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Bruno silently curses to himself as the devils come into view. He tries to press himself against the nearby wall, backs down the alley and out of sight of the devils. Hoping the group is shielded from view, his eyes immediately whirl to the small children and he tries to put on what he hopes is a reassuring smile. Summoning Walter to his hand, Bruno kneels down in front of them. He whispers quietly to the kids while trying to shield them from the nearby scene.

“I don’t think I’ve had a chance to introduce you two to Walter yet. Walter, say hi to the children.”
Hoping to distract the children while the group remains hidden from sight, he directs Walter to wave, do several turns, and dance in his palm.
“Walter gets scared by loud noises so we have to be as quiet as possible, ok?”
While the children are distracted, he gestures and casts Message to Dartan.
“We can’t stop here. If we try to free everyone and fight every devil we come across, there’s a decent chance we, this woman, and her children will die. We can’t save this city if we’re dead.”
Dartan grabs the hilt of his sword as he sees the large devil and grits his teeth when he sees the two reapers. He sheds a tear as he notices Walter playing with the children.

"We cannot fight everything in this damned town all at once. We will help those poor people as soon as we can. Arkon, Reya, lead on."
Bartok grabs for his mace as he sees Dartan grab his sword. Unable to see beyond the massive Paladin, he steps up behind him, and looks past his hip.

“Damn chainers…” he grumbles. Listening to Dartan struggle with his resolve, and make the decision to move on, Bartok pats him on the upper arm. “we’ll get them lad.….We’ll get them. for now, let’s pray as we run. May our gods bless us in our quest and bring peace to these poor souls trapped in this horrible place“. His voice cracks at the end of his prayer, and a wracking, quiet sob escapes him. Taking a deep breath, and Looking at the ladder and the sewers entrance Bartok glances at Arkon. “Whichever you choose lad I’ll follow, but I’ve had me share of stinkin sewers this journey. If we can stay out of Hell‘s sewer, I’d take it. "
Hippee concurs with Bartok

“Hell’s sewer system, I’d rather not add a demonic horde of feces to my enemy list”
Seeing the devil approaching,

“off the street! Now! Follow me!” The ranger grabs the woman by the wrist and darts into the nearest ally/side street.
The party turns around to backtrack, back the way they came.
As they prepare to backtrack, to get out of the current alley, they suddenly hear coming up behind them, some snarling and groaning.
You see coming up behind you, a pack of Ghouls, they have picked up your scent and spot you. You only have a few options.
You are going to be trapped soon.
Reya looks at Arkon, and shakes her head,

"We're trapped - we need to either get inside the building, or get down in the sewers. I don't think we have time to climb the ladder!"
See map Below:
Your position is marked with the green X
The blue arrows are the ladder, the door and the blue circle is the sewer enterance
The Black Arrow are the Ghouls that are approaching
The Red arrow is the Devil with the prisoners in tow.

1 minutes pass
Time: 12:21 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Exploration
Breaking into the wrong house
The ranger kicks in the nearest door,

“we don’t have time to dither. Magic users in the middle of the room with the civilians, cleric float behind and keep us on our feet, paladin and hellrider keep them in front of you and I’ll be on the perimeter. Everyone try and block any doors and windows with whatever you can find and then get ready because they are coming and they will not be merciful, I assure you.”
The ranger pulls the woman and child in after him and begins assessing the possibility of barricades and potential exits.
Bartok makes eye contact with Bruno as arkon ducks into the building.

“Bah!! Bloody trolls testicles!“ Bartok curses.
“Come on lad. Let’s get to cover…. I’ll keep an eye on ya!“ bartok follows Arkon into the building, and positions himself by the door to protect the rest of the party As they enter.
Reya draws her sword and stands in front of the Door as Arkon enters with the woman and her children.

"Everyone, inside, I'll be the last one in the house! Move! Move"
Lulu follows Bartok, inside to take position near the woman and kids.

"Stay near me, I can shield you from most magic", she says telepathically to everyone. ** staying 1 square next to the hollyphant places you inside her Aura of Invulnerability, which is impervious to all spells of level 5 or less**
Bruno makes sure the kids (and Hippee who he mistakes for one of the kids in his panic) are ushered inside the building before quickly following them in.
Staying near Lulu and the kids, he tries to put on a brave face.

“Stay low and cover your ears. We’ll let you know once it’s safe.”
Bruno reaches into his component pouch and starts to sweat.
Hippee uses masks of many faces as Bruno ushers him along with the children and turns himself briefly into a diminutive Bruno

“Thanks Dad!” Quickly turning himself back to his normal form he winks and smiles at Bruno “knew you cared about me fellow magic slinger”
Bruno pauses by the doorway as the kids and Hippee make their way past him inside the house. Turning to face the group of onrushing ghouls, he extends the ruby encrusted ring towards them. He carefully aims the fireball so as to catch all of ghouls and spare his group and the house they’re in. He tries to position the explosion so that it originates behind or to the side of ghouls so the sound and explosion will hopefully direct the devils attention away from the house the party is in. Wincing from the explosion he knows will follow, he braces himself and releases the fireball before finishing his movement into the house.
As Bruno releases the fireball, he hears the Devil leading the chained prisoners roar, as he spots the flash of the fireball and sees Bruno rush into the house.
(Speaking in Infernal)

"Dak Vi Ghursh Baidiag Tak Var Smak!" (More humans, over there. Harvest them)
The Fireball explodes just behind the pack of ghouls! Incinerating most of them.
As the party rushes into the house, they realize they have just interrupted a grim scene in progress. A horrific stench hits you in the face as you see a pack of Ghasts feasting on an entire family, all deceased in the middle of the house.
On the south wall, on the floor is a wooden trap door. There are two windows on the east and west wall of the house, that are open.
Roll for initiative.
0 minutes pass
Time: 12:21 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Exploration
The Abhorrent Overlord Round 1 -
The Abhorrent overlord casts Crown of Madness on Reya.
a twisted crown of jagged iron appears on Reyas head, and a madness glows in her eyes.

"Where are you going?", snarls the overlord as he casts crown of madness on Reya.
"What is this? A group of adventurers, coming to save the poor lost city of Elturel?" The devil laughs darkly as he charms Reya. "Slay your companions! You belong to me now!"
Lulu blesses Bartok, Dartan and Arkon. Whenever they make an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, they can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
"Cling To Hope my friends!"
Outside Ghasts:
The first Ghast outside charges reya and claws at her, but she parrys the attacks with her blades.
The Second Ghast outside charges reya and claws at her, critically missing her! The Ghast trips and falls prone!
The Reapers of Zariel:
The first Reaper charges 60 feet toward Reya
The Second Reaper moves to the window and climbs through into the house.
With a madness in her eyes, Reya laughs as she tries to Cut down Bruno.
Reya slices and cuts into Bruno with her longsword, dealing 18 points of damage, as she critically hits Bruno in the chest.
As soon as she hits bruno, her eyes return to normal,

"Aghh! Get out of my head, Fiend!", screams reya as she charges at the Chain Devil. The Devils all laugh darkly. "Stay away from me, I am bewitched" Shouts Reya to her allies.
Bartok steps into the center of the room and raises his holy symbol - as he does, a holy glow emerges causing most of the Ghasts to flee in terror!
The ghast that wasn`t turned, claws into Bartok as he holds his holy symbol, turning many of the Ghasts. The Ghast rips a chunk of flesh from Bartoks arm, dealing 9 points of damage!
Dartan raises his holy symbol of Tyr and a light suddenly blasts the Reaper Devil. The light bathes the Devil, who hisses and curses as it immediately flees from Dartan.
Dartan glows with holy light as Tyr turns the Chain Reaper Devil, Dartan slams the Shield into a nearby Ghast, with a lucky bash, smashing the Undead for 5 points of damage!
The Ghast tears at Bruno with its nasty claw, ripping a strand of skin from his back as he runs into the house. 8 points of damage
Bruno sends a streak of ice, that blasts the Ghast next to Dartan and Bartok, Freezing it`s head solid - the Ghasts Head then EXPLODES for 64 points of damage, destroying it.
The Ghast Charges, and Bartok sets against the Undead, Blocking it with his shield as the Undead bits and snaps.
Hippee`s eyes flash orange, as he gets on his tip toes and points his finger at one of the snarling Ghasts. The crackling purple energy goes directly into the ghasts face, dealing 80 points of damage! Bits and chunks of rotting ghast flesh land on everyone in the room.
"I’m aghast at your behavior!"
Arkon places a Hunters mark on a Ghast.
Calmly, With a lucky crash to the skull, Arkon smashes the Ghast dealing 16 points of damage!
Indifferently, Calmly, Arkon slips on a piece of Ghast flesh, falling prone!
Suddenly, the Shield of the Hidden Lord begins to glow with a strange violet hue. As it glows on Dartan's back, the Devil outside suddenly shouts,

"They have the Exile with them! Oh, what Fortune! What fortune for me!!! Bring me the artifact!!!"
As the Overlord speaks, the two Reapers scream loudly, as they begin to whirl their chains faster and faster.
0 minutes pass
Time: 12:21 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Combat
The Abhorrent Overlord Round 2
The Overlord steps up to Reya, and begins violently tearing her up with his claws, dealing 28 damage

"Your flesh will feed my minions."
Continuing the attack, the overlord rips with his claws for 22 points of damage!
Bartok chants to the baroness and light bathes Dartan, restoring 9 HP.
Bartok Casts Cure Wounds on Bruno and the spell gets boosted by the Baroness, restoring 30 poitns to Bruno.
Lulu telepathically speaks to Arkon,

"I will assist you, Arkon." (the Hollyphant helps Arkon, giving him advantage on his next attack roll)
Outside Ghasts & Reaper of Zariel
The Ghast uses 15 movement to open the door and enter the house
The Ghast bursts through the door to the house and claws into Hippee, hitting him with its claws for 14 points of damage!
The Second Ghast Uses 15 feet to stand from prone before moving 15 feet into the house.
The Second ghast comes into the house, snarling and bites down on Hippee who is ready, and dodges the attack.
The Chained reaper Devil whirls its chains around, and Reya ducks under them, avoiding the attack.

"I shall harvest your soul, for Zariel!"
A second slice of the chains, wraps around her wrists, dealing 9 points of damage, the chains Grapple her! (she gets a STR Save Throw, DC 14 to escape, Success - She is Not grappled by the chains. Successfully escaped)
The reaper in the house:
The reaper is paralyzed with Fear (Abjured) and cannot move. It can strike any target that gets within range of it`s chains (Disadvantage)
It readies an attack if anyone gets within range of it's chains.

"Fiend of the pit!" (Reya curses as she is torn by the Devils claws and the chain attack), "This isn`t over!"
Reya Disengages and quickly maneuvers herself out of from between the two devils and charges for the open window, and dives in.
The Reaper of Zariel sees Reya dive into the window and it attacks her immediately with its readied action, its chains rake across the Hellrider, dealing 14 points of damage. Reya goes down, unconscious and lands on the floor with a thud.
Dartan grabs Reya by the ankle and drags her away from the Reaper, and then Dartan lays his hands on Reya, and they glow brightly as he restores 25 hit points and restoring her to consciousness.
Bruno lets loose a ray of frost, that steaks past Hippee and freezes the Ghast solid, shattering it into dozens of rotting frozen chunks, dealing 64 points of damage! Destryoing it
The Ghast in the house, turns to Arkon and rips into him with his nasty claws, dealing 11 points of damage! (Make a CON Save, DC 10 or become paralyzed, Success - Not Paralyzed by Ghast)

The stench from the gas is overbearing, Hippee tries to shake off the stench, Success - Not Poisoned by Ghast Stench
Hippee looks at the Ghast, and blasts it in the chest with his Eldritch Blast, Dealing 14 points of damage!
"I do not consent"
Arkon Stands Up From Prone, costing 15 Movement.
Arkon smashes the Ghast with his big thick Maul, dealing 9 points of damage, plus 6 points from Hunters Mark and 5 points from colossus slayer. Total of 20 damage, The Ghast collapses as its bones snap from the crushing blow.
Arkon smashes the twitching Ghast corpse into the floor again, destroying its head and splattering rotting fleshly brain matter everywhere. 10 damage
Arkon moves his hunters mark. The Reaper of Zariel is marked by Arkon.
0 minutes pass
Time: 12:21 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Combat
The Abhorrent Overlord Round 3

"Mortals are my favorite playthings. You all will serve me for a very, very long time!"
Casting Confusion on all characters in the area of effect. Everyone in the area make a DC15 WIS Save throw or become confused.
The Peasant, Bruno, Reya and Hippee all become confused.

"Get off me gnome ya Stinker!"
Bartok draws his Truesilver mace and steps up to the Ghast, with a swift crack, Bartok smashes the Ghast in the face, knocking it down - destroying it.
A swarm of lights spirals outward from Bartok as he chants to the Baroness casting Mass Healing Word. The light heals Hippee, Bartok, Reya, Arkon, and Dartan, for 10 points each.

"Arkon, Go boldly as the evil of this place cannot overpower you!"
You see a feint image of a celestial angel appear over Arkon, as a halo of light surrounds him. Evil Aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead all have disadvantage when attacking Arkon, and he can`t be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. (Lulu casts Protection from Good and Evil on Arkon)
The reaper in the house affected by Abjure Enemy
Mockingly to Arkon,

"You smell vile, mortal! I shall end your suffering here!"
The reaper whips its chains at Arkon, but Arkon dodges the attack.
The Reaper tries to hit Arkon in the legs, but Arkon jumps the chain.
The reaper outside, moves toward the window and jumps inside, landing in front of Arkon.
"Aghh this one has the light! Your soul will be mine!!!"
The Reaper enters the window and whirls its chains at Arkon, but Arkon parries the attack.
Finally the chains become too much, and they wrap around Arkon, slicing into his body dealing 13 damage. the reapers chains wrap tightly around the rangers arms, pinning them tightly to your sides as another chain wraps around your legs and with a violent pull brings the Ranger down on his back! (Arkon becomes restrained )
Reya stares blankly, confused and does not do anything this turn
Reya snaps out of it.

"What? Where am I? What happened!!"
Confusion Ends on reya
Dartan eyes flash with righteous anger as his vow of enmity gives him divine power. (Gains advantage on attack rolls vs the Abhorrent Overlord)

"You will rue the day you crossed our path"
Dartan steps up to the huge Fiend and brings his long sword up and slices the fiends belly dealing 12 points of damage!
"You will die for your actions"
Dartan makes another attack as he spins around and sliced the fiends wing dealing 11 points of damage.
Bruno stares blankly, confused and remains confused.
Hippee thinks for a minute, then uncorks a healing potion an messily drinks it, as it pours over his beard and down around his chin. He burps loudly as he finishes it. He is restored to full life.
Arkon, grappled by chains, strains with all his might and breaks loose from the razor chains, and is no longer grappled.
He stands from prone and strikes with his off hand, grabbing his short sword.
Arkon slices swiftly with his Short sword, cutting into the Reapers chest, dealing 9 points of damage
The peasant woman and her children suddenly wander off toward the ghasts in a state of confusion.
0 minutes pass
Time: 12:21 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Combat
The Abhorrent Overlord Round 4

"Little mortal, I shall show you how much power your god has here!"
The Abhorrent Overlord grabs onto Dartan, trying to grapple him. He rolls a "4+5 = 9". Dartan overpowers the overlord, and they both strain and struggle, causing the overlord to waste his extra attack as he fights with Dartan.

"Give that Chain Puppy what fer Laddie!"
Bartok calls upon the Baroness as he casts Cure Wounds and touches Arkon on the shoulder, a glow of energy surges through Arkon, restoring 12 points, closing up some slash wounds.
Lulu blows her Trumpet of Sparkles at the Reapers of Zariel in a 30 foot cone.

"I am beginning to remember how much I hated Devils."
The Reaper of Zariel avoids much of the Trumpet of Sparkles as Lulu blasts her trunk. It takes half of 24 damage, suffering 12 points of radiant damage.
The second Reaper takes the full force of the Trumpet blast suffering 24 points of radiant damage! (Ending the Abjure Enemy effect)

"Curse you, celestial! I will enjoy feeding on your soul!"
The angry Reaper of Zariel approaches Lulu and slashes it`s chains at the tiny Hollyphant, but Lulu dodges the attack!
"Curse you!"
Then looking at Arkon, the Reaper tries to attack with it`s chains but the Protection from Evil surrounding the Ranger prevents the reaper from being able to see Arkon well enough to hit him.
"I will put that light out!"
The second Reaper tries to attack Arkon with it`s chains, but the Protection from Evil surrounding Arkon prevents the Devil from being able to see well enough to hit the Ranger
The reaper makes another strike, but the Protection from Evil again protects the Ranger from any damage, as the Devil is unable to see well enough to land a hit.

"I have had enough! I will cut you down, with the Very Hellfire that will consume you!!"
Reya summons Hellfire that ignites her blade with a searing flame.
She slashes her blade at the Abhorrent Overlord, but she misses!
The Abhorrent Overlord Laughs, "You will have to do better than this, hellrider!"

"Get your damn hands off me"
Dartan steps up to the Devil and casts Hunters Mark- the Abhorrent Overlord becomes marked.
Dartan, with Tyr giving him a surge of holy strength, cuts into the Abhorrent Overlord with a lucky strike to the abdomen, dealing 8 points of damage, plus 3 points from the mark. Dealing a total of 11 points of damage!
Dartan follows up with another slice to the gut, dealing another 10 points of damage, plus 5 damage from being marked, a total of 15 damage
"You picked the wrong house"
Hippee fires off an Eldritch Blast at the Overlord, but the blast streaks past it and misses!
Arkon slashes a reaper with his Short Sword, cutting it through the abdomen for 10 points of damage! plus 4 damage from being marked. 14 points total
Ducking under the chains, the Ranger gets a lucky shot right under the Reapers arm, dealing 7 points of damage! and 3 points for being marked. 10 points total
With a sure strike to the head, Arkon stabs the Reaper cutting into it`s temple, dealing 11 points of damage, plus 5 damage for being marked and 2 points from Colossus Slayer! 18 points total.
The Peasant stands confused
0 minutes pass
Time: 12:21 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Combat
The Abhorrent Overlord Round 5

"I will end this now!"
The abhorrent overlord conjures a swarm of spectral crows and harpies
The crows deal 32 damage to Dartan.
The crows deal 16 damage to the two Reapers of Zariel
Reya fights off the swarm of crows, and takes 16 points of damage.
Bartok is protected by Lulu`s aura of invulnerability and take no damage from the Storm of Crows.
Lulu is protected by her Aura of Invulnerability and takes no damage from the Storm of Crows.
Arkon is protected by Lulu`s Aura of Invulnerability and take no damage from the Storm of Crows.

"I`m done with you and yer chains!"
Bartok swings his Mace at the Reaper of Zariel but she parries it with her chains!
With a strong backhand, Bartok slams his Shield directly into the Reapers face, smashing her skull for 6 points of damage. She begins to vibrate as her chains suddenly explode!
Chains of Demise
Lulu is slashed by the explosion of chains, and takes 10 points of damage!
the Reaper is slashed by the explosion of chains of demise. It takes 10 points of damage!
The explosion of chains cuts and tears bartoks flesh and beard, dealing 10 points of damage!
Arkon is slashed by the chains of Demise and takes 10 points of damage!

"Oh, this devil must go! I will send it away for awhile. These crows will do a lot of damage."
Lulu tries to send the Abhorrent overlord to another plane of existence, but the Overlord resists her spell.
The Reaper swings its chains to strike Arkon, but the Protection from Evil prevents the chains from hitting him!
The reaper strikes again, this time it`s chains hit Arkon, wrapping around his leg and then begin to continue to try and grapple him, slicing into his legs for 14 points of damage!

"Hey, you. I am going to free your prisoners! "(Reya points to the four chained humans that are still in the alley, and reya begins to head over there intending to cut their chains)
Reya Disengages and dives out the door and gets behind the Abhorrent Overlord, and attempts to distract it.
Dartan casts Wrathful Smite on his Longsword +2

"End what, exactly?"
Using: Divine Smite
Dartan swings his sword at the Fiend, but the Paladin hits the side of the door jam, missing the fiend.
Dartan`s eyes flash red, and Tyr blesses Dartan`s second strike, and he lands a devastating blow on the Fiend, dealing 11 points of damage from his blade, 30 damage from Divine Smite (using a second level spell slot), plus 6 damage from Wrathful smite and 5 damage from being marked.
Total: 52 damage
The Overlords concentration is broken, ending the Storm of Crows.
The Abhorrent Overlord becomes frightened at the Awesome presence of Tyr from the Psychic damage taken.

"Hang in there Dartan!"
Bruno casts Magic Missile and sends four bolts of force at the Overlord. The four missiles strike dealing 15 points of damage, plus 2 points for the spell being boosted. Total of 17 damage

"Lord Graz’zt smiles upon me and frowns upon you!"
Using: Dark Ones Blessing, Agonizing Blast
Hippee flashily points his tiny finger at the huge Overlord, and fires off two beams of Purple energy that smash into the Fiend, dealing 21 points of damage! The Fiend roars as it falls lifeless to the ground, dying. Hippee Drains 9 life from the Fiend, and gains 9 temp HP
Using: Two-Weapon Fighting, Colossus Slayer
Arkon struggles in the Reapers chains as they grapple around his body tighter and tighter, he makes an off hand attack and hits the Reaper in the face for 10 points of damage and 4 points from colossus slayer. 14 total
0 minutes pass
Time: 12:21 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Combat
The Abhorrent Overlord Round 6

Hang in there Lad! This aint over yet!
Bartok says a soft prayer and casts Cure Wounds on Arkon - he is restored 11 hit points
Let`s finish this!
Bartok steps up to the Reaper of Zariel and smashes her in the chest, dealing 6 points of damage!
Lulu flies over to Dartan and gently touches him with her trunk - he feels a warm healing energy come over him as he is restored 12 hit points
The reaper casts an illusion. At the start of your turn - if you can see the Devil, you must make a DC14 WIS save throw, or you will become frightened.
Dartan sees one of his order, where the Reaper stood - the friend of his is being tormented by insects and begging Dartan for help.
The Reapers chains continue to cut Arkon, dealing 11 points of damage as they grapple tighter.
Reya drinks a potion of healing and recovers 10 hit points

No! Not more! We will be overwhelmed!
Dartan attempts to Channel Divinity as he lays hands on himself, but he has already used all his Healing available until his next Short or Long rest. Lay on hands has no effect.

We might actually survive this!
Bruno casts his ray of frost a the Reaper, but the streak of ice flies past and hits the wall, doing no damage.

Survive we shall!
Using: Dark Ones Blessing, Agonizing Blast
Hippee misses his mark as he fires off an Eldritch blast.
**add Hunter`s Mark 1d6**
Using: Favored Enemy, Two-Weapon Fighting, Colossus Slayer
The Ranger is not the least bit frightened by the Reapers Unnerving Mask illusion. Arkon then Stands and Breaks free from the chains as he draws his bloody weapons.
Stands Up From Prone, costing 15 Movement.
Arkon smashes the Reaper of Zariel in the head with his Shortsword, and deal 7 points of damage from his blade, plus 5 points from Hunters Mark, 2 points extra for attacking a Favored Enemy, and 6 points of damage from Colossus Slayer! Total 20 damage Killing the Reaper!
The Reaper explodes! Chains fly everywhere.
0 minutes pass
Time: 12:21 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Combat
The Void Round 7
The Chains explode dealing 13 damage to Arkon as they explode. Arkon goes down, dying.

Up on yer feet lad. No time fer nappin.
Bartok chants to the Baroness and a surge of energy pulses through him to Arkok, Arkon recovers 16 Hit points and regains consciousness!
Lulu casts Cure Wounds on Dartan, and he recovers 11 hit points
Dartan raises his shield, touches the symbol of Tyr and repeatesly bashes the edge if the shield into the face of the overlord delivering a Coup de Grace
Dartan smashes the fiends face over and over until it’s an ichor stain. 9 damage

"Targeting one of the ghasts! Be ready..."
Bruno in a manic episode faces his palm toward the group of Ghasts that are snarling in a huddle by the far wall. He frowns as he speaks the words of the spell! As he releases a burst of ice he stumbles and just barely scrapes his target, dealing 3 points of damage

"Let’s see what this does! "*hippee uses mask of many faces to make himself appear 1 foot tall, adding to the dramatic effect of his newly learned spell*
Using: Dark Ones Blessing, Mask of Many Faces
Hippee slowly shrinks down to a tiny little gnome, as he casts Hungar of Hadar. Suddenly a large void sphere, 40 feet in diameter appears around the ghasts and expands out all the way to Bartok. Slurping noises can be heard coming from the pitch black void, as a bitter cold streams out, coating everything in a dusting of frost within 10 feet of the dark void.
Arkon casts cure wounds on himself, and he is healed 12 Hit points
Arkon peers at the black void, and stares. He does not cast hunter’s mark. Because he does not see a target.
0 minutes pass
Time: 12:21 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Combat
The Four Prisoners
Hungar of Hadar Damages Bartok with 8 points of cold
Bartok steps out of the void, and for good measure smashes the exploded remains of the Reapers.
“yep, they look dead to me”
Hungar of Hadar Damages Ghast with 8 points of cold
The Ghast slashes with its claws, but Dartan parries the attack.
Dartan reacts to the Ghast claw emerging from the void, striking, but missing his first attack.
He slices again, this time cutting into the Ghasts shoulder for 12 points of damage!
He slices again, this time cutting into the Ghasts shoulder for 12 points of damage!
Hungar of Hadar Damages Ghast with 7 points of Acid damage, as the ghast ends it`s turn in the void.
The Ghast suddenly appears from the Void and strikes at Bartok - but Bartok blocks with his Shield.
Hungar of Hadar Damages Ghast with 7 points of Acid, for ending it`s turn in the void.
Hungar of Hadar Damages Ghast with 8 points of cold
One of the Ghasts suddenly rushes out of the void, and gets behind Bartok, and claws at him, but Bartok parries the attack with his shield.
Hungar of Hadar Damages Ghast with 8 points of cold
A Ghast emerges from the void in front of Arkon, and slashes with its claw, but Arkon parries the attack.
"Savras`s balls! Where`d they come from?!"
Bruno sees a ghast emerge from the void and quickly blasts it with a ray of frost! The frost slams into the Ghast, dealing 12 points of damage!
"Spooky tentacles for them, an eldritch blast for you!"
Using: Dark Ones Blessing, Agonizing Blast
Hippee fires off two bolts of purple lighting, the Eldritch blasts hit the Ghast dealing 21 points of damage! Killing the Ghast! A stream of nether energy also surrounds hippee giving him 9 more temporary hit points from Dark Ones Blessing
Arkon draws his blades and begins slicing the ghast, he cuts it along it`s head for 11 points of damage, also dealing 5 points for Colossus Slayer! (16 total)
He takes his offhand and jams his blade through the eye of the Ghast, dealing 9 points of damage!
Finally, Arkon lops off the head of the Ghast, dealing 8 points of damage, destroying it!
Bartok, Lulu and Reya mop of the last two Ghasts pretty easily, as Hippee lets the void close.
Reya, still panting from the battle, runs outside to check on the prisoners. Moments later the party gathers inside the house, to rest and treat their many wounds.
You learn that the four prisoners were only recently captured hours ago, they tell you their names are: Selma, Fanny, Gunther and Jund.
After the Battle
The stench from the dead ghasts is overwhelming and does not lend itself to a comfortable or restful environment (No short or long rest allowed in this area while the ghast remains are present)

"Please don't leave us to be eaten by the monsters!", whimpers Selma.

"Please, take us with you to the Cathedral! We have heard there is a small militia there that is making a stand against the devils, but they won't last much longer without aid. ", Says fanny
Reya's eyes light up,

"Do you know if Ulder Ravengard may be in the Cathedral? We have come from Baldur's Gate, and the Duke was last known to be coming to Elturel on a diplomatic mission before it was pulled into Avernus"
One of the male prisoners nods his head,

"I believe I did hear that he was in Elturel when it fell - but his fate is unknown to me.", replies Gunther

"We can't thank you enough for saving us from those devils. So many of us have disappeared lately, I fear that there won't be many left to rescue in a few more days.", pleads Jund.
Lulu suddenly perks up and addresses the party,

"We need to move. I sense devils nearby - they may be drawn to the noise of the battle, or perhaps are being drawn here by something else. but they are close.
A few options come to mind:
You can exit the house, and try and navigate the streets again.
You can enter the sewers via the sewer entrance outside the house in the alley.
You can get on the roof tops and try and move above the streets
There is a trapdoor in this house, and you can open it and see what's down there.
Experience and Treasure have been awarded
10 minutes pass
Time: 12:31 PM
Date: Tenthday , 10 , Mitrul
Location: Avernus (Elturel)
Gamephase: Combat
Bruno rummages in his pack for a moment before frowning and and responding to Bartok.
“After giving that potion to Arkon, I’m down to two. I was hoping we wouldn’t need so many so quickly...”
Bruno visibly deflates at the mention of Elturel being split in two and the cathedral being unreachable. Catching some of the prisoners looking at him, he forces himself to straighten his stance and tries to put on what he hopes is a reassuring smile.
“We will figure out how to cross that gap when we get there. For now, we need to keep moving. Can all of you walk…or run, if needed?”
As the party gathers themselves, Hippee stands jaw agape staring in to the void of tentacles and horror he created then to his hands and back to the void “Woah…sorry Bartok but DID YOU GUYS SEE WHAT I DID!” Hippee let’s out a light laugh and produces a light of purple crackling energy in his palms and quickly dismisses it. “Not sure what feels better, this new…energy I feel from my Lord….or the the tryst to save Reya I had with the two Succubi…” Hippee stares at nothing as he trails off, snapping out of it he walks up apologetically to Bartok “Here’s a potion friend, sorry for the tentacle action…unless you liked it…anyways take this, I have a few…
Bartok limps over to the Group as they chat about options. Seeing Arkon emerge from the cellar with the report, he sighs, "I'm still not a fan of goin down in the sewers, but after that "caveworm droppin" of a fight, I'm thinkin it may be the best. " Bartok rummages in his pack with a frown and looks over to Bruno. "I'm down ta one potion lad. May keep this one in me bag for last resort. How many ye got left?" Looking around at the the party, Bartok starts to check wounds, wrapping what he can and putting basic salve on anything still bleeding. As he walks, he checks the party's eyes for any remnants of th…
Seeing the last of the ghouls fall, Dartan stows his weapons for a moment and goes to the corpse of the overlord, undoes his pants, and relieves himself on the dead body.
"Slavers are the worst of the most foul."
He reaches down and grabs one of the horns that broke off from its head and stows it in his pack muttering to himself.
Once this is done, he goes to Reya and puts a hand on her shoulder.
"This...none of this... must be easy for you to see. I will follow your lead, but Lulu is right. There are more evils lurking about. The sewers might be our safest bet, especially with our extra cargo. The light of Tyr…
Bruno rummages through his bag of holding for a moment before producing a small vial and handing it to the Ranger. Turning back to Reya, Bruno nods.
“If you believe you can guide us through the sewers that may be our best bet then. If that shield is attracting devils to us, we definitely need to keep moving. Walter and I are ready when you all have had a chance to catch your breath.”