Scramble (edited)
Dragons in the dark (Edited)

Bruno continues to brace himself on a nearby bookshelf while on the verge of hyperventilating. Gesturing quickly, he casts Mage Hand and directs it to rummage through his bag of holding for a moment. The Mage Hand produces a small sack and presses it to Bruno's face while he takes deep breaths.

"It'll be ok, Bruno. Your friends will be there with you. You won't be alone"
After a few moments, Bruno's breathing starts to return to normal. He pats Lulu's trunk appreciatively and smiles weakly at Bartok.

"I can honestly say I never thought this is where my road would lead. I thought my path would end at Candlekeep or thereabouts. Someplace that could help me understand and protect those around me from the visions in my head." Bruno chuckles darkly. "Now I see Every time I've run...everything I've done...*EVERY DAMNED THING* has only driven me and those around me closer to the flames." Bruno grits his teeth and fights back tears that want to come but he refuses to let them. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry to all of you. I'm sorry to Jules. This should have been my curse alone to bear. I never wanted anyone to get hurt because they got to close to me and the fires in my head."
Bruno remains silent for several moments before standing a little straighter and trying to put on a brave face for the group.
"Well, if running hasn't worked and these damned visions are determined to claim me, so be it. If there's even a chance this plan could help rid me of these fires in my head and stop them from hurting anyone else, I have to try. At least in Avernus no one else on the Material Plane will get hurt because of me."
Bruno turns to the group.
"I only ask to be able to spend one more day in Candlekeep. If I'm not going to make it out of Avernus, I at least want to see its spires one more time. Traxigor, would it be possible to get the griffons to take us back for a short trip? Surely we're going to need to stock up on supplies before heading into the nine hells." Bruno looks to Traxigor and the group hopefully.
bartok watched the emotional change in Bruno with approval.

“Ye‘ve come a long way lad. A long way! I’ve no objection to A stop by candledeep. I have a feeling we’ll be needin a good amount of supplies for this bit.“ Looking over at Reya and hippee. “Whatcha think lass? you’ve been there. i can’t imagine we’ll be stopping by a cheery inn, with A fuzzy demon bartender! hah! And I imagine I’m on me boots for this journey. no ponies in hell I would think! What’s the most important things we can take?“
Reya sits down next to Bartok and drinks some tea and removes her boots,

"Avernus is hot and unpleasant, with biting insects, poisonous air, and ash. It's miserable. We should bring food and water - but don't expect it to keep for long. Food spoils quickly and water turns rancid. What is edible, tastes like ash. We should also bring plenty of medicines and salves, as I don't think we will find many places to buy remedies if we should need them."
Bruno listens in silence to Traxigor's explanation of the layers of hell and his plan to close the portal to Drakkar.

"I can't say I'm thrilled we don't know how we're going to close that portal, but I guess we'll just have to figure it out if/when we get there." Bruno taps his chin in thought. "So many questions...Do we need to close both portals? The one that leads to Avernus and the one that leads to Phlegethos? How can we carry the shield to Avernus without it worming its way into our minds?"
Traxigor suddenly stops rummaging and turns to Bruno when Bruno mentions the shield worming it’s way into your minds.

“I do not believe Gargauth has enough power to control you….Influence you? Possibly. But he would have to be extraordinarily strong to take control of you against your will. “ Traxigor laughs nervously. “Of course….” Traxigor trails off and then begins to look for something in a big mess of vials and beakers.
“Where is that…. Slippery mind elixir…. “
Bruno shoots a careful look at Dartan and then to Hippee.

"And what about the spell Mordenkainen cast on Hippee? Traxigor, is there anything you can do to dispell it or at least tell us what it is? The spell, I mean. Not the gnome."
The otter then suddenly blurts out,

“Mordenkainen! Yes, the gnome. I almost forgot.” Traxigor looks at Hippee,
“Lulu, could you see if Hippee here has any memories of the Mad Wizard still fresh in his brain?”
Lulu shakes her head,

“Uhh no, I can’t do that Traxi. That would be too invasive to probe his mind. I could injure him”
Traxigor mumbles to himself,

"Of course you can't. Of course..."
Traxigor looks at Bruno. “I don’t know what spell your warlock companion could be under. Surely any mind control magic would have worn off by now…” Traxigor mumbles about new mind altering spells being the trend… “oh you asked about closing the portals. No, if you close the portal from Drakkar to Avernus, that will likely cause Drakkar to fall back to Phlegethos, no need to close the second one.”

"if Drakkar falls back to Phlegethos while we are there.... how strong are your stones? Can we get back from there?"
Traxigor spills his tea, and mumbles,

“by all the blasted Bejabbers!!”. He doesn’t answer Dartan as he runs out of the room to clean up the tea.
Lulu scolds Traxigor,

“Don’t be a Muckspout Traxi, it’s not very becoming of a wizard”
Bruno starts and sits bolt upright, his gaze whipping to the shield. Beads of sweat begin to form on his brow as he squints his eyes tight. Shaking his head violently for a moment, he exhales a sigh of relief as whatever it was passes. He looks wearily at Traxigor and chuckles nervously.

"That slippery mind elixir might be important. Could you teach me how to make it? I've picked up some of the basics of alchemy." Bruno's eyes go back to the shield. He looks away quickly as fear starts to grip him again.

"Oh Bruno. You never learn. You cannot run from your fate. So why not run TOWARDS it! Let us go to Candlekeep to ease your mind. Bartok is right, you know ... WE have come a long way. Your burden is our burden now. If we die, and I die by your side, I will rest easy knowing that we went down together.
"Besides, we're already in Avernus, they won't have far to take us! Maybe, they will be trapped in there with US for eternity!"
"So, once more to Candlekeep. Then, to hell with you!
Sorry, it seemed more funny in my head"
As traxigor finishes cleaning up his spilled tea, he cocks his head to the side, as Bruno asks about his elixir. He grabs a vial off one of his shelves and hands it to Bruno.

"Before you can learn to make this, you will first need to learn to
extract the oils from two herbs. the dryfern, and the Thorny Sassweed.", says Traxigor. He then teaches you how to get the extracts from the herbs. "Once you master these, you should be well on your way to making my elixir. " He shows you how

"What does this potion you have crafted do Traxigor?"
Traxigor looks at Dartan as he hands the bottle of elixir to Bruno.

“This is my own special formula. It protects you from anything that can affect your mind. Charms, mind control, demonic possession. That sort of thing.”

"Hah! Good to know. It will be nice to have for the weaker minded among us, right, Ranger? Bartok and I have the Gods on our side! We are WELL taken care of."
The Ranger looks up from his tea as he lounges in the comfort of the the Mage's home and looks around the room,

"My mum, gods rest her, always said I was hellbent on being hell bound...looks like all that's left is getting whiskey bent and we'll be ready..." the Ranger returns to his tea with a far off look in his eye.
Hippee let’s out a laugh seemingly from nowhere then composes himself

“if it’s back to hell for me, one more night at Candlekeep doesn’t sound bad at all”
Traxigor sends for the griffons, and informs you they will arrive tomorrow around noon. He welcomes you to stay the night in his tower once again, and he offers you a wonderful feast of roast lamb, vegetables, and a fine dessert of delicate cakes and pastries - all washed down with various spirits and wine.
After dinner you all have some free time
* 120 free time awarded **
After Dinner Reya spends her time doing some exercises and stretches on the griffon landing platform, She also spends a few hours talking with Bartok, as they discuss their pasts, She tells Bartok that she became a Hellrider because she truly believed that Thavius Kreeg was a great leader and did great things for the city of Elturel. She expresses how heart broken she is to learn he was a charlatan. She is so emotionally distraught that she cries on Bartok's shoulder for awhile. She ends up falling asleep with Bartok in the common area of Traxigor's tower.
The rest of you are offered guest rooms in Traxigors tower -
he has 3 rooms available.
Please tell me how you are spending your night and which of you take guest rooms, and how you are spending your night.
* Decide anything else you wish to do at Traxigor's during your long rest *
* Long Rest Begins *
8 hours pass
Time: 9:06 pM
Date: Sixthday , 6 , Mitrul
Attacked in the night
As the party prepares to settle in for the night, after supper Dartan stretches after a long day and stands from the table.

"Well, I suppose I might as well turn in for the evening. This will probably be one of the last times I get to sleep in a proper bed. Lulu, can you lead the way please?" Dartan will take one of the rooms, explore it for anything that seems interesting/suspicious before going to bed
Lulu shows him to his chamber, Traxigor's tower, for all it's clutter, is extremely comfortable. Dartan takes the shield with him to his room and shuts the door for the night.
The Ranger grabs an open bottle of spirits and follows the paladin and the hollyphant to the guest rooms. There he stares out the black window watching the flames from the fireplace dance in the dark glass while contemplating how he suddenly ended up on his way to hell voluntarily and not at the end of a sword. After a few more pulls off the bottle, he strips to his small clothes and crawls into bed as the whiskey does its work.
Bruno watches as Dartan and Arkon head for the guest rooms. His mind is buzzing with all of the events of the day: Hippee and Reya alive and back on the material plane, Jules’ death in Avernus, the information Traxigor went over regarding the shield, Avernus, and closing the portal to Drakkar. So much had happened and so many questions unanswered. Sleep was going to be hard to come by tonight.
Hippee finds one of the empty rooms to make his own. He takes off his shoes and robe, hikes himself on to the bed and pulls a pipe and herb from his bag and takes a long draw. Upon exhaling the greenish gray smoke, Hippee weeps heavily and silently. The brash and brazen gnome is overcome with emotion knowing what’s in his mind is no longer his own or that of his Patron. Through his tears and clenched teeth he prays to Graz’zt this time to no avail and no signs or answers. There’s one image seemingly burned into the forefront of his mind above anything else…that shield. Hippee takes another long draw and slaps himself across the face.

“Get it together, you’re a Warlock. Who escaped Avernus? Me! No one can match my vim and vinegar. That shield will be in my hands. My task will be completed then perhaps I can truly be free…”
Bartok's belly is full and his heart content as he sits near the fire with Reya discussing their journey. He sympathizes with her on Thavius' betrayal and shares her pain at the loss of Elturiel. AS Reya curls up next to him and falls asleep, Bartok holds her against his broad chest and lets her sleep. A small smile steals over his face as her warm head rests against his beard. He gently strokes her hair as she sleeps, and he's so comfortable he starts to nod a bit himself. Seeing Bruno studying at the table by the light of a candle, and hearing the crackle of the fire, the peace of the common room overtakes him, and he drifts off into sleep. Somewhere in the wee hours of the morning, Bartok awakes to a numb arm, and a steadily breathing Reya. Nudging her awake with his cheek, he wakes her and they head off to their rooms, yawning. Bartok's arm wraps low around her waist, and she leans on his fuzzy head as they shuffle to the guest area. Getting to the guest rooms, Bartok hears the steady, deep, snoring of Dartan, Arkon, and the raspy, giggly snoring of the gnome in the other. Looking up at Reya, Bartok gets a small pink flush in his cheeks and says,

"Seems the others took all the guest rooms. Where is the chivalry these days?" Bartok shakes his head. "I've got a right mind to go wake all three up and make them offer a room to ya!"

"It's ok, I was comfortable on the sofa by the fire." The two of them walk back upstairs to the sofa and Reya leans back on Bartok "I know you would offer me a room if you could... just stay with me here" She gives Bartok a kiss on the cheek, nustles into Bartok and tries to fall back to sleep.
"I am glad if were going back to Avernus, that you'll be there with us this time... my big strong..." Reya says in a half-asleep voice as she drifts off
Meanwhile, Bruno and Traxigor stay up late talking and researching. Traxigor tells Bruno that a thin sheet of lead would not have any effect.

"In all my research, I've never heard or found any evidence to lead me to believe that lead will stop telepathic communication of any kind"
Eventually, Bruno and traxigor grow tired and finally fall asleep around 4:00 in the morning - after a night of discussion and research.
The Roar
Several of you are suddenly awoken to a loud roar over the ocean.
Bartok and Reya startle awake as Reya jumps off the sofa and tries to orient herself. Bartok, jolts awake and springs to his feet. Both Reya and Bartok are wearing nothing but their underclothes.
Dartan and Hippee do not wake from the roar as their rooms are insulated.
Arkon awakes from the first roar, since his window was open. He is disoriented from the drinking the night before, and is slow to realize what he just heard.
Bruno, staying up so late with Traxigor fails to hear the roar as well, and remains asleep.
Traxigor and Lulu both awake to the roar
There is a few moments of silence when suddenly there is a second roar, this one much closer, followed by a loud and violent crash that sounds like thunder! Dust and bricks shift in the tower as it shakes harder this time.
Arkon sees a flash outside his window as a bolt of lighting strikes the tower, causing some of the blocks to crumble.

"We are under attack!" You hear Traxigor shouting as another blast slams the tower causing the whole structure to vibrate.
No one is dressed in their armor, if you wish to don your armor - that will take time, so you will need to let me know if you plan to suit up.
Roll for initiative
*Long rest completed*
8 hours pass
Time: 5:06 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
The Ranger sits up groggily at the flash and roar,

“what in all the actual hells…”
Standard Action: quickly slips into his pants and boots (Leather Pants & Boots equipped)
Bonus Action: grabs his bow and quiver, and is buckling his sword belt on the way out of the room. Shouting, “Traxigor! Where do you need me?!”
Traxigor shouts from the main room above,

"They are hitting the tower with electricity! We cannot let them destroy the foundation stones, or the tower will fall! Lulu, help Bartok and reya get their armor on then meet me on the griffon landing platform.
As traxigor is shouting, there is another roar - similar to the first two, followed by another jolt to the tower and a crackle of electricity.
Tower Damage so far: 99
Foundation blocks destroyed so far: 0
Never a dull night, Hippee awakes from a deep slumber as the tower shakes again

“seriously…” he exclaims and rubs his face,
Standard Action: scrambles off the bed and puts his kit on, (Leather Leggings & Boots equipped)
Bonus action: Weapons picked up
“Showtime you miserable gnome, just like old times…” Hippee rushes out of his room and see’s his new yet old familiar face in the Ranger Arkon doing the same as him, collecting himself after a long night that was shorter than hoped “time to shine Ranger, never a dull moment in the quest for greatness….”, Hippee tucks his shirt into his pants and secures his robe and his eyes become glossy and blurred as he trails off…and hears Arkon shout to Traxigor…..his mind clears and follows suit with the Ranger…. “Where too Otter, what’s happening, where am I needed?”
Traxigor hears Arkon and Hippee coming up the stairs and he answers,

"Lets get on the griffon platform so we can see our enemies - lets get on the platform!"
Traxigor starts to head up the stairs
Reya and Lulu assist Bartok in doning his heavy plate armor, Bartok, Reya and Lulu all use their Standard Actions and Bonus actions:
Bartok Standard: 2
Bartok Bonus: 1
Reya Standard: +3
Reya Bonus: +2
Lulu Standard: +3
Lulu Bonus: +2
Bartok's Armor Progress: 13/90 (14.4%)
Dartan starts to Don his plate armor in his room.
Standard Action: 2
Bonus action: 1
Dartan's Armor Progress: 3/90 (3.33%)
Bruno wakes up in a panic as the tower shakes and a roar rips him from sleep.

“*Snrk* Whasappen?!”
Standard Action: Bruno gestures quickly and casts Message towards Traxigor.
“Traxigor! What’s going on?! Are we under attack?!” Traxigor replies to bruno, (Private message sent)
Bruno’s panicked thoughts immediately turn to the shield. He whips his head towards Bartok, Reya, and Lulu.
“The shield! Where’s Dartan?!”
Bruno looks around frantically before realizing the Paladin must be downstairs. He races downstairs to makes sure Dartan and the shield are safe. (Dash Movement)
Time: 5:06 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Dragons in the dark
Reya and Lulu Continue to assist Bartok in doning his heavy plate armor, Bartok, Reya and Lulu all use their Standard Actions and Bonus actions:
Bartok Standard: 2
Bartok Bonus: 1
Reya Standard: +3
Reya Bonus: +2
Lulu Standard: +3
Lulu Bonus: +2
Bartok's Armor Progress: 26/90 (28.8%)
Lulu begins to concentrate on whatever is outside

"I will try and contact our enemy and ask them why they attack us!"
Meanwhile, outside - Arkon, Hippee and Traxigor see two blue dragons, with Dragonborn riders on their backs flying toward the tower - as they swoop down, the dragons roar and the riders fire crossbow bolts at Arkon and Hippee as they streak past in the dark.
Arkon is hit by the attack and takes 5 points of damage
Hippee dodges a crossbow attack and takes no damage.
Bruno reaches dartan in the guest room, and begins to help him don his armor.
Dartan continues to Don his plate armor in his room.
Standard Action: 2
Bonus action: 1
Bruno Standard: +3
Bruno Bonus: +2
Dartan's Armor Progress: 11/90 (12.2%)
Dartan mumbles under his breath

"How can you help me?", as he continues to frantically don armor with Bruno's Help
Traxigor casts Disintegrate at one of the Blue Dragon riders, the dragon is hit, and fails it's save throw taking 62 points of force damage!

"Stay away from my tower!" shouts traxigor as a thin green wispy line of energy streaks into the dark sky, hitting the Blue dragon. The dragon lets out a painful roar!
Hippee fires off an Eldritch blast at the passing Dragon rider, hitting the dragon for 12 points of force damage! The dragons continue roaring as they fly off in the dark, circling the tower.
There is another loud roar in the distance.
Standard Action: Arkon casts Darkvision on himself, giving him Darkvision.
Bonus Action: He then casts Hunter's Mark on one of the dragon riders, marking the beast (not the rider).
Time: 5:06 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
The Assault continues
As the dragon riders circle the tower, the party continues to scramble to defend it.
Dartan and Bruno, down in the guest rooms:
Dartan mumbles under his breath

"How can you help me?", as he continues to frantically don armor with Bruno's Help
Grunting through gritted teeth, Bruno hastily pulls on straps on Dartan’s armor in an effort to get him suited up quickly.

“I *am* trying to help you! I don’t know how this stuff is supposed to go on!”
Bruno’s eye turns to the shield nearby as he considers a moment. Continuing to struggle with the strap he’s tugging on, he grumbles at the Paladin.
“I don’t know much about being a Paladin of Tyr, but if you’re looking for help from someone other than your god or your allies, that seems like a bad idea.”
Dartan snaps back at bruno,

"And what of Reya? Hippee? Savras? How much have I relied on others that weren't Tyr or my allies at first?"
As Dartan finishes speaking he continues to don his armor - and mumbles under his breath. "....helping....mmbhbml... ies for me..."
Bruno continues to struggle with the strap and growls in frustration.

“Last I checked, none of them were demons trapped in a shield hellbent on escaping.”
Bruno pinches his finger and curses aloud. Sucking his wounded finger, he glares at the Paladin.
“As long as we’re around this damned shield, I don’t trust anyone around it. This ‘hidden lord’ already tried to contact me. Nothing that bastard says can be trusted. It will do or say anything to be released.”
Bruno continues to help Dartan into his armor.
“We’re all putting our lives on the line to ensure this demon is destroyed and for good. There are enough things out THERE *gesturing out the window* that want to kill us and get the shield and I don’t want to have to worry about the people by my side as well. Are you good?”
Bruno proceeds to help put on Dartan’s armor.
Dartan & Bruno continues to Don his plate armor in his room.
6 rounds pass
** During the third round, there is a loud roar and crackle of lighting and the tower vibrates and shakes as it is pounded by lighting, you feel wind in the hall where a hole as appeared in the side of the tower**
Standard Action: 2+2+2+2+2+2 = 12
Bonus action: 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6
Bruno Standard: +3+3+3+3+3+3 = 18
Bruno Bonus: +2+2+2+2+2+2 = 12
Dartan's Armor Progress: 59/90 (65.5%)
Meanwhile, on the common area floor, Reya, Lulu and Bartok scramble to get into armor.
Reya and Lulu Continue to assist Bartok in doning his heavy plate armor, Bartok, Reya and Lulu all use their Standard Actions and Bonus actions:
6 Rounds pass
** During the third round, there is a loud roar and crackle of lighting and the tower vibrates and shakes as it is pounded by lighting**
Bartok finishes suiting up. Then he helps Reya get into her armor.
Bartok's Armor Progress: 90/90 (100%)
Reya's Armor Progress: 14/90 (15.5%)
Lulu suddenly gets frantic,

"The dragon riders are here for the shield! They will kill us all and take it. So much hate in them. We must fight! I must go help Traxi. "
Lulu flies away and heads up top to help Arkon, Hippee and Traxigor.
Up on top of the griffon landing platform - the Blue Dragon riders fly off into the dark.
Traxigor, Hippee and Arkon hold position and wait - but the dragons fly off for a couple of rounds.
3 rounds pass
Suddenly, there is another loud roar - and in the sky you see the two dragon riders coming back toward the tower. Behind them, is a larger dragon.
Traxigor shouts,

"Blue Dragon, coming from the west!"
Arkon and Hippee and Traxigor all move to the west side of the tower.
The Dragons soar straight toward the tower and the two Dragon Riders dive and the dragons they ride, breath lighting at the side of the tower.
The tower shakes violently!
Chucks of rock and debris are blasted out out, and a hole appears in the side of the tower on the guest room floors.
The larger dragon swoops down to the bottom of the tower and blasts the foundation stones. The tower vibrates and shakes. Two of the foundation blocks are obliterated.
Tower Damage so far: 209
Foundation blocks destroyed: 2
Arkon fires his long bow at the passing dragon rider, but it misses.
Hippee fires off another Eldridch blast, but the shot misses!
The dragon riders and the larger blue dragon all fly and circle again, roaring as the wind from their wings creates a thundering sound of wind.
Storm clouds gather overhead as the Blue dragons circle.
Traxigor looks at Arkon and Hippee,

"This tower won't take this kind of damage for long - I am going to get the dragons attention - you two keep those riders distracted! I'll be back!"
Traxigor casts "Fly" on himself and flys off into the dark to try and lure the dragon away from the tower.
Player Note:
Please post your actions here - and I will resolve as many as I can in the next block of rounds that I fast track.
Time: 5:06 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
The Continued Assault
Dartan grabs Bruno firmly by the shoulders.

"Bruno, listen to me! There is only so much we can do. I cannot attack these dragons unless they land. You can. We can deal with whatever you think is in my head once we are safe. What good does it do for us to hold to morals and principles if we are dead? We're going to Avernus either way! Go help the others and I will get this blasted armor on. "
Dartan pauses a second then suddenly has an idea,
Bruno cocks his head to the side and looks as if he’s listening to a voice only he can hear. He nods to himself and sets his jaw before starting towards the stairs. He shouts back to Dartan as he heads up.

“Traxigor needs help! I’m going to see what I can do. You may be on to something with the mask. Maybe try waving some torches around to get their attention. Other than that…this place is full of magical things that do who knows what. Something in here might get their attention…or kill us all in the process. Whatever you do, do it FAST!”
Bruno proceeds to race up the stairs to the study Traxigor indicated.
Dartan continues to Don his plate armor in his room.
6 rounds pass
Bruno helps the first three rounds, then runs off toward the table upstairs leaving Dartan to finish alone.
Standard Action: 2+2+2+2+2+2 = 12
Bonus action: 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6
Bruno Standard: +3+3+3= 9
Bruno Bonus: +2+2+2 = 6
Dartan's Armor Progress: 90/90 (100%)
Bruno makes his way upstairs, dashing for three rounds.
He Reaches the table and begins searching!
As soon as Dartan finishes doning his armor, he looks over at the Shield of the Hidden lord and picks it up and equips it and heads out of his room toward the battle.
Meanwhile, on the common area floor, Reya, scrambles to get into armor.
Bartok Continue to assist Reya in doning her heavy plate armor, Bartok, Reya use their Standard Actions and Bonus actions:
6 Rounds pass
Reya Standard Action: 2+2+2+2+2+2 = 12
ReyaBonus action: 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6
Bartok Standard: +3+3+3+3+3+3 = 18
Bartok Bonus: +2+2+2+2+2+2 = 12
Bartok finishes suiting up. Then he helps Reya get into her armor.
Bartok's Armor Progress: 90/90 (100%)
Reya's Armor Progress: 65/90 (72.2%)
Outside on the griffon platform,
As the dragons pass by the tower, the Knights riding the dragons throw spears at Arkon and Hippee
Arkon is hit for 9 points of damage, and Hippee is hit for 7 points of damage!
Arkon gets a chance to fire his bow 3 times as the dragons circle the tower.
He hits twice with his Poison Arrows dealing 10 and 12 damage (22 total)
One Young blue dragon becomes poisoned.
Hippee gets a chance to fire his Eldritch blast 3 times as the dragons circle the tower. One of his blasts scores a lucky hit dealing 7 points of force damage, but the other two blasts barely miss the dragons as they soar by.
Lulu gets one chance to use her Trumpet of Blasting as a dragon passes by close, the dragon makes its CON save throw and takes 7 points of thunder damage.
Traxigor continues to fly in the dark, chasing the Adult blue dragon. You are unable to see anything going on there.
The blue dragon riders soar around the tower and then both riders land on the platform with a crash. The knights on the riders dismount and the dragons land and roar.
The tower suddenly shakes violently as the Adult Blue Dragon smashes into the side with its talons, damaging the tower.
Tower Damage Taken so far: 233
Foundation stones destroyed: 2
Time: 5:07 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Round 2 - The Fight Begins
Lulu blasts her trunk again, and a cone of thunder force blasts the Knight of the Shield and the Young Blue dragon behind it for 17 points of damage each, and deafens them! In addition, the Shield that the Knight is holding cracks from the sound and is destroyed!

"Leave our tower alone!"
With a LUCKY shot, Hippees Eldritch blast hits the Young blue dragon in the body dealing 6 points of force damage! The dragon roars in pain!
Dartan Equips the Shield of the Hidden Lord and runs toward the fighting upstairs. He moves at an unnaturally fast speed as he dashes toward the spiral stairs and all the way up to the top Griffon landing platform.
Arkon takes two shots with his bow at the weakened Dragon - One arrow lands a lucky strike between its scales, dealing 15 points of damage! The woiunded and poisoned Dragon staggers and Flees into the air.
The Second Young Blue Dragon breathes it's Lightning breath at Lulu and Arkon. The lighting blasts Lulu dealing 38 points of damage and arcs past her and hits Arkon, who dodges the bulk of the blast, taking 19 points of damage!
The Knight of the shield steps up to Arkon and drraws a sword, slicing him across the chest dealing 10 points of damage!
The other Knight of the Shield engages Hippee and draws a sword, slicing Hippee dealing 12 points of damage!
Meanwhile, on the common area floor, Reya, scrambles to get into armor.
Bartok Continue to assist Reya in doning her heavy plate armor, Bartok, Reya use their Standard Actions and Bonus actions:
Reya Standard Action: 2
ReyaBonus action: 1
Bartok Standard: +3
Bartok Bonus: +2
Bartok finishes suiting up. Then he helps Reya get into her armor.
Bartok's Armor Progress: 90/90 (100%)
Reya's Armor Progress: 83/90 (92.2%)
Lastly, Bruno searches the table on the common area, and finds the following:
3 x White Milky Potions with Gold Flecks
2 x Blue Potions
1 x Red potion
2 x Green potions with a foggy mist
2 x Green potions with flecks of black
Time: 5:07 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Battle for the shield - Round 3

Lulu suddenly transforms into a huge Golden furred mammoth and lets out a loud Trumpet and rears back on her hind legs.
"I said to stay away!"
Lulu goes into a rampage
Hippee looks at the fleeing Blue Dragon and with a flashy finger point sends an Eldritch blast streaking through the sky, striking the Dragon dealing 13 points of force damage! The dragon roars as it falls from the sky, and splashes into the sea.
Dartan's eyes glow with a slight reddish hue as he charges toward the young blue dragon, as he wields the Shield of the Hidden lord.
Dartan swings his longsword, and it glances off the Young dragons` hard scales.
Dartan makes a second attack, and it also glances off the Dragon scales.
Arkon casts Cure Wounds on himself, and he recovers 12 hit points
Arkon stabs a knight of the shield with his Shortsword +1, stabbing into its arm, dealing 22 points of damage! Critical hit!
The young blue dragon viciously claws at Dartan, he lifts his Shield up and blocks the Dragons claw.

"This one possesses the Shield. He wields it in his puny hands!" *snarls the Young blue dragon*
The Dragon then bites down on Dartan, biting his shoulder damaging his plate armor and dealing 21 points of damage!
The Dragon viciously claws again, but Dartan blocks the dragons claw with his Shield with a loud CLANG.
The Dragonborn knight of the shield crosses swords with Arkon, and deals 10 damage as he cuts across his legs
the Second Dragonborn knight breathes lighting at Hippee.
As the lighting comes from the Dragonborn knight, the arc of electricity suddenly is drawn toward Dartan, and the Shield of the Hidden Lord absorbs all of the energy.
Bartok Continue to assist Reya in doning her heavy plate armor, Bartok, Reya use their Standard Actions and Bonus actions:
Reya Standard Action: 2
ReyaBonus action: 1
Bartok Standard: +3
Bartok Bonus: +2
Bartok finishes suiting up. Then he helps Reya get into her armor.
Bartok's Armor Progress: 90/90 (100%)
Reya's Armor Progress: 90/90 (100%)
Reya and Bartok are finally suited up and ready to go.

"Bartok! Reya! I’m leaving two potions for you at the foot of the stairs. Grab them and let’s go!"
Bruno casts misty step and teleports to the top of the stairs, he moves into position and casts Fireball behind the Young blue dragon.
The fireball explodes behind the Young Blue Dragon, creating a searing ball of heat, dealing 38 points of damage!
The Fireball engulfs the Knight of the Shield, as he dives out of the worst of the blast, taking 19 points of damage!
There is a loud roar echoing off the sea, as the Adult Blue Dragon roars angrily as she watches one of the young blue dragons fall into the sea with a splash.
The tower shakes violently as the Adult Dragon crashes into the side and rips several stones from the outer walls.
Tower Damage So Far: 270
Foundation stones destroyed: 2
Time: 5:07 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Battle for the shield (round 4)
Lulu gores the Knight of the Shield in the back, using her tusk she tosses him 15 feet into the air, over Arkon`s head and off the side of the tower. (24 damage from the gore) The Knight begins to fall off the tower toward the ocean.
Traxigor, still flying fires a cone of cold at the Adult Blue Dragon that clings to the side of the tower, the Dragon succeeds its save throw taking half of the 40 points (Takes 20 damage) The Dragon roars angrily as she sees one of the knights fall over the side, and as she is blasted with ice.
Hippee attempts to escape the other knight, and leaves his guard down. As Hippee tries to escape the Knight of the Shield, he provokes an Attack of Opportunity, and is sliced across his back for 9 points of damage. Hippee goes down and is dying! (1 x Successful Death Save)
Dartan retrieves a potion from his pack and drinks it.
Dartan exhales a cone of ice at the Young Blue Dragon, the Dragon roaras as the bitter cold deals 14 points of cold damage, and slowing the dragon for 1 round.
The Knight of the Shield is caught in the blast of ice, and it takes 14 points of cold damage and is slowed for 1 round.
Arkon casts Cure on himself, and recovers 16 HP.
The young blue dragon curses as it’s blasted by the cold. It flaps its wings and disengages from Dartan.

*roaring in pain* “it burns!! Curse you” hisses the young blue dragon as it flaps its huge wings creating a thundering noise as it lifts off and begins to fly into the morning sky.
The knight of the shield steps up to Arkon and slashes with his with his sword. Hitting for 10 points of damage!
Seeing the Knight fall from the tower, the Adult blue dragon screeches and roars angrily and dives off the tower catching the knight in mid air, and then begins to fly off away from the tower.
Bartok and Reya run up the stairs, grabbing the White potions that bruno left for them as they dash.
Bruno searches his pack, and retrieves a bundle of poison arrows and the white and gold potion (one in each hand)

"Bartok, Hippee needs help! (Ohcrapohcrapohcrap) Arkon, take these!"
Bruno hands the White potion and the bundle of poison arrows to Arkon as he navigates the battlefield. (Ok to give these to Arkon)
Time: 5:07 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Battle for the Shield (Round 5)
Lulu gores the Knight of the shield, dealing 28 points of damage! The Knight succeeds in his DEX save, and is not tossed into the air.

"Leave our Tower!"
Traxigor lands on the tower, ending his concentration on his Fly spell.
Traxigor raises his hands and suddenly a blue crackling portal appears and swallows the Adult Blue Dragon, banishing it to another plane of existence! The Knight of the Shield that the Dragon had caught, begins falling again as the Huge dragon vanishes from sight.

Shouting at the Adult Blue Dragon, "Begone! "
Traxigor shouts at the party, "We were fortunate the Dragon was angered and distracted, and thus I was able to banish it - but I can only hold the spell for a minute and she will return!"
Dartan breathes his ice breath at the Young Blue Dragon, The slowed dragon is unable to get out of range and is blasted again with ice, Luck was on your side, and you deal 18 points of cold damage!

"Enjoy the cold!"
Dartan steps up toward the Knight of the shield, flanking him and slicing him with a lucky strike! Dealing 11 points of damage! He has another lucky strike, dealing another 12 points of damage!
Arkon slices at the Knight of the Shield with his Shortsword +1, dealing 10 points of damage!
Arkon moves his Hunter's Mark onto the Knight of the Shield.
Arkon stabs the Knight again, this time for 11 points of damage (7 + 4 for marked)
The angry young blue dragon turns and descends onto Dartan, attempting to Bite him. (Bruno`s Portent roll replaces the Dragon`s 16 with an 11. The Dragon misses it`s bite attack. Due to being slowed from the ice, it cannot make any additional attacks this round.)

"I will rend you limb from limb!!", snarls the Young blue dragon as it bites down in Dartan
The Knight of the shield falls 200 feet and lands in the sea, taking 63 points of Bludgeoning Damage! The knight sinks under the surface of the water and vanishes.
yelling as he falls....."Aaaaarrhhhhhh"
The Knight of the shield attacks Dartan, and cuts him across the shoulder dealing 12 points of damage!
reya angrily charges the Young blue dragon, slicing it with her Longsword +1 for 8 points of damage!

"ARGHH for Hippee!!!"
Her extra attack glances off the dragons scales.
Bartok reaches the top of the stairs and looks around quickly, stunned! Hippee is down, a giant elephant on the platform, circling blue dragons, Arkon and Dartan bleeding from multiple wounds, wisps of smoke rising from Bruno’s hands, and the smoldering remains of magical fire on the ground.

”For the love of all that is holy!! Baroness bless me!“. A golden flow emits from his broad shoulders as he stomps onto the platform. “That’s about enough of this nonsense!!" He growls.
You cast Mass Healing Word and a wave of healing covers Dartan, Arkon, Traxigor, Lulu and Hippee restoring 9 HP to each of them.
Bartok casts Sacred Flame, a beam of radiant light descends from the heavens. but the Knight avoids the spell!
Bruno fires off magic missiles, two bolts (plus a boosted bolt) hit the Knight for 12 points of damage, the Knight goes down and is dying.
One more bolt slams into the Young dragon dealing 4 points of force damage!
Time: 5:07 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Battle for the Shield (Round 6)
Lulu gores the huge Young dragon, dealing 26 points of damage!
The Young Dragon claws at Hippee as he moves away from the Dragon, hitting him with an attack of opportunity dealing 16 points of damage, Hippee goes down and is dying again!
Traxigor casts Magic Missiles at the Young Blue dragon, using a 3rd level slot sending 5 missiles that all hit dealing 19 points of damage!
"It is time for you to die, or leave!"
Dartan plunges his sword into the Dragon, piercing it`s hide, dealing 7 points of damage, the Dragon roars and thrashes as it begins dying.
Dartan strikes again, cutting the dragons tongue off with his sword, dealing another 8 Damage
Arkon draws his swords and plunges them between the scales of the dragon and into it`s heart. the Dragon roars as it takes 18 points of damage! The dragon`s eyes dim as it twitches
As the dragons breathing staggers, Arkon plunges his other blade, into the dragons skull, coup de grace.
Traxigor looks at the carnage and then calls out to the party,

"She will be back in less than a minute! We must prepare.... she will be angry!!"
Traxigor continues to concentrate holding the banishment as long as he can.
What do you do?
Time: 5:07 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Fury of Idrizraele
Bruno looks around frantically for more threats, the night ocean wind blowing his hair into his face. Seeing the young dragon slain and the knight downed, he shouts in panic at Traxigor.

“Traxigor! You’ve fought dragons before! What do we do?!”
Bruno looks frantically about the tower as if he’s trying to find a place to take cover or hide.
Traxigor keeps concentrating on his Banishment spell.

"Blue dragons are cruel, territorial and hold grudges forever. It's unusual to see more than one Blue dragon working together -- The young ones were probably her offspring, and since we are responsible for their deaths, she will not let us live unless we can offer enough resistance that she has to flee. But I promise you this, until she is dead, she will never stop hunting you.... us.... We must make our stand here. Lets get ourselves ready. Drink the white potions, those will reduce damage you take - if you have any other spells that will help protect you - cast them now - she will be back very soon!"
Bruno's face goes pale at the mention of fighting the adult blue dragon it holding an eternal grudge against them. He starts rummaging through his pack frantically.

"What about ... what about hiding in an extradimensional space? What if we weren't even on this plane? I have a scroll of rope trick here...would it be able to know where we went? What if we stored the shield in there? Do you think it would be less likely to come after us if it thinks we no longer have the shield?"
Bruno continues rummaging in his pack.
"The potions in your study next to the white ones...what do they do?! I recognize the antidote and fire breathing potions, what about the others?"

"I have many potions inside the tower, but many of them are useless against a dragon of this magnitude. The white ones will provide you some protection against her, but the green ones you grabbed help against disease and breathing underwater. Not that useful at the moment. I have a few more useful potions in my tower, but we don't have time to look for them. We must fight her as long as we can -- If I am slain, flee to my chambers and break the recall stone that I took from your warlock. At least you may stand a chance with the mad wizard. But that will just be our last resort if I am killed. "

"Traxigor is right. We cannot run. The dragon serves someone. We cannot allow it to return to whomever. The tower is forfeit if we run. It may be regardless. I do not know what I have allied myself with, but for now, it protects us from the lightning.. Tyr save my soul. We must coordinate attacks and be smart about our actions if we are to survive. So let us drink these potions and prepare for the fury that is about to come. "
Arkon snaps away his blades and quaffs the potion offered by Bruno,

“I am with you all but if we are to meet our end I’d rather not be half in my all together.” Glancing at his bare chest the Ranger sprints back into the tower to his room to don his armor and recover the rest of his gear. Quickly he dresses and with a pull from the whiskey swishes and spits into the fireplace bringing forth a brief flare of blue flame as the liquor hits the drying embers. He’s out the door before the flames go and heads back to the top of the tower with all haste.
Bartok steps over to Hippee's torn body as the fight comes to a brief pause, administering his herbal salve and placing a bandage over the dragon claw wound. Chanting quietly, his hands glow with healing power and the wound begins to close. (Casting Cure wounds Rank 2). Over his shoulder Bartok responds to the discussion.

"Aye Lads. I'm with ya. The bigger they are the harder they fall me gran always use to say. And this one's gonna fall extra hard. I'd be guessin. Glad I've got me shield, but we got anythin bigger to hide behind?
I don't fancy takin That dragon breath to me face. Just got me beard the way I want it!" Bartok chuckles, and shares a brief smile before turning back to hippee.
Reya draws her swords,

"If this is to be our end, then we will not make it easy for her. I am with you all! I don't need this potion, I would rather one of you drink it" She hands the white potion to whomever wants it.
Lulu blows her trumpet,

"Do not fear my new friends, Dragons are flesh and blood, no different from us. Keep your wits about you, and do not be afraid!"
Lulu's words bring you some peace and comfort (+2 Morale bonus vs Dragon Frightful presence)
As the party prepares for the dragons return, they drink potions, heal and position themselves as the Banishment spell ends and the huge dragon quickly reappears in the same location that she vanished.
As the dragon appears, she roars angrily and rises over the side of the tower - her full visage comes into view striking fear into everyone that sees her.
(Everyone - please make a Wisdom Save throw vs DC 17 or become frightened)
As the dragon looks at one of her dead offspring, and one dead knight, she flaps her wings slowly as her eyes narrow and she looks at the party, focusing on Dartan and the Shield of the Hidden lord. The dragon speaks sending chills to your bone as her booming voice fills your ears.

"Ah, you foolish adventurers. You think that your little shield can protect you from me? You think that your pathetic weapons can harm me? You are nothing but insects to me, and I will crush you under my clawed feet.
....and now you have made a grave mistake. You have killed my offspring, and for that, you will pay. You will feel the full force of my rage!
But you also possess something that I want, something that I have been searching for. Your little shield of power will be mine, and I will stop at nothing to claim it. You may think that you can stand against me, but you are sorely mistaken.
You will fall before me, one by one, and I will relish in your defeat. I will take pleasure in tearing you apart, piece by piece, until there is nothing left of you but blood and bones. And when I have claimed my prize, I will leave you to rot at the bottom of the sea, as I tear this pitiful tower to pieces.
You have no idea the power that you are up against. You have no idea the extent of my strength and the depth of my anger. You are but mere mortals, and I am a dragon. The scales have already tipped in my favor, and there is nothing you can do to change that.
So come at me, if you dare. Come and face your doom. For I am Idrizraele, and I will not be denied what is rightfully mine."
Time: 5:08 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Fury of Idrizraele (round 7)
Traxigor stands tall, fearless as the Dragon threatens the party. He then glares at Idrizraele and speaks as loud as he can, despite is small stature.

"How dare you threaten me and my companions with violence!" he snaps. "it was you who came here, it was you who started this fight and brought your offspring here to slay us, and steal from us! "
The dragon snarls as the otter continues, "You may think that your size and strength give you the right to act like a bully, but I will not stand for it. You have no right to harm us or anyone else who crosses your path. Now we give you a chance. Leave this tower with your life. Tell whomever you serve that the Shield belongs to us, and we will not part with it. I have no intention of dying today, and you won't be the first arrogant dragon that I've slain"
Traxigor creates balls of crackling energy in his hands as a show of power as he stands up to the Blue dragon.
Bruno takes a hesitant step back, staring up in awe at the dragons bulk. It looked so much smaller from far away! Sweat begins to head in the morning air as he touches the rings on his fingers and pats his component pouch, making sure they’re still there. Bruno wonders silently how Traxigor (look how cute he is!) is able to stand up to this terrifying being. He focuses on steadying his breathing while waiting to see who makes the first move.
Bartok flexes his hands and straightens his beard as he prepares for battle.

“Got a few tricks up me sleeves lads, lemme see what I can do…. Try and stay away from the mouth If ye can me little friend! i can’t heal swallowed!“ bartok grins at hippee and his hands glow briefly, as he pats him on the shoulder.
“save me a leg lad!” Bartok says to Arkon, as he makes a small gesture, and light envelops him, healing the rest of his wounds. bartok readies his shield and takes a tight grip on his mace. “All right me blue beauty…. Let’s see what ye got!”
Idrizraele breathes lighting at Lulu, The Shield of the Hidden lord suddenly glows in Dartan`s hand as the Lightning bolt leaves the Dragons mouth, the arc of electricity misses Lulu and is absorbed full force into the shield as the energy crackles and pops.

"Behold the power of the storm, mortal," she hisses. "This lightning is but a taste of what I can unleash upon those who dare to challenge me." The dragon hovers in the air, her massive wings beating the air with a thunderous clap. Her scales glinting in the rising morning light, and her eyes glowing with an otherworldly fire. "Know this," she snaps. "I am not to be trifled with. My wrath is swift and terrible, and those who oppose me will suffer a fate worse than death."
Lulu blasts Idrizraele with her trumpet of Sparkles, dealing 11 points of radiant damage! The dragon roars in anger
The dragon becomes frustrated as the Shield steals all her electricity away. She flies out over the sea and prepares to charge the tower again.
Hippee fires his Eldritch blast, but it streaks past the dragon, missing it.
"I’ll be dragon my little gnome balls across your dead carcass ?!"
Traxigor uses a 3rd level slot shooting five magic missiles at the dragon, all five hit dealing 19 points of damage!
"Very well!", states Traxigor with resolve as he fires off blasts of arcane energy that slam the dragons thick hide.
Reya fires off an elemental crossbow bolt at the dragon, Her shot streaks at the dragon and bounces off the her hard scales.
Bruno activates a ring of fireballs, the ring of fireballs sends a ball of fire that explodes on Idrizraele, dealing 36 points of fire damage!
"Stay back!" shouts Bruno as the explosion lights up the early morning sky.
Dartan holds position, and await's the dragons return.
Arkon recovers some hit points (4 hp) and marks the dragon, as he draws his bow and nocks an arrow.
Bartok casts Guidance on Hippee and casts Healing word on Arkon, recovering 7 more HP for the ranger
Time: 5:08 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Fury of Idrizraele (Round 8)
Idrizraele attacks:
She casts Magic Missiles - Three missiles streak toward Traxigor - hitting him for 15 points of damage - but his Resistance reduces the damage to 4 points
Three missiles target Bruno, hitting him with three bolts of force dealing 13 points of damage! Bruno Conjures a shield as a reaction spell, blocking the missiles, taking no damage!
The dragon flies directly at the party at full speed.
Dartan's Readied Action:
Dartan Marks the dragon with Hunter`s Mark
Dartan swings at the massive dragon, but his sword glances off the dragons hard scales.
Dartan swings again, this time with a LUCKY shot, pierces the dragons hide, dealing 13 points of damage! (Includes 1d6 from Hunters Mark)
Lulu's Readied Action:
Lulu viciously tries to Gore the dragon with her horns, but the dragon avoids her attack.
Hippee sends his Eldritch blast at the Dragon, it strikes the dragon in the face, dealing 10 points of damage, plus 4 points due to aganozing blast!
Idrizraele's Legendary action
Lulu fails her save throw, and takes 10 points of damage as the dragons mighty wings beat hard, creating a gust of wind that knocks Lulu down.
dartan is blown over by the dragons mighty wings, taking 11 points of damage, and is knocked prone!
Bruno is pushed violently by the dragons wings and takes 12 points of damage and is knocked prone!
Traxigor casts Fireball at the Dragon, The Dragon uses Legendary Resistance to save against, dodging the worst of the blast, taking 15 points of fire damage.
Reya fires her crossbow, but the bolt bounces off the dragons thick hide.
Bruno sends a fireball from his ring, that explodes again, engulfing the dragon dealing 32 points of damage!
Dartan casts Cure on himself and recovers 7 HP
Arkon fires his first shot at the dragon, but the arrow just barely misses, whizzing past the beast.
Arkon fires his second arrow, this time the arrow strikes the dragon and deals 9 points of poison damage!
Bartok casts Guidance on Arkon. He gains 1d4 on his next attack or ability check.
Bartok casts Healing word and Bruno recovers 11 HP
Time: 5:08 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Slaying Idrizraele (Round 9)
Idrizraele's Attack
As the Dragon bites at Dartan, Bruno uses his Portent roll, changing her attack roll from 14 to 4 and causes her to Miss!
The dragon claws into Dartan, ripping into his plate armor, dealing 18 points of damage!
She tears at Dartan again, this time raking his legs dealing 17 points of damage! Dartan remains on his feet due to Relentless Endurance.
Lulu`s readied action: She gores the dragon as it swoops in to attack Dartan, but she misses!
Hippee fires his Eldritch blast at the dragon, hitting it for 11 points of damage!
Idrizraele's Legendary action: Wing Attack
Traxigor is blown over taking 17 points of damage as the angry dragon beats it`s wings and takes off. (Damage Reduced to 4)
Reya is hit by the dragons wing attack, and knocked prone, taking 12 points of damage!
Hippee is blown over, taking 17 points of damage and knocked prone!
Bruno stands against the dragons forceful wings, and is not knocked prone.
Lulu is not affected by the dragon`s wing attack!
Traxigor sends 6 missiles at Idrizraele, hitting her for 23 damage
reya fires her crossbow again, but her shot misses the dragon.
Bruno sends a massive blast of fire at the dragon, it explodes dealing 36 points of fire damage, the Dragon uses it`s legendary save to cut the damage in half as she roars in pain, nearly defeated by the onslaught.

Arkon nocks his arrow and it flies true, piercing Idrizraele between her scales, she roars as she staggers in the air, finally dropping hundreds of feet, and splashing into the sea. 17 damage. Killing her.

"Bartok, where`s the paladin?! We need he`s shield!"
The party watches the smoldering carcass of the blue dragon plummet into the sea and disappear under the waves.
Bartok is able to stabilize Dartan, and the party assesses the damage to the tower.
Treasure Added

"Great job everyone. I must admit, I was concerned that some of us may not have survived that attack. But this should serve as a warning that you must get the shield back to Drakkar - Those dragons were only some of the forces that want to take the shield of the hidden lord for themselves."
Time: 5:08 AM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
Return to Candlekeep
Bartok rushes from his cover and places his hands on Dartan, and an intense glow surrounds him as he prays to the Baroness. The deep gouges left by idrizaelles claws begin to close, and the flow of blood slows as he prays.

“Hang in there big fella.“ he murmurs between prayers. He gently straightens Dartans body to a position of repose as he finishes his work and sits down heavily, sweat beading on his brow.
As Dartan sits up, Bartok takes a deep breath, plants a gauntlet on his knee and lifts his plated form to his feet. “Trax speaks some good sense lads. Best to get on our way to get rid of this nasty bit o metal soon. If we needs to see candledeep, let’s make it quick.“. Bartok peers briefly over the edge of the platform. “I could use a beer and bite after that little scuffle Meself. That and a rest to get me spells in order and we should be headin down.“. Bartok walks over to Reya to check her wounds, and her armor after the wing assault.
Reya sits alone for a moment, disappointed in herself.

"I was almost paralyzed with fear. I've faced fearsome foes before, but that Dragon seemed different. I feel like I let down all of you" Reya wipes a tear from her eye and then stands up and composes herself. "It's done, that's all that matters. Let's get that god forsaken shield to Hell!"

“Traxigor, where did those dragons come from? Surely this was no random attack. Is the shield drawing them in? If so, is there a way to mask the shield from them? I’m not sure it’s safe to linger if more could be on their way here.”
Traxigor, still tired from the battle looks to the north.

“Those dragons are not from around here. In fact, I didn’t even know there were blue dragons this close to Baldurs Gate. As I told you before, there is a white dragon to the south in the cloud peaks mountains, and I’ve heard tales of a black dragon that lives east of Baldurs Gate, but I’ve not seen a blue one… curious. I am certain the shield is drawing all manner of evil toward it.” Looking at Bruno, “did you perhaps dispel a ward of some kind when you took the shield out of the Vanthampur cellar?”
Traxigor peers over the side of his damaged tower and looks at Lulu.
“This will take time to repair. You all must take that shield away from here, I don’t want any more dragons paying me a visit”. He chortles a bit.

"They're coming! More!" Gasps Dartan as Bartok's essence fills him and brings him from the brink of death. He sees the body of the dragon and begins to weep. We must be quick. The lord says more are coming. I.... I don't know if he means now or not. We owe him a great deal. I do not know how much longer we have. How much longer I have
As the din of battle fades into the morning air. Bruno stands for several moments in place, unmoving. His breath comes in heaves and waves as the adrenaline begins to leave his body. Looking around, Bruno takes stock of everyone's condition. He breathes a sigh of relief as Bartok brings Dartan back to consciousness and suddenly feels all the weight of everything that has transpired settle into his shoulders. Leaning back against the cold stone of the tower's crenulations, he slowly slides down to a seated position and just breathes. It takes him a second to even realize Traxigor asked him a question.

"Eh? Ah, oh ... uh, yes. There was some kind of ward that was around the shield. I assumed it was a trap and dismissed it just before we obtained the shield."
Slowly climbing to his feet, he walks over to Traxigor and just stands next to the otter wizard. He summons Walter to his hand and absentmindedly begins scratching the rat behind the ears.
"Did we...did we really just do that?"
Lulu turns back into a small Hollyphant.

"Yes, Bruno. We stopped those evil dragons from taking the shield for themselves. Now we must take the shield back to Avernus. It will be safer there. We must hurry"
After a few hours, the Griffons arrive to take the party back to candlekeep.
You spend a few hours in the morning eating breakfast and getting ready to leave. (Please indicate anything you wish to do in the remaining few hours at Traxigors)
Traxigor tells you he will accompany you to Candlekeep, to ensure you make it safely and also to restock some components he needs.

"I need to stock up on supplies in Candlekeep anyway, and now that my tower has sustained so much damage, there is no better time for me to spend a few days there. Perhaps I can learn a little more about Gargauth and the Shield while I'm there also. We need to make haste, I fear the evil forces that seek this shield won't rest ... and you won't be safe anywhere. The knights of the shield have agents of all kinds."
The flight to candlekeep is uneventful - although the party spends most of the trip a little anxious of a dragon attack. The weather is cloudy and visiblity is not great, making it all the more nerve wracking.
You finally arrive at Candlekeep around 2:00 pm in the afternoon.
Traxigor tells you he is going to Visit slyvira, and that is where you can find him if you need to.
Where do you go first and what would you like to accomplish in Candlekeep?
9 Hours pass
Time: 2:06 PM
Date: Seventhday , 7 , Mitrul
BArtok thanks Traxigor and Lulu effervescently as they leave the tower, still bubbling with excitement and speaking with gusto as they recall the fight. He wraps a burly arm around Bruno as he arrives on the platform and grins up at him, the prospect of a new adventure now fresh in his mind. Bartok chatters away to his griffin on the flight back about the dragon fight, his quest to save Elturiel, different types of dwarven whiskey, and the value of the some of the home remedies he created in his village. The Griffin, for his part..... doesn't care, but keeps his rider aloft and upright stoically.
Arriving in Candledeep, Bartok stops at an inn to grab some sausage, potatos,…
Bruno stands for several moments just watching the sun rise from the top of Traxigor’s tower. He silently scratches Walter behind the ears as the warm glow of the rising sun starts to thaw the chill from the ocean breeze from his bones. His mind is oddly calm despite the morning’s events. A dragon! Not just one dragon…three dragons! He shakes his head in disbelief.
He remembers snapshots of the encounter: Lulu transforming into a mammoth, the roar of exploding fireballs, the smell of ozone as the dragons’ lightning tore through the morning air. He remembers magic missiles streaking towards him and instinctively throwing up his shield. He remembers the deep sense of dread and awe as the adult dragon…
Arkon looks around at the carnage on the roof, stows his blades and bow, and gives the spear a twirl with a nod of approval. To the party, “Let me know when we’re heading for Candlekeep or Avernus, whichever.” To himself as he walks back down the stairs, “let’s try this again…” he walks back into his sleeping chamber and grabs the bottle of whiskey and trundles to the sitting room. He slumps down in a chair and after a couple pulls off the bottle begins to doze.
Dartan spends the evening at Traxigor's tower mending his wounds, both internal and external. He spends many hours in prayer to Tyr while fighting the inner demon that is the Hidden Lord. He begs for forgiveness and absolution, imploring the Lord of Justice to understand that he only wanted to help his friends and save Baldur's Gate from befalling the same fate as Elturial. Through tears he talks of his fears, the dreams that haunt him at night. Jules falling through the Abyss. The temptation of Zariel. Visions of the city ablaze. Dartan tells all these things to Tyr in an attempt to explain his corruption by the Hidden Lord. All the while, the Hidden Lord laughs and taunts him from…
Things Bruno will do at Traxigor’s tower:
- offer to return the other potions he took from the desk
- find out if Traxigor can recharge his ring of fireballs
- cast unseen servant to grind down the dragon scales (@party if anyone wants their dragon scale ground as well let me know)
- short rest to fully heal and use arcane recovery to recover a 3rd level slot
Things Bruno wants to do at Candlekeep:
- stock up on cooking/alchemy supplies
- look for fine quality paper and scrolls (in particular):
- absorb elements
- catapult
- augury
- knock
- chromatic orb
- clairvoyance
- fly
- protection from elements
- hypnotic pattern
- find if someone can…