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Baldur's Gate Sewer

Writer's picture: Dungeon MasterDungeon Master

The party decides to hire Ralph, the street urchin boy to help guide them through the sewers to find the cult of the dead three's hideout.

The party meets up at midnight and leaves from the Mourning Wood tavern. They walk a few blocks from there to an old building, not too far from the bath house where Ralph shows the party an old boarded up building, that has an old grating that has been broken open.

"This is the way down. But it's really dark and stinky down there. This is the closest way to get to those mean guys that kill people. There's a dead body down here too - that's where those bad guys are. I haven't been past the dead body because it scared me, but when I was down there, I also saw some scary looking guys and heard some screaming too. I usually take a candle with me, did you bring a light?" (ralph lights his candle and holds it in his mouth as he climbs down the ladder first)

The grating is large enough to squeeze through, even for Dartan - and there is an old wooden ladder leaning against the wall that descends about 10 feet down into the darkness. The stench coming up from the grating is pretty bad, but not intolerable.

Dartan Jules and Bartok, are able to see with their darkvision, but Ralph and Bruno will need light to see anything. Ralph's candle is sufficient for now to at least see about 20 feet out in the darkness.

The party descends the ladder and finds themselves in a narrow corridor thats about 5 feet wide, with approx. 8 foot ceiling. It's cramped, cold, wet and smelly.

The floor of the sewer has a narrow strip on each side of a murky river of filthy water. Ralph takes you through a long straight corridor until you reach an area where the wall has been breached, leaving a pile of rubble that opens into an entirely different area of the sewer.

Ralph points at the broken wall, "The bad men are in there. We gotta be quiet, or they will hear us, and the dead body is in there too"

You can see that on the other side of the broken wall is a flooded room.

Floating face-down in the middle of this flooded room is the bloated corpse of a shirtless male human with knife wounds in his back.

The stench in this room becomes unbearable.

Everyone please make a CON check.

The party emerges from the broken wall (marked by the red X)

Please state what you will do next.

- There is a dead body floating face down midway in the room

- Ralphs Candle provides light for about 20 feet diameter

- You can hear water dripping and an occasional odd thump echo through the darkness.

- The walls are made of limestone, and covered in a light slimy film

- the ceiling is about 8 feet high

- Spiders, roaches and rats scurry around the walls

- The entire floor of this chamber is covered in about 1 to 1.5 feet of murky, foul water.


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“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
May 05, 2022

Bruno starts retching slightly and looks away as Jules dispatches the cultist. Pressing the cloth wrap to his face, he takes several deep breaths before turning back to the group.

"Well ... that's taken care of then."

Turning towards the alarmed door, Bruno pulls out the scroll of dispel magic and begins muttering the inscribed incantations. (Bruno dispels the ward on the door).


Arkon Mace
Arkon Mace
May 05, 2022

**the rogue waits a beat following the wizard’s comment; pulls the Flaming Fist badge from a pouch and pins it to his cloak; stands, walks over and bends down in front of the Necro; in one swift movement, grabs the necro by the hair with his left hand, pulls a dagger with his right hand and stabs the necro in the neck; lets go and replaces his dagger; stands walks back over to where he was and sits back down; replaces the badge back in his pouch**

looks around at the party through half-open eyes, "whenever you're ready..."


“Mutt” Bromwell
“Mutt” Bromwell
May 05, 2022

Bruno carefully stows his spell book in his pack. Lifting it a few times and satisfied with its weight, he slings it across his back. Looking to the group, Bruno gestures towards the tied up heretic. “Two questions: are we ready to head through the east door and what are going to do with our friend here? Jules has a point about this guy. There’s little chance he’s going to renounce his god and suddenly turn from his path of evil and the last thing we want is him being able to warn or tell his fellows about us.” Bruno watches the heretic continue to mutter his abyssal prayer. “Sure seems like he’s ready to meet his god and something should…


Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master
May 04, 2022

The Short Rest has concluded. Bartok and Dartan tend their wounds and roll some hit dice.

Bartok recovers 6 hit points, bringing him to 15 / 17

Dartan recovers 7 hit points, bringing him to 14 / 18

Bruno recovers 1 spell slot during his study.

Everyone takes the loot and treasure, during the rest, the Rogue rummages more through the crypt and finds a couple more items that may be of interest -- mainly just bone fragments and a broken skull in a sarcophagus. (These items have been added to the treasure & loot page, in case anyone cares to take them.)

During the rest, you could hear periodic screams echo in the dungeon, feint cries and occasional low…


Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master
May 03, 2022


The party decides to take a short rest. An hour passes, with no interruption. (Short Rest successful)

I have activated the "Short Rest" phase in the game. During this phase you can roll up to your maximum hit dice to recover some Hit Points.

During the short rest phase, a link will appear on your character sheet where your Hit Dice are, you can click the link that says "Used" and that will take you to a page to roll up to your hit dice. (I recommend rolling just one die at a time, because you cannot recover spent hit dice except during a long rest, and only half of them)

Once you spend a hit dice,…

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