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Navigating the Sewers

Writer's picture: Dungeon MasterDungeon Master

Updated: Jun 4, 2023

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Escaping the Devils and to the bridge

As the unspeakable horror sinks into the filth, you turn your attention to your wounded.

Bruno pokes his head around the corner as the horror shudders and sinks beneath the surface of the muck. Seeing Lulu still covered in the bile, he gestures quickly and casts Mage Hand, directing the spectral hand to clear the bile off of her. He tenses his body and keeps an eye on the surface of the water for several moments to make sure the horror doesn’t reappear.

Lulu takes a little more damage as Bruno's spectral hand scrapes the bile as quickly as possible.

Seeing the threat neutralized for now, he motions to the cowering civilians to start moving towards Lulu.

“Quickly! Climb up, four at a time. We must get across before anything else decides to show up!”

Bruno stays in in the tunnel, keeping a nervous watch to make sure nothing sneaks up on them while the folks are ferried across. He jumps at slight sounds and ripples he sees in the water, afraid that something may jump out at any second. Once the civilians are across, he hops aboard Lulu’s back to cross himself.

Dartan clutches the small child close.

"This isn't a good place for a swim little one. " He places the little one on top of the mammoth and steadies himself to help everyone atop lulu.

Bartok sloshes over to the children checking on them, and the mother for any residual poison effects. His eyes are still sparkling from the power of the baroness flowing through him, but his kind smile brings reassurance to the family and peasants as he makes his way through them.

"I know it's going to be a trial lads and lasses, but we'll make it through. WE need to find a way to the cathedral for you and for us to have a chance to end this nightmare. I just don't think we can be travelin above the ground with all the demons about."

"First things first, let's get across this filthy pool. I spotted another ledge on the other side that may give the little ones something to walk on, and keep em outa the muck. Ya think ye can shuttle them back and forth over the pool in two trips Lulu?" BArtok looks up at the Giant mammoth in concern and checks her for residual bile and burns. "Ye gonna be ok ther Lu's?"

Lulu nods at Bartok, and after getting everyone across the filth, she transforms back into her smaller form, more suited to navigating the cramped sewer tunnels.

"I will be fine, Bartok. I have suffered far worse. My hope is that the worst is behind us, but my fear is that this is only the beginning. We should find a safe place to rest. Everyone is weary and we need to refresh ourselves"

Bartok looks over the nasty water and moves his hammer to hover over the spot where the Horror disappeared under the muck, readying an attack should anything bubble to the surface.

Dartan claps Bartok on the back and says

"Seems as if the Baroness flows through you stronger than we imagined. If she hears you still in this forsaken place, we are blessed indeed.

I do not believe that... thing... was demonic. I feel like it was born of years of filth from before the fall. Ending its life likely put it out if years of pain and misery. In this, we can find solace. May the light of Tyr continue to help us. Onward. "

Arkon spits in disgust as the Horror sinks into the pool and follows suit to cross with Lulu. He pulls the party together and looks at Bartok and Reya and speaks low,

"By all the gods and their damnations! These children will not last down here. We are skilled and we may not last for long. We have to keep moving and find a place to rest. I will attempt to use my survival skills to help us navigate and think between you, good dwarf, and your stone craft and you, lady hellrider, and your knowledge of the city we may be able to better navigate. I suggest we three consult at each junction to try to pick the best path as our collective skills will allow. Bruno, keep ready with your magics, I know you will. Paladin, kill anything that moves." With a grin, "And, Hippee, try not to blow us up."

Navigating the sewers:

As Arkon, the experienced ranger, takes the lead, the party follows him through the dimly lit sewer tunnels. Reya and Bartok, well-versed in underground exploration, provide their insights and expertise whenever the group reaches intersections or encounters the extensive network of tunnels.

Navigating the Sewers and the Devil Patrol:

Arkon, relying on his survival skills, assesses the surroundings and takes advantage of his familiarity with such environments. He navigates the labyrinthine passages with confidence, making use of his keen senses and intuition to guide the party effectively. With a successful survival roll of 16, he maintains a steady course, avoiding potential hazards and leading the way. (Note: Arkons Survival roll allowed you to advance through a significant area of the sewers, but not enough to successfully find a suitable place for a long rest)

In addition to Arkon's leadership, Bruno's rat familiar, Walter, scurries ahead, utilizing his small size and heightened senses to scout for any lurking dangers. Walter diligently investigates each path, alerting the party to any immediate threats or obstacles that lie ahead.

The party proceeds slowly and cautiously, heeding the warnings and signals provided by Walter. The rat's keen senses and familiarity with navigating confined spaces prove invaluable in identifying hidden dangers such as loose floorboards, concealed traps, or signs of lurking creatures. You haven't seen any signs of life for about 6 hours, since the horror, but you get the uneasy feeling that you are being watched.

Hour after hour, the party perseveres, maintaining a deliberate pace as they traverse the sewer tunnels. They encounter various challenges along the way, such as flooded sections, narrow passages, and the occasional vermin scurrying through the filth. However, with Arkon's guidance and Walter's assistance, they manage to maneuver through these obstacles with relative ease.

Their progress may be slower than anticipated due to the meticulous approach, but the party understands the importance of thoroughness and safety. They remain vigilant, their senses heightened, and their focus unwavering as they continue their arduous journey through the underground network.

As the party wearily continues their journey through the sewer tunnels, Walter, Bruno's rat familiar, scampers back to the group with a sense of urgency. He squeaks and chatters, conveying a warning to Arkon, Reya, and Bartok. Walter's keen senses have detected the presence of devilish creatures up ahead. Bruno sees six barbed devils, led by a Reaper of Zariel.

Arkon and the others immediately realize the gravity of the situation. The devilish scouting party is likely searching the tunnels, possibly looking for intruders or anyone seeking refuge in the sewers. The party knows they must act swiftly and decisively to avoid detection or confrontation.

Considering their options, Arkon suggests two courses of action:

Option 1: Stealthily Evade the Devils. The party could attempt to stealthily maneuver around the devilish scouting party, using the tunnels' intricate layout to their advantage. They would need to move quietly and cautiously, taking extra care to avoid making any noise or leaving obvious signs of their passage. The goal would be to bypass the devils without alerting them to their presence, allowing the party to continue their journey undisturbed.

(Skill checks required: 3 x Stealth Checks at disadvantage DC 10, 1 x Survival Check DC 15) - Failure would mean you are detected

Option 2: Ambush and Neutralize the Scouts Alternatively, the party could decide to confront the devilish scouting party head-on. By setting up an ambush, they could try to eliminate or incapacitate the devils before they have a chance to raise an alarm. This option carries a higher level of risk, as the devils may be well-prepared and outnumber the party. However, if successful, it could significantly diminish the immediate threat and potentially provide valuable information or resources.

The party must assess their capabilities, consider their current condition, and weigh the potential outcomes of each option. With the warning from Walter, they have a small window of opportunity to strategize and make a decision before the devilish creatures draw closer.

Note: Everyone needs to eat food and drink water (over 6 hours thirst will be disadvantage)

360 minutes pass

Time: 9:00 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

Escaping the Devils, and to the bridge.

Bruno's white tinged eyes widen as Walter spots the patrolling devils. Directing his familiar to return quietly, he hisses a warning to the rest of the group and presses a finger to his lips.

"Sshh. There's 6-7 devils nearby. Keep quiet and keep still."

"Damn!" Dartan curses. "We aren't getting any respite down here. I can only assume up top it would be worse."

He looks at the frightened children and composes himself.

"Don't you worry little ones. Old Dartan here isn't going to let anything bad happen to you. Besides, we've got the infamous Arkon Mace! Have you ever heard of his exploits? Well of course not! He's too good to get caught. Why, between him, Bruno, and Reya I'm not even worried. I bet old Bartok there can give some of the Baroness' blessings just to be sure."

He does his best to put on a smile and thinks of his shield for a moment.

"And besides. See here? This shield was touched by Tyr himself! Whenever I feel hopeless, I look at this and remember, even when all seems lost, the Lord of Justice watches everything and makes sure the scales always stay balanced. So for all the bad we see down here, there is equal good to be found. Now then. Let's watch and be amazed at the skills of these three."

He doesn't know if he was trying to convince the children, or himself.

Bruno gestures quickly and casts Message towards Arkon so his voice doesn't carry down the tunnel.

"Let's see if we can find a way to sneak around them. I don't like our chances of getting everyone out alive if we have to fight. I'll follow your lead."

Bruno gestures again towards Hippee and casts Message again.

"Hippee, Arkon and I are going to try and find a way to sneak us around that patrol. Out of everyone else, you're the least likely to be spotted since you're so small. Come with us and *be quiet*."

Bruno tightens the cloth covering around his face and nods to Arkon. Placing a hand on the Ranger's shoulder, he indicates he's ready to follow his lead.

Hippee smiles holds up a finger to his mouth and nods in understanding to Bruno, using mask of many faces Hippee shrinks to a smaller version of himself and whispers

“small I can do, quiet…I’ll try”

Bartok looks in concern at Walter and his obvious agitation as he returns to the group. On hearing of the Demons approaching, Bartok shakes his head in exhaustion.

"I don't have much left lads... I'm usually up for a tumble with any nasty or slimy, but I've got one spell to me name, and I'm not sure we can protect the littles in an ambush or straight up fight. Let's see if we can work our way around these spiky flying monkeys." Bartok looks over at Dartan chatting with the children. Moving a bit closer he pats Dartan's arm. "If it comes to it me armored friend... I'm with ya. We'll get through it! the Baroness has watched us this far!" Digging in his Pack, Bartok pulls out a couple of rations that have been kept clean, and using a few bandages and a bit of water, he manages to clean his hands before sharing them with the new party members. Bartok shows the children his brand new diamond pick, and explains to them how hard it was to craft, but how powerful it is now that it's complete.

Skill Challenge Results

In the murky depths of the sewer tunnels, your party moves like shadows, your steps calculated and barely discernible. The clamor of your boots against the damp stones is muffled by layers of cloth and careful foot placement. As the devilish patrol draws near, your group adapts your strategy, exploiting the labyrinthine nature of the tunnels. Arkon takes the lead, with his keen senses attuned to every minute sound and vibration. He crouches low, motioning for the party to follow suit. You huddle together in a tight formation, with your bodies pressed against the moldy walls, blending seamlessly with the detritus that clung to the bricks. Even the children remain quiet, as Lulu soothes them with stories using her telepathic connection.

As the devils draw near, you hear leather-clad boots scraping against the rough ground, while their guttural voices pierce the stagnant air. You all hold your breath, with your eyes focused on the approaching figures as the party stays deathly still and quiet in a side passage, in the shadows.

With a series of hand signals, Your group synchronizes their actions, their movements coordinated like a well-rehearsed dance. You wait for the opportune moment, and slip past the patrol with amazing skill, led by the Ranger.

As the devils pass by, You watch them closely, as the ranger, with uncanny precision, notches an arrow and fires it with a deft flick of his wrist. The arrow sails through the air, striking a distant wall with a muted thud, drawing the attention of the devils away from the hidden party.

Exploiting the brief distraction, your group advances with stealth. Your boots brush lightly against the dank floor, minimizing any sound that might betray your presence. You clung to the edges of the tunnels, using the outcroppings and crevices to shield yourself from the watchful eyes of the Devil patrol.

The voices of the devils begin to fade into the distance as you all realize you have successfully evaded the patrol.

It is not much longer until you reach a dilapidated stone stairwell, ascending towards a faint glimmer of light above. With cautious steps, you ascend the steps, emerging from the darkness into the main city streets.

Reya gets her bearings and tells Arkon the cathedral is close, and as you peer around a building you see a colossal chasm, a testament to the cataclysm that has befallen the city. A grand bridge spans the gap, connecting one half of the city to the other.

Reya hushes her voice,

"We have to cross that bridge, because the Cathedral is on the other side. It looks like this must be where the city was split in two. I only see two choices, we either fight our way across here, or we look for another way across the chasm. But the cathedral is on the other side of the gap."

As you assess the bridge, you see there are four large Devils guarding the bridge. Each large devil carries a bloody cat-o-nine tails, dripping with flesh and blood. There are several human bodies, torn to pieces laying in the street near the bridge.

(Party location is the red X, the devils are the four black stars on each end of the bridge)

Option 1: You can face the devils head on, and fight your way across the bridge.

Option 2: You can look for another way across the chasm, by leaving this area and searching along the gap for another way across.

Option 3: Find a house or a safe place to take a long rest or short rest.

XP Awarded

Stars Awarded

20 minutes pass

Time: 9:20 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

Dartan's Gambit

Bartok tilts his head back and takes a deep breath as they emerge from the rotten sewers. Though the air is not as clean as the mountain air of his home, it's still better than the putrid stink behind them. Bartok checks the party as they emerge, and so much fear and exhaustion radiates from them that he can't help but be overcome with sympathy. Tears leak from his eyes, running down his filthy cheeks and leaving small trails of clean skin amongst the dirt and slime. He takes a look around and sees the demons on the bridge with their bloody weapons. Quickly he gathers the children and peasants and hides behind the nearest building or wall that he can find.

"Quiet me friends. We didn't come this far to get caught now. Stay low and we'll find a way across yet."

Bartok motions to Bruno and Hippee to join him in his cover. "Anything ye have that can distract them as we get across? We'll only need a precious few seconds to get the others over. I"m no good over long runs.... but us dwarves are very dangerous over short distances!" Bartok looks sadly down at the children.

"I can stay with them and protect them if ye can buy us some time."

Bruno pulls down the wool cloth covering his nose and mouth and breathes deeply as they emerge from the sewers. He presses his back against the nearby building wall as the devils are spotted. Carefully peering around the corner he gazes at the devils for a moment before turning to Reya.

Recalling your research at Traxigor's tower and the information you remember about the large devils guarding the bridge:

the formidable "Tormentor Sentinel," a devilish guard of immense stature, standing at an imposing height of 10 feet. Clad in intricately crafted, darkened armor adorned with wicked spikes and thorny protrusions, the Tormentor Sentinel exudes an aura of malevolence.

This devil's twisted visage reveals a face etched with cruel delight, framed by sharp, angular horns that curve menacingly backward. Its eyes, gleaming with an unnerving intensity, possess a predatory gaze that strikes fear into the hearts of those who dare to meet its gaze. Jagged fangs protrude from its snarling maw, dripping with the essence of damnation.

In its hands, the Tormentor Sentinel wields a lethal weapon—the Cat-O'-Nine-Tails—a fearsome instrument of pain and subjugation. Each lash of its whip crackles with the torment of the damned, its tendrils formed of ethereal flames that writhe and flicker with malevolent energy. The whip's barbed tips are designed to inflict excruciating agony upon its victims, leaving behind searing marks upon their flesh and shattered spirits.

“Once we get across that bridge, which way to the cathedral? How far is it from here? Would we be able to make it there if we had to run?”

Bruno glances nervously at the children.

“All of us?”

Reya points toward the cathedral,

"It's far over there across the chasm."

You can see the Cathedral rising above the houses on a small bluff to the southwest several hundred yards away.

"Unfortunately, we would have to find away across the chasm other than this bridge"

The Ranger lets out a little sigh as the devils pass. Then he carefully studies the bridge length and width to attempt to find a strategic advantage, hoping to use it as a choke point for the devils to only take them on a couple at a time. Using his knowledge of favored enemy of fiends, he attempts to assess whether the Devils would be vulnerable to his arrows.  he uses hand signals to motion for quiet as he assesses the situation. 

Arkon, knowing that these fiends are immune to poison, knows his arrows would be ineffective. However, their armor is immensely powerful, made of “Fel iron”. It would require magical weapons to even have a chance at harming these towering sentinels.

"These iron fiends will not be easy to bring down. Their armor is thick and near impenetrable. I don't believe my arrows will be effective on them"

Bruno sits in thought for several moments while he searches his memory for information about the devils at the bridge. Abruptly, he swallows hard as he recognizes the devils and relays what he knows about the Tormentor Sentinels to the party. He casts a worried glance at the battered party and civilians they've managed to gather together. "I'm not sure we're in the best state to take them on in our current state. We may want to try and rest and gather our strength first."

Bruno turns towards the civilians.

"You all have been able to hide successfully from these devils for quite a while. Do you know of a place nearby where we could all hide and rest where the devils aren't likely to find us?"

Gunther looks around at the surroundings,

"This part of the city is more heavily guarded by Devils - so I don't know of anyplace we would be safe."

As gunther is talking you hear a woman's scream echo off in the distance, north of the bridge. All of the refugees shudder as they hear the blood curdling shrieks.

Reya's hellfire blade becomes extinguished as to not attract any attention from the flames.

"We should get off the street and just take refuge in any of these buildings. I don't think any of them are better than another."

Reya looks toward the scream and then south toward the cathedral.

"Perhaps after we rest, Lulu and I could cause a distraction, and lure the Sentinels away and then while they are distracted with us, you get the civilians to safety?"

The Sentinels look off toward the scream but stand their ground guarding the bridge.

The party continues to discuss their options, causing a distraction would possibly buy enough time to get the refugees across, but at a risk to Reya and Lulu. Bruno suggests they fly across using magic - but this plan also comes with risks as it would take many trips to get across.

Dartan, gazes at the devils for a time, seemingly deep in thought

"Follow me, I think I have a way across". Dartan quickly heads south, toward the cathedral. The party follows him as quickly and as silently as they can.

It takes a few minutes, and you move cautiously - avoiding Devil patrols that pass by several times. You finally reach an area just across from the Cathedral. the gap is about 80 feet across.

Dartan pulls out the shield of the hidden lord, and without so much a word, you hear him mumble some words. Suddenly, a shimmering portal appears on the far side of the chasm, and another appears right in front of dartan. He looks at the party with crimson eyes.

"The hidden lord has offered a way across. I suggest we take it."

The party stands, looking at the shimmering portal - putting the cathedral just steps away from you.

Reya, draws her sword

"Dartan, stand down - we do not make deals with demons!" She points her blade at Dartan as an evil smirk crosses Dartan's mouth.

Dartan glares at Reya and then speaks as though struggling to get out his words,

"D...don't make this in vain. Le...t the enemy.. of our our ... ff... friend"

What do you do?

20 minutes pass

Time: 9:40 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

The Hidden Lord and the paladin

Bruno passes a quizzical look to Bartok as Dartan starts to lead them south towards the cathedral. He tries to push his anxious and darkening thoughts out of his mind as they move from street to street. As they arrive opposite the cathedral and Dartan seemingly opens a portal, Bruno stands in shock.

“Dartan, what? How? …oh, you fool…”

As the realization of what is happening begins to wash over him, Bruno instinctively reaches for his belt pouch and he takes several steps away from the Paladin. His mind begins furiously going through tomes and texts he’s read, trying to recall anything he can think of regarding demonic possession. Cursing inwardly at himself for not acting upon the signs earlier, Bruno gestures quickly and casts Message at Arkon. *separate message will be send to Arkon*

Arkon, looks at the scene unfolding, deciding what action to take.

Turning back towards Dartan, Bruno tries to look as non threatening as possible while still keeping a hand near his component pouch.

“Dartan, I think it’s time to let someone else carry the shield for a bit. Why don’t you put it down and let us help carry the load? I think we all just need some time to rest and gather our thoughts, eh?”

Bartok steps back in shock as the portal opens.

"What did ye do lad....what did ye do?" Making a decision Bartok steps up to Dartan as he mumbles to himself with gritted teeth. Placing a grimy hand on Dartan's chest and looking up into his eyes, Bartok searches for Dartan's level of control over the Portal and the shield itself. "Talk to me Lad. Who is in control of the portal? I won't send these good folk to their deaths if the demon is controllin ya. Can ye hold it?"

Bartok prays silently to the Baronness as he waits for DArtan's answer, searching for wisdom and insight into what to do.

Dartan grabs Bartok's hand and looks down at his stout friend. He locks eyes with the dwarf and feels a river or rage wash over him and tears start to stream down his face.

"I did...... save....the children... Portal...not it....remember....the safety...."

Dartan's body begins to shake and he begins to hyperventilate....


Turning back towards Dartan, Bruno tries to look as non threatening as possible while still keeping a hand near his component pouch.

“No, seriously, my friend. It's time to let that shield go. You are not yourself!”

Dartan snaps his head sharply at Bruno 's suggestion.

"We can rest. At. The. Cathedral! I made this deal with Garguath for you, Bruno. Bartok, you too! I ASKED FOR IT FOR ALL OF YOU! And yet you admonish me and my sacrifice?! Fine. You stay here and deal with the things ACTIVELY trying to kill us. I'm going to meet the Duke."

He tries to step into the portal.

As Dartan steps toward the portal, Bartok wraps his armored arms around his waist and hooks his stout leg between one of Dartan's legs attempting to bring him down in the Dwarven "Wild Boar wrangle technique," Learned from old man Boffer at his pig ranch outside the village. .

As the clash between the half-orc paladin and the dwarf cleric intensifies, the air crackles with the tension of their grapple. Bulging muscles strain against each other, the brute force of the half-orc met with the unwavering resilience of the dwarf. With their limbs locked in an unyielding embrace, beads of sweat trickled down their furrowed brows, and their breaths mingled in the close quarters of the skirmish.

Bartok mutters sternly,

" best yield! I don't wanna hurt ya", he says through gritted teeth

Just as it seemed that their strengths were evenly matched, an otherworldly surge coursed through the paladin's veins. A malevolent energy emanates from the demon-imbued shield that Dartan wields, infusing him with newfound vigor and an unholy might.

A fierce determination blazes in the paladin's eyes as he taps into this unholy power, his muscles swelling with an unnatural strength.

Dartan mumbles under his breath

"Get this damn dwarf off me!"

With a primal roar that shakes the very ground beneath them, the half-orcs grip tightens around the dwarf's struggling form, when suddenly a loud snap, as Dartan breaks Bartok's arm.

With the dwarf's arm now painfully contorted, Dartan stands tall, his eyes gleaming with an eerie mix of triumph and turmoil. As the portal humms before him, casting an otherworldly glow across the scene, he locks eyes with Bartok, as he winces in agony. Dartan's voice resonates with an unsettling authority, almost as if it isn't even Dartan you are hearing.

"Know this, stout warrior," Dartan says with an ominous intensity. "In the clash of steel and the dance of shadows, power reveals its true face"

Dartan breaks free from the dwarf's grasp and hurls Bartok backward, sending him tumbling across the ground with a loud crash. The portal, shimmers with an eerie luminescence, crackling before the paladin.

Without hesitation or remorse, the half-orc, now fueled by both divine and demonic power, launches himself into the waiting portal. As he passes through, there is a slight buzzing sound and then Dartan reappears on the other side of the chasm, near the cathedral.

Hippee does not hesitate as he smirks at Dartan,

“you madman….to the Cathedral then!” Hippee follows Dartan through and appears on the other side, standing next to the hulking half-orc.

Reya screams as Bartok is hurled backward.

She stands frozen for a moment, her eyes widening in disbelief as Bartok, lands on his back with his broken arm. The mixture of shock, sorrow, and anger wells up within her.

A surge of raw emotion courses through her veins, and she grits her teeth as tears glisten in her eyes,

"Bartok! NO! " Her voice trembles with a blend of sorrow and rage.

The Hellrider clenches her fists, the weight of her anger and grief propelling her forward as she shouts across the chasm.

"Dartan! Look at what you've become!" Her voice carries across the expanse, echoing with a mix of heartbreak and determination. "The path you have chosen, fueled by demonic power, leads only to ruin and damnation. This is not the fate you were destined for!"

The Refugees stand stunned, watching the scene unfold.

Lulu, tries to help keep the children calm.

Unfortunately, the struggle and the yelling have alerted some nearby devils, you see six barbed devils about 50 yards away, running toward you.

Option #1 - You can follow Dartan through the Portal

Option #2- You can turn to face the six devils approaching and fight

Option #3- You can try to run

Note: Dartan and Hippee, on the other side of the Chasm, you are about 100 yards from the cathedral walls. You are aware of the six devils approaching.

What do you do?

2 minutes pass

Time: 9:42 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration

Crossing the gap

As hippee exits the portal dartan sighs

"Who knew you would be the most sensible of the group? You've answered the call of darkness before. You understand.... I'm only trying to help us survive, to save the people of this city..... Bartok, the fool! I didn't mean to.... how did??.... " Dartan lets out a deep sigh..."We both know how. He will understand once we get to safety and we can talk...I hope"

Dartan readies Lesser Restoration for whenever Bartok crosses over.

Hippee emerges near Dartan

“Graz’zt be praised who doesn’t love a good portal…always best to check your appendages” Hippee pats himself down and counts his fingers, toes and testicles “….10…9…and 3…excellent I’m still whole” Listening to Dartan address him, he replies “thank you! I’ve always believed I was the most leveled headed of our lot.” Hippee looks at Dartans eyes then to the shield and then across the chasm at the remaining party behind, quietly and seriously he says to Dartan still looking across to the party “…a paladin answering to a dark lord…yes the call of darkness and evil can be overwhelming and tempting….and in many instances worth it….breaking your friends arm…that’s cold.” Hippee turns his head slowly to Dartan and meets his eyes, his face with a twinge of guilt “felt good though right? That power you wielded? Be warned: Fight it, channel it. Don’t embrace it…ever…”

"Words are just that. Words. Meaningless", scoffs the hidden lord, audibly so that Dartan and Hippee hear him.

"You speak as if you are in control, Warlock. It is amusing, to say the least", both dartan and Hippee hear the Hidden lord laugh as his voice fades away.

BArtok grunts in pain as he lands with a crash after being thrown away from Dartan. He tries to get to his feet but yells in agony as his arm bends awkwardly from the pressure exerted on it. Cradling his broken arm with his other, he rolls to the side and barely stumbles to his feet. Sweat pouring from his brow and into his beard, eyes red from pain and tears, and nearly all his energy spent, he shuffles back to the party. Looking to Bruno and Reya in anguish, knowing he has no choice if he wants to save Dartan and Hippee, not to mention all the poor innocents with them, he looks at the portal. Voice choked by emotion he looks at Reya,

"I can't lose them again Lass... I can't. There's still good in him, I can feel it. But that Bloody demon is too strong. WE've got to get that damn shield from him if we can, but I can't do nothin about it if he's lost to us in Hell."

Looking over at Bruno,

"Let's do this together lad. We may end up in a bad way.... but we'll be together, and that's all I can ask. Put yer hands on me shoulder, and get all the children to hold hands, and let's get to our friends." Raising a ragged voice to the Prisoners and children, "Grab a hand and stay behind me. We'll do this together! As they said in me village, 'Weak apart but strong together' Ye can do this!"

Bruno’s hand falls away from his component pouch in stunned silence as Bartok arm is broken at a grotesque angle and he’s thrown away from Dartan. He takes several hesitant steps towards Bartok, unsure of what to do or how to help. In all their travels together, Bruno has never seen his stout friend like this. Bartok had lived long before Bruno was born and some part of him assumed his dwarven friend would live long after Bruno was gone.

By the time Bruno gets the presence of mind to turn back towards Dartan, the Paladin has already passed through the portal. Bruno turns back and assists Reya in helping Bartok to his feet. His head whips towards the sound of the barbed devils heading their way as Bartok gathers himself. Gritting his teeth, he turns back to Reya and Bartok.

“Bartok, Reya…get them through the portal. Arkon, make sure they get through safely then follow them through. I’ll be right behind you.”

Bruno gestures carefully, having practiced the incantation before, but not very often. Gripping a feather from his component pouch, he makes sure to complete the arcane gestures and incantations, casting Fly on himself. He heads up about 19 feet off the ground, ready to buy time for everyone else if needed.

If everyone is able to get through the portal before the devils arrive, he will fly up and across the chasm on his own, not using the portal himself. He will make sure to keep out of range of the spines devils and if he sees one of the black winged devils, he's going to get the hell out of dodge and zip across the chasm before they can get to him.

With a shake of his head the Ranger grabs up a child in each arm and darts towards the portal. With kindness,

“fear not little ones, I will watch over you.” With a glance at the Paladin, the Ranger follows the Warlock through the portal.

After emerging on the other side, Arkon Sets the children down and takes stock of their appendages. Satisfied they have come through with what they should have the Ranger takes stock of the surroundings.

As the rest of the party finish entering the portal, the portal shuts cutting off access to the charging Devils. Bruno, soars up into the air - and gets a good aerial view of the surrounding city and streets. He is able to see devils roaming streets all over the city from this vantage. Unfortunately, some of the devils also see Bruno as he soars up into the sky.

Bruno flies across the gap, and lands on the ground with the rest of the party. You can see the bluff not far off now, with the High Hall Cathedral sitting atop. At this closer range, you can see the damage to the keep, as chucks of the towers float eerily above the cathedral, suspended by some unnatural force.

This clifftop castle was once the crowning architectural jewel of Elturel. Only three of its five watchtowers towers still stand, though they appear abandoned. The wooden gates that once led into the castle grounds have been shattered, leaving a gaping hole in the wall.

The west side of the castle has been reduced to a pile of smashed brick and broken wood. The surviving buildings are blackened by soot. At the center of the castle grounds, the High Hall cathedral stands defiant.

"Dartan", says Reya with unwavering authority.

"You must relenquish the shield now, I will not let this Demon continue to warp your judgement, give the shield to someone else, or I will take it from you by force"

Reya ignights her hellfire blade, and raises her sword, as she steps toward the Paladin.

"We need to get to that cathedral before we are surrounded by Devils, who no doubt saw Bruno flying over here"

As she is speaking, the six barbed devils hurl insults and vulgarities across the chasm as the party stands in the shadow of the Cathedral.

"For the sake of the group, I beg you - let it go"

"I heard rumors that there was a large resistance force that took refuge in the Cathedral, if we can find them, perhaps we can get out of this place"

* You are gathered about 100 yards from the walls of the Cathedral.

* barbed devils mock you from across the chasm.

* Bruno saw several groups of devil patrols in various streets and alleys on both sides of the chasm, that may have seen Bruno and might be approaching your location.

* Bartok has a broken arm and is cradling it.

* Reya is squaring off with Dartan, with her hellfire blade ignighted.

* The refugees make their wishes known that they want to find the survivors that are rumored to be in the cathedral.

* Lulu is assisting by keeping everyone quiet and calm, and to help them move efficiently when the time comes.

What do you do next?

What do you do?

5 minutes pass

Time: 9:47 PM

Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul

Location: Avernus (Elturel)

Gamephase: Exploration


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“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
Jun 05, 2023

Bruno flies down and stands at a distance from Reya, Dartan and Bartok. His whole body feels tight, and a pressure builds in his chest as he waits to see if violence is about to explode within the group. When it looks like cooler heads will prevail he exhales a breath he didn’t know he was holding.

Walking over to Reya, he smiles weakly.

“We will find a way to free Dartan from that demon’s influence. Whatever it takes. But right now, I just want to get to the cathedral alive.”

Bruno turns to Arkon and nods, trying to show courage and confidence and not the wracking anxiety he feels within.

“I’m sure I attracted some attention and there and…


Fizzbum Lilypad
Fizzbum Lilypad
Jun 05, 2023

Bartok flexes his hand, arm still tingling and weak from the heal. Fear and anger rage within him, focused on the shield.... Dartan.... their impossible situation and the destruction of a once beautiful cathedral. Carefully stepping up near Reya as she holds her sword at Dartan's retreating form, he rasps, "Ye can't take it from him by force lass... it's too strong. I've never felt such a power in all me years." Shaking his head and pulling on his grimy beard. "Somehow we'll free him of it, but brave as ye are, it won't be by yer sword... Let's get these poor people and their children to safety, and we'll figger out what ta do." Meeting her eyes, "Ple…

Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master
Jun 05, 2023
Replying to

Reya's grip on her sword tightens as she listens to Bartok's pleading words. She glances briefly at Dartan, who now stands at a distance, his eyes filled with a mix of resignation and inner turmoil. Reya's gaze then shifts back to Bartok, and she takes a deep breath before responding.

"Bartok, I understand your concern, and I share your desire to save these people. But we cannot ignore the threat that shield poses, not only to Dartan but to all of us. The demon within it is corrupting his judgment, clouding his mind. We must find a way to free him from its grip."

She lowers her sword slightly, still keeping a cautious stance but showing a willingness to hear…


Dartan Vilmon
Jun 04, 2023

Reya, we don't have time for this. If you would rather still be on the other side, that CAN be arranged. "

He pushes past Reya to Bartok and casts his spell.

"Forgive me, friend. I knew we were running out of time and made a decision i might regret." He winces at the sound of the bones snapping back together, but let's off a slight smile as he sees the healed limb.

"We can discuss this all once we get to safety. No doubt many devils saw our Wizard beacon. "

"We need to hurry. That was my last spell. Unless you would like to continue infighting and wait for certain death, Reya?"

He draws his sword and starts…

Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master
Jun 05, 2023
Replying to

Bartok winces as his broken arm is healed by Dartan's spell. He flexes his fingers, testing the newly restored limb with a mixture of relief and gratitude. He looks at Dartan, his expression softening as he takes in his friend's words.

"No need for apologies, Laddy. We're all feeling the weight of this perilous situation, I know this isn't yer fault, ye didn't ask fer this." Bartok says, with compassion and gratitude in his voice. "Thank you for healing my arm. I appreciate your swift action."

Reya stands down as Dartan pushes by her, and Bartok reaches up and puts his hand on Reya's shoulder softly to hold her back.

"Easy lass, now isn't the time."


Arkon Mace
Arkon Mace
Jun 03, 2023

Sets the children down and takes stock of their appendages. Satisfied they have come through with what they should have the Ranger takes stock of the surroundings.


Jun 03, 2023

Hippee emerges near Dartan “Graz’zt be praised who doesn’t love a good portal…always best to check your appendages” Hippee pats himself down and counts his fingers, toes and testicles “….10…9…and 3…excellent I’m still whole” Listening to Dartan adress him, he replies “thank you! I’ve always believed I was the most leveled headed of our lot.” Hippee looks at Dartans eyes then to the shield and then across the chasm at the remaining party behind, quietly and seriously he says to Dartan still looking across to the party “…a paladin answering to a dark lord…yes the call of darkness and evil can be overwhelming and tempting….and in many instances worth it….breaking your friends arm…that’s cold.” Hippee turns his head slowly to…

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