t help but wander back to their horrific experience less than a day ago. A vision of Reya’s terrified face as she is sucked into the portal fills his mind before he shakes his head to clear it. As he gets to the bottom of the ladder, he casts Mage Armor and feels a degree better about their situation. Seeing the piles of cultist bodies, he casts Mage Hand and begins turning them over looking for three undamaged masks and robes that don’t show obvious signs of battle. Quickly donning a robe and mask he turns to Dartan and Bartok.

“We may want to disguise ourselves a bit down here in case there’s anyone … or anything still around. It may give us the element of surprise.”
After Walter scouts out the dungeon and they end up in front of the large iron doors, Bruno dismisses his familiar and looks to the group as his vision returns.
During the scouting of the dungeon Bruno, Dartan and Bartok don themselves in the robes of the dead cultists from the sanctuary and place the skull masks on their faces.
“Right. That should be everything.”
He takes a step behind Dartan and Bartok so they are between him and the iron doors. Reaching into his component pouch he takes a deep breath and nods.
“Ready whenever you all are.”

"Agreed, lets start with this door and work our way back through the cellar." Dartan checks the iron door and opens it.
The door opens into a dark chamber, there is a dim torch flickering as you open the door. You hear the sound of movement occur as the door is cracked open followed by a snort and grunt.

A broad-shouldered figure with reddish skin and a beard of writhing snakelike tentacles stands in the middle of a room lined by iron doors, tightening its grip on a glaive as it glares at you through the darkness. Each door is set with a small barred window, and a ring of keys hangs from the creature's belt.
The creature glares at the three of you, but stands still, just clutching it's glaive.
As you survey the room you can make out there are two humanoid prisoners in two of the cells, one woman and one man.
It speaks to you in infernal, and seems to be waiting for a response.
The Devil is marked on the map as a purple star, the party is on the red x and the prisoners are marked with blue hearts.

What do you do?
5 minutes pass
Time: 6:03 PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
Prove it
"We don't have time for your infernal questions. We are here for the prisoners on behalf of the Duke. Stand aside or take your grievance up with her."
Bartok's hand tightens on his mace as he watches the demon. His pulse begins to sound in his ears as his temper rises, and memories of his lost
friends fill his mind. Dartan is saying something, but all Bartok can think of is taking the Demon's glaive and shoving it through his chin and out the top of his greasy head. A whisper in the back of his mind begins, and calls his attention to the 2 prisoners. Something makes him take his eyes off the demon and view them.

The devil glares at Dartan, with a quizzical look in it's stone cold eyes. Then in a low guttural tone and speaks in an angry, degrading tone in Infernal.
"Cha dak umi va. Dai jok'lt volth"
The devil clutches his Glaive and holds his ground, glaring as a drop of drool drips out of it's teeth filled mouth.
What do you do?
Not gonna happen
Dartan walks up to the creature, inches from it's face, the devil, being roughly the same height as it squares up and stands straighter to face the mask wearing half-orc

"Odious will LOVE to hear your excuses when he finds out you delayed us. Keys. Now."
Dartan can smell the putrid rotten egg smell of the devils breath, as he is inches from it's face. The Devil head butts Dartan viciously to check him.
Attack Roll 17 + 6 = 23
He hits Dartan squarely in the face, shattering the skull mask and giving Dartan a bloody nose. (Dartan takes 3 damage)

With an arrogant tone, Snarling in infernal "Dak ish volth" (Then with a low guttural laugh)
The devil continues to grip his glaive and stares at Dartan.
It then start to speak a longer sentence in Infernal as though it's scolding or commanding you to do something. It does not move from it's post.
Even with the skull mask shattered, the devil does not seem to realize the ruse. The two prisoners in the cells stir and both are now watching through their cell windows to see what all the argument is about.
Bartok takes notice of the prisoners and while they do look a bit dirty and exhibit some bumps and cuts, they seem to be in fair condition for prisoners.
What do you do?
1 minute passes
Time: 6:04 PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
Prison Battle - Round 1
As the Devil head-butts dartan, Bruno closes the door and quickly casts a spell.
Bruno casts his spell, but the Devil resists the effect and the spell is useless.

"What did the man with a beard call his pottery shop? Hairy Potter!"
As Bruno finishes his spell, the Jailer Devil, having Magic Resistance shrugs off the spells effect (Gives it advantage on it`s save throw vs spells and magic effects)
The Devil swipes it`s Glaive at Dartan, but Dartan parries the blow.
A tentacle strikes at Dartan from the devils beard, but it too misses the Half Orc.

** Roaring in Infernal **

Bartok sees the demon smash Dartan in the nose and yells! “No ya don’t ye stinkin fiend! “. Bartok charges in on the demons flank and buries his mace in its abdomen. “This one’s for Jules!”
Bartok`s eyes begin glowing white as his anger kindles, and he leaps over Dartan, landing with a crash next to the Devil, bringing down his mace, he crushes the Devils shoulder dealing 10 points of damage!
As he brings his shield up, the Baroness guides his arm, and even though the Devil blocks with his Glaive, Bartok pushes through and knocks the glaive to the side hitting the devil in the chest with his shield for 3 points of damage.

Dartan slashes the devil in the tentacles with his Longsword, severing three of them dealing 11 points of damage!
He follows up with a lucky smash to the Devils nose, giving him a bloody nose, dealing 3 points of damage ** Damage Reduction for non-magical attack, would have been 6 damage **
"Should`ve listened"
Round 2 begins
Bruno casts ray of frost and the ice strikes the Devil in the chest, the devil takes 3 points of damage. ** Cold resistance, damage is halved, would have been 6 **
So you’re resistant to magical effects? *Bruno will remember that*
The devil swings his Glaive and it bounces off Dartan`s plate armor!
The Devil then strikes with another tentacle, this time the tentacle stings Dartan in the face, dealing 6 points of damage ** Dartan, please make a CON save vs dc 12 **
Dartan shrugs off the poison effect.
Bartok takes his mace and crushes the Devil`s left leg, ripping open it`s flesh and dealing 12 points of damage!
Bartok roars and bashes his shield toward the creature, and it staggers and blocks with its Glaive
You foul wretches shall not overtake me!
Dartan scores a lucky shot as the devil was thrown off balance from Bartoks Shield attack. His sword clips the devil in the abdomen for 6 points of damage!
I do not approve of tentacle insertions!
The Prisoners
As the devil wobbles from the intense impact of Bartok’s mace, Bruno spies an opening. Conjuring the arcane glyphs for force bolts in his mind, he gestures quickly and sends three bolts of force streaking towards the devil jailer.

“When you get back to hell, be sure to tell them who sent you there.” The devil vanquished, Bruno sits in a corner while Bartok and Dartan search its corpse and investigate the prisoners. Removing a piece of parchment, he begins sketching an image of the devil and making notes about their encounter. He scribbles furiously and mutters to himself while the experience is still fresh in his head. “Resistant to magic…poison beard…resistant to cold…poor skin care routine…”

"Imagine dying for a master that's already dead. Poor squidface."
Then turning toward the prisoners, "Now then. Who are you two? Why are you locked up? What happened? What do you know of the goings-on down here?"
Bartok takes a moment to assess any wounds the prisoners have and treats the minor scratches and bruises.
Falaster Fisk - Spy

After a few minutes of getting to know the prisoners you learn that the male human is a spy named Falaster Fisk.
"I work with a renown expert on the nine hells, a tiefling named Sylvira Savikas. She is a good friend of mine and has been monitoring devil activity in Baldur's gate for months. When Elturel fell, she sent me here to gather information. It seems you have uncovered even more of their sinister plot than even she was aware of." He goes on to tell you that he heard that Thavius Kreig had taken refuge in Baldur's gate before Elturel had vanished, and rumors that he was in league with the Vanthampurs led him here. "Thavius, I believe, was working with Thalamra to sacrifice this city to Zariel, the same way they sacrificed Elturel. Sylvira is convinced that Thavius struck a bargain with an archdevil, and that a copy of the contract he signed is hidden inside a magic puzzle box. She asked me to help her obtain proof of Kreeg's crimes"
Falaster tells you that he has been surveying the Vanthampur estsate for weeks and has mapped out this cellar well. HE offers to help you find the puzzle box.
Satiir Thione-Hhune - Aristocrat
The second prisoner is an elderly aristocrat woman named Satiir Thione-Hhune. She tells you that the Vanthampurs were planning to use her to keep the Hhunes from opposing Duke Vanthampur's bid to become the new grand duke.

"My name is Satiir Thione-Hhune. My family will be most grateful if you return me to them, I will see to it you are rewarded."
The woman offers very little other information and just reiterates that she knows nothing of the Vanthampur's plot, and she only learned they were dealing with devils after she was thrown in this prison.
There is nothing else in the prison, aside from some filthy rags and old chamber pots that haven't been emptied in some time.

15 minutes pass
Time: 6:18 PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
As Dartan and Bartok continue questioning the prisoners, Bruno finishes scribbling notes on his piece of parchment. He holds it out to the air gently to give the ink time to dry. Moments later, satisfied the ink is dry, he folds up the parchment and tucks it into a pocket.
Looking up, he seems to take note of the prisoners for the first time. Shifting his watchful gaze from prisoner to prisoner, Bruno pulls his spellbook from his pack and flips to a well marked page. As Dartan and Bartok continue their conversation, Bruno begins the ritual casting of Detect Magic.
As the spell completes, Bruno glances around the prison - but nothing other than the magic items he is aware of indicate the presence of magic in the room.
During the time Bruno is ritual casting, Bartok searches the prison a bit more but comes up empty. Satiir asks several times if "we can get moving, I've had quite enough of this place"
12 minutes pass
Time: 6:30PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
Freeing the Prisoner

"Of course, mah Lady." Bartok ties a small bow, and his beard gets tangled on his boot. "Of all the infernal hazards...!! " He grumbles. Finally Freeing himself he says with true sympathy, "Had to be horrible down 'ere in the dark for ye. I think I had a snack in me pack this morning... let me see." he continues as he offers Satiir one of his rations, and then offers his other to Fisk. "How bout we get her out of 'ere and then come back with Fisky 'ere and clear this place out? Whatcha think lads?"

"Bartok my ma...dwarf...you have the right of it. Let's escort the lady to the stairs and continue our search."
Getting to his feet, Bruno finishes his ritual and quickly looks about the room.

“Room’s clean. No magic in here.” Nodding at Bartok’s suggestion, Bruno packs up his spellbook. “Let’s get moving. I still have several minutes left on this spell. Maybe the puzzle box we’re looking for will give off an aura.” Bruno half smiles at Satiir. “I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about the Vanthampurs any longer. Devils on the other hand…” Bruno sighs heavily and wipes his brow. “By Savras’s sweaty sack, it’s been a hell of a week.”
As the prisoners are released and they begin making their way to the exit, Bruno walks alongside Satiir. While keeping a watchful eye out for any dangers, he engages her in conversation to try and calm her (and his) nerves. “You mentioned your family was opposing Duke Vanthampur from becoming the new Grand Duke. Why didn’t your family want her to become the Grand Duke?”

Satiir thinks for a moment as Bruno speaks, then she responds, "The Vanthampur's are a vile and Treacherous family. They simply don't want anyone questioning their power in Baldur's gate. The Hhunes will be ecstatic that you have eliminated them. My family has always been under their shadow, but no more! We can't thank you enough for your service to this city. Please stop by my family estate and I will see that you are rewarded" ** She gives Bruno the address **
The party reaches the cellar stairs and Satiir heads up the musty staircase to the main floor of the Villa. Once in the courtyard, she heads off alone into the streets and the rest of the group returns to the cellar. The items Bartok stashed are still in the same place in the wine barrel room (in case you want to retrieve any items @Bartok - remind me what items you left here again, I actually forgot what they were)
You are back in the cellar
You are in barrel room
Falaster debriefs you on his knowledge of the cellar, and works with Bruno on updating his map with his notes.
He knows where the Vanthampur vault is, but that door is secure and requires a key. He said he suspects there is a secret chamber near the Storage and Cultist quarters and there is a room that he is unsure of what is there - but he believes that may be where Thavius Kreeg is hiding somewhere in the cellar and that he may be in one of the two suspected rooms.

30 minutes pass
Time: 7:00PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh

"Well. We have dispatched many cultists down here. Let's go to their quarters to see if we can hear anything alive in there. Maybe Walter can scurry under the door for us. How are you with a sword, Falaster? I have a spare if you know how to use it. We may need your help. Things down here aren't as easy as the jailer."
"I am not too bad with a sword. Thank you" *Takes the sword* then turns toward Bruno,

"I am very sure that Thavius was at least down here recently. I had tracked him to the vanthampur estate before I was captured and even had scouted out much of this cellar. I never saw him, but I overheard several cultists talking about him being here. He would not wander the city without a disguise because the Flaming Fist and the multitude of Hellriders would be looking for him. Be on your guard. He is a dangerous man"
Bruno nods at Dartan.

“If I were to guess, Thavius would be hidden in the room Fisk think may be hidden here.” *Bruno points to the suspected hidden chamber on the map* “But I think your suggestion of making sure there aren’t any more guards down here is a good one. Once we get closer, I’ll see if I can take a look in any of those rooms with Walter.”
The party arrives at the door to the Cultists quarters, the door is closed but it's quiet when you listen. You check the door for traps as best you can and do not find any. The door is unlocked and you open the room. Its dark and quiet. Walter does a quick search of the room but it's been abandoned so you enter the quarters. As you thought, it's empty. IF there were any cultists that were still alive, they must have fled once they discovered the carnage at the sanctuary. You can tell that they left in a hurry as many personal effects and weapons were left strewn about.
You check the connecting tunnel and the storage room as well. and it contains a few closets with cultist robes and masks but nothing else of value.
"We should look for a secret door, I suspect there is a secret chamber here somewhere.", comments Falaster as the party searches the storage area. You are unable to find a secret door in the storage room.
What do you do next?
Continue searching for a secret door (specify the areas you want to search)
Head to the "Unknown" room to the north of the cultist quarters
Head to the vault
Do something else
30 minutes pass
Time: 7:30PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
The Unknown Room
Meanwhile Walter remains in the Cultist quarters prepared to alert Bruno if anything unexpected happens.
The Group decides to check the door north of the cultist quarters.
The door is made of iron and after spending a few minutes looking for traps, dartan checks the door itself. The Door is locked and he fiddles with the lock for a second. There is a small slit in the iron door, that acts as a peephole. You can see there is light inside the room.
You hear a muffled voice on the other side of the door, it sounds like someone has been standing on the other side and a male voice finally says, "Who is there? Identify yourself."

Whoever is on the other side of the door is standing to the side of the peephole so even if you peer inside, you don't see them.

Pulling his arm in front of his mouth, Dartan responds, "HRPH HMRM HRMM HRMM HRRRR" and winks at the others while motioning them to step out of sight of the peephole.
You see a someone peek through the peephole for a second then disappear back to the side of the door.
"Whoever you are, show yourself. You aren't getting inside, I have the door barred. Where is Thalamra? "
1 minutes pass
Time: 7:36PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
Walter the Rat Scout
Bruno peers through the peephole quickly and summons Walter into an inconspicuous space he can see. Once Walter is in place, Bruno’s eyes flash white as he begins looking through his familiars eyes.
Walter Sees in the room
Wrought-iron candlesticks topped with flickering candles light this room, which is heated by a cast-iron stove with clawed feet. Across from the crackling stove is a modest desk with a matching chair. Other furnishings include a small table and chair for dining, a bed, an iron chest resting at the foot of the bed, and two tapestries.
There is an older bald man wearing a lounge jacket, standing near the door, with his back toward the wall, clutching a small box.
Within moments of Walter appearing and looking around, suddenly a small Imp appears right next to walter and tries to sting him. (Attack Roll: 5, miss)
The imp shrieks and says

"Master Thavius! Intruder! Intruder!"
Bruno immediately recalls Walter.
The man then shouts through the door,

"Stay away! you can't get in here! I demand to speak to Thalamra!"
What do you do?
3 minutes pass
Time: 7:39PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
The Deception
Dartan lowers his voice.

"Its him. Bruno, can your magick open the door for us? Or can you make yourself look like Amrik?" If he won't come out willingly, we will have to convince him otherwise."
Bruno shakes his head and responds in a lowered voice.

“I can’t alter my appearance today. I can create a silent image of something or teleport inside. I can try to use my mage hand to unlock the door, but without the ability to see the lock on the other side, I’d be fumbling at best.” Bruno turns an angry gaze towards the locked room. “And I won’t send Walter back in while that damned imp is in there.”
Dartan moves in front of the door.

"Thavius! Can you hear me now? Thalamra is nowhere to be found and there are bodies strewn about everywhere. This location has been compromised. We're here to escort you to another safe house."
Thavius replies.

“Who are you? Who sent you? Stand where I can see you!” Thavius’s peeks through the small peephole in the door, looking.
dartan steps back a bit so thavius can see some what better.
"I've come from the Low Lantern. Amrik is dead and we barely escaped the fight. Mortlock got free and has been on a revenge spree. The bodies in the villa above indicate Thurstwell is likely dead as well. Rumors are that a hell rider has been seen on the property as well. I don't know where mortlock and the hellrider are now, but we can be sure they aren't working alone. I understand your hesitant sir but please, let's get out of here while we can."
Thavius hesitantly replies,
“What is your name? How did you come into the service of the Vanthampurs? Who is the wizard that sent the familiar? I want names! “
Sounding agitated, Dartan snaps back,
"Gods damn you man! I'm Vilmon, the wizard familiar is Walter. I used to be a farmer but zariel saw my size and rage. I saw my rage in her. Now I'm here TRYING to save you. If you want a full biography you'll have to get it later because we need to go NOW."
Bartok grins at Dartans new strategy, and steps to the side of the door out of sight. (Not hard since the peephole is over his head)
Thavius sigs and finally responds,
"Very well, You can't be too careful - I know that there was a battle yesterday and I locked myself in here, hoping someone would fill me in."
*Deception Successful*
Thavius opens his door.
"Where are you taking me?" he says as he lets the party inside his room.
What do you do?
10 minutes pass
Time: 7:49PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
The Change

"We're going topside. There's a brothel where you can lay low for a while until we can sneak you out of the city. Gather your things quickly. Do you have any sort of disguise available?"
Bruno stands well behind Dartan and peers impatiently over his shoulder at Thavius. Peering around the room, Bruno attempts to find any sign of the imp (if he’s invisible, look for shadows on the wall, etc.).

“We should be quick. Grab only what’s essential.”
Bruno glances at Thavius while surveying the room.
“Is there anything else we need to grab down here before we move? We likely won’t be able to return.”

"Oh, good thinking. That wretched captain of the Flaming Fist has had every soldier and bounty hunter in the city looking for me. A disguise would be most prudent. One moment."
Thavius grabs a blue potion off his desk, and drinks it. As he does, he shimmers and his appearance changes entirely. He also grabs a bag off his desk and throws a few potions into it, and a few odds and ends, before slinging it over his shoulder.

"They won't suspect an elven woman, will they! haha How do I look?" he laughs.
You notice not only has his appearance changed, but also his voice has changed to a female.
"Lead on to the Brothel. Hopefully there will be some ladies there that go both ways. Do you know what I mean? this potion doesn't wear off for quite some time, so it should be quite a fun experience.", he snorts as he laughs.
What do you do next and Where do you go?
5 minutes pass
Time: 7:54PM
Date: Fifthday , 25 , Tarsakh
A friend of mine, Nectar, works at an establishment frequented by the Flaming Fist. With your disguise and the fact that you are, well, who you are, nobody will expect you to be there. We will take you there, I will stand watch over your room while my friends plan our escape. Sound good... m'lady....Tonya?
Bruno looks on as Thavius turns into a thicc elven woman. Shaking his head, he continues to look around the room for signs of the imp. While peering around the room, he gestures quickly and casts Message at Dartan. “You may want to mark Thavius here in case we get ‘separated’. It could make him easier to find again.”
Peering around the corner of the door Bartok exclaims,"Whoa! That gives new meaning to "Dude looks like a Lady!"' Bartok chuckles. "Noone will recognize ya in that getup!" Bartok grins at Thavi-elf. Pretending to look her up and down, Bartok checks for the box that he had been holding. Bartok sheathes his mace in his belt and shoulders his shield to appear less threatening. "We'll get ya outa 'ere. Don't ya worry."
Bruno stands well behind Dartan and peers impatiently over his shoulder at Thavius. Peering around the room, Bruno attempts to find any sign of the imp (if he’s invisible, look for shadows on the wall, etc.). “We should be quick. Grab only what’s essential.” Bruno glances at Thavius while surveying the room. “Is there anything else we need to grab down here before we move? We likely won’t be able to return.”
We're going topside. There's a brothel where you can lay low for a while until we can sneak you out of the city. Gather your things quickly. Do you have any sort of disguise available?