
The Ambush in the cold
In the frozen, wind-bitten expanse of Icewind Dale, the air bites with the ferocity of a thousand needles. Here, the brave and the bold seek adventure, fortune, or simply survival in the unforgiving landscape. You were traveling with an escort of a dozen men and women, journeying to a settlement known as Ten-Towns for reasons as diverse as their backgrounds.
Our tale begins in the aftermath of calamity. Mutt Bromwell, a human bard known for his quick wit and quicker fingers, Dorf Thimblerigger, a halfling barbarian with a heart as large as his teddy bear, Fizzbum Lilypad, a gnome druid whose connection with nature is as deep as the roots of the oldest trees in his swamp, Uptharr, a human paladin whose resolve is as unyielding as the mountains, and Azalie, an elf ranger as mysterious and sharp as the night.
Your group fell prey to a brutal attack by a giant, a creature as ruthless as the icy landscape it inhabits. The chaos and fury of the assault left your small group decimated. You don't remember much of the assault, just screaming and chaos. Then all went black.
The Unknown Cave
As you awaken, you find yourself in a dimly lit cave, the air heavy with the musty scent of old bones. Light coming from candles give enough light to see your surroundings. The cave, adorned with remnants of damaged equipment and the bones of lost souls, holds an ominous presence. The party, though battered and bruised, realizes the gravity of their situation. They are alive but lost.
What fate befell the rest of the escort who journeyed with you? Are they hidden elsewhere in this cave, or have they succumbed to a more sinister end? The five of you must gather your strength, uncover the mysteries of the cave, and find a way back to the harsh but familiar paths of Icewind Dale.

As the party awakens in the cave, disoriented but alive, You find yourself in a situation that demands your wit and courage.

There are three different exits in this chamber, marked with A, B or C
Please post what your character is going to do to interact with the immediate environment, including any dialogue you wish to speak.
Please note: Searching anything below also requires you to make an Investigation Check. Listening requires a Perception Check.
Immediate Environment options
Old Bones and Damaged Equipment: The cave floor is littered with old bones, some human, some from creatures unknown. Damaged equipment, possibly from previous adventurers or victims of the giants, is scattered around, hinting at a dangerous history. (searching this would take about 30 min)
Flickering Light: A few torches, remnants of previous occupants, are wedged into cracks in the cave walls, casting flickering shadows and barely illuminating the area. (Searching this would take about 30 min)
Icy Stalactites and Stalagmites: The cave features imposing ice formations, with sharp stalactites hanging from the ceiling and stalagmites rising from the ground. (Searching these would take up to 30 min)
Echoes and Distant Sounds: Occasional, unsettling echoes and distant sounds bounce off the rocky walls. (Listening would take up to 3 minutes at each exit)
Current Time: 12:00 PM
Date: Fourthday , 4 , Alturiak , 1742
Temperature: 40°
Not Alone...

As Dorf shakes off his head to clear the cobwebs, he quickly looks around for his gear. It takes him just a few seconds but he is able to find everything he had been carrying before the ambush. He breathes a sigh of relief as he dusts off Mr. Wiggles and sees that he is undamaged.
“is everyone ok?”, he says as he frantically looks for Mr. Wiggles.

Mutt comes to with a sudden gasp of air but he manages to stifle the noise as his wits quickly return. He scans himself for any hidden injuries and takes time to count his numbing fingers and toes to make sure they’re all accounted for.
“Auuuuugh, that was a particularly harrowing memory.”, he says as he shakes his head while he gathers his wits.
Mutt then broods silently for a couple of moments.
Satisfied he hasn’t suffered any serious wounds, he quietly gathers up his pack and rummages through his belongings. Breathing a silent sigh of relief as he finds the leather bound journal still tucked away in his pack, he pulls out a dented hooded lantern and lights it. Lowering the lantern’s hood so the light can’t be easily seen he finally takes stock of the rest of his surroundings.

Azalie awakens from a dream of screams and deep growls. She springs to her feet reaching for her jade dragger in the left hand and wiping the snow from her face with her right. ‘whispering’
“Is everyone ok. Did anyone catch a glimpse of the others?”
As she gathers herself, she takes count of the survivors. There are four others. They are coming to, and some have started to look around the cave. Azalie really hasn’t had time to learn any of their names or their stories. She just joined this group a few days ago. She was with another group that had come victim to another ice giant, possibly this very one!
She was excited just to have ONE other survivor, four is amazing. She knew she wouldn’t make it to Ten Towns by herself. This has been a tough journey North. Azalie has been looking for a familiar scent since childhood. Her family was from the North. There were rumors of giants, but she didn’t anticipated it to be this difficult.

"I’m ok, but I don’t think we should hang out here long judging by the remains scattered about.", says Dorf, calmly as Mr. Wiggles is found safe and stowed in his backpack once again.
Dorf searches the bones and equipment on the ground, he noisily knocks around various metal scraps of armor and weapons, banging things into rocks and stalagmites. He crunches a few bones and digs through various objects looking for things that might be useful, and for a skull he could wear as a helmit.

“I think I’m OK. No permanent damage anyway. I agree with the…angry looking child. I do not want to end up another forgotten pile of bones in some desolate frozen hole in the ground. We should get out of here. The question is, which way?”, groans Mutt as he looks around the cave, and notices the three different passages that exit the room the party finds themselves in.

Fizzbum hears the Dorf's quiet voice from across the room, and stirs from his nap. Not the best place he's ever slept in for sure, but not the worst! Blinking the frost out of his eyes, and giving his diminutive form a full stretch, he realizes that his dream of being back in the swamp, in his mushroom hut, is definitely not where he is now. Lumpy wiggles quietly as he awakens as well, and quickly crawls to a more comfortable place near Fizz's armpit to keep warm. Giving his armpit a reassuring pat, Fizz looks around with curiosity. What an interesting cave! Quite a mess though! Who would leave all these bones lying about in such disarray.
"I'll have to have a word with the Innkeeper." He thinks. And then quickly being distracted, "Cave teeth! Oh how exciting!"
Fizzbum moves about the cave, inspecting the stalactites and stalagmites. They are definitely made of rock, dripping with icy cold water. As Fizzbum gently taps the stalactites with his Mangrove staff, a melodic chime fills the air, echoing softly through the cavern. Each stalactite produces a different note, almost as if nature itself had crafted a frozen, stone xylophone. When Fizzbum dares to taste the stalactites, his tongue tingles from the cold, crisp sensation. The ice has a faint mineral flavor, a testament to the centuries of water dripping through the cave's rocky ceiling. As Fizzbum hugs the formations, the textures vary - some are smooth and polished by years of water flow, while others are rough, adorned with tiny ridges and notches.
He loses interest in the formations however and does not spend anymore time investigating them.
"I don't suppose any of you know what time breakfast is do you?" He says to the unconscious forms around him. Seeing Dorf getting to his feet with the look of panic on his face, Fizz approaches. "Good morning! I'm Fizz. Have you seen the innkeeper? Big fella? Bad Breath? Kinda thick in the shoulders and neck?"
Dorf ignores the gnome, as he continues searching the bones and damaged refuse.

Mutt Listens at Cave exit C.
Mutt moves towards one of the exits in the cave room they find themselves in. As the rest of the party gathers their belongings, he spends 3 minutes listening... he hears some low grunts and grumbles... followed by footsteps that vibrate the ground. There is something further down that passageway moving about. You do feel a slight breeze coming from down that passage as well (Perception Roll: 23)
Mutt looks down to Fizzbum. “I think the ‘innkeeper’ is down that way.” *motioning to corridor C* “I don’t think we want to meet up with them again.”
Mutt takes several quiet, cautious steps back away from the entrance he was listening at and turns back to the other survivors still coming to their senses. He counts his good fortune that he wasn’t the only one to survive the giant’s ambush.
The human looks determined and battle hardened. Mutt didn’t spend much time around him during their journey, but he overheard him praising the light and going on about his god. A religious one, that one.
The elf…well, with elves it’s hard to tell. Mutt was never sure how old elves were. This one has hardened eyes and a careful step. She looks like a survivor.
Mutt cocks an eyebrow at the halfling. An odd one for sure. Mutt has been around a few halflings before but this one… Mutt looks from the worn axes to the myriad of scrapes and scars to the teddy bear clutched tightly in the Halfling’s arms. Well, if nothing else he looks like he could be handy in a fight. (Mutt makes a mental note to steer clear of the teddy bear.)
Mutt finally looks over to the small gnome hugging and licking the stalagmites. Shaking his head, he sighs under his breath. Three out of four ain’t bad.
He walks over to the group as they slowly gather and motions down corridor C and shakes his head.
“There’s something *big* moving that way. We should go another way.”, he says as he backs away from the cave passage.

Azalie takes a deep breath and approaches the half elf near the large opening. He seems to have a survivor instinct. ‘Lightly speaking’
“that growl doesn’t seem inviting. Are you more a go or run type of half/elf?”, says Azalie, with her dagger drawn.

Mutt looks to Azalie with a slightly guarded expression. He hesitates a moment before relaxing slightly and responding.
“I’m a ‘let’s find a way to get out of here alive kind of half elf. In my experience, the best way to do that is to not get caught where you’re not supposed to be.” Mutt gives Azalie another appraising look. “And you? What kind of elf are you?”
"I am an agreeable elf. I think we should find a swift retreat without gaining too much attention." she replies, still keeping a trained eye down the passage with the growl..

“The kind of Elf to awaken from a disaster armed and ready” Uptharr, mace in hand and wide awakened addresses the remaining party.
As Uptharr scans the cave, a creeping sense of unease begins to settle over him.
“The light provides” he mumbles to himself as he grasps his necklace with a simple cross. His worn plate armor creaks with age as he lets out a few gasps and tears…clutching his cross he whispers “thank you”.
Uptharr, realizing he is not the sole survivor as many times before is taken aback upon the scene. Uptharr sees several curious folks remaining from their traveling party rising.
The eerie quietness of the cave, interrupted only by the occasional drip of water and the murmurs of his newfound companions, is starting to make him feel claustrophobic.
The realization that you all are trapped in this unknown and potentially dangerous environment gives Uptharr a surge of determination.

"Something big you say? Well, being small I’m not overly fond of big things, Except trees…. Trees are nice. Except the willows, they are sad.", Fizz's eyes drift for a moment... "Sorry, which way did you say?"
Mutt pauses in silence, just staring down at the gnome. After several silent seconds, he points down the large giant shaped hallway.
“Not that way.”, Says Mutt with a sigh
"I would say we are no match for the giant. We could try giving him the teddy bear. I have a feeling the halfling won’t part with it.", says Azalie resolutely.
Dorf glares at the elf, “or we could give him the elf?”
Azalie, looks down at the halfling and then at the teddy bear again., " What do you call your stuffed friend?"
Dorf goes silent and backs away from the group to investigate the rest of the room, one hand on Mr. Wiggles.
"My suggestion would be to check around for anything that could be handy and find a way out. We don’t seem to have what it takes to fight a giant, so a retreat would be a wise choice. What do you think Dorf?", Says Azalie in a soothing and welcoming tone.
"I agree, and sounds like we should avoid that tunnel. Which way should we go?", says Dorf, still cautious but more relaxed
“Is everyone ok! Does anyone need assistance” Uptharr says in his commanding tone, his beard and hair tussled and in disarray he straightens it out, composes himself and takes in the scenery.
Something Approaches...
As you all remain in the main cave, you hear the ominous grunts and growls from the south exit growing louder. Something is approaching from the passage way and from the sounds of it, whatever is coming will be upon you in seconds.
Below are options you must choose from. Depending on what option you choose, Either suggest a skill you are using to aid you in this option (I may also call upon some skill checks). You only have a short time to discuss these options as a group before you will be defaulted to Option 3.
Option 1: Exit Through the Northern Caves.
Option 2: Hide and Use Stealth and remain in the room.
Option 3: Wait and See and remain in the room.
Option 4: Custom action (you tell me an alternative action you are doing, and what skill it may require)
You can act on your own, or you can work together - but whatever you do, I will only allow so much dialogue and action requests before time is up.
What do you do? 32 minutes have passed
Current Time: 12:32 PM
Date: Fourthday , 4 , Alturiak , 1742
Temperature: 40°
Retreat into the dark.
During the conversation with Mutt and Dorf, a few moments earlier, Azalie took notice of the marks on the bones at her feet. The skull helmet adorned on Dorf’s head appeared to have deep bite marks from a beast and not a giant.

“I’m not afraid of anything. I’d kinda like to face whatever took us captive, but I’m willing to go along with what you guys want to do. But I’ll only run so far.” Dorf says as he adjusts his new skull helmet.
He then starts securing Mr. Wiggles down with extra straps to his pack. Readies his hatchets and looks around the group expectantly.
Dorf adjusts his new Helmit with fire in his eyes, as he gazes down the hall while the grunts and groans grow louder. Dorf pulls out his hatchets and starts to breath a little heavier as he prepares to face what's coming...
Mutt hastily shoulders his pack and begins moving towards the northern exits.

“I’m sure you’re really brave and all, but unless you want to end up like…whoever it is you’re currently wearing on your head we need to move.”
Mutt glances back at Dorf as he heads for the tunnels.
“And you wouldn’t want uh, … Mr. Wiggles getting stranded here, would you?”
Dorf glances back at Mr. Wiggles and shakes his head and follows Mutt.
As he nears the northern tunnel entrances, Mutt mutters under his breath and gestures towards a pile of rubble near the giant skull (casting Minor Illusion). The sound of fearful blubbering and crying begins to emanate from the skull, repeating “no, no, he’s going to find me!” over and over.

“Hopefully that buys us a little time.”
As he walks past, Mutt offers the hooded lantern to the human. He tries to put on a friendly smile that doesn’t betray the anxiety and fear he’s feeling.
“Here. You may need this.”
Mutt quietly walks up to the mouth of cave A and waits to see who decides to follow.

"You all look ready for a good scrap but I agree, we should get out of here and regroup, if we wish to inflict righteous vengeance…” Uptharr points to the south entrance “We do so on our terms, not our persecutors.”
Uptharr standing tall, and perhaps with a squint and glint from the observing eye, one may have seen the younger champion in his peak form and not the worn down paladin before them. Uptharr stareing north, feels a tug at his kit and responds to the diminutive figure before him, his smile reassures Uptharr and he accepts his hooded lantern, bended kneed towards the half-elf.
“Thank you kind soul, this will lead our way out…”
Uptharr straightens back up and addresses the party “Follow me, our new friends this lantern will guide us…you in the back with the blades…love the spirit, would ye mind taking the back as cover?”

Azalie makes the choice to equip her ranged weapon. This might be a fight and distance will be her friend.
“Ok. I would like to get out of here as soon as we can. North it is Mutt.” Azalie quickly moves towards the smaller opening. “I’ll close up the back. Stay close though, it will become the front in haste.”
Azalie is curious if everyone else is as nervous as she is. She’s been in battle before, many many times. However, she only had herself to deal with. If they don’t make it, she is sure to perish. This is to be the first-time others will be relying on her skill, since 209 years ago. This could go very good or have a very bad ending.
As she takes a look at the larger opening Azalie can sense the beast approaching. There is fear, anger, blood, and breath clawing itself along the breeze. She starts to twist her hair between her fingers. Humming lightly to bring herself a small amount of calmness. Azalie speaks in elvish.
“I beg for strength.”
Fizzbum looks from person to person as the conversation continues.

"What an interesting group!" he muses silently to himself.
Who would have thought that he would have fallen in with such a diverse lot...And Elves in the party reminds him of his time as a child in the forest before the fire. It's been quite a few years since he was around even more than 1 person at a time in his little swamp, but curiosity is quickly getting the better of him as they begin to hash out a plan to leave this strange bedroom. Such interesting weapons they are carrying as well! Those little axes on the halfling are super sharp looking!
"I'm with all of you whichever way you go, and you all seem like an excellent little group. My name is Fizzbum Lilypad, Druid of the Swamp! Perhaps you'll need me along with you? I've got mushrooms. See?"
Fizzbum shows the group his favorite travel pouch, filled with swamp dirt and a variety of colorful mushrooms.
"This one helps you sleep... This one is wonderful in swamp rat stew... and this one! Well.. If you are ever in need of a love potion.."
Fizzbum grins and continues to chat to noone in particular about mushrooms, and his hut in the swamp. When the Skull near the doorway begins to speak he immediately stops and kneels down next to it.
"Oh dear.. poor spirit!! Let me see if I can heal your pain, and help you become one with the earth." Fizzbum rocks back and forth and begins to hum a low sounding tune from such a small person, sad in melody and yearning release.
As the party hastens towards the north exit of the cave, their breaths quick and shallow from fear and urgency, Azalie spots Fizzbum slowing down, his attention caught by a skull on the cave floor. Mutt had just cast a spell on it,

Azalie, her survival instincts on high alert, rushes over to him. She grabs Fizzbum by his armor, pulling him back to his feet with a firm tug.
"No time for that now, Fizz!" she says, with urgency and command.
Fizzbum looks up at her, startled, pointing at the skull.
"But ...it...." he begins to protest.
Azalie cuts him off, her tone leaving no room for argument.
"We have to move, now! There's a beast on our heels!" Her eyes dart towards the echoing growls resonating from the direction of the south tunnel.
The moment Azalie's hand clutches Fizzbum's armor and yanks him to his feet, the tense silence of the cave shatters. A guttural roar, erupts from the south tunnel Both Azalie and Fizzbum freeze for a split second, as their eyes are drawn to the source of the sound.

Emerging from the tunnel is a massive, hulking form, Its fur, thick and matted as it charges into the chamber.
The beasts eyes, wild and unyielding, lock onto the party for a fleeting moment as it roars again.
Azalie's voice cuts through the cold air of the cave as she shouts a warning to Uptharr, Dorf, and Mutt.
"Move! Now! The beast is on our heels!" she cries out, as she drags Fizzbum by the neck of his armor and runs behind the rest of the party.
As you all delve deeper into the tunnel, Uptharr, leading the group, holds the lantern in front of him, moving as fast as he can on the uneven and rocky ground. Behind him, Dorf's holds his axes at the ready. Mutt, takes a look back over his shoulder as he draws his rapier and curses under his breath.
The Chasm
The sound of the beasts' roars grows louder, echoing off the walls. It's then that the party stumbles upon an unexpected obstacle: a chasm bisects the tunnel, a gaping crack in the cave floor that drops off into blackness.
As Uptharr skids to a halt at the edge of the abyss, pebbles and rocks cascade down into the dark void, he turns to Mutt and Dorf with wide eyes.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Uptharr exclaims, throwing his arms out to balance himself and to signal the others to stop. "Hold up! There's a chasm!"
Dorf, coming to a stop beside them, lets out a low whistle.
"Didn't expect this little surprise," he says, eyeing the abyss with apprehension, but also respect.
Mutt, pulling up just in time, peers over the edge, as his face goes pale.
"By the gods, that's a deep drop," he mutters, as he clutches his rapier
Uptharr, regaining his composure, looks back at the way they came, then to the chasm ahead.
"We can't go back; that beast is right behind us. We need to either find a way across, or fight!" he says in a firm tone
Azalie and Fizzbum catch up to Uptharr, Dorf and Mutt, the ground vibrating as the hulking creature charges toward the party, closing in less than 40 feet away.
Immediate Options:
You could try to jump across the chasm, but it is a pretty far leap without a running start. (Athletics or Acrobatics check required)
You can try and climb down the side of the chasm, but you don't know how deep it is, and with the Beast not far behind you, you may not all be able to make it before the beast is upon you. (Athletics check required for climbing)
You could jump into the chasm, and hope it's not too deep.
You can turn and face the beast and try and fight it here in the passage way, with the chasm to your back.
The tunnel is about 10 feet wide, with a 15 foot ceiling.
The beast stands about 10-12 feet tall fills most of the tunnel.
The floor is uneven and littered with rocks, stalagmites, and pits, making it difficult terrain.
There is a light breeze blowing up from the chasm.
What do you do?
3 minutes have passed
Current Time: 12:35 PM
Date: Fourthday , 4 , Alturiak , 1742
Temperature: 40°
Caught between a Chasm and a Yeti
Stumbling backwards as Azalie grabs the back of his leather armor and drags him down the hallway Fizz glimpses the giant harry creature rumbling into the cave behind them.

"Ooooo haven't seen one of him before! He looks...umm angry. Running! Yes, running seems like a good idea lady."
Fizzbum scrambles onto his feet faces forward, following in the swift elves' footsteps. Scooting to a stop with the others at the edge of the chasm, Fizzbum has his first real moment of panic of the adventure. "If only I had brought my flying mushrooms... that would make this much easier" he mutters. Looking around at the rest of the party armed with sharp weapons and big muscles, Fizz glances down at his walking stick and shakes his head.
"Don't think I can do much with my little staff, but I've got a couple of tricks to help if anyone wants to tackle that big fella for us."
Fizzbum grabs his little bag of mushrooms with one hand and slips his hand inside his armor with the other to find Lumpy. Pulling him out and giving him a quick kiss on his little head, Fizz places him on top of his head, where Lumpy settles in with a nervous croak.
"Don't worry folks. Lumpy says we'll be ok!"
Fizzbum makes himself ready for battle as he pulls lumpy from his armor and places him on his head.
As the Yeti gains on the group and Uptharr narrowly misses a deathly plunge, Azalie’s heart rate begins to raise and her body temperature begins to drop. She has heard of the might of a yeti.

Azalie slips to a stop and Fizz falls from her grip with a ‘thud’
“Stop! We must turn around and fight. Gather your selves and your weapons!”
Looking down at Fizz with regret Azalie smiles
slightly, “sorry about that, help me slow him down?”
She spins around, readying herself with 2 arrows piercing the ground and attempting to draw another back at the ready. The adrenaline is rushing to fast and too soon. She knows it will wear out the moment she releases the bowstring.
She has to give up something. So she drops to one knee to drag the bow string back with resolve.
“I am not going to die today.”
Azalie takes a 5 foot step, and plants her arrows in the dirt and prepares to fire at the charging Yeti.
Seeing the elf ready arrows at the large hairy beast rushing at them Dorf drops his pack and screams his battle cry and prepares to fight the Yeti.
Mutt’s breath catches in his throat as Uptharr comes to the dark pit. He slowly backs away from the edge as the sound of the charging yeti echoes through the tunnel from behind. Whirling around, an icy fear grips him as the roars grow louder and increasingly closer.

“Oh, that sounds like one angry yeti!”
Mutt looks down the tunnel to see Azalie plant some arrows in the ground and Dorf unsheath his axes. Mutt has seen a similar look in the Halfling’s eyes just before a rather rowdy bar fight broke out. He gestures quickly and places a hand on Dorf’s shoulder while trying to put on a brave face.
“You can take this oversized ball of hair. He won’t know what hit him.”
Sweat begins to bead on Mutts forehead as the yeti’s form begins to emerge from the darkness…
Uptharr coming to the chasm with the beast on their heels hears the bowed stranger and agrees

“She’s right, we must fight. We either take a leap of faith down there or fight til we have to take it anyway…only two ways out and I’ll take my chances fights versus falling”
Uptharr heaves his trusty onto his shoulder
“Anyone else not fighting close quarters with me, I pray to the Light your aim is true” Uptharr takes his mace from his shoulder, right hand at the base, left hand near the head. “Steady everyone, no panicking”
Combat Round 1 - Surprise Round
(Move Action, moves 15 feet) Uptharr, with a protective instinct as fierce as his faith, steps decisively in front of Azalie, positioning himself as a human shield between her and the looming threat.
(Standard Action: Dodge - You focus entirely on avoiding attacks.) He squares his shoulders, planting his feet firmly on the rocky ground, his worn plate armor glinting dimly in the cave`s faint light.
"Open fire, Azalie, I will give you cover. . (Turning to the Yeti) Stay back, Beast!"
(Standard Action: You are casting Guidance at Azalie) As the tension in the cave mounts, Fizzbum steps forward with a confident flicker in his eyes. He mutters some words under his breath and sprinkles a handful of luminescent mushroom dust towards Azalie. The sparkling particles swirl around her, enveloping her in a faint, radiant aura, enhancing her focus and precision with the mystical boon of Guidance.
"A little magic Mushroom dust for you lady!"
(Move Action, Moves 5 feet) Fizzbum steps behind Azalie, moving 5 feet.
(Standard Action: You are casting Heroism at Dorf Thimblerigger) Mutt turns his attention to Dorf and begins casting a spell. As the magic takes shape, a soft glow pierces the Halfling Barbarian. Mutt chants an empowering verse, casting the spell Heroism. A surge of bravery and strength visibly washes over Dorf, his eyes lighting up with an unshakeable resolve, ready to face the impending danger head-on.
"You can take this oversized ball of hair. He won’t know what hit him!"
(Bonus Action: You are using Bardic Inspiration at Dorf Thimblerigger) Mutt lifts his pan flute to his lips, playing a series of uplifting, melodious notes that carry through the tense air of the cave. The enchanting music reaches Dorf, infusing him with a wave of inspiration and courage. Empowered by the bard`s melodious encouragement, Dorf`s stance becomes more confident, his grip on his weapon steadies, and a determined gleam appears in his eyes, ready for the battle ahead.
(Standard Action: You are attacking Yeti with your Long Bow, Dealing 7 Damage) Azalie, with calm precision, draws her bow, her eyes locked onto the charging yeti. In a fluid motion, she releases the arrow, which cuts through the air with a sharp whistle. It finds its mark, burying deep into the yeti`s chest, causing the beast to roar in anger, Dealing 7 points of damage!
"Hold your breath Uptharr."
(Move Action: Advances 25 feet) Dorf advances toward the Yeti, moving 25 feet, as he roars a battle cry.
(Bonus Action: You are using Rage)Dorf`s eyes blaze with a fierce intensity as he taps into his inner fury, activating his barbarian Rage. His muscles tense, veins standing out against his skin, as a primal, unstoppable energy courses through him, enhancing his strength and resilience. With a guttural roar that echoes through the cave, Dorf readies himself for battle.
As Dorf runs at the yeti he screams out his battle cry, "Leroooooooy Jennnnkins!!!!!!"
(Standard Action: Ready Action Trigger: When creature gets within 5 feet Dorf will roll between his legs and attack.) As Dorf charges the Yeti, he readies his axes - ready to strike any foe that dares close into Melee range with him.
"This is for touching Mr. Wiggles as he swings."
1 minute has passed
Current Time: 12:33 PM
Date: Fourthday , 4 , Alturiak , 1742
Temperature: 40°
Felling the Yeti
Combat Round 2
The Yeti advances toward Dorf, moving 15 feet.
(Dorf's Triggered Action: You are attacking Yeti with your Hand Axe)
As the Yeti reaches Dorf, the halfling rolls underneath the hulking beast, and Dorf swings his hand axe, connecting with it`s inner thigh. He cuts the monster for 8 points of damage, plus 2 points for his Rage bonus, causing the angry creature to roar in pain.
(Standard Action: You are using Chilling Gaze on Dorf Thimblerigger)
The yeti, locking its icy, malevolent gaze onto Dorf, unleashes its chilling gaze attack, but it has no effect on the angry barbarian.
(Save Throw: Success) Dorf, feeling the icy tendrils of the yeti`s chilling gaze attempting to ensnare him, grits his teeth and steels his resolve. Drawing on his inner reserves of barbarian constitution, he shakes off the freezing effect, breaking free from the paralyzing grip of the gaze.
Standard Action: You are attacking Dorf Thimblerigger with your Claw)
As the yeti lunges forward, it tries to rakes its massive claws across Dorf`s body, but Dorf, dodges the attack taking no damage!
(Standard Action: You are attacking Dorf Thimblerigger with your Claw, Deals 5 damage)
The yeti strikes again at Dorf, its massive claws swooping down in a vicious arc. Dorf, still fueled by his barbaric rage, feels the claws tear through, but the pain is blunted due to his rage. (Rage Damage Reduction) He absorbs the impact, the slashing damage significantly reduced by his rage, he takes 5 points of damage.
(Move Action: Moved 15 feet) Uptharr advances and moves into a flanking position with the Yeti and Dorf.
(Standard Action: You are attacking Yeti with your Bronze Mace, Deals 10 damage) Uptharr, seeing an opening in the Yeti`s defenses, swings his mace and strikes true for a critical strike. The mace connects with a resounding crash against the yeti`s spine, dealing 10 points of damage! The Yei roars and flails it`s arms into the side of the cave, knocking rocks and pebbles from the walls.
“Now that’s a lovely spine”Uptharr targets the beast at the base of its spine"
(Bonus Action: You are attacking Yeti with your Flail, Deals 6 damage) Uptharr follows up his first attack with an off-hand strike with his Flail, striking the Yeti in its leg, dealing another 6 points of damage!
Uptharr winds up his flail and targets between the beasts legs “No more of your ilk from you”
(Standard Action: You are casting Guidance at Azalie) Fizzbum pulls out a pinch of shimmering, mushroom dust. He chants softly and sprinkles the dust over Azalie. The particles glimmer as they touch her enhancing her focus and precision with the druidic magic of Guidance.
"I wonder if Yeti fur makes a good scarf?"
(Move Action: Moved 5 feet) Mutt repositions himself next to Fizzbum.
(Standard Action: You are casting Vicious Mockery at Yeti) Mutt steps forward, a mischievous glint in his eye, and directs a string of sharp, taunting words towards the yeti, casting Vicious Mockery, but the creature shakes off Mutt`s attempt at mental manipulation with a guttural snarl.
(Save Throw: Success) the yeti, with its primal mind focused solely on its raging fury, seems impervious to the bard`s verbal jabs.
"You’re going to make an excellent fur coat!"
(Bonus Action: You are using Bardic Inspiration on Dorf Thimblerigger) Mutt brings his pan flute to his lips as he plays his pan flute. The air fills with an uplifting and energetic melody, the notes dancing around Dorf, imbuing him with a surge of inspiration!
(Standard Action: You are attacking Yeti with your Long Bow, Deals 10 damage) Azalie, with a calm and focused demeanor, draws her bowstring back, her eyes narrowing as she takes aim at the yeti. The arrow soars through the air with precision and speed hitting the Yeti in the shoulder, dealing a painful 10 points of damage!
Looking at Dorf in his rage, "It`s best to keep that one as a friend instead of foe", she says as she lets her arrow fly.
(Standard Action: You are attacking Yeti with your Hand Axe, Deals 11 Damage, Killing blow) Dorf, his eyes ablaze with the fierce light of battle, leaps into the air with a shout. He swings his axe with all the might his small frame can muster, cutting deep into the Yeti`s chest, causing the beast to stagger a few times, and with a groan, it`s massive form crashing to the ground with a final, echoing thud. 11 points of damage
(Bonus Action: You are attacking Yeti with your Hand Axe, Deals 6 damage, Overkill) Still full of adrenaline from his rage, he continues chopping the bloody, hairy mess with his axe until he finally looks up at the party, who is watching the gory scene. 6 points of damage.
The Aftermath:
As the dust settles and the eerie silence of the cave replaces the chaos of the battle, the party takes a moment to catch their breath as the massive Yeti takes a couple final short breaths before going still.
You are in a passage way, there is a large deep black chasm to your north, or you can go back the way you came into the chamber with the bones and broken equipment and debris.
You can harvest the Yeti Pelt with a successful Survival check. It would take between 1-4 hours to harvest.
In your next post, decide which direction you wish to go as a party, and whether you want to spend the time harvesting the Yeti pelt.

5 minuteshas passed
Current Time: 12:38 PM
Date: Fourthday , 4 , Alturiak , 1742
Temperature: 40°
Dorf thinks Azalie might be right and decides to go take a look down the northern tunnel. He moves out as stealthily as possible.
Coming back into the main room, Fizzbum trips over a bone on the floor, kicks it to the side and considers all the bones worthless. Heading back to the Stalagmites, he begins to circle each one carefully looking for clues as to their location, and a possible way out of the caves. He'll also keep an eye out for unique creatures or cold weather fungus that may be of interest to him! :)
Fizz jumps in surprise as the Yeti chuffs out its last breath. “Well! That was intense. Sad that he had to die to keep him from killing us, but Nature has a way of sorting things out. Now… Hmmm. I wonder.“ Fizz taps his chin, and shuffles his little boots down to the yeti corpse. Unwrapping his snake tool from around his arm, he trims off some of the yeti fur and puts it in his pocket. He then checks the claws, teeth and eyes, poking and prodding while talking to himself. Finally noticing Dorf standing near him, covered in fur and blood, Fizz reacts with surprise. “Oh! its you! That was very brave of you! He was …
Mutt exhales and breathes a silent word of thanks for whatever stroke of luck brought this motley group of survivors together. He winces slightly as Dorf's blood splattered form steps away from the yeti's corpse.
"Good, uh ... good job there. Remind me to stay on your good side."
He looks down the hall and then back down the hallway towards the room they just escaped from.
"There may be more yetis down here. From what I remember, they can hunt in packs. We were lucky there was only one this time."
Mutt looks down the pit and further down the hall trying to see if he can see how deep or far they go (Is that a perception check?…
Dorf looks around sheepishly, “ahh yeah I can get a bit carried away sorry.” He then wipes away the blood on his face using a tattered piece of yeti hide. Walks over and pats Mr W. then puts his pack back on.
“I bet I could jump the chasm if you guys want to keep going this way. Or we can go back and investigate now that the yeti is dead?” I’ll tag along whatever you guys decide.”