The party makes their way a few blocks from the Basilisk Gate, and heads in the direction of Elfsong Tavern. It's not a long walk, and within 10 minutes you have located the place.
PARTY KNOWLEDGE: Taverns in general, in Baldur's Gate
No wise person walks the streets of Baldur's Gate or enters one of its taverns without a weapon or an armed escort. Anyone who has lived in the city for more than a tenday knows this from experience. Taverns might appear safe at a glance, but they are among the most dangerous places in Baldur's Gate—full of alcohol, tempting coin, and unscrupulous people. Customers are expected to look after themselves when fights break out, and one shouldn't expect any help or sympathy from the Flaming Fist. Tavern murders are common, and usually end with the poor victim being dragged away and either left in an alley (to be picked clean by urchins, then eaten by rats) or tossed in the harbor.
Background Knowledge of Elfsong Tavern: you have heard about this specific tavern before: what you know is that the tavern is

supposedly haunted by the spirit of an elf, and that at random times throughout the day, the disembodied voice of a female elf can be heard singing and lamenting about a lost lover of ages past. People come from all over the sword coast to visit this tavern - none of you have ever been to it. (You can decide if your character has ever wished to visit this tavern, if so, then you are excited to finally have the chance)
Arrival at the tavern:
The Party enters the tavern (marked with a Red X), the rogue, enters first and heads directly to the bar.
In the main taproom, You see a half-elven man tending the bar, and two human men waiting on tables, delivering drinks and food to tables, and joking with the clientele.
Flanking the entrance are two bouncers: a suit of animated armor and a gruff female Half-Ogre. In Baldur's Gate, you have heard bouncers are primarily hired at establishments to protect the staff members, and generally don't care about the patrons' safety.
Well-armed patrons huddle around tables in the main taproom and in private booths. Three padded chairs are angled toward a fireplace on the east wall, underneath the creaky wooden staircase that climbs to the second floor. There is a person passed out or asleep on the couch against the north wall. Next to the couch sits a wooden sea chest that contains an assortment of games.
Although many patrons are smoking in the taproom, there is a private lounge on the southern wall, specifically for smoking.
The Bartender notices the party enter the tavern, and he raises his voice to welcome you.

"Welcome to Elfsong Tavern gentlemen, name's Alan, at your service"
(he then continues filling drinks and wiping down mugs)
Here are a few options your party considers:
Speak with Alan.
Speak with Patrons (there are dozens in the taproom).
Explore other areas downstairs (see map).
Go upstairs to explore second floor.
What do you do?
(Here is a link to the discussion board)
Bartok hands over 5gp to Dartan for the message with Lala.
Bartok also orders a 2nd breakfast from the barkeep.
Good morning Dartan! Glad to see you in such good spirits! They have the most outstanding Sausage here. They wouldn't tell me what was in it, but it's a hearty belly filler in the morning! I think I can help with Lala's fee, and we Definitely want to keep on the good side of the guild! there's too many gold pieces at stake to lose that contract. Steak...hmm yes ...Steak and eggs... yes, I believe I'll check with the barkeep about 2nd's! Oh... by the way, I've never been a fan of the darker magic users.. Especially warlocks! Messing with demons and the undead.. Makes my beard itch. I'd be all for finding that little rat (no of…
Bruno glances up from scratching his rat behind the ears as Dartan approaches their table. He seems to shrink into his chair a bit as Dartan praises his initiative.
"Oh, uh ... yeah. No problem."
He slowly fishes 5 gold from his coin pouch and places it on the table. He takes a lingering glance and the few remaining coins and sighs wearily. Composing himself a bit, Bruno smiles at the table.
"So then, what will we do with this new day?"
Good morning, friends. Bruno, I see you have been busy already. Thank you for your initiative. We promised Darin to send word so we must do that. Lala knows the way to Rok's and has proven herself to be a valuable ally. I will help pay her fees. I wish to speak with her in private before she departs. If you two could spare 5gp each I will cover the rest. Hopefully that no good rogue will chip in too. *aside* Tyr forgive me. Jules was noble and brave in dispensing your justice. I shall work to correct my thoughts on him. *to Bruno and Bartok* Well then! That's settled! Let's break our fast while we wait for Lala. Hopefully Jules…
The party rests for 12 hours at Elfsong Tavern. the night passes, uneventfully but you do not get as much rest as you had hoped for. You quickly learn that taverns in Baldur's gate are not the most quiet and peaceful places. None of you got more than 3-4 hours of good sleep, as you were regularly woken up by dice players and drunks with loud voices. Still, the beds were soft and vermin free, plus it kept you out of the cold. The Rogue spent most of the night in the common area, and finally fell asleep on the sofa in the main lounge.
Bruno.... Rested
Jules-Jack-Nobody... Partially rested (if you have three nights in a row…