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In the aftermath of the fierce battle, Pherria rushes to Dartan's side, concern etched across her weathered features. She places her hands on his motionless form, her brows furrowing as she channels her magical energy into him, attempting to revive him. However, her efforts prove futile, and she looks up at the party with a heavy heart.

"I'm afraid the damage from Gargauth's power was too great," she says, her voice filled with regret. "Dartan is in a deep coma, and I don't know if he will awaken from it. His very essence seems to be in turmoil."
Duke Ravengard, his expression one of gratitude and determination, speaks to the party, his voice carrying a weight of responsibility.
The group spends time tending to the wounded, and going over all that has transpired, including the aura of uncertainty surrounding the shield of the Hidden Lord, and Gargauth.
** Please determine who is going to carry the Shield of the Hidden Lord **
Bruno, Arkon, Hippee, Bartok, and Lulu gather around Duke Ravengard, ready to explain their mission regarding the shield.
Bruno clears his throat and addresses the duke.

"Your Grace, we have a quest that's deeply connected to this shield. It's not just a simple artifact, but a vessel of great power that can influence and corrupt those who possess it. We've been tasked with taking it to a place known as Drakkar's domain, where it can be safely destroyed."
Arkon nods in agreement.

"This shield holds within it a trapped demon lord named Gargauth. It's our duty to ensure that this malevolent being doesn't find its way back into the world."
Hippee chimes in,

"We understand the gravity of what we're carrying. It's a dangerous burden, and our journey will take us deeper into the depths of Hell itself. But it's a necessary mission to protect not only Elturel but all of Faerun."
Lulu, towering nearby, trumpets in agreement.

"This is not a choice we make lightly, Duke. We know the risks, but we also understand the consequences of failing in our mission. It's our hope that by destroying the shield, we can prevent any further harm from befalling innocent souls."
Duke Ravengard listens carefully, his expression a mix of concern and understanding.

"Your dedication to this task is commendable," he says. "I trust in your abilities, and I believe that you are the best hope for both Elturel and the wider world. Please, go and complete your mission. Elturel will be in capable hands in your absence. You have saved me from the clutches of that fiend, and for that, I am forever in your debt. I will remain here in Elturel, tending to the survivors and ensuring that this city does not fall further into despair. But now, you must go. The chains that bind Elturel here are what we must break. If we can sever those ties, the city might have a chance at returning to the material plane."
He looks to Reya and Trevick, then to the rest of the party. "You have a greater quest, one that transcends this moment. The shield, Drakkar's domain, and the journey deeper into Hell – these are the paths you must follow. But remember, even in the darkest of places, hope can still be found."
Reya steps forward, her gaze holding a mixture of resolve and sadness.

"We will stay here with Duke Ravengard," she says, her voice unwavering. "There is much work to be done in Elturel, and we will ensure its people find safety and healing."
Trevick nods in agreement.

"We'll do our best to rebuild this city, to make it a place of light once more. You go and face the challenges ahead."
Bruno, Arkon, Hippee, Bartok, and Lulu share a collective glance, understanding the gravity of the situation. Bruno steps forward, his voice filled with appreciation.
Arkon adds,

"Our paths may diverge for now, but we're all connected by this mission. We'll find a way to reunite, stronger than ever."
Hippee nods in agreement.

"We'll bring this shield to Drakkar's domain, and if there's a way to help Dartan, we'll find it."
Bartok's voice is solemn but determined.

"May Berrenor's blessing guide us all. We'll see each other again."
Lulu trumpets in agreement, her eyes reflecting her determination to see this through.
Reya steps forward, her expression a mix of gratitude and determination. She addresses the party, her voice filled with sincerity.

"Thank you all," she begins, her eyes scanning each member of the group. "For everything you've done to save Elturel. None of us would be standing here today if it weren't for your bravery, your sacrifices, and your unwavering commitment to our city and its people."
Reya then turns her attention to Bartok, her cheeks flushed with a hint of color.
"And a special thanks to Bartok," she continues, her voice softer now, her gaze locking onto the dwarf cleric. "Throughout this journey, I've come to admire your strength, your resilience, and your unwavering faith. You've been a pillar of support for all of us, and I... I want to express my gratitude in a more personal way."
She takes a step closer to Bartok, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of emotions.
"Bartok, you've not only been a dear friend but someone who has captured my heart. Our time together has been filled with challenges, but it's also shown me the depth of your character and the kindness in your soul. I hope that when all of this is over, we can explore what the future holds for us. I expect you to return, and when you do, I'll be here, waiting." She gives Bartok a soft kiss, and a warm embrace.
The party rests a day in Elturel, to recover their wounds and magic.
The Next day
With farewells exchanged, the group splits into two, one determined to rebuild and heal, the other to journey deeper into the infernal abyss. As they part ways, a shared purpose and a bond forged in battle and adversity remains unbroken, carrying them forward into the unknown.

"Your path lies downward," says the Duke, gesturing to the colossal chains that anchor Elturel to the ground below. "You must descend these chains to reach Avernus' surface and from there, traverse the wasteland, but I do not envy your plight. Avernus is known to be a land that cannot be mapped."
Lulu, the celestial mammoth, stepped forward, her trunk pointing in the direction of a distant landmark on the infernal horizon.

"To find Drakkar and fulfill our mission, we'll need guidance," she said. "Navigating Avernus is no simple task."
The party members listen intently, to Lulu's plan. "We must seek out someone who knows this wasteland, someone who can help us traverse its treacherous terrain. And I have just the place in mind."
With her guidance, they set their course for Fort Knucklebone, a place known to her from a past adventure. It is the domain of Chukka and Clonk, a pair of kenku junk scavengers with a reputation for knowing the lay of the land and having information that could prove invaluable.
As you descended the massive chains, the group feels the oppressive heat and palpable malevolence of Avernus that intensifies with each passing moment.
And so, with the image of Elturel hanging above them and the hope of aid below, the adventurers begin their descent into the heart of hell, each step a testament to their courage and the bonds that hold them together in the face of unimaginable darkness.
Welcome to Avernus:
You finally reach the bottom of the massive chains.
The hellscape of Avernus sits under hideous clouds that obscure the vault of the sky, from which the occasional meteor streaks before crashing into the ground. Ambient light continually swells up from just below the horizon as though lit by nine setting suns, yet no actual celestial bodies fill the sky—no sun, moons, or stars. This constant twilight makes it difficult for the denizens of Avernus to track the passage of time.
he atmosphere reeks of brimstone and burning tar, and hot gusts of wind shriek across the hellscape to scour the land below. Lulu tells you that Sometimes these winds swirl into immense sandstorms, which can strip flesh from bone and plunge everything into darkness.
You trek along the river styx, guided by Lulu.
The River Styx courses through the Lower Planes, frustrating every attempt to map it or predict its course. Getting lost while sailing the Styx isn't the only danger the river presents. Simply tasting or touching its waters can shatter a creature's intellect and personality, as well as strip away its memories. Certain fiends are immune to the river's effects, but most creatures have no defense against it.
A couple of things to note, while in Avernus:
- Water exists, but it tastes foul and is hard to find. Food can likewise be scrounged, but the flora and fauna taste revolting no matter the manner of preparation. Even rations brought to Avernus taste bitter and ashen.
- Walter's form has changed, and he has grown two small unusable wings, and two tiny horns on his head.
Lulu looks over at Bruno, with a concerned glance.
As the party walks along the banks of the murky waters of the River Styx, Lulu turns to Bruno, exuding an air of both wisdom and unease. She begins to speak, her voice tinged with a sense of caution.

"Bruno," Lulu rumbles, "there's something important you should know about communication in the Nine Hells. It's a place where secrets are scarce, and the Archdevils reign supreme. Even when we think we're speaking in private, there's always that lingering feeling that our words are being overheard. "
Her eyes, wise beyond measure, locked onto Bruno's, and the weight of her words settles in the air around them.
"Telepathic communication can be especially tricky here. It's as if some infernal presence is constantly watching, waiting, listening. Archdevils have a way of eavesdropping on spells like message and sending, even when they're not directly involved... Even when you are connected to your familiar, the link can be monitored..."
Lulu's ears twitched as if trying to catch any whispers in the wind. "So, my friend, just remember that in these hallowed lands, privacy is a luxury we can rarely afford. Keep your thoughts guarded, and your words even more so."
The party approaches a fortified compound, a jagged wall surrounds the hand-shaped hill looming closer with each step. The landscape, scarred and pockmarked with craters, seems to reflect the harsh nature of Avernus itself. There are distant figures atop the gatehouse adding an eerie presence to the scene.

Lulu, her eyes sharp, gestures toward the compound.
"That's Fort Knucklebone," she whispers, as her memories continue to return to her "home to Chukka and Clonk, the kenku scavengers. They might be our ticket to finding Drakkar."
Bruno glances at the compound, his brow furrowed with curiosity.

"It looks well-defended. How do we approach?"
Arkon, ever the tactician, speaks up.

"We'll need a plan. The gatehouse looks like our best point of entry. We should approach cautiously, assess the situation, and try to establish contact with these kenku without appearing threatening."
You continue to move closer, readying yourselves for whatever challenges lay ahead, wary of the foreboding atmosphere of Avernus and the potential dangers within Fort Knucklebone.
The only obvious entry point is the gatehouse, the rest of the fort is surrounded by jagged and rusty metal, a wall at least 20 feet high. You are not sure if you have been spotted yet. You keep behind rocks and bluffs as much as possible as you formulate a plan.
What do you do?
Current Time: 12:56 PM
Date: Secondday, 12th Mirtul
Phase: Exploration
Into Avernus
* Flashback in Elturel *
Bruno’s sense of elation at having survived their encounter with Malgorthrax is short lived as he sees Dartan’s unmoving form. When no amount of shaking or healing attempts seem to rouse the Paladin, Bruno’s heart sinks before being filled with rage. How many more people will this damned place claim? First Jules, then the majority of folks in Elturel, and now Dartan. He stares at the Paladin, silently thanking the half-orc for all his sacrifices and everything he had done to get them to this place. Bruno kicks himself for not doing anything or saying something that might have prevented this from happening to Dartan.
Bruno turns to look at the figures still standing: Bartok, Hippee, Arkon, Reya, Trevick, Lulu, the Duke, Pherria and the huddled mass of survivors. All his traveling, the study, the nightmares, the pain and suffering…at least they all were alive as a result of it.
As time passes and the danger seems to have sufficiently passed, Bruno will walk over to Pherria and share what food and ingredients he has that are near their expiration. Better for these folks to get some nourishment from them than they go to waste. (@DM Bruno will drop the supplies he’s going to share.) As Bruno is pulling the small amount of food from his bag of holding, he looks over to see Bartok producing a large amount of food and water through the service of his goddess. His hand stops halfway through rummaging in his bag and he chuckles to himself. How did the dwarf make everything seem so easy, so simple? He smiles as Reya shoots a shy smile at the dwarf. Even with relationships, Bartok makes everything seem so easy. Bruno once again thanks Savras or whatever force brought the two of them together so many months ago.
Bruno summons Walter to his palm and smiles at the rat. Relationships were never Bruno’s strong suit. As intelligent as Bruno was, he never seemed to think through what he was going to say before he said it enough. At least he had Walter. Wait, are those…wings? Horns? Bruno heart sinks a second time as he sees the twisted impact this place is having on his oldest friend. He quickly dismisses the rat out of fear of further contamination and begins inwardly worrying for his familiar.
For the rest of their time in Elturel, Bruno seems withdrawn and keeps mostly to himself. He is focused and intent on scribbling several notes in a book/scraps of parchment.
As they’re about to leave and Reya and Trevick say they’re staying on in Elturel Bruno’s spirits sink a little but he tries to put a brave and confident face on.

“I understand and will feel better these folks are being watched over by the two of you.” Bruno presses a handful of parchment leaves into Trevick’s hands. “These are the notes and sketches of of our events down here including what we’ve faced and the sacrifices made to get us here. I want people to know what happened here. Maybe this can help prevent something like this from happening again.” Bruno starts to turn away. “Maybe not, but if nothing else, people should remember who sacrificed their all for the greater good to survive.”
Reya and Trevick took the notes and sketches, their expressions grateful.

"Thank you, Bruno," Reya said sincerely as Trevick takes the parchment. "We'll make sure the world knows what happened in Elturel and the heroes who fought to save it."
The taking of the Shield of the Hidden Lord
The battle with Malgorthrax had taken its toll, both physically and emotionally, leaving the party weary but victorious. In the aftermath, as they gathered in a corner of the ruined city of Elturel, Hippee hesitated for a moment before reaching for the Shield of the Hidden Lord.
Reya, looking as Hippee volunteers to take the shield,
"I think it's a good idea, Hippee," She says, "You've shown remarkable strength and resolve in the face of all this darkness. Perhaps you are just the person to keep this demon in check."
Lulu nods in agreement.

"We've all seen what you're capable of, little one," she says "The shield couldn't be in better hands."
Bartok, ever the optimist, offers his support as well.

"It's settled then, lad," he says with a reassuring smile. "Hippee, you're the bearer of the shield. We trust ya."
------------------------------------------------END FLASHBACK-------------------------------
Back at Fort Knucklebone

"Well lads. I don't fancy a scrap with the scrappers right off the bat. I think we be tryin to talk our way in if we can. I'd volunteer to take the lead if ye like. Me cleric robes have gotten me safely into many a fort and village over the years, though I'm not sure that carries well down 'ere in Avernus."
Bartok looks at the party considering their appearance as seen from top of the wall. A mammoth, a mage, a dwarf, a hooded ranger, and a gnome. A motley crew if ever was seen, but Bartok has grown fond of each of them for their own unique qualities. The lack of Reya's presence makes him sigh, but the memory of their last embrace brings a smile to his lips as he prepares to face the Fort.
"Not that I trust anything down 'ere in this cursed land, but maybe we keep our weapons lowered as we call on em." Bartok takes off his helm, and swings his shield to his back to show his tattered and dirty vestments. Frowning down at the dirt, he tries to brush off the worst of the grime to show his symbol.
"Not too far though... "
He grins over at Arkon as he reached down and makes sure his mace is ready in his belt.
As they approach the fort, Bruno thinks to summon Walter to scout the perimeter but remembers Lulu’s warning and the small horns and wings Walter has sprouted and thinks better of it. He nods to Bartok.

“I’m all for trying to talk our way in. If these Chukka and Clonk folks may be able to help us, we certainly don’t want to start off on the wrong foot.”

“We could hide better if you weren’t all so large.” Hippee scolds his companions, while clearly visible more than his party. “I’m sure you’ve all been seen by now, and I’m sure they’ve managed a glimpse at me. We should introduce ourselves at the gate, if this is a Fort, then we should be welcomed as the tenacious warriors we are, if we are to talk our way in, perhaps we should leave it to our most skilled in the gift of gab"
Hippee looks at his friends and point his finger at himself,
"allow me"
Hippee saunters toward the gate door.
The stoic ranger keeps himself to himself following the fight with the demon. He stares hard as the warlock takes up the shield and comments dryly,

“what could go wrong…”
As the confident warlock strides towards the fort the Ranger grins at his confidence, “sometimes the best path is the one in front of you.” Arkon falls instep beside Hippee.
As Hippee approaches the gatehouse, he is met with the sight of six mischievous redcaps, their twisted grins and oversized iron boots making them an unsettling sight, as they peer over the edge of the gatehouse.
One of the redcaps, leans over the edge and shouts down,

"What's the password?"
As he shouts down at Hippee and Arkon, the six redcaps begin laughing.
"Yeah, what's the password" shouts another as they all lean over the ledge of the lookout.
What do you say?
Current Time: 12:56 PM
Date: Secondday, 12th Mirtul
Phase: Exploration
Junk Collectors
Taken slightly off guard, Bruno looks to the party and blinks in confusion for a moment. Looking back to the redcaps he shouts back up to them.

“Why don’t you tell us what you think the password is and we’ll tell you if you’re right!”

"I think our little friend here might know the password. Whatcha think Lad?"
Bartok looks slightly down at Hippee and winks, confident in his ability to
schmooze with the Redcaps.
Hippee calls back to them laughing with them

“Depends if you know the password I know…is it mayhem and murder? Drinking the blood of our enemies? many of which are shared and many of which we have slain, I promised we saved some for you though…” Hippee gives a fierce sneer up at them
The redcaps, caught off guard by Hippee's unexpected response, exchange bewildered glances before succumbing to fits of hysterical laughter. Their wild cackles echoed through the gatehouse as they slapped their knees and stomped their oversized iron boots.
Finally, once the laughter subsides, one of the redcaps wipes a tear from his eye and manages to regain his composure. He leans over the edge of the gatehouse once more, his grin still wickedly wide.

"You must present your trinket to pass!" he declares, barely holding back a chuckle.
"No one enters fort knucklebone without a gift for Mad Maggie!" Shouts one of the redcaps, hiding under an embankment in the gatehouse.
"Yeah, one gift per person too!" All the redcaps laugh again.
Lulu's voice carries a note of uncertainty as she whisperes to the party, her memory not as reliable as it once was.

"I... I remember the name, Mad Maggie," she says, her trunk drooping slightly. "But I can't recall who exactly she is. Still, I think she might be able to help us in some way."
She scans the harsh landscape of Avernus. "Just remember," she adds, her voice barely audible above the infernal winds, "Avernus has a way of... changing you. The longer we stay, the more it tries to drive us mad. So let's be cautious, alright?"
What do you offer to the redcaps?
5 minutes pass
Current Time: 1:01 PM
Date: Secondday, 12th Mirtul
Phase: Exploration
Bribes for the Redcaps
Bruno ponders for a moment before reaching into his bag of holding and pulling out a loaf of magic acorn bread. He looks to the group and shrugs.

“Women love baked goods, right? Surely even the mad ones do…”
Bruno lifts up the bread in offering and shouts up at the redcaps.
“I have some magic bread here! Will this do?”
One of the redcaps leaned over the edge of the gatehouse, grinning down at Bruno.

"Magic bread, huh? Sounds fancy!" he says with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"You may pass with your 'Magic Bread'" laughs one of the redcaps as the six of them peer over the edge of the gatehouse.
"we require one gift from each of you!" yells another redcap as they all burst into laughter again.

“Bruno and his bread oh dear me…hang on a tick” Hippee laughs at the Redcaps then turns to Bruno and whispers unnecessarily loudly in a whisper “Bread…Bruno…Bread?” He looks back up to the red topped abhorrents’s and pulls out something special that even a mad wizard was enchanted by… “Ya lads ever seen a platinum winged cat”
As the redcaps observe Hippee's platinum-winged cat with their twisted grins and wild eyes, one of them, leans closer to get a better look.
With a hearty laugh and a mischievous glint in his eye, the redcap exclaims,

"Well, now ain't that a sight! Never seen nothin' like it in all my days!" He laughs.
"You've got yourself a deal! We accept the platinum cat, you may pass!"
The other redcaps nod in agreement, still giggling among themselves at the strange offering.
Bartok stares in interest at Hippee's tiny cat. (Now where did he get that little trinket!) Sparked by Hippee's small gift idea, Bartok rummages in his pack for a minute and finds a finished diamond, and Emerald from his crafting supplies. He keeps them palmed in his hand waiting for the redcaps response to the winged cat trinket, but ready to sweeten the pot if the redcaps are not convinced. Finally, Bartok offers the two gems to the Redcaps.

"I've got these shiny rocks that would maybe fetch ye a nice trade, whatdya say?"
One of the redcaps, slightly taller than the rest, steps forward and grins wickedly.

"Shiny rocks! Gimme those!" he exclaims.
"Yes, Yes! We want the shiny stones!" shouts another.

The Ranger scratches his chin in thought, “these might do…” and pulls his extra pair of new boots out of his pack and sets them on the ground in front of him.

"Boots! Boots! Pretty boots!"
Chortles the redcaps, clapping their hands together with glee. Several of the others chime in with nods and cackles of agreement. They exchange excited glances as if discussing who would get to try them on first.
"Yes, we accept the boots" they all say in unison, as they then burst into laughter again.
Lulu steps forward and pulls a gold coin out of a leather pouch that hangs around her neck.

"I offer you six shiny pieces of gold", she says calmly.
Lulu's offering of a six shiny gold coins leave the redcaps momentarily stunned. They exchange puzzled glances, their manic laughter faltering. It seems they are unsure how to react to such a simple and straightforward gift.
However, as the moments pass, they seemed to come to a consensus. The same redcap who had accepted Hippee's platinum-winged cat holds out his hand, his fingers twitching with anticipation.

"Gold! Gold! Shiny gold!"
he exclaims, his earlier confusion forgotten. The other redcaps quickly joined in, reaching out their hands to receive their share of the gold.
With grinning faces and gleeful laughter, they accepted each piece of gold, their joy seemingly boundless. Once each of them has their shiny prize, they gesture for the party to proceed.
"Alright, alright! You can go in!" one of the redcaps declared, his eyes still gleaming with glee. "Just remember, we'll be watchin'"
The gate to Fort Knucklebone creaks open, granting the party passage into the bizarre and chaotic world that lay beyond. As they step through, they can't help but wonder what other oddities and challenges await them in this strange place.
The area enclosed by the rampart is littered with trash and mechanical parts, some put together in a way that resembles a vehicle. Ramshackle structures, built from the same junk as the outer wall, provide shelter.
A platoon of small fey creatures mills about, all looking like feral gnomes. Several them sport tall red caps, some of which drip with vile ichor.
A pair of kenku examine one of the strange vehicles, chattering to each other in high-pitched squawks. These kenku carry an assortment of strange tools. When they see you, they turn and stare in wonder.
One of the kenku waves in your direction as if telling you to remain where you are.

"What a deal! Patience is a virtue! Can't keep the boss waiting!" He runs off into one of the trash structures.

Moments later he returns, leading a tall creature wearing a long, tattered shift covered in mud, blood, mold, and worse. The hag's eyes seem to move independently of each other as she approaches, her straggly brown hair hanging in front of them. Resting on each shoulder are red-eyed ravens that scrutinize your group. Behind her, a hulking creature built of disparate fiendish parts trudges, moaning and hopping as it walks.
Then both of the hag's eyes focus keenly on your group, and on Lulu specifically.

"My goodness!" the hag croaks, spittle dribbling from her mouth. "Where did you find such a treasure?", cackles the hag.
Lulu, looks curiously at the hag, struggling to recall if she knows her.
She whispers to Bruno,

"The two Kenku are Chukka and Clonk... but the hag, I do not remember"
How do you respond?
** Please drop the items that you offered as gifts, and I will pick them up **
** Experience awarded. **
What do you offer to the redcaps?
20 minutes pass
Current Time: 1:21 PM
Date: Secondday, 12th Mirtul
Phase: Exploration
Recovering Lulu's Memories
Bruno looks on with slight discomfort as the hag stares at Lulu. Bruno forces a smile, clears his throat and addresses the hag.

“Ah, yes…Our friend Lulu here remembered your two…bird...associates over there,” Bruno motions to the two Kenku. “And thought they might be able to help us. Unfortunately, she doesn’t remember much else. Like your name…Mad Maggie I presume? And who is your, uh…friend?” Bruno asks gesturing at the lumbering meat fiend.
Bartok's clerical instincts recoil as he sees the pieced together monstrosity with the hag, and he fights to hold back the vomit that rises in his throat. It's moaning makes his spirit hurt, and he struggles to even hold his place with the group as they approach. Not trusting himself to speak, (or even open his mouth at the moment), Bartok is thankful when Bruno begins the conversation for them. Bartok will keep an eye on Bruno and Lulu, since they seem to have caught the Hag's attention, but will gaze around the enclosure work areas specifically for tools useful in blacksmithing and jewel crafting. His eyes land on the vehicle with some interest, and would like to inspect it.
Bartok, the ever insightful cleric, does notice that the Golem, appears to have a problem with it's foot, as it moans and limps as it walks. Bartok sees a giant piece of bone, that looks out of place, protruding from the golems fleshy foot.
Mad Maggie cackles, a throaty and unsettling sound that seems to echo in the air. Her eyes, obscured by her wild hair, are indeed fixed on Lulu, but she appears to pay Bruno some attention as he speaks.

"Ah, yes, Mad Maggie, that's me!" she exclaims with a twisted grin, revealing a few missing teeth. "And this here is my dear friend Mickey,"
she adds, gesturing toward the hulking, stitched-together monstrosity beside her. Mickey responds with a low, guttural growl that sounds almost like an attempt at greeting.
Lulu shifts uncomfortably under Mad Maggie's gaze, which seems to pierce through her.
"You don't remember us, did you? You have an interesting friend, Lulu," the hag muses, still studying the hollyphant.
Bruno nods politely, his smile a bit strained.

"Yes, well, we've been traveling through Avernus, and Lulu's memories have been a bit... scattered," he explains diplomatically. "We heard you might be able to help us navigate this place. We're on a quest to find a specific location."
Mad Maggie's grin widens, revealing more gaps in her teeth.

"Navigate Avernus, eh? Not an easy task, I'll tell ya," she says, her tone growing eerily serious. "But I might be able to help ya, for a price. Nothing's free in this place, you know."
She leans in closer, her eyes glinting with a mischievous glimmer.
"Tell me, what brings ya to my humble abode, and what do you have to offer ol' Mad Maggie?"
Hippee and Arkon exchanged uneasy glances as Mad Maggie and her gruesome creation, Mickey, come into view. The sight of the monstrous flesh golem was disconcerting, to say the least. They lean in closer to hear the conversation between Bruno, Lulu, and the hag, and whisper quietly as the conversation ensues.
Hippee mutters to Arkon,

"Well, this place is a true carnival of horrors, ain't it? Wonder what kind of price she's gonna ask for helpin' us."
Arkon nods in agreement, his eyes still fixed on Mad Maggie.

"Yeah, and what's the deal with that... thing?" he replies, casting a wary glance at Mickey. "We best be on our guard."
Recovering Lulu's Memories
Lulu's expression grows more earnest as she turns to Mad Maggie, her eyes shimmering with curiosity.

"Mad Maggie, I've been trying to piece together my past, to remember what happened between me and Zariel. Can you help me remember? Do you have any clues about our connection?"
Mad Maggie cackles softly, a sound that was strangely comforting despite its eeriness. She leans in closer to Lulu, her wrinkled face taking on a more serious tone.

"Ah, sweet Lulu," she wheezes, "you and Zariel, tied together in a tale of woe and wickedness. It's all here in the tapestries and whispers of Avernus. But unlocking those memories, my dear, it won't be easy."
Lulu flutters her wings, anxiously

"Please, Maggie, I need to know. I need to remember. What can we do to unlock those memories? What must I do?"
The night hag grins, revealing rows of jagged teeth.

"You see, my dear," she hisses, "memories are like fragile butterflies, fluttering just beyond your reach. But I have the means to catch them, to reveal the secrets hidden in the folds of your mind. All you need to do is help me in return."
Lulu's eyes widen, a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty filling her gaze.

"Help you? How?"
Mad Maggie leans even closer, her voice barely a whisper now.

"Retrieve for me more of those exquisite relics, the pieces of Zariel's fall. Each one holds a fragment of your memories, and with each one I acquire, I'll bring you closer to the truth."
Lulu's ethereal wings droop slightly

"Maggie, I want to help you, I really do. But I don't even know what these relics are or where to find them. How can I retrieve something when I don't know what it is?"
The night hag's cackling laughter filled the air once more, echoing eerily in the shadowy chamber.

"Oh, my dear Lulu, that's the beauty of it, isn't it? The mystery, the adventure, the thrill of the hunt! You won't know what you're looking for until you stumble upon it, and each relic will bring us one step closer to unraveling your memories."
Lulu nods, but still very uncertain,

"Very well, Perhaps my companions will assist me in finding some of these lost relics."
The Land Speeder:
Meanwhile, Bartok explores the work areas with a sense of fascination, his attention briefly drawn to a strange, devilish vehicle. The craftsmanship and materials used to create it were unlike anything he had seen before. It seemed to be both a work of art and a functional machine, a testament to the strange ingenuity of this plane. The vehicle looks like a wagon of some kind, but with it's own engine, with four wheels to cross the unforgiving terrain of Avernus. It has enough seating for six human sized passengers, in three rows of two. There is also some kind of weapon attached to the back and back of the speeder, it appears to be a self-repeating crossbow type weapon.
The two Kenku, approach Bartok as he inspects the vehicle.
As Bartok examines the peculiar infernal contraption, the two Kenku, Chukka and Clonk, approach him with a raspy, mechanical-like cawing. eager to strike a deal.
Chukka, the larger of the two, begains by mimicking the revving sound of the land speeder's engine, then pointed at Bartok and mimed driving.

"You are interested in this 'Land Speeder', yes" he says in his gravelly voice, which sounds like the grinding of gears.
Clonk, the smaller Kenku, nods in agreement and makes an engine sound,

Bartok, intrigued by the machine, turns to face the feathered duo.

"You want to sell this land speeder to me?" he asks, glancing back at the strange vehicle.
Chukka nods enthusiastically

"A trade? We want shiny gems or some adamantine ore" Chukka caws, pointing to Bartok's pack, where the glint of one of his gemstones can be barely seen.
What does the party do next?
20 minutes pass
Current Time: 1:41 PM
Date: Secondday, 12th Mirtul
Phase: Exploration
Mad Maggie & The Kenku
Bruno listens in at Mad Maggie and Lulu’s exchange. Thinking in silence for a moment, he finally addresses Mad Maggie again.

“You mentioned you wanted ‘more of these artifacts’ which presumably means you’ve encountered one before. Can you give us an example of the kind of thing we would be looking for?”
He looks apprehensively at the horizon beyond the walls.
"I'm not a fan of heading out there until we have some idea of what we're looking for or even what direction to go."
Mad Maggie, her eyes gleaming with a twisted mix of amusement and malevolence, cackles softly before responding to Bruno's inquiry.

"Aye, love," she wheezes, her voice like dry leaves rustling in the wind. "One such artifact I've come across is a fragment of Zariel's shattered sword. The Blade of Zariel, it's called. It's as sharp as the devil's wit and still bears a taste of celestial power. It's the sort of thing that gets me all tingly, it does."
She leans in a little closer, her eyes locked onto Bruno's, making Bruno feel very uneasy.
"There's more than one piece of that blade scattered across Avernus, and each one holds a different memory of her fall. If you're keen on finding these relics, you'll want to look for objects that seem... out of place, I suppose you'd say. Things that shimmer with memories and might tell you a tale if you listen closely enough."
Maggie's grin widens as she continues,
"My sweet Lulu, the memories in these artifacts will be key in unlocking the memories you have lost. If we can get these pieced back together, imagine the wonderful things we can know."
Lulu, her large, expressive eyes turn their gaze back to Mad Maggie. She flutters her golden wings gently and responds with a soft, almost wistful tone.

"I want to remember," she says, her voice carrying a hint of sadness. "I want to know who I was, who I am. I want to remember the light, the warmth, and the kindness. And I want to understand the darkness, the fall, and the choices I made."
She looks down at her little trunk, where her memory flashes occasionally flickered.
"These memories are like pieces of a puzzle, scattered across Avernus. I don't know how or why they're here, but I believe they hold the truth about Zariel's fall and my own part in it."
Lulu turns back to Mad Maggie, "I'll do whatever it takes to recover those memories. I will scour Avernus as long as I can, to find the artifacts you need."
Mad Maggie cackles with glee, her hag-like cackle echoing through Fort Knucklebone. She leans in close to Lulu, her yellow eyes gleaming with delight.

"Ah, my dear, I knew you were a sensible one! Together, we shall uncover the darkest secrets of Zariel's fall. And once we have those precious artifacts, the memories locked within will be ours to savor."
She straightens up and claps her hands together.
"Now, my dears, let's not dawdle. you'll need wheels to cover the ground of Avernus quickly, and my loyal associates just so happen to have an infernal war machine that will do the trick."
Maggie nods toward the land speeder that Bartok, Chukka and Clock are negotiating over.
The Land Speeder
Bartok gazes at Clonk and Chukka for a minute, deciphering just what they are offering, and whether or not the Speeder might be useful to the party. Feeling the gentle glow of power behind him as Bruno approaches, he turns his head as Bruno speaks.
Bruno casually walks up, appraising and inspecting the land speeder from a distance. Seeing Bartok engage in conversation with the Kenku, Bruno moves to join the conversation. On his way over he casts Mage Armor, and then casts Tongues. He addresses Chukka and Clonk while appraising the machine.

"How does it work lad? How bout does it work? I'm impressed by the ingenuity, but I'm not bein sure this fancy land speeder 'ere will even move. It certainly is shiny though!"
Looking back at the 2 Kenku with a twinkle in his eye Bartok inquires. "Don't suppose ye could get 'er up and running could ya?" Bartok shuffles his pack around to the front to show that he may be willing to open it, if convinced.
Chukka and Clonk nod in agreement as Chukka croaks out,

"Yes, yes, it runs! Runs on a single shiny soul coin, it does. One soul coin, and it'll take you across the wastes faster than a spine devil chasing a soul."
Clonk adds with a series of clicking noises and bird-like gestures,

"Oh yes, we are clever. We build, we fix. Good deal for you, yes?"
They both seem eager to make a trade, eyeing Bartok's pack with curiosity.
Jaren's Plea & The Exit of Arkon Mace
As the conversation between Lulu and Mad Maggie unfolded, Arkon finds himself lost in thought, staring out into the desolate expanse of Avernus. Memories from his past life as a Demon Hunter, stir in his mind heavily in this forsaken place.
Suddenly, a familiar voice breaks through his focus, a voice that sends shivers down his spine.

"Arkon? Is that really you?"
Arkon turns abruptly, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. There, standing before him, was a man he hadn't seen in years. It was Jaren, a fellow Demon Hunter from his days in Baldur's Gate. But Jaren looks different now—worn, battered, and desperate.

"Jaren?" Arkon says in disbelief, his guard slowly lowering. "What are you doing here?"
Jaren's eyes dart nervously around, as if fearing someone or something might overhear their conversation. He leans in closer to Arkon and speaks in a hushed tone.

"Arkon, I've been hunting Talgrazak, the Abyssal Revenant.—The demon we once vowed to destroy together. But it's led me here, to this accursed place. I can't defeat it alone. I need your help."
Arkon's heart sinks as he remembers the demon they had sworn to vanquish, a creature of unspeakable evil.

"Tell me everything," he demands.
Jaren quickly recounts the demon's trail, how it had eluded him through numerous planes of existence, until it had entered Avernus.
Arkon turns to his companions, conflicted between his loyalty to them and his duty to finish what they had started long ago. Finally, making his decision.
"I have to help Jaren," Arkon declares. "We swore an oath to hunt down that demon, and I can't let it roam free in Avernus. I wish you all success in your quest to recover Lulu's memories and find Drakkar. May you find the answers you seek."
With that, Arkon and Jaren set off into the desolation of Avernus, their sights set on confronting the ancient evil they had once vowed to destroy.
How do you respond to the Kenku & Mad Maggie?
20 minutes pass
Current Time: 2:01 PM
Date: Secondday, 12th Mirtul
Phase: Exploration
As Arkon states his intention to leave with Jaron, Bruno opens his mouth to protest, to try and convince Arkon not to go and how they need him, but ultimately thinks better of it and remains silent. A demon on the loose is more dangerous than one trapped in a shield (at least Bruno thinks it is). He nods solemnly at the Ranger and watches as Arkon and Jaron disappear beyond the gates. Bruno pushes down the feeling of panic that threatens to surface and smiles at Bartok, Hippee, and Lulu. His eyes linger on the shield draped over Hippee’s back and he swallows hard. Balling up as much courage as he can muster he places a reassuring hand on Hippee and Bartok’s shoulders. As a quick afterthought he casts Mage Hand and places it on Lulu’s shoulder.

“Arkon will be missed, but we can still do this. We have to.”
Meanwhile, Bartok continues discussing the speeder with the Kenku.

"A soul coin eh? That's an interesting fuel choice!" Bartok glances back at Bruno trying to remember if he or hippee still had a soul coin from their journeys. "I think we may have one of them shiny bits hangin around! How bout the rest of it. I'd think I be having a bit of ore in me pack but I may even do ya one better with a finished bar if ye have an extra soul coin to get us started! How'd ye like some clean finished Adamantite, all mixed up, fired and ready for craftin." Bartok watches the Kenku for some sign of agreement, but struggles to read expressions under the feathers.
The two Kenku, Chukka and Clonk, exchange a quick series of cawing and squawking, presumably conversing with each other. They then nod to each other before responding.
Clonk points to the slot where the soul coin is to be inserted and motions as if driving a vehicle. Chukka makes a few whirring and chugging noises, trying to mimic the sound the land speeder would make when operational.
Bruno rubs his chin thoughtfully as he looks over the speeder. His ears perk up at the mention of soul coins and his thoughts wander to the two soul coins he has in his bag of holding. Looking to the two Kenku, he croaks at them in their native language.

“Can you show me? How this machine works? If we are to buy it, we want to understand it.”
Chukka and Clonk demonstrate how the machine works with broken Common language, using gestures and animated mimicry to illustrate its functions.
Chukka flaps his wings and points to the front of the vehicle, then nods to Bartok and Bruno.

"You go there," he says, indicating the driver's seat. "Steer," he moves his outstretched hands left and right, "and... pedal," he mimics pushing down with his foot as if pressing an accelerator.
Clonk points to a coin slot on the vehicle.

"One soul coin goes here," he explains, then points to the soul coin slot again. "This makes it go." He then indicates a brake pedal, "This stops." He finally points to a lever on the side, "This shifts, so you can go faster."
With their demonstration concluded, Chukka and Clonk turn their attention back to the two visitors.

"No soul coins," Chukka states, shaking his head. "Mad Maggie has all of them. She gives."
Clonk adds,

"But she trade, you give too." They exchange glances and then Clonk tells you in a hushed tone, "She has many...special things." The kenku look at Bruno and Bartok, eager to know if they are interested in the deal, as they don't have soul coins themselves. Bartok watches as Bruno absent mindedly slips his hand into his Bag holding to fetch a soul coun. Bruno produces the coin without thinking.

"Eh? whatcha got there lad? She got a direction for us to go?" Bartok glances back at Clonk and Chukka and pulls one Adamantite Bar our of his pack to show the quality of what he's crafted.
The kenku exchange glances as they observe the impressive adamantite bar. Clonk leans closer to Bartok and signals that it's a fine specimen, but it might not be quite sufficient.
With a bit of a sad look in their eyes, they explain,

"Nice, nice, but the land speeder needs... well, it's a bit more precious, it does. Perhaps you have more to offer fairly?
Bruno turns back to Maggie

“We would love to help return Lulu’s memories but we have to get rid of this shield. It’s already corrupted and claimed one of our party. We need to get rid of it. If we wandering about this hellscape looking for … we don’t even know what we would be looking for…I’m concerned its influence and corruption may spread.” Bruno shoots a concerned look at Hippee. “We were told you might be able to help us with this. Do you know where the portal to Drakkar is?”
Mad Maggie listens intently as Bruno explains your quest, her mismatched eyes flickering with avarice and desire.

"Aye, it be a noble quest, this shield o' yours," she croons, "but I can see its dark allure." Maggie leans in, her voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. "I can offer ye riches that would make even the Nine Hells tremble in exchange for that shield. Soul coins, precious artifacts, and knowledge beyond your wildest dreams."
She points to Lulu.
"She be holdin' secrets that could help me uncover more o' Zariel's tale, but ye hold a relic that could reshape Avernus itself. "
Maggie pats the land speeder lovingly.
"This machine can take ye far into Avernus, and I can provide some supplies. Ye may also need to seek out the likes of Mahadi, the Rakshasa who runs the Wandering Emporium. He knows many secrets and deals in powerful artifacts."
Maggie's eyes glitter with a sinister charm. "So, how say ye to our deal, my brave travelers? Will you part with the shield for a fortune beyond measure?"
Hippee's voice trembles with urgency and anxiety. He takes a determined step forward, his eyes fixed on Mad Maggie.

"No, no deal! This shield... it's dangerous. It's corrupting, and we've lost one friend to it already. I won't let it fall into the wrong hands, and I won't risk more lives for whatever you're offering. We need to get rid of it, and we can't let it taint anyone else."
He clutches the shield protectively, his fingers trembling. "We'll find our way to Drakkar without compromising our mission or our souls."
What do you do next?
20 minutes pass
Current Time: 2:21 PM
Date: Secondday, 12th Mirtul
Phase: Exploration
The Land Speeder
Bartok readies himself to respond to the Kenku when he spots Hippee stepping forward with the shield. Panic grips him as he assumes that Hippee may be giving the shield to Mad Maggie, but he calms when he sees the white knuckle grip that Hippee has on it. Bartok is desperate to get rid of the shield, but giving it to Mad Maggie might doom them all. Taking a calming breath he refocuses on the Kenku. Fairly comfortable that they have given him enough information to at least not have the machine blow up underneath them as they travel Avernus, he turns back to the negotiation for price.

"Took me some pretty fancy work to pound out that bar lads. What else ya thinkin for yer machine? You need some more metal for her frame? or some gems for the rest of it?" Bartok opens his pack and tumbles through some of his gems and materials. Lifting one bushy eyebrow, he peers at the Kenku. "Ye don't be wantin gold would ya? I thought fer a couple of blacksmiths ye be wanting materials, but I've got a bit of cash on me."
Bartok pulls out 1 gold coin and shows it to the Kenku with a questioning look, trying to get his point across.
Clonk and Chukka exchange glances, their avian heads bobbing thoughtfully. They seem to understand the value of the materials Bartok has presented but are still somewhat reserved. Chukka chatters in a mixture of Common and their own chirping language, then finally responds in a hesitant tone,

"No gold, no gold. Not worth much here."
Clonk nods and adds,

"We need stuff for machines, strong metals, and maybe some shiny stones." He points to the titanium ingot and the emerald with interest. "Those, good for making parts. But more needed. Need more materials, valuable. Adamantine, Titanium, all good. Need shiny stones too."
They look at Bartok expectantly, hoping for more, especially given the complexity and cost of fixing up the land speeder.

"All right lads, let me see what I gots 'ere at the bottom." Bartok continues to rummage. "Ah ha! Perfect metal for wires, straps, and covers." Bartok pulls out 3 bars of Platinum to add to the pile and after some thought, adds a beautiful Ruby next to the Emerald. "This one's me favorite. Hope ye can make good use of it."
Bartok arranges the metals and the gems out in front of the Kenku neatly by quality and size.
Clonk and Chukka inspect the platinum bars, the ruby, and the emerald with keen interest. They exchange rapid, clicking conversation with each other before turning their attention back to Bartok.
Chukka chirps,

"Good materials, but still need more. Speeder is precious."
Clonk nods in agreement,

"Yes, need more, better. Really need some Cinnabar ore. Hard to find. You get some?"
While they seem impressed by Bartok's offerings, they appear to be valuing the land speeder very highly and are hesitant to part with it for what has been presented so far.
If Bartok wants to acquire the land speeder, it seems that they might need to provide something even more valuable or perhaps seek other means to acquire it.
*Please indicate in your response every item you are offering to make sure we keep the deal straight*
Meanwhile, the conversation with Mad Maggie
Bruno’s breath catches in his chest as Maggie makes Hippee an offer on the shield. As Hippee refuses, Bruno is able to exhale and relax his hand he wasn’t even consciously aware was moving towards his component pouch. He eyes the hag warily and nods.

“We’ve seen firsthand what this shield is capable of and I intend to make sure the bastard inside it stays in there. Time we spend running around the hells looking for these ‘memory fragments’ or whatever is time that could be used to lock away the shield.”
Bruno turns a sympathetic eye to Lulu.
“Again, we want to help return Lulu’s memories…we do. Once this shield is taken care of, I will do everything in my power to help restore her memories.”
Bruno turns to Maggie.
“You mentioned you had supplies to trade. We have a few odds and ends that you may find interesting.”
Bruno removes a ruby crusted gold ring, pouches of salt and black pepper, a gleaming ruby, some silver bars, and an intact femur from his bag of holding.
“Perhaps a bit of nice jewelry to set off your, uh…eyes? *ahem* Or maybe a new leg bone for your golem? He appears to have a bit of broken bone sticking out of his foot? Maybe he needs a replacement?”
Mad Maggie listens intently as Bruno expresses his determination to deal with the shield promptly and the group's willingness to help restore Lulu's memories.
She examines the items Bruno offers, her gaze lingering on the gleaming ruby and the jewelry. Her grin widens as she responds,

"Ah, the glittering jewels are quite lovely, and Mickey here could use a fresh bone. I want them all." She gestures at the ring and the other items,
Bruno's Offer:
1 Ring of Fireballs
3 vials of salt
3 jars of black pepper
1 Ruby
2 Silver Ingots
1 Femur BOne
Maggie takes the items from Bruno, including the gleaming ruby and the jewelry. In return, she offers a small, well-organized pouch of essential supplies, custom-tailored for surviving the harsh environs of Avernus. The pouch contains:
Soul Shards: Several small, dark crystals that can be used as currency in Avernus or as an energy source in emergencies.
Hellfire Salve: A small jar of salve that can soothe burns and protect against fire-based attacks.
Devil's Brew: A vial of a potent elixir that can boost stamina and resilience when consumed.
Infernal Rations: A compact pack of preserved food and water, designed to sustain travelers on the move.
Wayfarer's Guide to Avernus: A small, leather-bound book filled with information on navigating Avernus, including maps, landmarks, and advice on dealing with the dangers that lurk within.
Mad Maggie hands these supplies to Bruno with a twisted, toothy grin.

"These should serve you well on your journey, my dear. So do we have a deal?" She smiles.
"Remember, I'll be right here when you return. We'll continue our work to recover Lulu's lost memories, and perhaps even find those elusive artifacts you seek."
Her eyes flicker with a hint of mischief, and it's clear she's not just helping out of the kindness of her heart but also for her own sinister purposes.
Maggie leans in slightly closer, her hag-like eyes studying Bruno, and her tone lowers to a conspiratorial level.
"I appreciate your willingness to trade. I can assist you with some provisions and knowledge of Avernus' dangers. Plus, when you return from your quest, I'll still be here, with the knowledge you seek about Zariel's artifacts." She gestures toward Lulu, hinting at the memory fragments.
** Please indicate if you agree to the deal with Maggie.**

“Terribly sorry Lulu, if anyone knows a thing or a thousand about losing some memories, it’s me. But this….” Hippee traces a forefinger around the front of the shield “…this is beyond me, even you I think, someone powerful should really help us. Perhaps a Wizard…I know of one…” Hippee’s left eye twitches as the recall stone in his kit strikes his mind. Hippee shakes his head back to clarity and slaps the shield briskly with his palm and whispers to it “You’ll find the corrupted are the least corruptable”
Addressing Maggie and Bruno’s bartering “Some of Bruno’s fine wares should suffice for the speeder, Maggie, but the shield stays in my keep.”
Mad Maggie observes Hippee's determination to retain the shield and Bruno's willingness to part with various valuable items for the Land Speeder. She nods slowly, her eyes glinting with cunning.

"I understand the attachment to that little trinket," Maggie downplays, her voice dripping with an eerie sweetness. "But if you ever change your mind, dear Hippee, remember you've got yourself a potential deal right here. For now, keep that bauble of yours. I don't think it will be easy to hold on to, here in Avernus." Her smile beams with an air of uneasyness.
She then shifts her attention back to the items Bartok offered to the Kenku for the land speeder, appraising them carefully. After a moment of contemplation, she grins and adds,
"We're not there yet, my dears. A little more, and you'll have yourselves a deal. There are some cinnabar ore deposits not far from Fort Knucklebone. Perhaps you could go out and prospect for some. A few nuggets of that is better than gold and jewels around here. ", she snorts.
Maggie's motives are shrouded in mystery, and her desire for the shield remains strong. The negotiations continue, as the characters inch closer to securing the Land Speeder and essential supplies for their perilous journey across Avernus.
* Let me know if Bruno accepts maggies deal for the pouch of goodies, and if anymore is offered for the land speeder. *
What do you say next?
30 minutes pass
Current Time: 2:51 PM
Date: Secondday, 12th Mirtul
Phase: Exploration
The Deal
As Bartok negotiates with the Kenku,

"Cinnabar eh? That's one I've never mined before. I'm always up fer learnin a new ore though! I'll see what I can find." Bartok loosens his pick from his belt loop and looks over at Bruno, "That little map book may be some help down here lad, and if we get the that travelin machine to boot, we may finally get where we're meanin ta be." Lookin back at Maggie, "Which direction is this fancy ore of yers, and are there any landscape bits that ye know to show there might be ore around?"
Mad Maggie, Chukka, and Clonk provide information about Cinnabar Ore and where to find it in Avernus. Maggie's eyes gleam with a mischievous twinkle as she describes it.

"Cinnabar Ore looks like twisted veins of dark red and deep black. The ground it's found in is often stained with red, and you can sometimes spot it by the vivid hue of the landscape. It's a bit like a hidden treasure waiting to be uncovered, my dears."
Chukka and Clonk chime in, speaking in their native tongue. With Bruno now understanding them thanks to the Tongues spell, they explain further.

"The ore is scattered throughout Avernus. You can find it beneath the hellish soil, usually deeper in the earth. But be wary, the Blood War sometimes leads to sudden shifts in the landscape, revealing or burying the ore deposits. The environment here is unpredictable, so you must keep a keen eye."
Bruno rummages in his bag of holding and pulls out a handful of eggs.

"What about some nice tasty eggs? I remember reading something about crows liking eggs. Would these help sweeten the deal?"
Chukka and Clonk, the Kenku, eye the eggs with interest. These bird-like creatures seem quite intrigued by the offering. Chukka caws excitedly in their native tongue, and Clonk nods in agreement.
Clonk nods,

"Eggs good for us, yes. Make good trade."
It seems the eggs have made an impression. The negotiations for the Land Speeder appear to be heading in the right direction

”Hold on a second lads…. What color is this Cinnabar ore? I found a bit of this red rock on me way to the fort. Maybe I found whatcha lookin for already!“
Bartok peers questioning into his pack once more, moves a few things and comes up with the chunk of cinnabar ore.
Upon seeing the cinnabar ore, the Kenku's eyes gleam with interest. They seem quite pleased with the offering, but as they scan the items, you can see them calculating the value, and they don't seem totally convinced that the deal is fair yet.
** Please make A persuasion check to see if the deal is successful. As the deal currently stands, the DC for this deal is 20. If your check fails, you an add additional items to the pot and make the check again. Please check with me for any changes to the DC, depending on what you add to the pot **
Bartok's current offer:
3 x Platinum Ingots
1 x Ruby
1 x Emerald
1 x Adamantite Ingot
1 x Titanium Ingot
2 x Cinnabar Ore
Meanwhile, as Bruno turns to Mad Maggie,
Bruno's caution and suspicion are well-founded in Avernus, a place where treacherous deals are common. He cautiously agrees to the trade and exchanges the agreed-upon items with Maggie for the supplies. As the items change hands, he can't help but wonder about the hag's interest in Lulu's lost memories.
When Bruno inquires about her motivations, Maggie's grin takes on a sly, enigmatic quality.

“Out of curiosity, why the interest in Lulu’s memories? No one does anything down here out of the goodness of their heart. What do you get out of her remembering what happened with Zariel?”

"Ah, you're right, dearie. Altruism ain't the currency down here. But knowledge and power, oh, they're worth more than gold in Avernus. Zariel's tale is more than just a story—it's a map to her fall and the secrets of this infernal plane. With it, I might unlock hidden treasures or leverage unknown forces. It's all about power, love, and making the best deals."
Maggie's response, while not entirely transparent, underscores the fact that knowledge in Avernus is often a commodity in itself, one that can be traded, haggled over, and wielded as a weapon. The motivations of those who seek it can be as complex as the hellscape itself.
Maggie leans in closer to Bruno, a sly grin on her haggard face.
"You see, darlin', these two lads—Chukka and Clonk," she nods in their direction, "aren't your usual riff-raff in Avernus. No, I found 'em ages ago, scrappin' it out for any kinda grub they could get. I taught 'em a thing or two 'bout makin' good deals, and they turned out to be right smart traders. Now, they work for me and help keep this little operation afloat."
She gestures broadly to the chaotic junkyard that is Fort Knucklebone. "But don't think it's all that easy," she continues, chuckling. "Those nasty gangs out there, the warlords, they all want a piece of my pie. And I reckon it's because they think they can take what I got, but that's not how deals work in Avernus."
Maggie's eyes twinkle with a shrewdness as she finishes her tale, emphasizing the cutthroat nature of survival in the Nine Hells.
"So, darlin', if you're lookin' to make a deal here, you'll need a sharper tongue than them inky-feathered boys and the heart to back it up. Welcome to my little slice of hell!"
The trade for supplies is completed from Bruno (Bruno, make sure you drop all the items you were making for trade and I'll put all the items you traded for into your inventory.
Bartok - please make your persuasion roll for the land speeder trade.
If you have any questions about the negotiations, lets handle in chat.
30 minutes pass
Current Time: 3:21 PM
Date: Secondday, 12th Mirtul
Phase: Exploration
”Hold on a second lads…. What color is this Cinnabar ore? I found a bit of this red rock on me way to the fort. Maybe I found whatcha lookin for already!“ Bartok peers questioning into his pack once more, moves a few things and comes up with the chunk of cinnabar ore.
Prospected some ore to fit the timeline on the way to the fort. Bartok will offer up to 2 cinnabar ore chunks in addition to what’s already laid out in the ground.
*Negotiating with Maggie*
Bruno tries to keep his face still and not twitch as the hag leans in closer. (Gods, he wished he knew which of her eyes to look at.) Forcing a tight smile, Bruno nods warily. While he’s wary about making deals in Avernus, those supplies could definitely come in handy down here.
“Right. My ring, 2 silver bars, ruby, 3 pouches of salt and pepper and the femur bone for your pouch of supplies. Goods for goods and no other strings attached. It’s a trade. Your birds also mentioned you have soul coins that may be for trade. What would it take to get those from you?”
Tucking the supplies away, Bruno looks back to Maggie.
"Cinnabar eh? That's one I've never mined before. I'm always up fer learnin a new ore though! I'll see what I can find." Bartok loosens his pick from his belt loop and looks over at Bruno, "That little map book may be some help down here lad, and if we get the that travelin machine to boot, we may finally get where we're meanin ta be." Lookin back at Maggie, "Which direction is this fancy ore of yers, and are there any landscape bits that ye know to show there might be ore around?"
Bartok will suggest the party that they go get the Cinnabar Ore to pay for the speeder, and then head for Drakkar keeping an eye out…
“Terribly sorry Lulu, if anyone knows a thing or a thousand about losing some memories, it’s me. But this….” Hippee traces a forefinger around the front of the shield “…this is beyond me, even you I think, someone powerful should really help us. Perhaps a Wizard…I know of one…” Hippee’s left eye twitches as the recall stone in his kit strikes his mind. Hippee shakes his head back to clarity and slaps the shield briskly with his palm and whispers to it “You’ll find the corrupted are the least corruptable”
Addressing Maggie and Bruno’s bartering “Some of Bruno’s fine wares should suffice for the speeder, Maggie, but the shield stays in my keep.”
Bruno’s breath catches in his chest as Maggie makes Hippee an offer on the shield. As Hippee refuses, Bruno is able to exhale and relax his hand he wasn’t even consciously aware was moving towards his component pouch. He eyes the hag warily and nods.
“We’ve seen firsthand what this shield is capable of and I intend to make sure the bastard inside it stays in there. Time we spend running around the hells looking for these ‘memory fragments’ or whatever is time that could be used to lock away the shield.”
Bruno turns a sympathetic eye to Lulu.
“Again, we want to help return Lulu’s memories…we do. Once this shield is taken care of, I will do everything in…